Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member

    I took the dog out on the first 4Km of yesterdays run, and he did ok. A couple of points where he lost focus, and I had to stop and wait, but pretty good in general. I don't think he'll ever be up for long distances, but 5-6km is reasonable for him.

    Love the coaching for the dog. Enjoy your holiday

    Foundation session this morning, easy paces and good hr band again. Niggle in calf stayed with me most of the run. Taking Friday off, too much stress at work, will jog around the parkrun on Saturday as a stretcher and then Eyam on Sunday.

    Have fun
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Great running everyone!
    Really well done on your 5k Diana.

    ZR5k W1D3 tonight for me, overall one of those sucky runs, not horrid, just not good. Everything felt heavy when running, the first two intervals were even uncomfortable and a little painful. Though once warmed up fully everything was... eh ok. Slower intervals than last session for the most part. I did have one beautiful interval where everthing felt right, I felt fast I was working but no worse than my 5k pb felt at the start. If I can capture that feeling and pace again and hold it for 5k I'll be over the moon and in absolute shock as it was sub 3min pace. Hell if I can get that again for 1k I'll be damn happy.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Taeliesyn, nice going mate, sorry it is a bit sucky but you are up and running :) Here's hoping for you to be damn happy
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    ftrobbie wrote: »
    Taeliesyn, nice going mate, sorry it is a bit sucky but you are up and running :) Here's hoping for you to be damn happy
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    edited May 2015
    I was asked to help out at a local bike race, so my plan to do hill repeats fell through as I just ran near the race route- 4 miles in 39:40. (At least the last mile was up a long hill, not really steep though.) Rain started just as the cyclists hit the road and looks to hang around off and on most of the week. y5cugfhrwcpn.gif
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    parkrun mixed with ZR5K W2D1, so 10min walk, then 5 x 1min walk, 30s run, 5 heel raises. The intervals were a little slower than the previous shorter ones. However I'm happy with them, especially as the shoes I was wearing didn't have good traction on most of the course, due to the rain. The extra time didn't really seem to make it any harder.
    Legs seem to holding up pretty well too.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Did a parkrun this morning with some friends who haven't parkrunned for a while. It took a while to catch them up, 300 runners this morning (2nd largest field ever at Rushcliffe!). I cruised round, just getting a run out ahead of tomorrow having a nice chat with them about life. We pushed it towards the end but I had to curtail it as I felt the calf tighten up. Tomorrow looks doable but it is going to be slow. At the moment, back to heat, compression, rest and a massage ball.

    Have fun
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Good luck for tomorrow Robbie! I know it's not the nicest thought, but DNF and a weeks recovery, is better than a finishing time and six weeks recovery, especially as it's not a goal race mate.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    taeliesyn wrote: »
    Good luck for tomorrow Robbie! I know it's not the nicest thought, but DNF and a weeks recovery, is better than a finishing time and six weeks recovery, especially as it's not a goal race mate.

    Thanks for the thought. I am seriously contemplating a DNS and a few days recovery if required, for exactly the same reason. June 28 and September 28 are target races for me. I will be up early tomorrow morning as normal, so will give it a 10-20 minute spin first thing and then make a decision. Have fun, not long before you get your red shirt, 4 more runs.

  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    ftrobbie wrote: »
    taeliesyn wrote: »
    Good luck for tomorrow Robbie! I know it's not the nicest thought, but DNF and a weeks recovery, is better than a finishing time and six weeks recovery, especially as it's not a goal race mate.

    Thanks for the thought. I am seriously contemplating a DNS and a few days recovery if required, for exactly the same reason. June 28 and September 28 are target races for me. I will be up early tomorrow morning as normal, so will give it a 10-20 minute spin first thing and then make a decision. Have fun, not long before you get your red shirt, 4 more runs.

    Hard choice mate, but glad to see you're being wise.

    Hahaha, the infamous red shirt, 10x harder to get in Aus because we are waiting on the Tribesport one to actually become available.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I changed into my running gear before I left work on Friday with the intention of running before I went home. I didn't.

    2 good bike rides yesterday, though!
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Ceci, nice rides on Strava

    Had 2 runs today a 1.1mile shake out this morning, although I started feeling like my left calf was as flexible as concrete, it did not play up, so decided that I would go to Eyam and decide on the start line.

    The second was the HM at Eyam. The first mile around the village had me considering stopping but as I went past the car park I decided to carry on. I had to walk 3 times on the first hill, twice more before the long downhill and than most of the way up the long steep climb and then again on the last climb. The advantage of a lot of up is that there is a lot of down, most of which was done at 8 to 8:15 min mile pace.

    End result a hard 2 hours plus but got a pb yeah, Garmin thinks 2:03:25, TomTom 2:05:45. I think the gun time will come in at 2:06:06, there was no chip timing. Now just tired, had a long hot bath and 1.5l of Prague beer so feeling tired and drunk. Tomorrow's going to be fun!!

    Have fun everyone.

  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Hope you pull up alright Robbie. Nice time and some sweet pace on those downhills!

    Glad you got some good rides Ceci. :)
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Nice job on the half, Robbie!

    I ran yesterday at my national park. My legs were tired almost from the start, but I pushed through and managed 6.42 miles in just under 70 minutes.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Good work Ceci!

    Tonight's session was ZR5K W2D2, where the storyline screwed with the planned intervals (ya to the mind feck) I'm happy with my run though, held all intervals below 3:40 (I think) Including the one where I had to slow down for the first 5-10 seconds due to traffic and then the rest was fecking well uphill. The next was also only after 30 seconds recovery, not the 'scheduled' 60 and the last 'interval' was 48 seconds, well that's as long as I ran it for. If I had waited for the story line it would have been closer to 2 minutes! O.o. My 10min freeform run was an interval session too, legs were just shot but didn't want to slow down to a sustainable pace, so that was a mix of walk/run. Still a good session, niggle seems to be retreating!
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Good result Robbie. Had a look at the Strava trace and those climbs looked painful, but picking up the pace on the descent certainly helps.

    Anyway, I overdid it a bit on holiday last week and ended up with a bit of an ache in my left knee. Possibly not helped by throwing my mountain bike down a muddy descent as well. So no running for a few days as I'm not wanting to risk the race. Taper this week with only two short sessions,

    To compensate for not getting in my ten miler on Saturday I used the turbo trainer yesterday, and knocked out a hard 30km intervals session. On top of a lot of heavy garden work my problem is going to be loading this week.

    Ox on Sunday, and it's looking fun.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member

    Ceci, well done on overcoming the fatigue in the legs. Taeliesyn, nice going on the Zombie Run and I am glad that your niggle is receding.

    Been out for a recovery run tonight, not worried about the pace and cut off a corner of the deer park. It was a nice shake out, both calves and quads are sore from the pounding yesterday and I walked a bit funny this morning. Otherwise all is ok.

    Below is the profile and pace guides. Guess where and when I walked. Looking back at it, there was very little flat it was either up or down. Have fun everyone.

  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Robbie, that makes my hills look flat in comparison!
  • Skye_NS
    Skye_NS Posts: 214 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hi everyone, it looks like you've been busy... and I have many, many pages to catch up on!

    Robbie - congrats on the H.M. Those hills..!

    @MeanderingMammal - hope the knee is feeling better.

    I think I finally found the replacements for my very worn out Ghost 6's! It took some doing: 3 visits to the shop, countless brands/styles/sizes tried on, 1 return & 1 order later, I'm now the happy owner of a pair of Saucony Triumph ISO. I did a test 5k around my neighbourbood yesterday - nice and smooth on the pavement. My knees and ankles enjoyed the extra cushioning. (I hadn't truly noticed how worn my old shoes were until I started testing new ones. :o ) I'm not sure about the width they recommended, while I understand the reasoning behind it, I think it's going to take some time before I adjust to having so much room in a pair of shoes. I *thought* the Ghosts gave me lots of room around the toes and these are a size up. The true test will come when I head out for a longer run along my trail (crushed rock, nothing too crazy) - that's where the Brooks Glycerin's lost me due to chafing along the Achilles. I'm hoping to get that one in tonight, tomorrow at the latest. The store was the true find of this whole experience! With that staff and their fit guarantee, they have truly earned their reputation as leaders in customer service. I'm so used to going into stores and feeling like the elephant in the room, side long glances from staff and clients who seemed to be wondering if I was lost or shopping for someone else. At this one I felt exactly as I should - like a runner in need of shoes. Priceless.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Hope the knee is ok MM
    Glad you may have found some shoes Skye, it is always hard to find the right shoes when you have to change.

    I had a strong urge to run tonight, so I headed down to my usual group run. I did my ZR5K W2D3 session, then joined in with the normal stuff. The intervals were all good pace, with only one creeping above 3:30pace. The interval pace is starting to feel more comfortable, like I could hold it for another 15 seconds or so. The group running was done at a much gentler pace as I chatted with a friend. I've probably overdone the distance, as I clocked up nearly 15k tonight. Which is almost equal to my entire weeks mileage for the last 2 or 3 weeks. No sign of the old niggle, although I had a tightness develop in my right calf, which I am working on with my spiky ball.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    I was tired this morning and did not get out, had a bad day at work and then had an evening at the school and so finished it off with beer and pizza. Guess running is out of the question tonight.

    Although Sunday was hilly it was enjoyable, great views and volunteers. I finally got the finishing time, which had a gun time just 6 secs slower than the pancake Silverstone half marathon chip time, so really pleased. Umming and aarghing about doing a local HM in 3 weeks time on another pancake flat course ahead of the Humber Bridge on 28 June. I am getting addicted, so sad!!

    Skye, glad you found a store with the right customer care, I appear to be lucky on not having problems with shoes or perhaps I am so bad it makes no difference. Great personal care is worth the extra cost over the internet bargains.

    Taeliesyn, nice going mate, nice to see the niggle appears to be disappearing, even if it did take a beating last night. If it helps red shirts over here have been missing for a while, June is the latest date promised, but hey I am a year away from that anyway.

    Have fun
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    So this evening I opted for the dreadmill in the hotel gym. I suspect I've got some pre-race angst as I've had a niggly knee, since last week and today my right ankle was creaking. I've broken it in the past so now and again it gets a bit painful. On top of that it's blustery, cold and wet in London tonight.

    Gods that was dull, 9km in 50 minutes.

    Nonetheless the ankle and knee were both fine once I was moving, and I managed to keep a decent pace pretty consistently. Another 8km easy tomorrow and then that's the lot until Sunday. I might use the turbo trainer on Friday though.

    All that said, I'm startig to regret not entering their night 10K on Saturday evening as well as the HM.
  • Skye_NS
    Skye_NS Posts: 214 Member
    Taeliesyn, nice work! Sounds like you're leaving the old niggle behind you.

    Robbie, I may be putting their customer service to the test! A different issue this time...

    MM, Glad to hear the knee and ankle held up on the treadmill. Hopefully the weather will clear up so you can get outside for tomorrow's run.

    I went out for a 5k on my trail with the local running group and came home with a near PR and a blister on the inside of my right foot (along the side/ball). I'm not sure if I had that shoe laced incorrectly, or if it's shade too big, or what. My husband suggest that they might just need some time to get 'broken in'. Is that still a thing? I thought the purpose of getting fitted for shoes was to get the best kind for the shape of your foot so you don't have to break them in. For the price of these shoes, that doesn't feel like too much to ask!

    This was also my first group run. The two men I was running with decided to set a "nice, easy pace" and I'm so glad they did because I would have been eating their dust otherwise! I was happy that I held my own and walked away with my fastest 5k time since last fall. :D
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    MM, well done, I am always impressed with Ceci and now you, with what you will do to get some running miles in. Dreadmills and indoor running tracks are soul destroying in my humble opinion. Hope you have a good time at the weekend. I'll think of you whilst stuck in BH traffic.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Robbie, it had its moments. Pretty sophisticated machine that gave me a series of gentle inclines up to 7% after telling it the distance I wanted. The screen showed a track, although for some reason divided by time rather than 400m intervals.

    Focussing on form helped to avoid concentrating on the numbers, keeping my eyeline high up on a neutral wall. The worst was manually changing speed, and every time the slope reduced I went into downhill mode and bumped into the frame.

    Anyway, Skye, you're correct. Running shoes shouldn't need broken in, but I had a similar issue with new Hurricanes. A blister about an inch across on my right instep. Play with the lacing a bit, although call the shop to validate that.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    MM- I might could stand a treadmill like that for a bit, but not the regular ones at my gym!

    Skye- I was getting blisters until I got a shoe with a wider toe box. Now I just have ugly callouses! Hope you get it figured out. (On my narrower shoes, I skip the first hole near the toe when lacing. It helps. Playing with lacing might help you too.)

    Taeliesyn- good to see you able to get back out there with fewer problems!

    I had planned to run on Monday, got dressed and everything. Took the dog for a walk around the block to warm up. On the couple of occasions when he wanted to run, I had a sharp pain in my right foot with every step. So decided not to run after all. It's hell to get old. I feel like I'm falling apart. Pretty sure I've torn my rotator cuff in my right shoulder, too! At least that doesn't bother me when I'm running or riding!

    Yesterday, I went for a good 26 mile ride with the girls group. Today I will try to run again and hope for no pain.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Lots been happening!
    Well done on your HM Robbie, it looks like a horrendous course!
    MM, good luck this weekend, hope your knee doesn't give you any trouble.
    Ceci, I know what you mean about getting old, I was talking about that with my friends at the weekend, we were having a laugh about how when we get up off the couch we are halfway to the door before we can straighten up!
    Glad you are on the mend taeliesyn.

    I am trying to get back on track after my weekend away. We went kayaking on Saturday and I managed a 4.5km run on Sunday morning followed by a 7km walk with my friends. I'm not saying there was a lot of alcohol drunk but on Friday night we started drinking at 5pm and had to stop at 7pm.... the upside was that there was no hangover the next day. Didn't run Monday or Tuesday but heading out tonight with my dog, should manage 5km unless my dog starts messing around.

    Robbie, in reply to your question about my running plan, it is just really monotonous. All the runs so far have either been 6km or 8km and I've been doing that for 6 weeks now. Friday I get to run 10km for the first time. I have been doing my own thing a lot (like tonight!) because I need more variety.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    edited May 2015
    romyhorse wrote: »
    Robbie, in reply to your question about my running plan, it is just really monotonous. All the runs so far have either been 6km or 8km and I've been doing that for 6 weeks now. Friday I get to run 10km for the first time. I have been doing my own thing a lot (like tonight!) because I need more variety.

    I had a Runners World survey the other day about Asics marketing and it included their training planner. Have to say I don't find any of their marketing particularly memorable and your posts are the only place that I'd seen any mention of it, despite following their Paris Marathon prep articles for the last few months.

    Can't say it either looks, or sounds, particularly inspiring.

    Personally I use the Endomondo training plans, which are very flexible and dynamic. The mileage might be a little aggressive at times, but it's a good mix of sessions.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    I've used Fitzgeralds 80/20, again plenty of variation with an emphasis on easy running, with the odd challenger in there. There is no need for it to be monotonous. There is enough in his book for you to understand how to vary the programmes as well and still fulfill his training philosophy. Hope you find something you enjoy.
  • Skye_NS
    Skye_NS Posts: 214 Member
    edited May 2015
    Interesting that you guys are discussing training programs. I've been looking for a something that will help me over this 7.5 km wall that I've been hitting. The b210k app appears to be preparing people for the ability to run for 60 minutes at a time. Which isn't really my issue, I just run so slow that I cap out at 7.5 km in that time frame. :/

    No running for me yesterday, just a quick cross training session in the morning. Thanks for the feedback about the shoes. I think I'll play around with the laces and see how that works. If that doesn't work I may venture into the store and see what they have to say. To be honest, I'm not sure what they can say they already have me in a wide width and full size up from my Brooks. (I guess that's only about a half size between the brands) Ack - at this rate I may see if they have a nice line of clown shoes! During my second visit to the store a lady came in sat down beside me and my STACK of rejects, tried on two pairs of shoes and said, "we might as well stop here, the first pair is perfect." Usually I'm not big on comparisons or the whole jealousy thing, but I kinda hated her a little bit at that moment. LOL

    (edit to correct date/time references - I typed the post last night but managed to get distracted before hitting post)