TEAM: The Big Butt Theory (March)



  • Tomsgal1985
    Tomsgal1985 Posts: 973 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: Β»
    Sunday, the 4th

    Logged, under, but no formal exercise. 7,261 steps doing stuff around the house.
    My husband was barbecuing steak for dinner, so I purposely ate very little up until then so I could enjoy as much as I wanted.
    My knee is feeling better, relatively speaking, but I am still not going to go for a walk. I will just try to accomplish things around the house to get my steps.

    So glad your knee is feeling better. I’m praying for you. πŸ™πŸ»
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    @Tomsgal1985 I am with you... my home is also never company ready! I have committed to a Father's Day BBQ at my house; The primary reason is to celebrate my dad, and my husband's dad. The secondary reason is to be forced to clean!

    The endocrinologist may or may not give you good news, but he will give you guidance and instructions for moving forward. Moving forward is always a good thing!

    Sorry that your older son is having some issues. It doesn't matter how old our children get, they are still our children and we worry, even if we can't physically help them. Well done on not reaching for the sugar.

    And I am hoping that your two pound loss on the scales this morning did give you a moment to smile! Well done!
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,706 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: Β»
    I have no News Feed this morning. Is that the same for everyone else?

    I just checked and no, I don't have it either. I wouldn't notice as a rule as my app opens to my diary and I rarely go the extra step to get to news feed. πŸ™ƒ
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,706 Member
    @gjaholy33 great job!

    @Tomsgal1985 good luck at the doctor.

    @HASWLRS nice weigh in, even after lunch!
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,706 Member
    At an office all hands, I ate my usual salad and grilled chicken πŸ— prior to coming so that I could avoid the pizza πŸ•. I succumbed to the chocolate chip cookie πŸͺ though. It'll be ok if I can keep it to just the one. 🀞
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,706 Member
    @HASWLRS Could you please keep your smoke up North? TYVM. πŸ˜‚. Outdoor events are cancelled here because the air is so smokey. Who knew that wildfires in Canada would affect the air in Southern Maryland? πŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ€”πŸ˜―. Guess I won't be going outside to work on my tan. 😞
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    @HASWLRS Could you please keep your smoke up North? TYVM. πŸ˜‚. Outdoor events are cancelled here because the air is so smokey. Who knew that wildfires in Canada would affect the air in Southern Maryland? πŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ€”πŸ˜―. Guess I won't be going outside to work on my tan. 😞

    Yeah, sorry about that. I was just watching the weather on the news and the radar shows that it is much, much worse where you are than where I am.
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,706 Member
    Hope everyone is doing well out there! Hope @brandi_84 hiccups went away and that @sandkp back gets better quickly. Stay healthy everyone and stay indoors if the air quality is bad where you are. We can always break these back out 😷 πŸ˜‚
  • therealbluenote
    therealbluenote Posts: 1,413 Member
    I have had hiccups all day long, since I woke up this morning. It's driving me mad.It's been really hard because I keep wanting to take a drink of soda or eat a cracker or anything to try to get them to go away. But I know I can't just be putting food in my mouth. So I just keep chugging water.
    I believe hiccups are contagious. So I have an aversion to being around anyone with hiccups. My proof is that my dog has also has had the hiccups all day.
    Sorry for the silly rant - it's just so annoying and hurts so dang bad.

    Hiccups are caused by your diaphragm having spasms. The best way to get rid of them (for a non-singer, more on this later) is to lie on your back and breathe deeply. This position on your back will automatically engage the diaphragm. Your stomach will look like it’s lifting. Breathe deeply and then hold your breathe while your stomach is raised to stretch the diaphragm muscle. Hold it as long as you can then release your breath slowly. Do this as many times as needed until the hiccups subside!

    Singers use their diaphragm muscle to expand their breath capacity, so we can be upright and stop the hiccups. But sometimes people who are not used to breathing deeply and activating their diaphragm can get dizzy at first, which is one reason I suggest lying down. Plus when lying down you automatically engage the diaphragm and stop using your shoulders and chest to try to breathe deeply. 😊
  • brandi_84
    brandi_84 Posts: 1,963 Member
    Thank you so much for the advice. I get hiccups all the time. I will definatly do this from now on.
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,706 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Wednesday 7 June
    Track: yes
    Under: yes, even after my cookie :-)
    Exercise yes

    So Happy It's Thursday!! B)
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Wednesday 7 June
    Track: yes
    Under: yes, even after my cookie :-)
    Exercise yes

    So Happy It's Thursday!! B)

    Guess you CAN have your cookie and eat it, too! Well done!
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,706 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: Β»
    Good morning everyone!

    Wednesday 7 June
    Track: yes
    Under: yes, even after my cookie :-)
    Exercise yes

    So Happy It's Thursday!! B)

    Guess you CAN have your cookie and eat it, too! Well done!

    The key is to stop at one, I had to sit across the conference room from the table. :D It's all about coping strategies. I buy bags of fun size M&Ms and eat one everyday...occasionally two. LOL But even two fun size servings is better than opening a bigger bag and eating half. Two things I won't give up, flavored coffee creamer and chocolate (sometimes in the form of a CC cookie), so I find ways to work them into my allowance.
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Absolutely, if there are foods that would make us feel deprived if we cut them out completely, and we can eat them in moderation, we need to find a way to fit them into our budget. I am actually surprised at how well I am doing without chocolate. Since May 1st, I had chocolate at a bridal shower on the 21st, and I bought a chocolate bar on the 25th when I learned of a very sad death. I have had maybe a couple of bowls of Cocoa and Sea Salt Quaker Instant Oatmeal, but I am rationing that box, because I haven’t seen it in the stores in weeks!! (Is this something you can get in the States, because if so, I may need to hire one of you to ship me a box!). I believe I am getting my sweet fix from other instant oatmeal flavours, unsweetened applesauce with cinnamon or vanilla yogurt and berries. And I just bought some local strawberries yesterday. Maybe I am appreciating these choices more because they do not have to compete with chocolate as there is no chocolate in the house!
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,706 Member
    @HASWLRS I haven't seen that flavor but will certainly look when I am in the store next. :smile:

    So...a severe thunderstorm - with hail - popped up to ruin my lunchtime walk today. :( I suppose it can be a good thing if it clears the smoke from the air. Gotta think positive..
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    @HASWLRS I haven't seen that flavor but will certainly look when I am in the store next. :smile:

    So...a severe thunderstorm - with hail - popped up to ruin my lunchtime walk today. :( I suppose it can be a good thing if it clears the smoke from the air. Gotta think positive..

    @DaffyGirl88 Mother Nature has been a real b-word lately! We need the rain desperately, but not with a side helping of hail!!
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,706 Member
    Thursday 8 June
    Track: yes
    Under: yes
    Exercise: yes

    Weigh in
    PW: 147.8
    CW: 146.6

    Now comes the hard part, getting through the weekend without gaining it back. πŸ™ƒ. The sun 🌞 is shining this morning so that's a plus. Have a great Friday everyone!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    @DaffyGirl88 You have had a great week....well done on the scales! We did not get any rain yesterday, although it looked like it for most of the afternoon. I decided to wash the windows and doors along the back of the house, under the covered porch. I also swept up all the dead flowers that fall from my Blue Angels. My husband noticed right away that I had swept but he didn't notice the windows. Maybe they bugged me more than they bugged him? I still haven't told him; I am waiting to see how long it takes him!
  • chloeguo
    chloeguo Posts: 235 Member
    Tuesday 6/6
    PW 126
    CW 128
  • sandkp
    sandkp Posts: 669 Member
    I know I haven't logged a weigh in in a while. But I do weigh every day. The scale and app spoiled me to "just log later" which hasnt happened. Starting off June with a bit late but still wk 1 weigh in.

    WEIGH IN Wednesdays
    Username: sandkp
    June week 1
    startingW: 225.4
    HighestW: 226.0
    PW: 219
    CW: 216.0

    Since I am spending the night sitting with mom at the ER I have had down time when she naps and caught up on my logging of my weight. Good news.. while we have been here since 930
    mom is okay from her fall - all scans are good. bad news we got that good news about 2am but have to wait on transport back to nursing home so probably be here all night as they expect a morning transport. Been a while since mom and I pulled an all nighter πŸ˜… finding the good where I can.

    Other good/bad news... hurt my back early this week/last weekend... stopped and rested for days and it finally felt better yesterday. Guess whose back is killing her after leaning over this bed keeping her hands from pulling iv and other things out all night?? Guessing I am going to grad parties with no sleep and looking and moving like I am older than dirt tomorrow.