Downsizers Team Chat - NOVEMBER 2021



  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,804 Member


    10 minutes moderate = 1,740 steps

    Pool workout
    30 minutes moderate = 3,000 steps

    Total converted steps = 10,834
  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    edited November 2021
    Name: Poobah1972
    Weigh Day: Monday
    Past weight: 350.6
    Current weight: 353.6


    Win some lose some? But this was expected, and in some ways may indicate the plan I hatched recently is having a good effect. (What is this crazy guy talking about you might wonder?) Well...

    I can't recall if I mentioned it specifically in this thread or not... But recently I started a few new supplements with the purposes of:
    • Improved quality of Sleep (Without Nyquil)
    • Improved recovery and healing.

    I have had a hard time getting any quality sleep of late, A big part of that obviously has been the pain and discomfort I find myself in at night. But I think an equally big part of that was my reliance on Nyquil 3 times a week. It got to the point that sleeping on "Off-Nyquil" was a struggle at best. And if I'm not sleeping well, I'm not recovering well at all.

    On top of that, the pain in my left elbow (tennis elbow) has not gone away in over 2 months now, and I would love to see if there is something I can do about it. Other then wrapping it every single morning, under compression for improved heat and blood flow for half the day. (Which i have done diligently).

    So I did a bunch of research and narrowed my focus down to the following...

    L-Arginine (a single Amino-acid) a whopping mega dose of 30 grams every morning

    L-Arginine is known to be a vasodilator opening up blood vessels, and is sometimes given to people intravenously to do just, that increase blood flow and by so doing increase healing. It also lowers blood pressure, which is fine as long as you don't have low blood pressure to begin with.

    Even more interesting, there was a study that showed mega dosing 20Grams a day resulted in a 60% increase in Human Growth Hormone. More interesting, if people were given a smaller dose of half or less then that, there was no rise in human growth hormone. The mechanism that requires a Mega dose to be effect in raising Human Growth hormone is unknown. But seeing as I'm much larger then the average guy, I figure a 30 gram dose should be sufficient to illicit this rise in human Growth hormone.

    Why try and increase Human Growth Hormone?

    There is a very strong relation ship between Glucose, Insulin, HGH (Human Growth Hormone) and Ketones. Human growth output is already greatly effected by Ketogenic diets and fasting. The lower the Glucose level, the lower the insulin level, the inverse is also true. Which is higher HGH output and Ketone production.

    Many people think that HGH helps build muscle, but that's not actually true. What HGH is good for is Mobilizing Fat, and healing the body (More so bone, organs, Connective tissue, tendons as opposed to muscles), however increases HGH does signal the production of IGF-1 which is very muscle sparing and is one main reason a Keto diet can be so effective during weight loss while maintaining muscle tissue. And as a side bonus, it can have a strong impact on your quality of sleep. (Sleeping teenagers are hard to wake in part due to there naturally high HGH output).

    So what if I actually am causing a 60% increase in HGH in my body overtop what would already be fairly higher then normal levels of HGH from Keto and fasting? Well for starters based on a chart I looked at... This amount HGH could represent the difference found in someone that is 50 years old appearing to have HGH levels of someone that is 20 years old. And as a matter of reasoning it could be possible that person will now have a propensity to heal themselves as if they were now 20 years old, with better sleep and all that good ness.

    The bad news, and what might explain my weight gain this week!

    Supplementation of L-Arginine even in much smaller doses than I have been taking is well known for causing water retention.

    And sure enough, increases in HGH is also known for causing water retention...

    So the 3 pounds I gained this week was expected and it makes sense... Besides increases in water through all the tissues may well help facilitate the break down of fat for energy, as well as the repair of damaged muscles (water is the transportation system). So it's a good thing, even though my shoes might get a little tighter? lol

    Evidence that the plan is actually raising my HGH levels significantly?
    1. Dramatically higher Ketone Reading
    2. Healing of Injuries
    3. Higher percentage of Deep and REM sleep.


    Now this is all early days... However the thing about Glucose, Insulin, Ketones and HGH all being closely linked is true. So this morning for the first time in few months, I decided to test my Glucose and ketone level. My Ketone level was an amazing 4.6 where as on average on a Monday morning after fasting it would usually be about 2.2 - 2.5. (although it once was at 3.4 after I did a ridiculous amount of cardio on Sunday, so I count this as an outlier).

    So for all practical calculations it's fair to say my ketone level was about double my average and definitely way higher then it has ever been. (and I haven't been doing any cardio at all). Further to that my GKI was 1.4 (1 being the best possible GKI, after just 36 hours of fasting). Usually GKI of that level take at least a few days sometimes more to achieve.

    So that is a pretty astonishing number considering the amount of history and data I have on hand. So this may well indicate, that HGH is indeed circulating at higher levels, resulting in higher Fat Mobilization and once turned into my liver, a higher ketone production rate, resulting in higher Ketone levels.

    Healing of Injuries

    So that nagging Tennis elbow injury on my left shoulder that I have been nursing for months that I continue to aggravate every back and bicep day. That I also aggravate Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays when I do my grip exercises at work. The same elbow I literally wrap every single morning for a good 6 hours a day. for the first time in months doesn't hurt, when I fully extend my arm or when I squeeze my elbow with my other hand. I know this doesn't sound like much. And it could well be just a coincidence or a side effect of water retention, or it could indeed just the Effects of L-Arginine's vasodilating my blood vessels and the resulting boost of healing blood flow. But it is what it is, and I'm grateful.

    Now I'll be doing my grip exercises later today, and back and bicep's is tonight.. So we will see if my luck continues.

    Unfortunately, thus far it hasn't helped with my other leg/IT band issues. but maybe it will come.

    As for faster recovery.. Definitely to early to tell. But I can tell you I did some high volume chest workout on Saturday, Working my way from 60 pounds to 95 pound DB chest presses (Yes I benched 95 pound dumbells, granted only for 1 rep. lol) to failure in all 5 sets. And I feel absolutely nothing in my chest today... Or my Triceps which I also punished. (and usually I do feel something 2 days later). Am I certain? No... But still everything seems to point in a certain direction.

    Higher percentage of Deep and REM sleep.

    This one is a little harder to quantify just yet. I think for one, the pain is still a stumbling block. And for two, I still might be holding onto a little dependence on Nyquil, Although I haven't had any in a week.

    But on the bright side, I do have 6 or 7 months of sleep data from my fitbit. And sure enough even though my sleep still hasn't been where I want it to be. More or less only getting 5 hours and sleep scores south of 50 sometimes. My sleep has improved slightly the last 3 nights, and more interestingly my Deep and REM portion of sleep as increased by about 50%.. Where as I was getting less then an hour Deep/REM I am now getting a 1.5 hours Deep and REM sleep.

    And from my research it is consistent to get a higher proportion of DEEP and REM sleep with Higher levels of HGH output. So I'll take this as further evidence that this HGH increase thing may actually be happening.

    Hopefully sleep will continue to normalize and get better. 77 sleep score last night was refreshing.

    In closing

    I had no idea I was going to write this much. But I guess the point is I'll take the 3 pound gain if it means my plan is working to some extent, which the evidence seems to indicate.

    Also... I'm taking the following as part of this stack.

    1000mg of Magnesium with supper. This relaxes the body, particularly the muscles, and lowers cortisol. Again leading to better sleep and recovery.
    5 grams of gaba right before bed. - suppose to very temporarily raise HGH levels by as much as 400%, but this is controversial, as it's not suppose to cross the blood brain barrier on it's own. I may drop it, as I'm not convinced. But it does make me flush for with tingly sensation which is very odd.
    Melatonin - Just the 1 x 10mg capsule.

    I'm also considering taking Kava Kava, but I worry perhaps that might also be habit forming? And my order got cancelled from, and sent back. I'm assuming due to over the border issues? I may try again?

    Bonus side effect... The magnesium has made me poop completely regular. Like every single day. And this was an issue for a while now. SO YAH FOR MAGNESIUM. lol

    Okay... I talked enough i think? I'll continue to monitor my ketone levels from time to time to see if these elevated levels continue. If they do, than I figure that is pretty darn good proof it is actually working. Otherwise it's a pretty strange coincidence? :)

    have a great day everyone!
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,885 Member
    Good Morning Dazzling Downsizers....Happy Monday ... I am off to go walk with Alyssa and Aspen :)

    Just got back from a 5.36 mile walk in 2 hours and 4 minutes :)
  • 888Angie888
    888Angie888 Posts: 890 Member
    Steps 11/7: 13,576
  • tahm42
    tahm42 Posts: 4,950 Member
    11/1- 10340
    11/2- 7002
    11/3- 7105
    11/4- 6238
    11/5- 10082
    11/6- 12079
  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    Good evening Guys and Gals,

    I tell yah, the lack of cardio continues to pay positive dividends in the weight lifting arena... But it's putting a big ole hurt on my heart rate.

    Lifts are going up up up!!! 💪😜

    100lb DB Rows.. Np. 105 next week. (I'm starting to see a future where I will actually need the 165-pound Expansion pack. 😬😆😜)
    80 Pound Preacher curls.. Np. 85 Next week
    30 reps of 60lb Standing EZ bar curls? Yeep NP. 62.5 Next week
    120 Pound Lat Pulldowns.. Can't say NP. But sure 125 Next week

    Only exercises staying where it is next week is Straight Arm Pulldowns.. And that's probably because I decided to bump it more than usual going in... So, WHATEVER! 😉

    The DB Rows are brutal I tell you... And I might have tweaked my low back a smidge, I'm not sure, but it hurts a little right now. Taking the Dumbbells, them from the stand and putting them on the ground and then putting them back at the end is a workout in itself.

    But oddly, since I now have a slight pain emanating from my lower back.. The pain in my buttocks/hip area to calf ankle on my right side is great diminished. So, I'll take the trade-off, who knows. lol 😆

    I almost decide to throw in the towel on the final Marathon set of standing Ez bar curls cause of the back pain... But at the last moment decided to go for it, and just leaned back a bit more and locked it in. So glad I decided to go for it, because I did all 30 reps and this was the first time ever even trying 60LB so F%@K yeah Baby! (pardon my french). 🙂.

    And lastly, usually the first set of Bent over DB rows hurts my left "Tennis Elbow" issue. Today it did not. Then later the Preacher Curls give me a world of hurt that usually stings more upon completion of the set, and I sit back and wince and make baby faces while I rub my elbow (I may also whine like a wounded animal). Did not experience that today. So, my elbow is 100% doing the best it has in over 2 months. And I'm pushing more weight than ever. So, my supplementation plan, may well be working... At least it feels good to think so, and maybe that's half the battle? 😋👌

    The heart rate is definitely a little out of hand though, had to rest a bit more than usual between sets. Even More so because it was just me and Brother tonight, as Lynn had an appointment at the hospital that had her a bit out of sorts. (She's all good though guys. 😉🤗)

    But on the bright side.. The burn was pretty damn good. (oh and I ate over 2900 calories on purpose today, on purpose just because I think my body wanted me too? lol)

    Have a wonderful evening Folks! 😎😘🤗

  • Pippin20206
    Pippin20206 Posts: 194 Member
    Daily check-in
    Calories 1096
    Steps 6906

    Missing steps from 11/5 6698

    So had my dr appt today after my ultrasound turns out even though I have gallstones they aren't the problem. I have fatty liver disease 😭 so basically have to cut all bad fats out of my diet which I guess is what I was trying to do anyway. Just going to potentially be really bad if I try to cheat.
  • Pippin20206
    Pippin20206 Posts: 194 Member
    Anyone have any good recommendations for workout apps? Looking for gentle ones to start with or ones that have a few different things like yoga and dancing stuff. Not ready for hard core workouts yet.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,804 Member
    I hope the supplements continue to help. I have a question but not sure I am going to use the right terminology. How many reps do you do of each exercise (set?). I do 12 reps of each 3 times. Not sure if this right?

    Love that quote! Nice loss! I think how we feel in general and those NSV’s are way more important than the scale. Your coach is so cute.

    Awesome walk!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,804 Member
    Daily check-in
    Calories 1096
    Steps 6906

    Missing steps from 11/5 6698

    So had my dr appt today after my ultrasound turns out even though I have gallstones they aren't the problem. I have fatty liver disease 😭 so basically have to cut all bad fats out of my diet which I guess is what I was trying to do anyway. Just going to potentially be really bad if I try to cheat.

    Do the best you can with the fats. I have a form of fatty liver disease called NASH. Exercise, weight loss and activity are important with fatty liver.

    A good place to check for those types of workouts are YouTube. One of our former teammates did a different dance video everyday. Also, @cormierannie does a lot of dancing for exercise. Maybe she will have some suggestions.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,804 Member
    Username. amymartin555
    Weigh in day Monday
    PW 134.0
    CW 133.8

    Great loss!

    rwood566 wrote: »
    Good evening. Another day closer to xmas.
    Check in for 11/8:
    Steps - 4996. More shopping. I hate the holidays.
    Calories - 1540. Stove top popcorn for dessert.
    Exercise - none. I wanted to hit the gym but daughter didn't. Walk early morning with sweats.

    Bought a pair of jeans yesterday and wore them today. 42x32. Snug but I have seen tighter on most women. Lol. I haven't been in this size in about 27 years.

    I do a lot of my shopping online. Awesome NSV! You are so inspiring!
  • Pippin20206
    Pippin20206 Posts: 194 Member
    Daily check-in
    Calories 1096
    Steps 6906

    Missing steps from 11/5 6698

    So had my dr appt today after my ultrasound turns out even though I have gallstones they aren't the problem. I have fatty liver disease 😭 so basically have to cut all bad fats out of my diet which I guess is what I was trying to do anyway. Just going to potentially be really bad if I try to cheat.

    Do the best you can with the fats. I have a form of fatty liver disease called NASH. Exercise, weight loss and activity are important with fatty liver.

    A good place to check for those types of workouts are YouTube. One of our former teammates did a different dance video everyday. Also, @cormierannie does a lot of dancing for exercise. Maybe she will have some suggestions.

    Thank you, I'd love to hear your experiences living with it, it's all a bit of a shock and slightly terrifying at the moment.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,804 Member
    Steps ✅
    Calories ✅
    Close rings ✅

    I have my diabetic check this morning. I am heading to the pool right after. Yesterday I did some laps then cardio and arms. Finally figured out how to connect my step with mfp yesterday with the help of my granddaughter.

    Happy Tuesday!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,804 Member


    16 minutes moderate = 2,784 steps

    Pool workout
    31 minutes moderate = 3,100 steps

    Total converted steps = 12,315
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,804 Member
    Daily check-in
    Calories 1096
    Steps 6906

    Missing steps from 11/5 6698

    So had my dr appt today after my ultrasound turns out even though I have gallstones they aren't the problem. I have fatty liver disease 😭 so basically have to cut all bad fats out of my diet which I guess is what I was trying to do anyway. Just going to potentially be really bad if I try to cheat.

    Do the best you can with the fats. I have a form of fatty liver disease called NASH. Exercise, weight loss and activity are important with fatty liver.

    A good place to check for those types of workouts are YouTube. One of our former teammates did a different dance video everyday. Also, @cormierannie does a lot of dancing for exercise. Maybe she will have some suggestions.

    Thank you, I'd love to hear your experiences living with it, it's all a bit of a shock and slightly terrifying at the moment.

    I was at the beginning very upset and shocked. I had ended up in the emergency room with very bad pain. They originally sent me to an internal medicine doctor who did a colonoscopy. He felt it was my liver not a bowel problem and referred me to a liver specialist. Since I have lost the weight my liver hasn’t complained much lately. Also, I try to keep my sugars under control. Not sure if your diabetic. I have to get my liver enzymes checked every 3 months. Not sure if this is because my fatty liver progressed to NASH (non alcoholic steatohepatis). I really wish I took care of myself when I was younger but it is never too late to make changes. My biggest advice is listen to your doctors, exercise and watch your diet. A dietitian can offer lots of advice in the diet area.
  • shortyjmorgan1
    shortyjmorgan1 Posts: 177 Member
    Anyone have any good recommendations for workout apps? Looking for gentle ones to start with or ones that have a few different things like yoga and dancing stuff. Not ready for hard core workouts yet.

    I have just started using FitOn and it has several different types of workouts. From dancing to kick boxing and yoga
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,885 Member
    I hope the supplements continue to help. I have a question but not sure I am going to use the right terminology. How many reps do you do of each exercise (set?). I do 12 reps of each 3 times. Not sure if this right?

    Love that quote! Nice loss! I think how we feel in general and those NSV’s are way more important than the scale. Your coach is so cute.

    Awesome walk!

    Thanks Linda :)
  • 888Angie888
    888Angie888 Posts: 890 Member
    Steps 11/8: 16,827
  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    I hope the supplements continue to help. I have a question but not sure I am going to use the right terminology. How many reps do you do of each exercise (set?). I do 12 reps of each 3 times. Not sure if this right?


    It all depends... Depends on many factors. Generally Lower rep counts build strength over endurance and size, and higher rep counts build endurance and size over strength... And I often do 8-12 which is a happy medium.

    Also the lower the rep count you go, generally you should add more sets so over all time under tension is equivilant. One popular strength program is the 5 x 5 (so you lifting really heavy, max 5 reps, but you need to do 5 sets)... Higher rep you go generally less sets. Like we do just 1 set of our marathon Standing EZ bar curls (30 reps).

    Mondays - Back and Biceps

    Cable Straight Arm Pulldowns - 2 x 15-20 reps - This partly a warm up - fills the back muscles with blood flow.
    DB Bent Over rows - 3 x 8-12 - Hardest exercise of the day, so comes early.
    Lat Pulldowns - 3 x 12-15 - MY back is wasted by now. lol
    Preacher EZ bar curls 3 x 12-15 - I don't usually go low rep with Biceps cause they are small muscles and it can be easy to injury you tendons, elbow if you go for lower reps. I also used to mix in some DB Hammer curls, but I find they hurt my elbow the most and was what injured me to begin with, so I stopped doing them.
    Standing EZ Bar curl 1 x 30 reps (this is a marathon, and designed to just push you to the limit).

    Wednesdays - Chest Triceps / Shoulders

    Shouldrock - Run out side and swing it around and around (Great for shoulder health)
    Flat DB Bench Press - Warm up set about 20ish + or 1 a few reps to failure.
    Flat DB bench Press - 3 x 6-10 - Lower rep ranges to build strength over stamina
    Seated Overhead DB Shoulder Press - 3 x 8 -12
    Incline DB Fly's - 3 x 8 - 13
    Skull Crushers - 3 x 8 - 12
    Cable Pushdowns - 2 x 15-20
    DB Pullovers (laying on bench) 2 x 15-20
    Superset with
    DB Plate Raises 2 x 15-20

    Fridays - Leg Day (And lower back)

    Goblet Squats 4 x 8-12 (First set slightly lighter for warmup)
    I was doing more reps, but as I go heavier and become more advance I'll be slowing reducing reps and at one point adding additional sets.
    Leg Extensions 3 x 8 - 12
    Leg Curls 3 x 8 - 12
    Super set of :
    Shrugs 2 x 15 / Calf raises x 15 / Good mornings x 15

    Now all that said, this is just generally a good all round mix... But I often do the opposite on off days. Like Thursday I will do lighter weight and work more volume. So I will do lighter weight and work at about a 20 rep range. Attempting to build more endurance and size that will carry help power me through extra reps during my regular routine.

    On Saturdays I like to Pyramid style Chest work, where I start off light and progressively add weight doing anywhere up to 7 sets... Where my final set I end up at a weight I might only be able to get 3-5 reps on. But overall Lots of volume as I get to that point.

    Once you get past newbie types a gain... It's best to try and hit all muscles groups twice a week... Concentrate on lower to midrange rep counts once per week and Higher rep counts Once per week. That combination will help you to break through plateaus. etc.

    And not that it matters... But you must lift in the extreme range to actually recruit Fast twitch Muscles... If memory serves to make these grows, you pretty much need to be lifting in the 80% max or more of your ability. So again important to try and do lower reps frequently (without injury hopefully.)

  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,885 Member
    Hi! I forgot to update my weight Sunday but i currently weigh 367. Having trouble with motivation along with some other problems. Don’t want to give up but also no longer want to try. If anyone has anything helpful with the motivation part or in general, it be appreciated!

    Don't try to change everything at once ... start small like pre log everything the good the bad the ugly ..then start changing 1 or 2 things in your dairy and continue to build until it becomes a habit ...same with exercise ... start out slow like 10 minutes of walking around your neighborhood and build that up ...You got this not give up (this is from someone who gave up a lot on herself )
  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    edited November 2021
    Hi! I forgot to update my weight Sunday but i currently weigh 367. Having trouble with motivation along with some other problems. Don’t want to give up but also no longer want to try. If anyone has anything helpful with the motivation part or in general, it be appreciated!

    Something that helps me.

    We are now and will always be a result of our actions. We choose our own fate each and every day.

    If you do cardio and/or weight train 3-5 days a week, and maintain a Calorie deficit. One day someone will pass you in the grocery store and say to themselves, "Wow, look at that person, they obviously workout and take care of themselves.".

    Or we can continue to sit on the couch, eat whatever we want in excess and do little in the way of physical activity.... But we will also look exactly like that person.

    Choose your actions each day, and have faith in the long game. We are a sum of our actions, and in the end only we can control what we choose to do.

  • cormierannie
    cormierannie Posts: 5,296 Member
    My calories-under
    My steps 12,000
This discussion has been closed.