Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I ran with the girls from work yesterday afternoon. It was HOT! The first 2.5 miles was at a slower pace so the one could get in her c25k w7d1. Then I sprinted to catch up with the other and we finished out her 4 mile run at a faster pace. It felt great to kick it into high gear and just run as fast as I could!

    Your running has been coming along so fast! My trainer does triathlons and he swears biking is good for running.

    I've started hearing that a lot. I wonder if I could get the girls to sit in a bike trailer without hitting each other.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Tonight would usually be my "long" run, but I'm doing the 10k this Saturday. So 45 minutes each today and Thursday. I'm taking Friday off for a "taper."

    My subdivision/neighborhood is composed of two blocks that add up to about a mile. I'm thinking about putting a sprinkler in the front yard and running through it during each circuit. And having a water and gel break. It might be 15 minute miles, but at least I won't be passing out.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    You are still doing gip.is app?

    It's doing good things for you.

    Yeah I'm still doing one of the B210K programs, it's not the gip.is app though. I found my training went a little too haphazard without some guidance. I'm hoping once I finish this and my base is up. I'll be able to wing it until I have an actual race to train for.

    W4D2 again for me, today I nailed it. 10.5km in 64:08, with my 10k time of 60:03 (3rd fasted 10k according to Strava)
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Tonight would usually be my "long" run, but I'm doing the 10k this Saturday. So 45 minutes each today and Thursday. I'm taking Friday off for a "taper."

    My subdivision/neighborhood is composed of two blocks that add up to about a mile. I'm thinking about putting a sprinkler in the front yard and running through it during each circuit. And having a water and gel break. It might be 15 minute miles, but at least I won't be passing out.

    The sprinkler was freaking brilliant.
  • acidstained
    acidstained Posts: 35 Member
    New around these parts. I just finished C25k two days ago and now I've moved onto a B210k program. Finished Week 1, Day 1 tonight... looking forward to the next run.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Tonight would usually be my "long" run, but I'm doing the 10k this Saturday. So 45 minutes each today and Thursday. I'm taking Friday off for a "taper."

    My subdivision/neighborhood is composed of two blocks that add up to about a mile. I'm thinking about putting a sprinkler in the front yard and running through it during each circuit. And having a water and gel break. It might be 15 minute miles, but at least I won't be passing out.

    The sprinkler was freaking brilliant.

    Glad it worked out for you! If we could get away with it here in summer I would contemplate it!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    New around these parts. I just finished C25k two days ago and now I've moved onto a B210k program. Finished Week 1, Day 1 tonight... looking forward to the next run.

  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    New around these parts. I just finished C25k two days ago and now I've moved onto a B210k program. Finished Week 1, Day 1 tonight... looking forward to the next run.

    Welcome to the group!!
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    The sprinkler was freaking brilliant.

  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    New around these parts. I just finished C25k two days ago and now I've moved onto a B210k program. Finished Week 1, Day 1 tonight... looking forward to the next run.

  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    New around these parts. I just finished C25k two days ago and now I've moved onto a B210k program. Finished Week 1, Day 1 tonight... looking forward to the next run.

  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    New around these parts. I just finished C25k two days ago and now I've moved onto a B210k program. Finished Week 1, Day 1 tonight... looking forward to the next run.

    Welcome! :) And congrats on finishing C25K :)
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Last night was a sweaty 6.5-mile easy run. It felt like the most I have ever sweat - my shirt was all clinging to my skin and I left a little puddle when I was stretching afterwards. The night before was speedwork (fartleks) and I don't think I sweat that much then.

    I just hit 90 miles for the month. This will be another record month for me and I haven't even gotten into the real marathon training yet! I was talking to my coach last night and he said in July we will start getting into the serious stuff. Hard to believe it's almost July and that means 4 months of training left before the big one!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Wow 90 miles already Tim! That's fantastic.

    I had my final pre-HM training run this morning. Jason said to run 2-3 miles depending on how I felt. I decided I would feel better if I did 3 so went out 1.5 before turning around, but at 2 miles was ready to stop. I was still a mile from home so I kept running. At 2.5 miles both Tuesday and this morning I mostly just wanted to sit down. My trainer assures me that's not uncommon during a taper week so not to let that worry me. 48 hours from now I should be in the final couple miles of my race!
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Good luck on your race Laura!!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Good luck on your race Laura!!

    Thanks Tim!
  • acidstained
    acidstained Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks for all the welcomes!! :blushing:

    Week 1, Day 2 tonight. Perfect example of garbage in, garbage out... part of my reward for achieving my first 25 lbs lost goal this week was that I could have three (ice cold... mmmmm...) cans of Mountain Dew. Now, a normal person might spread those out over a period of time. Me? I drank all three today (and still stayed under my calorie goal!) and then felt sluggish my entire run. Funny thing, though? Tonight is the first night I ran a full 5k (41:40) and I achieved new PRs all across the board. So, either Mountain Dew is the best pre-run diet ever or I subconsciously pushed myself harder because I knew I was feeling like crap. ...I'd be lying if I said I didn't wish it was the first part. :laugh:
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Thanks for all the welcomes!! :blushing:

    Week 1, Day 2 tonight. Perfect example of garbage in, garbage out... part of my reward for achieving my first 25 lbs lost goal this week was that I could have three (ice cold... mmmmm...) cans of Mountain Dew. Now, a normal person might spread those out over a period of time. Me? I drank all three today (and still stayed under my calorie goal!) and then felt sluggish my entire run. Funny thing, though? Tonight is the first night I ran a full 5k (41:40) and I achieved new PRs all across the board. So, either Mountain Dew is the best pre-run diet ever or I subconsciously pushed myself harder because I knew I was feeling like crap. ...I'd be lying if I said I didn't wish it was the first part. :laugh:

    Welcome! Sometimes the runs where we feel the worst produce the best results, but I wouldn't recommend that as a training plan ????
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Good luck in your race Laura!! :)

    10.5km again tonight as I finally finish W4 of B210K. I was either sandbagging or just taking it way to easy for the first run section as my walk break kicked in before the end of the hill I hate. I don't actually hate the entire hill, just the last 30m or so of it, where the gradient seems to increase exponentially. I was well behind pace there, put a little extra effort in the downhills and I was nearly on par with Wednesdays run when I got the half way done notification, still maybe 50-100m behind pace. Got up the next hill and decided to put a little more effort in. Powered on the downhill and by the time the next walk break kicked in I was maybe 20m off pace from Wednesday. Kept with the increased pace on the 3rd run leg and definitely picked up some time on the downhill. Kept powering along and made it past Wednesdays 'finish' point for the run by a hundred or so metres. Pushed on for a bit more before finally heading into my cooldown walk.
    58:51 for 10K time, and a 28:12 for 5K both new PB's for my home circuit.
    Yay for picking up pace, and I was still able to sing along at points with the music on my iPhone.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Thanks for all the welcomes!! :blushing:

    Week 1, Day 2 tonight. Perfect example of garbage in, garbage out... part of my reward for achieving my first 25 lbs lost goal this week was that I could have three (ice cold... mmmmm...) cans of Mountain Dew. Now, a normal person might spread those out over a period of time. Me? I drank all three today (and still stayed under my calorie goal!) and then felt sluggish my entire run. Funny thing, though? Tonight is the first night I ran a full 5k (41:40) and I achieved new PRs all across the board. So, either Mountain Dew is the best pre-run diet ever or I subconsciously pushed myself harder because I knew I was feeling like crap. ...I'd be lying if I said I didn't wish it was the first part. :laugh:

    It really might be the first part. Sugar + caffeine? Hell, yeah.