This Year is Our Year for Success!



  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    PamS53 wrote: »
    I had my last booster in late September. I should probably get mine soon, but not looking forward to the side effects. I had none with the first shot, but the second and booster both made me feel like I had the flu for about a day and a half.

    It’s been a mostly quiet week of catching up on things that were neglected while I was out of town. I attended a funeral on Monday, then had PT Tuesday and Thursday. Lots of laundry and miscellaneous things around the house to address, but I think I’m mostly caught up now.

    The PT seems to be going well, but I’m already tired of doing it. I can’t tell that it is making much difference at this point, but it certainly isn’t doing any harm. My biggest issue is the weakness in my hand. So far, I don’t see any improvement in that, but I probably haven’t given it enough time, either. Patience is definitely not my strongest virtue!

    I'm weird; I enjoyed P/T most of the time. I'm sorry you aren't making the progress you'd like. That has to make it SO hard!
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Our boosters were in mid November so late May will only be 6 months. If it’s convenient, I might get it before we leave. Otherwise, I’ll wait until we’re back north.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    Huge laugh of the day!

    Trump: I’ve gotta be the cleanest— I think I’m the most honest human being perhaps that god ever created
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    We have a cat show this weekend. We don't normally do this one as it's normally in Frederick but the hall was "rented out from under them" (most likely translation: they took it for granted and waited until the last minute and were too late) so they quickly moved to a hall here in Baltimore. Have to meet Lil at the storage unit today to load her and Wednesday the same with Fran. I'll wait to load me until Thursday as I have to continue to have food in the van as long as possible for feeding. I've sort of got a strategy figured out for doing both. It's like a dance; let the amount of food in my fan drop ahead of time and then start reordering like mad afterwards (can't have food at the storage unit and they have cameras EVERYWHERE).

    We always used to have two vans (LONG story) but now we're make-shifting with most of my van (leaving room for some feeding supplies for the weekend) and two cars.

    Looks like the workman who's started in on the house across the street has a dog with him. There is a huge fenced backyard so with lots of trees and foliage so why not? DH has seen it I haven't yet. (When we moved in here the prior owner had a dog and the yard was completely fenced but over the years DH has removed enough sections to destroy my dreams of a dog. LOL!)

    Fed Ex, poor guy, had to deliver two HUGE HEAVY boxes. Obviously these delivery companies don't care about the long term health of their drivers.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Good luck with the cat show. It must feel a little strange to do one after such a long break.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    Helene610 wrote: »
    Good luck with the cat show. It must feel a little strange to do one after such a long break.

    We are SO out of practice! I've been going to the storage unit a couple days to see what's there, and working on organizing. My back is protesting but I'm making progress.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Is the new location more convenient? You’re probably right about procrastination leading to someone else renting your usual location.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    Helene610 wrote: »
    Is the new location more convenient? You’re probably right about procrastination leading to someone else renting your usual location.

    We haven't done this show in years. Frederick isn't that far away but far enough and it comes right on the heels of the March show. But since we didn't do the March show because of the weather, when this one was moved here, seemed like a sign (or something LOL!).
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    I wonder if Jean ever got her hospital appointment for the procedure she needed? It seems like it has been a very long time since she’s posted here.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    It’s probably at least a month. I hope the procedure happened by now and that it went well.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    We got the cat show set up!! Only took us 2 1/2 hours. That may be a record. And only spending 2 1/2 hours standing on concrete floors was great for my feet and back (I also wear compression socks and Spira shoes). Took time to mark down some prices on stuff we've had awhile. Had a frame come apart in my hand and the glass shattered all over the floor. Fun. Not.

    Then we went to Applebee's. Strange experience. No masks on any of the staff, including the bartender. Made us go up to the second level, even though one of the group is on crutches. She struggled but made it. Hostess just kept talking and talking and talking......Then they wanted to move us down so the bartender could be our waitress. We didn't flatly say no but we did remind them of what they'd just made us do. So the bartender came up to the second level to be our waitress. She claimed to have 5 children and an auto immune disease (did we ask? no!). If that wasn't just made up to increase her tips methinks she should have had a mask. Anyway she turned out to be an excellent waitress - we all had special requests since our group includes one vegetarian and one gluten free and she just went with the flow - and the food was fine once we finally got to that stage of the proceedings. We all get along great and had a fantastic time.

    Struck me as a little strange that Applebee's needs a bartender at 2 in the afternoon but what do I know?

    Weirdly (is that a word) during set up we discovered we'd lost one leg to the plastic shelving we use. Obviously we did something during takedown last time. I imagine someday we'll find the leg in a box but who knows? We've had those shelves for YEARS (and they sort of look it) and never broke or lost any parts before.

    Today we have volunteers covering the table, including my best friend (they get the easy day LOL!). After feeding, I went over to the storage unit; I'm making a lot of progress decluttering and organizing. Now I'm clicking through a list of chores. Tomorrow I'll feed, go work the show, and be ready to pack and load!

    One of the guys working across the street is there today with his dog. Looks like a really nice dog. Mostly golden maybe?

    Anyway I'm tired and about ready to sit on the couch for a few minutes with my kindle.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    The cat show was pretty dead. Since it normally isn't here, and was moved here at the last minute, that didn't surprise me a lot although it did, of course, disappoint me!

    We were surprisingly efficient packing up. I got to the storage unit, unloaded and was home by around 6 pm.

    Before the pandemic I was working on trying to (single handedly) figure out a routine to get some publicity for the shows. If it looks like the shows will be back I should get back to that. Other than being doggedly (tiny joke intended) determined I'm probably the least likely person to do that since I shy away from most social media like the plague. My first thought was to start with vets and try to get them to post a schedule. The vendor next to me yesterday suggested putting out a schedule at the shows. That doesn't expand the audience but isn't a half bad idea. She said the clubs might get upset. My reply to that can't be repeated in polite company. But if they're stupid enough to protest my efforts at publicity they can......

  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    I made an appointment for Friday morning for my second booster. Moderna this time. DH is still dithering about what he wants to do.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    I’ll probably make an appointment for mine late next week. I have too much going on this week and early next week. Since I’ve had a reaction to the last 2 shots, I will wait until I have less things scheduled in case I feel bad again from the shot. So far I’ve only had the Moderna shots, so I’m wondering if I should change it up and get the Pfizer booster this time.

    I spent the weekend doing some things to get ready for a party we are having next Sunday evening. Our friends who have a vacation home in Michigan are leaving in early May to spend the summer up there, so we are having a get together to see them once more before they leave for several months. It’s a simple menu of hamburgers and everyone is bringing something, so I won’t be making that much. We will provide the meat, buns,and dessert. Typically this group drinks wine, but I just couldn’t see wine with burgers, so I decided on boozy raspberry lemonade instead. For dessert I baked and froze some snickerdoodles and some chocolate chip cookies. I made some cinnamon ice cream and will get some vanilla ice cream and plan to make ice cream sandwiches with the cookies. Nearly everything can be made ahead of time, so hopefully I can get everything done throughout the week and not be too exhausted by party-time. At least, that’s my plan.

    After that’s behind me, I need to start preparing for a trip to the beach with DH’s sister in early May. Instead of our usual destination of Orange Beach, AL, this year we are trying Fort Walton Beach, FL. It’s only a little farther but we were ready to try something new. It’s more expensive, so I hope we like it enough to justify the extra cost!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    Several people told me their pharmacist recommended switching "brands" for the second booster and articles seem to either suggest it's a good idea or not a terrible idea. So I'm going to take the plunge.

    I decided to go Friday since I don't have to do anything but feed this weekend and if worst came to worst another volunteer would pitch in, I'm sure.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    Too many appointments this week! I'm not used to this! LOL!


  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Greetings. I just typed a very long post only to have the laptop dump it. I am having problems with it but don't want to buy another one yet and hate posting from my phone.

    The new med didn't work, so I was referred to an EP at the Ohio State Medical Center 3 hours away. I have two more tests to take which can be done at my cardiologist's place. After the results, are available I will have more information on what will be the next step. The knee surgery had to be postponed again.

    I am tired all the time but today I feel the best I have in a long time. I just get tired of fighting this laptop and often adult attention deficit disorder kicks in. I think about posting but something intervenes and I forget it. Basically morning is spent in chores and exercise and the afternoon in resting and reading.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    Jean, it’s so good to hear from you! I’m sos Rory the new medication didn’t work and that you have to undergo further testing and procedures. It seems that after a certain age, the medical stuff begins to take more and more of our time and energy.

    I’m struggling with back pain that started yesterday. I’ve had lower back pain for years but had gotten into a good core strengthening exercise program that helped a lot. Mostly it consisted of hip bridges, crunches, and 2 minutes of planks. Since breaking my arm I haven’t been able to do the planks at all, and haven’t been consistent with the other exercises. It finally caught up with me yesterday. It always seems to happen at a very inconvenient time and this is no exception since we are having guests over Sunday night. Luckily, I have most of it under control as I have already made my dessert (home made ice cream sandwiches) and it’s in the freezer and I’ve mostly got the house cleaned (still need to dust and DH will vacuum). Everyone is bringing something to contribute to the meal, so the last minute rush should be pretty manageable. We are planning to grill hamburgers, but the weather forecast is for heavy rain Sunday evening so we may have to grill them Saturday and reheat in the oven. Not ideal, but better than trying to grill in the rain.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    KonaKat wrote: »
    Greetings. I just typed a very long post only to have the laptop dump it. I am having problems with it but don't want to buy another one yet and hate posting from my phone.

    The new med didn't work, so I was referred to an EP at the Ohio State Medical Center 3 hours away. I have two more tests to take which can be done at my cardiologist's place. After the results, are available I will have more information on what will be the next step. The knee surgery had to be postponed again.

    I am tired all the time but today I feel the best I have in a long time. I just get tired of fighting this laptop and often adult attention deficit disorder kicks in. I think about posting but something intervenes and I forget it. Basically morning is spent in chores and exercise and the afternoon in resting and reading.

    HI! I'm so sorry the new meds didn't help! Crossing my paws for the next step and the knee surgery!

    Spending the afternoon reading sounds enjoyable I must admit. A good reward for the morning exercise!