Downsizers Team Chat - NOVEMBER 2021



  • Pippin20206
    Pippin20206 Posts: 194 Member
    edited November 2021
    Daily check-in
    Calories 1096
    Steps 6906

    Missing steps from 11/5 6698

    So had my dr appt today after my ultrasound turns out even though I have gallstones they aren't the problem. I have fatty liver disease 😭 so basically have to cut all bad fats out of my diet which I guess is what I was trying to do anyway. Just going to potentially be really bad if I try to cheat.

    Do the best you can with the fats. I have a form of fatty liver disease called NASH. Exercise, weight loss and activity are important with fatty liver.

    A good place to check for those types of workouts are YouTube. One of our former teammates did a different dance video everyday. Also, @cormierannie does a lot of dancing for exercise. Maybe she will have some suggestions.

    Thank you, I'd love to hear your experiences living with it, it's all a bit of a shock and slightly terrifying at the moment.

    I was at the beginning very upset and shocked. I had ended up in the emergency room with very bad pain. They originally sent me to an internal medicine doctor who did a colonoscopy. He felt it was my liver not a bowel problem and referred me to a liver specialist. Since I have lost the weight my liver hasn’t complained much lately. Also, I try to keep my sugars under control. Not sure if your diabetic. I have to get my liver enzymes checked every 3 months. Not sure if this is because my fatty liver progressed to NASH (non alcoholic steatohepatis). I really wish I took care of myself when I was younger but it is never too late to make changes. My biggest advice is listen to your doctors, exercise and watch your diet. A dietitian can offer lots of advice in the diet area.

    Thanks, yes I ended up in emergency in horrendous pain they thought it was a gallstone but ultrasound shows fatty liver. To my knowledge I don't have diabetes yet!
  • Pippin20206
    Pippin20206 Posts: 194 Member
    Anyone have any good recommendations for workout apps? Looking for gentle ones to start with or ones that have a few different things like yoga and dancing stuff. Not ready for hard core workouts yet.

    I have just started using FitOn and it has several different types of workouts. From dancing to kick boxing and yoga
    Anyone have any good recommendations for workout apps? Looking for gentle ones to start with or ones that have a few different things like yoga and dancing stuff. Not ready for hard core workouts yet.

    I have just started using FitOn and it has several different types of workouts. From dancing to kick boxing and yoga

    I just downloaded FitOn last night hoping to try it out soon.
  • red1185
    red1185 Posts: 388 Member
    I didn’t meet my steps today, but I met it yesterday.
    I am also on day 2 of meeting my water intake goal. I’ll make up the steps tomorrow.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,885 Member
    walked 155 minutes ...6.68 miles and I have 19,385 steps right now ...... we had to go walking later(2:30pm) due to it pouring down rain this morning ... I love my early morning walks ...we are able to leave at 6am now since the time change :)
  • MJ_Keto
    MJ_Keto Posts: 60 Member
    Hi! I forgot to update my weight Sunday but i currently weigh 367. Having trouble with motivation along with some other problems. Don’t want to give up but also no longer want to try. If anyone has anything helpful with the motivation part or in general, it be appreciated!

    Hi @Melaniebl2000,

    @Megan_smartiepants1970 said it best. Start small and work your way up.

    General tips
    • Be 100% honest in your food logging.
    • Stop thinking of food as good vs bad. Food is food. If you're logging honestly it doesn't matter. This one is hard to unlearn. You can start refining which foods work for you later on but right now work on re-thinking good vs bad.
    • If you love chocolate/cookies/soda whatever, portion it out and pre-log it in the morning. When that craving hits, you can enjoy it knowing that it's already in your diary. I personally find this to be better than going cold turkey. Completely cutting out something you enjoy will only lead to the cycle of feeling like you've 'failed' (you haven't).
    • If you do have a binge, log it and move on. You don't need to 'start' again on Monday either ;) . New day, new diary.
    • You don't need 10,000 steps. You don't need 8,000 steps. You don't need 5,000 steps. If exercise is a challenge for you, start with 5 mins of yoga before bed 1 day a week .Yes, 1 day. You might find you'll do it again 2 days later but the idea here is to start small and work your way up. My personal goal was to just put my shoes on. Nothing else. 7 times out of 10 I would go out the door which I saw as a bonus but just putting my shoes on I felt like I achieved something.
    • What works for others doesn't work for everyone including my own advice above.

    • Change your phone background to something inspiring to you
    • Buy a journal and write down your feelings.
    • Buy a brand new water bottle

    Try a non-food reward that's not related to the scale.

    Example of non-scale targets/challenges/goals
    • Consistent logging streak for 30 days
    • Closed your diary every day for 30 days
    • Hit whatever your exercise goal is 4 weeks in a row i.e. 3 times a week
    • Reach a certain distance of your walk/run
    • Do X number of reps for strength training
    • Use a measuring tape and see what the results are in 1 month. I bet it tells a much better story than the scale.
    • Choose a new recipe and cook once a week for 4 weeks.

    Example of non-food related rewards (depending on budget)
    • New outfit/shoes/make up etc
    • Bubble bath/day spa with friends
    • Go to the hairdresser and ask them give you a 30 min head massage when washing your hair (cheaper than a day spa and feels amazing)
    • Buy a new cookbook
    • PAJAMA DAY!!!!
    • Colour in an adult colouring book.

    Remember to start small and work your way up. Don't try all of these at once, pick 1 target with 1 reward. Good luck :)

    @aussie_girl_del_runner_5, What a great, comprehensive, motivational post, thanks for sharing!
    @Melaniebl2000, hang in there, baby steps is definitely key, and we've all been there in terms of low motivation. Take it day by day!
  • MJ_Keto
    MJ_Keto Posts: 60 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm hanging in there this week, feeling a bit low on energy and motivation, but overall doing "okay". I did a bunch of batch cooking on Sunday for the week, which has paid off by having my fridge stocked with good food that's on plan for me (shredded chicken, chuck roast, chopped veggies, etc.). I was able to squeeze in a 3 miles run at lunch today, plus I walked my dog for 10 min as a cool down, so that was nice (we both needed the fresh air and exercise)! Daylight savings has thrown me off my sleep cycle, so that's probably why my energy is a bit low. I'm looking forward to a long weekend for Veterans Day (thank you to any veterans out there for your service!). I'm still battling those final 5-6 pounds until I reach my goal, but the scale was down today so maybe for my weigh-in on Friday I'll have lost a bit! Happy Tuesday night!
  • rwood566
    rwood566 Posts: 987 Member
    @Melaniebl2000 I am having the same motivation problem right now. I have been losing for 2 1/2 years and am feeling burnt out more. I am looking back on where I was and how far I have came and trying to use that as motivation. I go places but am having trouble with exercise. Hang in there and just do a tiny bit if that is all the motivation you can muster right now. You will get there.
  • rwood566
    rwood566 Posts: 987 Member
    Good evening all. Hope your week is going smoothly.
    Check in for 11/9:
    Steps - 2787. More than I thought. Didn't wear my watch for a while and no walk. Woke up with a back ache.
    Calories - 1550. Made a lovely monkey bread and only ate one small piece.
    Exercise - nope. Daughter is wanting to hit the gym in the morning. I hope i can get the energy to go.
  • jayenguk
    jayenguk Posts: 355 Member
    edited November 2021
    Highest Weight 317
    Starting Again 312
    Challenge starting weight 253

    yasssss! I have lost what I gained and some for good measure...definitely back on track and moving downwards again...have a good day all!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,804 Member
    Hi! I forgot to update my weight Sunday but i currently weigh 367. Having trouble with motivation along with some other problems. Don’t want to give up but also no longer want to try. If anyone has anything helpful with the motivation part or in general, it be appreciated!

    You have got lots of great advice. One thing I do when struggling is pick one goal to focus on each day. That way I am not bogged down with trying to reach 4 or 5 goals a day. Make sure it is a goal that is attainable. For example you could set a goal in the morning that you will go for a walk today. Any goals you set need to be something you can do. It has to be achievable. Don’t be afraid to rewrite a goal. I change mine all the time. Also, go back to your why. Why are you on this journey? I have been doing this for almost 3 years. I constantly look back to my why.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,804 Member
    Thanks for the great information. I am doing the weights in the pool right now but am trying to do it as if I am in the gym. I eventually want to get back to the gym if I ever get my back straightened out.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,804 Member
    That is the best post on motivation I have seen. Thank you for sharing.

    One day at a time. Don’t worry about making up the steps just concentrate on your daily goals. Great job on the water!

    I like exercising first thing in general. Awesome walk!

    So it’s not just me with the sleep since the time change. I keep waking up too early and wanting to go to bed early. I never done batch cooking but sure wish I did when I was still working. Scale drop is a nice start to the morning. We have a maintenance chat in the group. Maybe you might want to check it out since you are getting close.

    I have never had monkey bread in fact I had to google it. I am giving you a kick in the butt to get yourself to the gym. Just do one machine if you have to or a leisurely bike ride. You can do it!

    Awesome loss! Are you still swimming?
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,804 Member
    Let’s see a picture of your who/why!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,804 Member
    edited November 2021
    Steps ✅
    Calories ✅
    Close rings ✅

    Diabetic check was awesome yesterday. My A1C is still in the non diabetic range. This is my biggest NSV to date! Also, yesterday I challenged myself to do 10 of my laps as front crawl. It is a stroke that I never been comfortable with so it was hard. I will do this again today even though my shoulders don’t like me. Off to get ready for the pool!

    Happy Hump Day!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,804 Member


    21 minutes moderate = 3,654 steps

    Pool workout
    26 minutes moderate = 2,600 steps

    Total converted steps = 11,217
  • tahm42
    tahm42 Posts: 4,950 Member

    Meh I have doms from Sundays circuit still. Need to press some more weights to get unstiff and move the fluid out.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,885 Member

    1st @888Angie888 - 93,958 steps
    2nd @Megan_smartiepants1970 - 85,689 steps
    3rd @lindamtuck2018 - 67,335 steps
    4th @rlaskey2- 56,186 steps
    5th @rwood566 - 54,300 steps
    As A Group We Walked 539, 522 steps
    Well Done Everyone :):):):)

    Recognizing Everyone who Pledged their steps

    @lindamtuck2018 - 3/7
    @Megan_smartiepants1970 - 3/7
    @rwood566- 6/7
    @Pippin20206 -2/7
    @888Angie888 - 5/7
    @rlaskey2 - 1/7
    @red1185 - 5/7
    @shortyjmorgan1 - 4/7
    @tahm42 - 7/7
    GREAT JOB EVERYONE :):):):):)
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,885 Member
    We are off to go walking :) Its a foggy here
  • shortyjmorgan1
    shortyjmorgan1 Posts: 177 Member
    Let’s see a picture of your who/why!

  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,885 Member
    We are off to go walking :) Its a foggy here

    121 minutes...5.41 miles and 644 calories burned :)
  • 888Angie888
    888Angie888 Posts: 890 Member
    Steps 11/9: 17,851
  • jayenguk
    jayenguk Posts: 355 Member

    @lindamtuck2018 yes yes yes still swimming and love it ! tend to do a gym then a swim after

  • rlaskey2
    rlaskey2 Posts: 461 Member

    megan can I please change my weekday goal to 7k. Unfortunately 10k just isn’t attainable anymore.

  • rlaskey2
    rlaskey2 Posts: 461 Member

    CW 183.2

    PW 184.8

    steps11/ 8 6,280 11/9 5,825

    Struggling to find time during the day to step away. The Minestrone soup I froze two weeks ago has been perfect to quickly reheat for lunch. Recipe was from Lexi’s clean kitchen.

  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,804 Member

    I do not like the new community setup. 😫

  • Pippin20206
    Pippin20206 Posts: 194 Member

    Oops forgot to check-in yesterday. Results for 11/10:

    Calories - 1128

    Steps - 7495

    @Megan_smartiepants1970 I loved your post, so motivating and a great reminder that every little thing we do can help. I suffer from chronic depression and sometimes I feel like I'm fighting a losing battle but I say to my partner "I got up, put pants on and went to work, that's pretty much all anyone can ask of me!" It's important to celebrate the efforts that we do make, even when it's so hard just to do the little things.

  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member

    Okay Guys...

    So my spurt of lower back pain, that took away my butt cheek and legs / ankle pains, reverted back to no lower back pain, and all the other pains coming right back. There was no island of tranquility either, it's all on a sliding scale it appears.

    It's been a rough couple of days again... But life goes on and the weights must be moved. :P

    I'm still really loving the the bright side of all of this.... I'm literally mowing down the weights on all lifts. I moved up to 85 pound dumbbell press and I actually got 10 reps the maximum rep range on my first set. (with a pinch of help mind you). So I gotta move up to 90 pound Dumbbells already? WHAT WHAT WHAT? Hell yeah, you heard me.

    100 Pound dumbbells are literally right around the corner for reps... That is a fairly significant milestone, many of lifters never get too. So go me go! lol

    Shoulders also felt really good, no more pains, no more discomforts when lifting anyway. 50 Pound Dumbbell over head press for 12 reps all sets.. No problem. 55 pound next week.

    Fly's yeep...50 pounds for 12 reps no help.. Moving up 55 pounds. I'm at the point I can skip right over the 2.5 pound increments. I'm in 5 pound land. lol

    Hell, I'm doing 45 pound plate raises for 15 reps with no cheat rests... So thank god I just purchased a set of 18" screw type adjustables so I can use them to go higher. :)

    Life is good at least where moving the weights is concerned... And having the most wonderful fiancé in the world.

    Peace folks!

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