Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - OCTOBER 2022



  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,135 Member
    PW: 197.0
    CW: 195.4
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,912 Member
    @Ftofit Congrats on the loss and getting back on track! I'm glad your doctor visit gave you normal results, I'm sure that was a relief.

    @Cornanda Yeah they don't. Thanks. I do understand he's afraid I will die and he is coming from a good place. Yeah, he's willing to help out but we didn't get around to the meal prep yesterday, unfortunately. :( Oh that is interesting about your self-estimate/paper chart thing. It reminds me of when I try to go back and track my food for the day before if I don't track that same day, or even later in the day. I always fool myself and it shows on the scale. That sucks about Home Depot. I'm sending good thoughts for your parents. I'm glad there is a nice place they can rely on. Change is hard, especially when you are older. Did you get a dog? If so, please post a pic! I know that feeling of not wanting a dog because you want to travel etc. and then your heart being tugged at. That's how we ended up with Daisy only 2 months after Louie died. :) Congrats on the new pup!

    @shaunarlr83 Got it. I totally understand that commitment. Dogs are family, I understand not wanting to replace ones that go but in my case, my heart had a big hole in it and there was a pup that needed a hole to fill so here we are lol! I'm glad today is better. I hope leg day went well.

    @Katmary71 Thanks. Yes, it can be. It was kind of a lecture so yeah, it was a bit rough. I appreciate your support! That stinks about your car battery. I saw on Nextdoor someone asking if car batteries had really gone up in price, did you notice a big increase since the last time you needed a battery? I'm glad you are feeling a little better. Big hugs to you. I started watching Midnight Club, I'm on the second episode. Pretty good so far!

    @gemwolf110 Congrats on the loss! Well done!

    Hi all. Well, we didn't end up doing any food prep yesterday. We just ran out of time. I don't know that it will get done today either, I have errands to run and then I'm meeting coworkers for lunch. I got Daisy the cutest costume for Halloween, see below! :D

    My Halloween Challenge goals report for yesterday:
    1) track 90% of what I eat every day - ✔
    2) drink 50 oz of water each day - ✔

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"

  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,081 Member
    P. W. 286
    C. W. 279

    Hopefully I can keep this momentum
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,241 Member



    Team Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Individual Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Team Winners
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @Cornanda I am praying for your parents and especially that your mom will adjust to her new home and thrive. It’s hard being the caregiver so do all you can to support your dad even if it’s just listening to him when he needs to vent and voice his concerns. I know how hard it was to say goodbye to your precious pooch, but maybe it’s time to think about a new one. Facebook does know best after all! :grin:

    Hi Team! I just have a few minutes but thought if I don’t write now I won’t at all this week. There is a women’s event at the church that I’m going to, which should be fun. Tomorrow is a full day of doctor’s appointments, work, staff meeting, and packing for our trip. We leave Tuesday and won’t be back until late Friday. So, I will be MIA as I get to spend time alone with hubby enjoying the fall weather, beautiful mountains, and all the foods that I’m sure to eat. It was just a year ago that we were heading to Savannah for our ten-year anniversary trip and had no idea of the many health issues including cancer and dementia that have been a constant part of our lives. This trip is about letting go of the past without forgetting it and accepting a future that is unknown but filled with love and faith. You all have a wonderful week! :)

    @broncobuddee please give me an excused absence for next week's weigh-in. Thank you! :)
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 480 Member
    edited October 2022
    @Cornanda Lisa I am sure thinking about your family as your mom and dad move on to another place. I know it will be a challenge at first, but hopefully once your mom settles in, it will be a very good move for her. If they are moving in to some kind of a senior facility, your dad may also feel more supported as well, having others around who are in the same position as him. I was never going to get another dog as well, took me 10 years LOL! I have done a lot of travelling in the last 10 years and thoroughly enjoyed myself. I asked my kids if I got a dog, if they would help out with it if I decided to travel again they were all on board:).

    @trooworld - Daisy 😍😍😍 how can you stand all That cuteness!!!!

    I am not going to try to catch up with everybody, I did read through though and sure empathize with a lot of people!

    It was a week of Thanksgiving here, I did not do well:/. First I spent about four days cooking and baking, I did way too much tasting! Then I had two Thanksgiving dinners, went out to a dinner theatre with my friend, last night I went out to dinner with my daughter. I really went off-line and did not track, which never bodes well for me.
    I am back on track today, my house is cleaned up as is my pantry and fridge, all bad things are gone! I am starting on a new page today and ready to get back on track!
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 480 Member
    Username: laurelfit57
    Weigh In Day: Sunday
    PW: 145
    CW: 145
    Goal Wieght 135-140
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,011 Member
    @trooworld - we did not get a dog. :)

    @TeresaW1020 -"This trip is about letting go of the past without forgetting it and accepting a future that is unknown but filled with love and faith." This is soooo beautiful!

    @laurelfit57 - if you ate all those meals and did some tasting and stayed the same weight, I would call that a win!

    Happy Monday all-


  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,912 Member
    Congrats, team, for bringing home 2nd place for the week! And a special shout out to @19shmoo69 @megnolia82 for leading the way!

    @TeresaW1020 Your trip sounds so fun, I hope you enjoy it!

    @laurelfit57 Thank you!!! It's hard lol. That's a lot of cooking lol. Sounds like a lot of fun though. Way to go, getting back on track!

    @Cornanda Oh well, one can hope lol! I will look forward to that announcement when/if it happens. :D Happy Monday!

    Hi all. I had a nice lunch with my coworkers yesterday, I ordered a smoked brisket sandwich with a side salad. I didn't eat anything else yesterday except some berries and yogurt in the morning so I don't feel guilty about the sandwich.

    My Halloween Challenge goals report for yesterday:
    1) track 90% of what I eat every day - ✔
    2) drink 50 oz of water each day - ❌

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"
  • shaunarlr83
    shaunarlr83 Posts: 374 Member

    @Katmary71 - I’m sorry it took so long to start feeling better but do indeed hope it continually progresses. Yay for Bill being good to you! 🥰

    @Cornanda - Thank you! We were home all of 52 hours 😵‍💫 leg day was ALL hiit which I wasn’t quite prepared for but it felt good to get it done. I did chest and triceps early on yesterday and was able to go up in weights! Everything else got better was just insanely busy.

    @Trooworld - That’s the cutest costume!!! I brought along my Gracie’s bag of clothes and costumes. I’ll play dress up and post her picture later on this week!

    @Teresa - Safe travels. I hope y’all have an amazing time together!!
    🥂✨𝐻𝒶𝓅𝓅𝓎 𝒜𝓃𝓃𝒾𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓈𝒶𝓇𝓎✨🥂

    @laurelfit57 - I would trade losing a bit for a Fun filled week such as what you had!!! I hope you at least enjoyed yourself! I know how miserable it can feel after over indulging! Maybe tracking this week will help you feel better quickly!

    Things did get better on most levels. Aside from sleeping about 16 total hours, I was up moving and working the rest of the 52 hours I was home.

    My son thought he could sneak by without doing dishes again last time we were out. His girlfriend was there when we got home but I still made him get up and help me wash them up and told him how disrespectful it was for him to assume I would come home and wash them, as if I have nothing better to do with my time home. There was about 20 pieces that needed to soak and be scrubbed. I left the hard stuff for him to do on his own. Other than that the house was surprisingly clean so that’s a huge step towards progress!

    I was able to get in two workouts and go for an outside walk Saturday evening. Yesterday it was rainy so after I spent 6 hours cleaning and organizing the truck I tried to walk on the treadmill to hit my steps. I had slid on a hill in my yard and twisted wrong catching my balance so my back is a little tender.

    I cooked twice while home and did a small amount of food prep for the truck. Brought along a couple salads and still have some healthy snacks.

    We left late last night and are almost loaded in Texas. I didn’t help today bc of my back, also even though we have pulled this trailer we have now years ago, I don’t know how any of it works and this place has several guys standing around watching so I told him I didn’t want him to have to tell me everything to do while we had an audience. I am excited because it has a back and front “deck” so there should always be open space to get a workout in.

    For right now our plans are: Deliver in San Diego Thursday morning. Keep finger crossed there is a decent load go to Phoenix or Las Vegas that we can unload Friday, then we are renting a RV and planning on staying on our land through next Thursday. Of course any of this can change and probably will. I was slightly bummed that I had to tell him about his surprise concert tickets and even though he seemed excited I got them, he has pretty much said he won’t stress and rush to get back so we can go. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Oh well, I tried!

    I remembered the laptop so once we get settled out here I’ll update it and hopefully I can start posting pictures here in our group!!! I’m going to do my weigh in once we get to a place with more privacy, I’m not expecting much, I ate dinner at midnight last night and ate a ton, but I’m really starting to notice a change in my clothes and reflection in the mirror!!!

    My mom and daughter are both making me feel pretty guilty for being gone so much. I’m trying not to dwell on the negativity. Also not making any excuses or trying too hard to explain myself.

    🥳🥳🥳Shout out to all the amazing losses this week!!! 🥳🥳🥳
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 480 Member
    edited October 2022
    Username: laurelfit57
    Weigh In Day: Sunday
    PW: 145
    CW: 147.2
    Goal Wieght 135-140


    @Cornanda thanks for mentioning me, I made a mistake on my weekly weigh in. I actually gained about 2 lbs/week with all the cooking, tasting and eating😩

    Sorry, I guess I didn’t hit post on this yesterday
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 480 Member
    @trooworld your lunch sounds delightful! I don’t know about there, but brisket is all the rage here. I grew up on a farm where we raised our own cattle. Back in those days brisket was the last cut of meat that we would ever eat because it was so tough, no matter how my mom cooked it. We all laugh about how it is such a big deal here now!

    @shaunarir83 I don’t have any regrets about the last couple of weeks, I just know that this is something I am going to have to learn i.e. how to really enjoy my food during the holidays, but getting back on track immediately.
    How old is your son, if your house was clean except for the dirty dishes, you have definitely got him going in the right way, good job mom! be careful with that back, does it get aggravated when you sit in the truck for so long? It sounds like you have got quite the week of travel and fun planned, of course all while you are working. That was so nice to get those surprise tickets, sometimes life just gets in the way.

    I feel like I am back in control again. I hardly worked out over the last week and a half and that really makes a difference for me. I was able to get in a spin class this morning and planning on power barbell tomorrow. My food was totally on track today and I was even able to find some really good green grapes! Honestly our food supply with good fruit has been pitiful the last couple of years. Grapes are my favourite fruit and this is the first time I’ve found good ones in months and months. I think some of my weight gain has also been due to increase salt, holiday food and restaurant food are much saltier than I usually consume🤣
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,579 Member
    @trooworld You have an adorable bumblebee on your hands there, love it! That brisket sandwich sounds awesome!

    @19shmoo69 I know you can Darren, keep up the great work!

    Mission Slimpossibles coming in 2nd, woohoo! @megnolia82 @19shmoo69 @trooworld Way to go gang!

    @TeresaW1020 Your post was beautiful about accepting a future filled with love and faith, I hope you and Joe have a wonderful trip together.

    @Laurelfit57 It sounds like you had a lot of fun celebrating with loved ones even if you feel you were off-track, at least you made a lot of great memories. I know you'll do amazing getting back on track. I always say this but I think this is where we see the change in ourselves after holidays is getting back to it right away.

    @shaunarlr83 You sound super busy! I hope your back is better soon and I'm glad you're not focusing on negativity with your family. No one can make you feel more guilty than family! I hope the RV time is wonderful and you're both able to relax.

    Hi team! Have my house back to myself. I did okay with diet until today when Bill and I went to Trader Joe's and picked up some goodies so I definitely need to crack down tomorrow! We BBQed last night and hung out on the deck listening to music (pork loin, salad, potatoes, and wine). It's nice when it's finally fall here so sitting outside without sweating is possible. I'm going to try and go to the farm tomorrow. I haven't worked out for a week which is my longest since I cracked down here though I've been stretching. Not much else is new, thank goodness feeling a little better but not as much as I was hoping, I'll have to schedule some doctor's appointments to see about options. Have a great Tuesday everyone!
  • megnolia82
    megnolia82 Posts: 794 Member
    Weigh in October 16th - Sunday


    SW: 228
    PW: 215
    CW: 216.4

    Not where I hoped to be.
  • megnolia82
    megnolia82 Posts: 794 Member
    Hi everyone! So sorry for the missing posts last week. I am still recovering from covid, but I’m back at work with my mask, following our guidelines, but I’ve been absolutely exhausted so I really sucked at getting online. Sorry to miss you!

  • Tamevv
    Tamevv Posts: 331 Member
    Hi all. Tracked and drank. Was over budget yesterday but today is ongoing well so far. Busy busy last few days but still getting my exercise in and am on 66 days of meeting exercise goal. Upped my goal by 50cals yesterday.

    Great work team on the results this week, we are all awesome. Special yay for @megnolia82 @19shmoo69 @trooworld for being especially awesome 😁

    Thats all for now, Hope it’s a good week for all, Tam.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,912 Member
    @shaunarlr83 Thank you! I can't wait to see Gracie in her costumes!!! Oh gosh about the dishes. That would tick me off, too. That's good that the rest of the house was clean. I'm sorry about your back. How nice of you to get your DH surprise concert tickets. I hope you can go! Wave hi to me when you come through SD! That's great that you are noticing a change in your clothes and the way you look.

    @laurelfit57 It was! I am not usually one to order brisket even though as far as BBQ goes, it is popular here too. But something about BBQ brisket sounded good that day. Yeah I think they cook the heck out of that brisket because that was very tender lol. Yay for being back on track! I love grapes, too. Yes, I feel the same way about holiday and restaurant food. :)

    @Katmary71 Thank you! And the sandwich was delicious! That sounds nice to hang out on the deck with music and food. I'm glad you are starting to feel better.

    @megnolia82 Oh I'm sorry about you getting COVID. I've had it too, it really makes you tired! That's good you are back at work. Hugs.

    @Tamevv That's great you are having a good day and that you have been getting in your exercise.

    Hi all. I get so bored with breakfasts as I am not really a breakfast person but I need to eat because I am starving in the morning. I ate smoked salmon toast with cottage cheese and cucumbers on it yesterday, it was good but I need to switch it up today. I don't like sweet breakfasts, I don't like eggs, I sort of like oatmeal. See what I mean? Breakfast is a problem I'm always fighting. I know I could eat regular food but I don't want to have to make yet another meal. Maybe I will make a big pot of soup for next week, I could do that, just put soup in the crockpot.

    My Halloween Challenge goals report for yesterday:
    1) track 90% of what I eat every day - ✔
    2) drink 50 oz of water each day - ✔

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"
  • happysquidmuffin
    happysquidmuffin Posts: 651 Member
    Weigh in: Tuesday
    PW: 140
    CW: 136 new low!

    10/11: 14,440
    10/12: 17,442
    10/13: 11,487
    10/14: 6,325
    10/15: 13,389
    10/16: 10,711
    10/17: 5,579

    My October goals:
    1. 11K steps/day avg ✔️
    2. No after-dinner sugar binges! ✔️
    3. Don't let myself get thangry*! ✔️
    *Thirsty-angry aka dehydrated

    I had more on track days than not, so I’ll keep my check-marks. Pleased with my weight victory. 🎃
  • DrewsAnna
    DrewsAnna Posts: 311 Member
    Good morning y'all!!

    Birthday shenanigans are over, a lot of fun was had by all. I absolutely love my family & friends.

    Elton John rocked the house, he put on such a great show.

    Yesterday, I did a lot of laying around and napping. I needed some recovery.

    The scale definitely reflected lots of shenanigans so, I'm getting back on track today.

  • Tamevv
    Tamevv Posts: 331 Member
    @happysquidmuffin Many congratulations on e new weight low. That must be an awesome feeling - great work.

    @trooworld But breakfast is awesome!!! 😂. Haha, I can’t be any help here cause you already ruled out all my staple faves. Very interested to hear about what you come up with, but I’ll be honest and say the idea of slow cooked soup for breakfast makes me look like I just ate a lemon 😂.if it’s preparation you want to avoid I’d just go a protein bar or shake and be done with it 😊

    @DrewsAnna So glad to hear you had a great time, and that you got to rest after. Hope the week continues well for you.

    Morning everyone. It was hard getting up today and I don’t want to go to work. Am about to leave tho and have done my usual morning exercise plus a short jog in the park. Have been considering calling in sick today, but I just feel too guilty even thinking about it so am heading off now. Hope it’s a good day for everyone.
This discussion has been closed.