Downsizers Team Chat - NOVEMBER 2021



  • rwood566
    rwood566 Posts: 987 Member
    @Tazaria87 good luck in your travels. You will be missed here.
  • Aqualang26
    Aqualang26 Posts: 149 Member
    Aqualang26 (Laura)

    Weigh-In: Saturday (usually Friday night)

    PW: 150.4
    CW: 153

    Ooof! I knew it was coming, but it still wasn't fun to see.

    I ate more quantity and less quality while I was sick, so I'm not surprised. I also started my cycle which doesn't help.

    I'm trying to frame this as good - I didn't log and knew I was over so at least that's still working.

    I'm feeling better and hope to be back to losing next week. Sorry team!
  • Pippin20206
    Pippin20206 Posts: 194 Member
    Daily check-in
    Calories 1070 ✅
    Water ✅
    Steps 5422 ❌
    Sleep 9 hours ✅
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,804 Member
    edited November 2021
    Steps ✅
    Calories ❌
    Track ✅

    Did both a swim and workout yesterday. Will be doing a short one today as my granddaughters slept over and I want to spend some time with them before they go home. I am still trying to figure my Apple Watch out. It seems like I get less calories for exercise which will be an adjustment as lately I have been eating them. I still haven’t figured out the how to get my steps to sync with mfp.

    Happy Sunday.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,804 Member
    edited November 2021


    18 minutes moderate = 3,132 steps

    Pool workout
    20 minutes moderate = 2,000 steps

    Total converted steps 13,383
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,528 Member

    Congratulations to everyone who participated this past week. Way to start November out strong!

    Here's a sneak peek of how your team did...

  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,885 Member

    Here is my friendly reminder of the people's steps I need:

    @Pippin20206 11/5
    @Piqueaboo (not sure if you still want to be excused...Please let me know)
    @888Angie888 11/6
    @rlaskey2 10/31, 11/5 and 11/6
    @shortyjmorgan1 11/1- 11/6
    @amymartin555 10/31- 11/6
    @Jpedno 10/31 -11/6
    @tahm42 10/31-11/6

    Please have them in by the evening of 11/9... If I do not have them by then I have no choice but to zero them out ...thanks for understanding :)
  • 888Angie888
    888Angie888 Posts: 890 Member
    Steps 11/6: 16,284
  • shortyjmorgan1
    shortyjmorgan1 Posts: 177 Member
    This week has been staying on track. Don't know if it was the trip back home, the weather or the time change but determined to get my *kitten* back on track
  • shortyjmorgan1
    shortyjmorgan1 Posts: 177 Member
  • @minstrelofsarcasm can you double check the figures please?

    I put on 100g this week and going through some of the posts I know @MJ_Keto, @MariEverAfter , @Bluetail6 , @rlaskey2 and @rwood566 all lost weight (sorry if I missed anyone else). I don't think I should be in 3rd place.

    Thanks, Del

    Here's a sneak peek of how your team did...

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,271 Member
    November Week 2 Challenge is UP!

    Come enjoy playing the numbers this week:
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,271 Member
    @minstrelofsarcasm can you double check the figures please?

    I put on 100g this week and going through some of the posts I know @MJ_Keto, @MariEverAfter , @Bluetail6 , @rlaskey2 and @rwood566 all lost weight (sorry if I missed anyone else). I don't think I should be in 3rd place.

    Thanks, Del

    Here's a sneak peek of how your team did...


    Hi Del!
    I'm the person who figures out the tallies every week, so I'll tell you how it worked this time. By the weight reported on your weigh-in day, you lost 3.6 pounds for the week. You were in 3rd place by % of bodyweight lost. There were certainly other people who lost as well - your team is great! We always do the places by % of bodyweight because it is more fair. If someone who weighs 150 pounds loses 3 pounds it is a higher percentage than someone who weighs 200 pounds - it helps to even the playing field as to the effort required to lose that much weight. So you will see the amazing @Poobah1972 who lost 3.9 pounds, but since that was 1.1% compared to your 1.51%, you hopped up to 3rd place!

    Does that clear up the question? The main difference seems to be that you say you lost only 100 g, but your reported weight on weigh-in day was for a lot more than that. Don't forget that this is for last week - in your case from Thursday October 28 - Thursday November 4. We do the tallies on Sunday for the previous Sunday - Saturday.

    In any case, great job! Let me know if it is still unclear or there is a mistake. Thanks!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,271 Member
    PS - if you're curious!

    Anyone can check out the spreadsheet to get the whole view! The teams are on tabs at the bottom, and the Week 1 results are all summarized on their own tab. Enjoy it if you love the numbers as much as I do!
  • @jugar Ah, okay so 107.1kg for me was on the 21st Oct when i asked to join the team. By the time Thurs 28th Oct came around I was 105.4kg which I had in my head as my official starting weight but that's incorrect if you're taking it from the previous Sunday so yay me!!

    Thanks for the clarification :-)
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,271 Member
    @jugar Ah, okay so 107.1kg for me was on the 21st Oct when i asked to join the team. By the time Thurs 28th Oct came around I was 105.4kg which I had in my head as my official starting weight but that's incorrect if you're taking it from the previous Sunday so yay me!!

    Thanks for the clarification :-)

    the beginning on F2F can certainly be confusing - it will all settle in now!
  • red1185
    red1185 Posts: 388 Member
    red1185 wrote: »

    Questions 1 and 2.
    Hi everybody! I’m Rachel. I’m 36. I’m a science teacher, and I’ve been trying lose weight most of my life. I reached a nice comfortable goal weight several years ago, but then my anxiety took over, had to get on medication, and gained 37 lbs in a year. While that’s no excuse, I’ve now changed meds, started with a therapist, and am trying to watch what I eat. While I’ve been somewhat successful overall, I do still have a long way to go.

    This group is amazing at supporting at supporting each other and providing advice, encouragement, and inspiration.

    I started at my highest at 179.6, and now down to 164.2…so there’s definitely progress, but I’m definitely my own obstacle.

    3. What are your triggers and how can you avoid them?

    My triggers are definitely wine and bread! I can eat my weight in bread, especially a warm baguette. I also love a good glass of red wine. I don’t drink everyday, and during the workweek I keep it to 1-2 glasses when I do, but if it’s a celebration (like last night for my dad’s birthday) I had 4 glasses.

    6. Do you have a favourite diet you go by? ie keto, low carb

    I do not have a favorite diet - I just try to watch what I eat, and record it in MFP.

    8. What is your favourite way to workout?

    I love to walk: I walk during my planning periods, I’ll walk at the park, take the dog on a walk, or if I’m feeling like I need a really long walk I will hop on my treadmill. I think slow and steady is best for me. I don’t like high-intensity stuff.

    10. What are some of your goals this month? I want to make sure to get my steps in at least 5 days/week. My step goal is 6K/day.

    My other goal is to get back down to 161 this month. I’m at 164.2 right now. My overall goal is 150 (where my doctor wants me). I’m trying to be very realistic, take it slow, and not overdo it or make too many changes that aren’t sustainable.

    12. What do you expect to gain from the team? Like I said previously, this team is so encouraging and inspirational. A good cheer section is always a good motivator to keep going. I know that I definitely need that. I have the intrinsic desire, but I get so hard on myself, that it’s nice to have a reminder that I am in fact human, mistakes and setbacks happen. This team is wonderful for all the encouragement and community they provide!

    PW: 162.2
    CW: 164.2

    10/30: 3,795
    10/31: 4,119
    11/1: 7,407
    11/2: 11,321
    11/3: 8,381
    11/4: 8,983
    11/5: 2,846
    11/6: 8,524

    Do you happen to have your steps from 10/24- 10/29? It will count towards the end of the month of the grand finale

    10/24: 4,129
    10/25: 3,829
    10/26: 4,890
    10/27: 7,720
    10/28: 6,548
    10/29: 9,066
    10/30: 3,795
    10/31: 4,119
    11/1: 7,407
  • red1185
    red1185 Posts: 388 Member
    Tazaria87 wrote: »
    Hi all. I'm coming in to say goodbye. The past 15 months in this group have been invaluable to me. Thank you to everyone for all the encouragement, laughs, recipes, pick me ups, and everything else. I wouldn't have made it this far without everyone here. I'm not stopping or anything, it's just time for a change. Goodbye, and good luck to everyone here.

    Hate to see you go, but wishing you all the best!!
  • rwood566
    rwood566 Posts: 987 Member
    Good evening everyone. Hope you enjoyed your weekend and are ready to buckle down again for the week ahead.

    Check in for 11/7:
    Steps - 6122.
    Calories - about 1535. I have got to write it down before I forget it every night.
    Exercise - none. Xmas gift shopping for big ticket item. 3 stores no luck but are getting close. Washed the car as well. That is always fun.
  • Piqueaboo
    Piqueaboo Posts: 1,193 Member
    edited November 2021

    Here is my friendly reminder of the people's steps I need:

    @Pippin20206 11/5
    @amymartin555 10/31- 11/6
    @Jpedno 10/31 -11/6

    Please have them in by the evening of 11/9... If I do not have them by then I have no choice but to zero them out ...thanks for understanding :)

    Please excuse me for another week - I'm going to the repairs place today for my fitbit, hopefully we'll sort it out by next Sunday :) Thank you!
  • rlaskey2
    rlaskey2 Posts: 461 Member
    10/31 15,455, 10/5 5,500 10/6 5,794 10/7 9,986

    Got my booster shot Friday and switched to Modena after first getting J & J. No side effects other than sore arm and tired. Saturday had a lazy day and yesterday got off my butt and painted the kids bathroom with my daughter and went shopping. Back to the chiropractor this am and if I feel better will start working out again soon
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,804 Member
    This week has been staying on track. Don't know if it was the trip back home, the weather or the time change but determined to get my *kitten* back on track

    Just visualize bikini and Florida anytime you are tempted to get off track.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,804 Member
    rwood566 wrote: »
    Good evening everyone. Hope you enjoyed your weekend and are ready to buckle down again for the week ahead.

    Check in for 11/7:
    Steps - 6122.
    Calories - about 1535. I have got to write it down before I forget it every night.
    Exercise - none. Xmas gift shopping for big ticket item. 3 stores no luck but are getting close. Washed the car as well. That is always fun.

    Nice steps! I am hoping to get some Christmas gifts in the upcoming Black Friday sales. They are not as good as in the States but last year I got some good deals.

    jimboden3 wrote: »
    Weigh-in Day: Monday (Nov 8, 2021)
    PW: 212.9
    CW: 212.5
    SW: 240

    I was pretty good all week but we went to visit my in-laws house - he just had knee replacement a week ago and they were in the mood for Mexican food. Sigh ... so much salt (I guess tortilla chips are a trigger for me), but the meal was tasty. On an unrelated note, I upgraded my Fitbit Charge 2 for a Charge 5 about a week ago and it's nice to be able to see the screen again as the older model got much darker about a year ago (and yes I checked the settings to make sure I hadn't changed it to dim view). Anyway, I got a few years out of the Charge 2 so I feel like I got my money's worth. I know I will with this new one since it was free from work as part of the company benefits to promote healthy living.

    I am sure the salt is masking a bigger loss. That is great your company provides the Fitbit. More companies should do this.

    rlaskey2 wrote: »
    10/31 15,455, 10/5 5,500 10/6 5,794 10/7 9,986

    Got my booster shot Friday and switched to Modena after first getting J & J. No side effects other than sore arm and tired. Saturday had a lazy day and yesterday got off my butt and painted the kids bathroom with my daughter and went shopping. Back to the chiropractor this am and if I feel better will start working out again soon

    Hope the chiropractor helps. You must be missing your workouts.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,804 Member
    Steps ✅
    Calories ✅
    Close rings ✅

    Changed my goals up for this week. I added closing rings on my Apple Watch. I am still playing with the numbers for each ring but once I have it for a week I will get a general idea. Off to get ready for the pool.

    Have a great Monday!
This discussion has been closed.