WaistAways Team Chat - JULY 2024



  • smcewen99
    smcewen99 Posts: 27 Member
    lauren_989 wrote: »
    PW: 210.2
    CW: 212.0

    I hate starting the month off in the red. Although on a positive note, I only gained 2 pounds while I was in RI and MA which is better for me than in the past. I was tracking and exercising and hoping for a loss though. Here is to a green week next week!

    Well it's 3:30am and I can't sleep. Too much going on in my brain and stressing over things I can't control. Time to try some deep breathing and hope for maybe 2 more hours of sleep before work?

    @Lyss983 I know what you mean about steps. It is interesting though, because 10,000 steps was an arbitrary number someone came up with. I read that you should aim for 3,000-4,000 steps above what you would normally walk in a day if you weren't doing anything extra. So your normal stuff around the house, work, etc. I will have to find that article and share it!

    @smcewen99 ohhh non scale goals is a great question!! I have an exercise one which is to jog a 5k in less than 30 minutes (don't ask how that one is going). My husband likes to go by his belt holes and get to the next one down. He about needs to buy a new belt! I also have a health one to keep my blood pressure down. It had gone up at one point and I thought I was going to need to go on

    medication at 37 years old! 🙈

    Good insight @lauren_989 ! I love the belt loop idea. I find reading is a big help when dealing with stress and / or journaling.

    The secret to increasing your speed ( running) is hill work and sprints ( to increase your anaerobic threshold) some races provide pace bunnies to help crush your goals. A sub 30 min 5 km is a great goal. Do u use a smart watch? I find number goals fascinating - resting heart rate- average speed ( bike) - laps - I try not to compare past results to my current 3.0 journey. - insert Bon Jovi song here…..

    May your week ahead be lighter. Be kind to yourself.
  • Gidgitgoescrzy
    Gidgitgoescrzy Posts: 229 Member
    edited July 3
    PW 142.2
    CW 142.8

    I knew it was going to happen, I swear, I think I finally have myself figured out... the more I exercise the more I roller coaster, but the lows are getting lower, even though there seems to be a rise every other week, so I will just go with it.

    I did my squats, arms and Pilates last night. I watched a video on how to properly do a glute bridge this morning, I need to work on that, I'm not sure my form is great.

    Now the hard part, I have a 4 day weekend, tomorrow is a pool day, and then maybe fireworks in the evening. We have a great display, and event within walking distance from us. So that's always an option depending on how we feel after the pool, they are calling for light showers, but they will go on anyway. The biggest issue I have there, is it's a lot of people which brings out my anxiety, which pulls me towards that funnel cake, and having a drink.
    I would like to get an early morning of kayaking in one day, and another pool day. We don't' really have any plans made with friends, and I am okay with that, I really need to find some friends whose get togethers don't focus on food and alcohol (mainly alcohol). We may take pickle ball lessons on Sunday morning, but we've already signed up for these classes twice and didn't make it, so I'm not signing up until last minute. The pool we belong too has pickle ball, tennis and some other kind of tennis year round, and it's free since we are members, but before we can reserve the courts we have to take a class, which is kinda silly, but okay...

    Food, I kind of have planned, I will make pulled pork tomorrow, I use a pork loin, so it's less fatty. I am also going to make some cole slaw, that is all I have planned, my husband will eat that all weekend, so it's more for me not to have to make a meal every 3 hours, haaaa haaa

    I do have some goals, one of which is to clean out the cabinet in the kitchen, it's so cluttered, and needs some organization. We deep cleaned most of the house last weekend, so I wouldn't have to worry about it much this weekend, so I'm thankful for that, but that cabinet, and the stove needs to be done, so I will knock that out.
    Other than that, it's going to be making sure I get my exercises done, I didn't get a lot done this week, so I still need to do 2 videos and 1 Pilates, along with my daily stuff.

    I will check in this weekend, 4 days is too long to go without being accountable, so it will be short because I dislike posting from my phone, but I'm gonna do it! :smiley:

    Have a wonderful day !
  • cleaneater80
    cleaneater80 Posts: 445 Member
    edited July 3
    @smcewen99 I have lots of non weight goals - Keep up with my daughter to be able to bike, play do activities. I see my aunts who are all overweight struggle now with their health and that keeps me motivated at times to make healthy decision.

    @Lyss983 I notice a big difference in my steps when I work from home vs going in the office. I try to get out for a lunch walk on these days to get more steps in.

    @lauren_989 don't beat yourself up. You did everything you could that was in your control at the time. Hope you get your water and toilet back up and running.

    @Gidgitgoescrzy enjoy your days off but not too much. I agree food and drinking is such a culture of socializing. Maybe find other things to focus on besides food?

    Got my workout in early as I'm adjusting to working and having my daughter off from school. Keeping her occupied this week and working from home is a juggling act. Next week she's at a day camp and my time can be more focused.
  • Lyss983
    Lyss983 Posts: 35 Member
    Today's workout made me laugh. I decided to do a Get Fit with Rick walking workout. Since I was feeling kind of bored, I opted to do the workout at 1.25x speed. Since I picked the Tina Turner workout, it got really interesting when I hit the faster part of Proud Mary! :D
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 712 Member
    @smcewen99 I have a fitbit that I wear for steps, heart rate, and sleep tracking. I use the app map my walk to calculate my distance and speed for my walks/jogs. I had been doing the couch to 5k app, but I kinda slacked off on that which is why my goal is not getting any closer. I should have clarified, a sub 30 min 5k is my end-ish goal...running a 5k without stopping is my first goal 😂 I like the ideas about speed sessions and hills though.

    @Gidgitgoescrzy I tend to see that happen on the scale, where I will have a loss one week and then gain or barely lose the next. Enjoy your 4 day weekend andnI hope you can get some extra movement in! 🚣🏼‍♀️

    @Lyss983 great job getting the workout in today!

    Well I have tomorrow off thank goodness and will hopefully catch up on sleep tonight. We have a plumber coming Friday to fix our issues, my husband finally agreed and I am so thankful because he is not a DIY person.

    I went to body pump this afternoon and am pleasantly sore from all the squatting and bending and wrenching I did yesterday in the bathroom. We are going to grill out at the inlaws tomorrow night and hopefully catch some fire works. 🎆
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,231 Member
    What a whirlwind! Broken toilets, some great exercise plans and executions (I'm not sure that sounds quite right, but I'm leaving it!), holiday food, scary gettogethers, and a kayak. But @Lyss983 - Tina Turner at 1.25x speed cracked me up proper!

    I am drooping tonight after a LOT of heavy garden work involving wheelbarrows, rakes, pitchforks, full watering containers, and then a lot of horse work with lunging and riding the 1000 pound bundle of energy - I will sleep well tonight!

    @lauren_989 I hope the toilet woes won't keep you awake tonight. You need some good sleep :sweat_smile:

    @smcewen99 Your number tracking is great. How about the number of inches between your body and the waistband of your largest pair of trousers? That will keep getting higher and higher and is a good photo op too - the series of pictures of you in the literal big-boy pants could be pretty good for both pride and smiles. Of course, you might have been inspired and thrown away all your biggest clothes :smiley:
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,197 Member
    Username ashleycarole86
    Thursday weigh in

    PW 255
    CW 251.4

    My turn now to wish all our lovely Americans a Happy Independence Day!

    @lauren_989 ugh sorry to hear about the soul crushing stress... I hate that feeling. Hoping you can sort out some of the things on your mind.

    @MaddawgMadsen my husband got us pickleball paddles for Christmas..just need to get out there now to try

    @strong_fit_ells You bet you can rejoin the step team and @StayFITTer I'll take you off in July and you can let me know when in the future at all you want to rejoin
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 712 Member
    Happy 4th of July! I hope everyone has a wonderful day!
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 712 Member
    Weigh in Reminder due through today!

    Great loss this week @ashleycarole86
  • EvMakesChanges
    EvMakesChanges Posts: 556 Member
    CW: 184.8
    Sorry to be late on my weigh in. It’s a drag that it’s gone up again. I’m feeling bloated and tired of seeing that lower abdomen “pannus”. I need better sleep and more frequent exercise sessions during the work day. I’ll let you know what I come up with!
    Have a great rest of the week. More soon.
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 712 Member
  • Ruth_2024
    Ruth_2024 Posts: 14 Member
    PW: 221.2
    CW: 222.8

    Oof. Husband wanted nachos with allll the toppings for his birthday dinner, and I ate way too much of those plus everything else this week. At least he didn't want a birthday cake. I redeemed myself a little yesterday by trying this creamsicle smoothie bowl for a cold treat. https://thehintofrosemary.com/creamsicle-smoothie-bowl/ It was good, but the pineapple really dominated the flavor. I think next time I make it I'll either use all oranges, or lean into the tropical pineapple flavor and add some coconut. The recipe says it's one serving, but that would be a huge serving - think it made about 3 cups.

    I've started walking 3x/week, but I'm skipping today. Too hot, and super hazy and humid. Anyway, started by trying to go for a 20 minute walk a couple months ago and was only able to do 10. I was horribly discouraged by that so I didn't try again until the beginning of June. Since then I've been walking MWF and have increased to 30 minutes as of this week. I've been exploring the world of zero drop and barefoot shoes for a few months now, and I'm really really surpised my feet seem to like them. I've spent decades believing that rigid heavily cushioned shoes were the answer to recurring plantar fasciitis.

    Anyone have book recommendations for fitness/strength/mobility? I have some amazon ebook credit to use up. I was looking at the women's version of "Younger Next Year", but I'm a bit put off by some reviews that make the author sound pretty sexist. "Built to Move" is another one I've been eyeing.
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 630 Member
    @lauren_989 can I be excused this week? Went out of town for the holiday and totally forgot my scale!!

    Behind on posts as well, but hope those in the US had a good 4th celebration!

    I'm Kay, 29, living in Boston and working in finance. Struggling immensely recently with binge eating after work, and sticking to the things that I meal prep. I like home workouts, and I host dance cardio in person and virtually for a few of my girlfriends each week. Really hoping I can make some progress the rest of the summer - I have been stuck in the 254-260 lb range for about 4 months now which is so frustrating. I'm also dealing with an ongoing issue in my feet, akin to tendonitis, and I am seeing a new doctor on Tuesday to hopefully, finally, get a real plan to fix that problem.
  • cleaneater80
    cleaneater80 Posts: 445 Member
    @ashleycarole86 nice loss this week

    smcewen99 sounds like a decent lunch when you are on the go. I also love the half size me podcast so much good takeaways.

    @Ruth_2024 that smoothy looks delicious. I'll have to try it soon

    Happy Friday. The weather will be hot around here and I can't wait for it to finally feel like summer. Have a birthday party tomorrow for a friend and some family time. Looking back at this week I'm patting myself on the back because i got my workouts in and limited my night snacking. I wake up feeling so much better and seem to have more energy. Have a great weekend.
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,588 Member
    Hi everyone, I am Chelsey and I live in Rhode Island. My husband and I have a dog who we spoil every chance we can. I’ve been successful with weight loss in the past, going from my highest of over 220lbs to my lowest of 163lbs and I remind myself it’s about consistency.

    In June, I started to see a downward trend in my weight again, likely due to being more mindful about weekends. It was also my birthday and my husband’s, so we did have a fun time celebrating with friends and good food.

    Since I have been tracking for over a year now, as well as seeing a dietician, my doctor prescribed me weight loss medication to help since I’ve been losing and gaining the same 5-10lbs. The medicine I have speeds up your metabolism and is supposed to be used in partnership with exercise. I’ve only been on it for two days, but so far so good.

    I am also onto Tier 3 of Sydney’s Summertime Fine workout program for this year and I have loved it so far. It’s really motivating to see that weights I used to think are challenging for even a few reps, I can now do for multiple sets. This morning was a body weight abs and cardio burner and it was awesome!

    Also, I continue to do spin classes and yoga classes on the weekends for a total of 5 workouts per week.

    PW: 196.8 lb
    CW: 195.8 lb
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,296 Member
    @wishfuljune Wow! Your workouts are impressive! Way to go.

    Like many of you also experienced, it’s been crazy hot around here. It’s the high dew point that makes it so bad. Pretty oppressive.

    We had a good dinner here last night. Typical 4th of July menu, but did not over eat. I did have a couple glasses of champagne though. Got my steps in between a parade and fireworks.

    I was just hungry for something to eat. Opted for a cup of cherries. Proud of that choice.

    I am going to hold off until tomorrow to post my weight. See what happens.

  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 712 Member
    @Ruth_2024 that smoothie bowl looks delicious! I am going to have to try it! I liked the book "Strong Curves: A Woman's Guide to Building a Better Butt and Body." It has great weight lifting plans and goes from beginner to medium to advanced.

    @Kali225 I have you excused. Have a great trip!

    @micki48 great job having a cup of cherries! I had some delicious watermelon yesterday that tasted super fresh and full of flavor.

    Yesterday, I enjoyed a BBQ at my in-laws and then we went and watched fireworks at a nearby park. It was a great show! Luckily, we didn't hit too much traffic leaving and were one of the first few people out of the park. I did over eat slightly, but will not let that de-rail me the rest of the week. Every time I go to visit my MIL, she is always offering me desserts, saying it's just one, it's not that bad...it's a holiday... :#

    I am now just waiting for the thunder to stop, so hopefully I can get a short walk in tonight. It was a very muggy and hot day, it was 98F with a feel like temperature of 111F. I am looking forward to this weekend and getting sleep. I know I wanted to focus this month on just my calories and steps, but I may need to add sleep to my focus as well. I have been very tired recently and been on my phone doom scrolling again when I should be sleeping.