Shape Shifters Team Chat - JULY 2024



  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,979 Member
    @lolakinks Spend some time reading the posts in this forum. There is just a TON of useful information here!!
  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,416 Member
    7/27 5,762
    7/28 3,383
    7/29 4,772
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,839 Member
    Daily step goal: 10,000
    Sun 7/28: 10,247
    Mon 7/29: 10,770
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,776 Member
    New group chat is open ...Please head on over and reintroduce yourself. But keep weighing in here for July
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,916 Member
    Good morning Shape Shifters. Here is my tiny recap for Tuesday. Have a lovely day everyone. <3
    [ Sleep ] 8h 40m ~ 81 score
    [ Movement ] 40 mininute walk at home -> this one
    [ Food ] Pretty decent. It was hot, so I got a big box of strawberries.
    [ Steps ] 17.279
  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,416 Member
    7/30 7,009
  • ganival
    ganival Posts: 128 Member
    lolakinks wrote: »
    Dear @Pupowl @PatriceFitnessPal and @DaffyGirl88 thank you very much for support! I appreciate it! Actually I aimed for small loses first my first goal was losing 3 kg (6.6 lbs) then lose 4 kg (8.8 lbs), and I don’t have a diet mentality rather controlling my portions but still eating everything and calorie deficit. I try to enjoy my life rather than changing what I eat strictly. However seeing that it doesn’t work is frustrating. I will back to gym these days actually I stopped going gym like last two months. It may help. But I am a bit angry to my body, I don’t feel motivated enough to portion control and calorie counting. Because it requires an active effort, all day. It’s tiring, mentally. As you suggested I will read the forum and try to motivate myself again. Thank you very much for all suggestions!

    i can def relate to the tiring and mental active effort you spoke of. i'm on day 51 of tracking/logging my foods in MFP and it's exhausting! plus add the fact that i'm weighing certain things as well, mostly if i'm eating rice or pasta. at this stage i'm trying to ask myself what aspects of this can i adopt as a lifestyle change and is there anything about this that i find enjoyable?

    i've been hearing this term "food noise" alot more and i think it relates to signals we get - from TV commercials, social media, flyers showing up at my door and what's calling to me from my cupboard. i no longer bring certain foods home to reduce some of that noise around me. while i'd like to imagine a world where i can have cheezits in the cupboard and maintain weight or loss, that's just not in it for me I've discovered. i'll eventually stop food logging and tracking, but the noise thing will be a lifestyle change. i've also unfollowed a lot of food blogger accounts in my town and replaced them with runners and exercise accounts.

    there are the short term behaviour changes like calorie deficits or extra exercise - so to everyone, what is a lifestyle change you'd like to adopt?
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,839 Member
    ganival wrote: »
    lolakinks wrote: »
    Dear @Pupowl @PatriceFitnessPal and @DaffyGirl88 thank you very much for support! I appreciate it! Actually I aimed for small loses first my first goal was losing 3 kg (6.6 lbs) then lose 4 kg (8.8 lbs), and I don’t have a diet mentality rather controlling my portions but still eating everything and calorie deficit. I try to enjoy my life rather than changing what I eat strictly. However seeing that it doesn’t work is frustrating. I will back to gym these days actually I stopped going gym like last two months. It may help. But I am a bit angry to my body, I don’t feel motivated enough to portion control and calorie counting. Because it requires an active effort, all day. It’s tiring, mentally. As you suggested I will read the forum and try to motivate myself again. Thank you very much for all suggestions!

    i can def relate to the tiring and mental active effort you spoke of. i'm on day 51 of tracking/logging my foods in MFP and it's exhausting! plus add the fact that i'm weighing certain things as well, mostly if i'm eating rice or pasta. at this stage i'm trying to ask myself what aspects of this can i adopt as a lifestyle change and is there anything about this that i find enjoyable?

    i've been hearing this term "food noise" alot more and i think it relates to signals we get - from TV commercials, social media, flyers showing up at my door and what's calling to me from my cupboard. i no longer bring certain foods home to reduce some of that noise around me. while i'd like to imagine a world where i can have cheezits in the cupboard and maintain weight or loss, that's just not in it for me I've discovered. i'll eventually stop food logging and tracking, but the noise thing will be a lifestyle change. i've also unfollowed a lot of food blogger accounts in my town and replaced them with runners and exercise accounts.

    there are the short term behaviour changes like calorie deficits or extra exercise - so to everyone, what is a lifestyle change you'd like to adopt?
    A few lifestyle changes I'd like to adopt are:
    • eating mindfully: savoring every bite, knowing it's nutritional value
    • eating (and enjoying) more healthy foods
    • eating frugally and prudently five/six days a week, with one day to indulge
    • doing tai chi daily
    • playing the guitar daily
    • gardening now and then
    • riding a bike on many occasions, like going to the gym or to the market
    • going on nature walks and bike rides on a regular basis

  • looneycatblue
    looneycatblue Posts: 1,465 Member
    Steps 🚶‍♀️
    Sun 7/28 8,451
    Mon 7/29 7,427
    Tue 7/30 10,081

    I truly don't know how some of you get 15k+ daily steps in! I have to really push and do some house stepping to get up to 10k!
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,436 Member
    @Franwbrown - I am so impressed with the handmade guitar and it’s great that you’re playing regularly. My son is teaching me but I haven’t practiced enough so I’m only improving at a snail’s pace — but I am improving! Best wishes in building your daily habit. I’d like to play each evening as a wind down from the day.

    @LauriWrobo - Congratulations on your progress!

    @DaffyGirl88 — Thanks for the link to all those inspiring “must read” posts! I wholeheartedly agree that we tend to overestimate our exercise calories burned while underestimating the energy calories consumed. I don’t measure and weigh everything but I try to pick the higher calorie estimates when tracking food. My new Garmin watch is helping me estimate the exercise calories better. I was somewhat disappointed to see the lower estimate of calories burned compared to MFP exercise information but I hope I’m getting more accurate with my tracking! 🤞

  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,436 Member
    edited July 31
    Steps 🚶‍♀️

    I truly don't know how some of you get 15k+ daily steps in! I have to really push and do some house stepping to get up to 10k!

    I agree! So many Shape Shifter step counts are amazing to me! Every bit counts though — 🤩
  • looneycatblue
    looneycatblue Posts: 1,465 Member
    MFP diary shows that I have logged 32 days in a row... takes time, but worth it to me.
    I'm focusing in on logging, water, steps and sleep. Making slow progress, but that's okay, this isn't a race, this is a lifestyle.

    I was not in the mood for leftovers, or cooking after work, was really thinking about a nice burger & fries! However, I've also wanted to try out a new place near home, Sweet Greens. So after I got home, hubby and I walked down (about 2/3 mi), and picked up some really delicious food. I got a large salad with lots of veggies, chicken and avocado. It was very big, so I split it and had enough for lunch today. Once I started to dig into the salad, I forgot all about my earlier cravings! NSV!!! o:)
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,146 Member
    The August habit tracker is now posted. If you would like to track your goals for next month, head on over!
  • ganival
    ganival Posts: 128 Member
    @looneycatblue well done on 32 days of tracking! i agree, it's well worth the time and i don't aim to be perfect at it. however just the act of trying to log really helps me be mindful. keep at it!

    @frankwbrown not sure if by frugally you mean cost wise, but this really resonated with something eye opening about my last 2 months of calorie conscious eating. i'm targetting 1650 calories daily and my food costs have gone way way down compared to the last year or so. choice of food matters of course, but my groceries last a really long time now. i make way less rice because i max out at 100-150 g per meal, then load up on protein and veg. i can usually find fruit and yogurt on sale. my jar of peanut butter is going to last over 2 months at 15 g per morning. i feel like part of my overeating in the past was driven by wanting to finish food before it goes to waste, now i have to buy way less. bonus!
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,433 Member
    To continue on with the conversation, I'm sorry I haven't been more engaged as the Team Motivator
    So as we come to the end of July, that means August is the last month of the 3rd Quarter and that much closer to the end of 2024
    How are you doing with the goals you have set? Do you set new goals every month? Or do you continue with the ones you are working on?
    Here's an article on Setting Goals

    Let us know what you do to keep going, give your goals a refresh and where you are with them

    Hi @LaurieWrobo and great topic!! As one of the Captains, I really feel like I should consistently be setting an example...I have failed in that endeavor but I do keep nutrition has been especially difficult for the past six months. I feel like I've set and reset my goals a million times just in that amount of time. Over the past week, I'm once again trying to cut my portion sizes down and focus on eating with intermittent fasting, two meals a day and only a snack if I feel I can tell my sugar is getting low.

    At my new job, we can no longer eat our lunch at our desk and we have to do our lunches within 12-2. This is difficult to always gauge, with having TEAMS meetings that can pop up at any time and we're an international company with many locations overseas, in Asia, in Europe, in Israel, in the Caribbean and on both east and west coast of the US...very hard to pin down that hour. In any case, I'm really trying and that's the best I can say. My one consistency has been my exercise...walking. Every day, without fail, getting those steps in and setting time aside for intentional walking. I'm proud of that.

    So, saying all of that to say...falling is ok, as long as you get back up and keep trying. That's where I am right now. I try not to guilt myself into a bad place, but being honest, I do it a lot. @Pupowl , @izzyred9400 and @PatriceFitnessPal and our motivators @LaurieWrobo and @Cyncia85 really help to keep me upbeat and pushing forward. Thanks to each of you for being who you are!!!

    Great question...look forward to reading others answers on this one.
  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,416 Member
    Thanks for being the leader @jessicakrall8- I know work has been tough and you haven't felt well - I'm trying my best here and hope to hear what others are doing
    I've planned my top 10 goals for August and set up my planner - I always look forward to a new month - fresh reset😊
  • iradi8
    iradi8 Posts: 684 Member
    Wednesday Weigh-In

    PW: 216.7
    CW: 212.9
    LTD: 39.7 lbs

    Finally back on track this week. Mentally, I am back in the mode of eating healthier and tracking it all.
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