WaistAways Team Chat - JULY 2024



  • StayFITTer
    StayFITTer Posts: 850 Member
    Weigh In Day: MONDAY
    PW (Previous Weight): 165.4
    CW (Current Weight): 164.0

    I’m hoping the weight-loss will stick this time! I’m gearing up for a new round of Summer 5% challenge. I’m currently in the midst of a Belly Fat Challenge and I got included on a few Stridekick challenges that has really stretched me to the point I’m trying to average 109 minute of exercise a day and do at least 15,000 steps for 20 days this month. Been incorporating more strength and stretching and trying to stay on top of my water intake.

    Logging food consistently again and mindful eating practices is the next block to tackle. I’ve been pleased with the steps I’m taking to prioritize my emotional and spiritual wellness too.

    Found a devotional called 40 days of Love on the YouVersion App. I joined a HEAL cohort to address some limiting beliefs, listening to an interesting audio book called Never Go Back by Henry Cloud, and trying to make sure I make just as much space and time for praying and journaling and not just all the inputs all the time.

    Congrats to all the people who placed and got in the green last week.

    Be encouraged everyone.

    Rooting for us all ❤️🙌🏾

  • smcewen99
    smcewen99 Posts: 46 Member
    We are shadows of our former self, wiser, stronger and resilient 3yiddmu08wqc.jpeg
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,187 Member
    @Heathere244 I like your goals for this week! Especially logging in here more frequently 😜 Trying to find healthier options for food helps me. I tried p2b and think it tastes pretty good (I love peanut butter) and is a lower calorie alternative.

    @strong_fit_ells I'm glad you are starting to feel better! It sounds like covid hit hard.

    @Gidgitgoescrzy I am barely on social media anymore. I use this app, but that's about it. I agree that there isn't too much good on there (except for pictures from my family). Also, I love your 4 townhouses distance. I can picture that, but if you gave me a number, I would be scratching my head.

    @wishfuljune I am going to have to look into that movie! I haven't heard of it. I am very boring with breakfast, because I don't like cereal or oatmeal. I alternate between scrammbled eggs with peppers and onions, and kodiak (protein) pancakes. The week days depend how early I wake up 😂

    @MaddawgMadsen I LOVE peaches! I am going to look at that recipe.

    @ashleycarole86 great job riding your bike 45km!! Enjoy your vacation!

    I had a good few days. I got back to exercising and working in the yard. I ate within range the past two days after being sick and barely eating. I'm relaxing this evening and watching the 1% club before bed. Have a great evening everyone!
  • ineego
    ineego Posts: 19 Member
    How do the support groups work? I may need a nudge! I will weigh in tomorrow... It is already going to be a a stressy day teaching an on line course, then off to oncologist apt...yuck!
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,187 Member
    PW: 214.8
    CW: 214.2

    Ready for a good 1/2 day at work and then figuring out what needs to be done next at the house. Have been having fun pressure washing, I know there is some weeding waiting for me too!
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,187 Member
    ineego wrote: »
    How do the support groups work? I may need a nudge! I will weigh in tomorrow... It is already going to be a a stressy day teaching an on line course, then off to oncologist apt...yuck!

    If you need a nudge and are weighing weekly, then you may want to stay on the regular team. The support team is if you need a break, or are on vacation for a month. You are not required to weigh in weekly, but you can while on support. You are still encouraged to chat with the group.
  • smcewen99
    smcewen99 Posts: 46 Member
    I did not do well this week. I struggle to eat healthy. I will keep trying though.

    PW 178.3
    CW 180.1

    Sun 18597
    Mon 10880
    Tues 13318
    Wed 4378
    Thurs 11374
    Fri 12556
    Sat 6920

    Goals are getting 12000 steps daily.
    Strength training
    Logging into the group more often.
    Finding healthy foods and portion sizes

    @heather244 - awesome step count - good luck this week
  • smcewen99
    smcewen99 Posts: 46 Member
    StayFITTer wrote: »
    Weigh In Day: MONDAY
    PW (Previous Weight): 165.4
    CW (Current Weight): 164.0

    I’m hoping the weight-loss will stick this time! I’m gearing up for a new round of Summer 5% challenge. I’m currently in the midst of a Belly Fat Challenge and I got included on a few Stridekick challenges that has really stretched me to the point I’m trying to average 109 minute of exercise a day and do at least 15,000 steps for 20 days this month. Been incorporating more strength and stretching and trying to stay on top of my water intake.

    Logging food consistently again and mindful eating practices is the next block to tackle. I’ve been pleased with the steps I’m taking to prioritize my emotional and spiritual wellness too.

    Found a devotional called 40 days of Love on the YouVersion App. I joined a HEAL cohort to address some limiting beliefs, listening to an interesting audio book called Never Go Back by Henry Cloud, and trying to make sure I make just as much space and time for praying and journaling and not just all the inputs all the time.

    Congrats to all the people who placed and got in the green last week.

    Be encouraged everyone.

    Rooting for us all ❤️🙌🏾

    @StayFITTer - good plan - journaling is great way to capture your thoughts and reflect on your success + lessons learned
  • cleaneater80
    cleaneater80 Posts: 462 Member
    edited July 16
    lauren_989 @strong_fit_ells - glad to hear you are feeling better. Nice job losing @strong_fit_ells

    @Gidgitgoescrzy I've had to disconnect from social media since the newyear and find I'm not using it as a self soothing and detachment tool. I also know my actions are influencing my daughter and keep off it. Find I'm not missing much anyway.

    @ashleycarole86 enjoy BC

    StayFITTer - great loss

    PW- 166.8
    CS - 165.2

    So many great breakfast ideas, I will try working more of our seasonal fruit in mine. Overnight oats in the summer is something I don't do often but make a few in advanced this week.
    Calgary Stampede was great and got to spend some time with my favorite aunt who lives close by. Was a busy and hot weekend but loved it. It was my daughter and husbands first time seeing the Chuckwagons and they were thrilled.

    Back to a good workout yesterday and today getting the dog for an early walk. There is a heat warning all week and my poor German Shephard is not enjoying this weather.

    What are your tips for staying cool in the summer? I found cooling towels on Amazon and was surprised how week they work
  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 305 Member
    @cleaneater80 - When my husband and I were first engaged, we lived in a third story apartment of a three story building. Window AC units were not allowed and we couldn't afford a portable AC. So, we built a swamp cooler using a foam cooler, a fan, and ice. When that wasn't working well enough, we would go to the nearby department store where we could do some wine & beer tastings, and then take our sweet time walking around. It was the only way we could stay cool!

    @lauren_989 - I am glad you are feeling better! Nice work staying within your calorie range especially after a few days of little eating.

    I got to play pickleball last night and it was lovely. I had a crown replaced this morning and a school board meeting tonight, so no exercise today.

    Oh! The camping I did this last weekend with Sisters on the Fly (SOTF) was so fun and in a beautiful location!

  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,187 Member
    @cleaneater80 my tip for staying cool is central air and ice water. If it's too hot out, I tend to go to the gym and exercise. I try to get any outdoor work done in the morning or late evening. It's been super hot here in the high 90s with feel like temps in the 110s. But it's supposed to start cooling down some which is awesome!

    @MaddawgMadsen that is a beautiful picture!

    I had a lazy day today. I didn't do any extra steps or exercise and I enjoyed it! Somehow, I did get 9 exercise mintutes, but that may have been me walking to the car after being in the self check out lane and realized I forgot my wallet in the car. Bonus points to parking in the back of the lot for a few extra steps!

    Tomorrow, I have a full day at work and then going to my book club. I am going to set my alarm to wake up early to exercise, but it doesn't usually happen. I prefer exercising in the evenings and sleeping until the very last minute I can still get to work sort of on time 😂
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,601 Member
    @cleaneater80 - We have central air in our house that we had installed last year after a summer of window units. It’s the best decision we made to stay cool. I’ve been taking my dog for walks in the mornings on the hot days so that he can get some exercise in during a cooler time of the day. Also, my workouts are in the mornings too before the busy days begin. And water! Stay hydrated as best you can on hot days - it really helps.

    @MaddawgMadsen - What a great photo! Sounds like you had a great time camping!

    Monday and Tuesday’s workouts were challenging, but in a good way. Yesterday, I did plyometrics and abs, and I really surprised myself by not needing to do too many modifications or slow down. I’m definitely feeling it today though in my abs! Today’s workout is a shoulder and glute workout, and then tomorrow is my rest day. I weigh myself daily and I am seeing a good trend so far this week, so we’ll see what Friday’s will be!
  • Gidgitgoescrzy
    Gidgitgoescrzy Posts: 272 Member
    PW 144.4
    CW 143.2

    Okay I am so over this roller coaster, I think I have been stuck in this range since the end of May, and as much as I am happy with where I am, I want to be under 140. Technically until I get to under 141, I am still considered overweight, I know it doesn't matter and the whole BMI thing is stupid, but dang it, I am getting in the healthy range...

    I need to start focusing on food. I know I can eat more, and exercise, so I don't think I will have a problem in maintenance, but the getting there for me, takes a lot of discipline, and if I exercise a lot, I tend to say, but I need this extra food, I worked out. So that is my goal.

    Who knows I might change my mind next week.

  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 674 Member
    @lauren_989 I am so deliquent!! So sorry. This month is completely getting away from me. You can also tell by this weigh-in! Ugh

    CW: 261.6
  • EvMakesChanges
    EvMakesChanges Posts: 566 Member
    lauren_989 wrote: »
    CW: 183.6
    Hi y’all! I guess being in pain from bilateral ear infections has one benefit - no desire to be anywhere near others or eating out at all!
    This week I started a “carb cycling” hormone adjusting plan. I’ll let you know how it goes!
    More soon-I’m ready for bed-almost. Got to make my Caesar Broccoli salad with hard boiled eggs for lunch tomorrow. I’ve also tried the recipe with tuna instead of eggs, which is lovely!
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,187 Member
    It's been a long day, plus some not so good eating over here. Full day at work, plus a lunch meeting, plus training someone, then rushing home and made mac and cheese for my book club, then went to book club. Needless to say I am in bed now!

    Overall, eating wasn't terrible, ate around maintenenance today which is actually a celebration! There was lots of yummy food tonight, but I stuck to small portions and didn't go back for seconds!

    @EvMakesChanges I want to hear more about your carb cycling plan!

    @Gidgitgoescrzy I tend to get hungrier during the day if I do a lot of cardio. I have found though, since switching to exercising in the evenings, I don't get as hungry!
  • strong_fit_ells
    strong_fit_ells Posts: 141 Member
    Good morning Waistaways!


    My steps last week :smiley:

  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 305 Member
    edited July 18
    PW: 177.2
    CW: 177.8

    I thought I was doing well this week, but that's not what the scale says. I've been trying to log my food using the online portal, but I keep getting the "page not found" when I try to look up new food. I've even tried using other browsers, but none seem to work. Luckily, the app on my phone still works. I just hate how much longer it takes to log everything on the phone, so I haven't been doing it. Oh well. I will start logging everything this week, even if I have to use the phone to do it.

This discussion has been closed.