Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • KathleenKP
    KathleenKP Posts: 580 Member
    Congrats Rindy on your second 5k. Perhaps you can suggest to whomever sponsored the race that they close the streets next time, especially with that many children running.

    My first all running 5k is Tuesday.

    I've decided on the One Hour Runner program, it's 3 days a week and lasts 10 weeks, I feel like that is a good pace for me. The first 3 weeks are 3 30 minute runs, I'm on week 2 of that.

    I think I'm going to run another 5k on November 17. It's the hot chocolate 5k that seems to trot around the country. I've also decided to run my first 10k on New Years Day. It feels nice to be completing something on New Years Day rather than starting.

    That's a neat idea to complete rather than start somethng on Jan 1.

    Jan 2 is my 1yr running anniversary. I need to think of something special to do that day. Maybe W1D1 all over again, but with a spin on it.

    Run the walk, sprint the runs and compare distances?
    I have no idea how far I went...but I know it wasn't much. I was thinking of doing it run/jog vs sprint, though.
  • KathleenKP
    KathleenKP Posts: 580 Member
    Glad to see everyone is doing so well. You guys are keeping me motivated. I did a 5K run today. I got caught in the rain and it was rather windy, but made it through. I am still trying to find my rhythm again. It just hasn't been the same since a sore ankle put my half marathon training on hold. Now with no half marathons in the near future, I decided to just focus on getting speed and wait until next year to start a half marathon training program.

    Ooooh, someone to join me! (In the quest for speed followed by half-marathon training - mine will likely be early Spring.)
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Ran yesterday after work. Aching knees, cold wind, music quit so I stopped to fix it- so not a great run, but any run is better than no run!

  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    but any run is better than no run!

    So true. Great job!!
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    Today was my third day in Run Double's 5K Improver program. It was the second speed interval workout, which consists of 300 M run, 100 M break for 13 reps or 3.1 miles . The first time I did it, I struggled. But this time I felt so much stronger. One of my intervals was at a 9:11 mile pace. Most of the intervals were less than 11:30. Considering that I have 13 more weeks of this program, I am feeling good about the prospect of a 10 min mile or less pace in my future.
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Beth. Some of you know me. I'm a relatively new runner, less than a year. I am a C25K and a 10K graduate. I never did anything remotely athletic before. Now I can't imagine living without running. I have been trying to catch up on this thread. You are all doing great things! I want to do great things too!

    It's about to get serious...I ran 10K for the first time on Sunday. It was 6.25 miles in 1:19, running easy. Although, the last mile was a bit painful along the outside of my thighs. It was probably due to my new orthotics. (At anything over 3 miles, the last three toes on my left foot go numb, so the podiatrist cut an extra pad to place under the center of my foot. I think it worked.) So...now I'm thinking, train, train, train through the winter and HM in the Spring.

    Funny. I can remember like yesterday wondering if I could run 3 miles without stopping!

    I want it so badly! I need this thread to help me get there! :-)
  • jessiekanga
    jessiekanga Posts: 564 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Beth. Some of you know me. I'm a relatively new runner, less than a year. I am a C25K and a 10K graduate. I never did anything remotely athletic before. Now I can't imagine living without running. I have been trying to catch up on this thread. You are all doing great things! I want to do great things too!

    It's about to get serious...I ran 10K for the first time on Sunday. It was 6.25 miles in 1:19, running easy. Although, the last mile was a bit painful along the outside of my thighs. It was probably due to my new orthotics. (At anything over 3 miles, the last three toes on my left foot go numb, so the podiatrist cut an extra pad to place under the center of my foot. I think it worked.) So...now I'm thinking, train, train, train through the winter and HM in the Spring.

    Funny. I can remember like yesterday wondering if I could run 3 miles without stopping!

    I want it so badly! I need this thread to help me get there! :-)

    Beth, you are a rock star, you will totally by there. Do you have a race in mind? Mine will be mother's day :) we can cheer each other on!

    Today was a tough 4.6, but with get BEST views and foliage. The beauty totally rocked my run.
  • 230137isntmyweight
    230137isntmyweight Posts: 256 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Beth. Some of you know me. I'm a relatively new runner, less than a year. I am a C25K and a 10K graduate. I never did anything remotely athletic before. Now I can't imagine living without running. I have been trying to catch up on this thread. You are all doing great things! I want to do great things too!

    It's about to get serious...I ran 10K for the first time on Sunday. It was 6.25 miles in 1:19, running easy. Although, the last mile was a bit painful along the outside of my thighs. It was probably due to my new orthotics. (At anything over 3 miles, the last three toes on my left foot go numb, so the podiatrist cut an extra pad to place under the center of my foot. I think it worked.) So...now I'm thinking, train, train, train through the winter and HM in the Spring.

    Funny. I can remember like yesterday wondering if I could run 3 miles without stopping!

    I want it so badly! I need this thread to help me get there! :-)

    Welcome Beth!!! I'm doing a half in Jan and maybe another in May.

    4 miles done tonight, averaged 13:23 pace according to my new Garmin. It was a birthday present, arrived yesterday, and I'm so excited to have it. Now I don't have to worry if my phone app is accurate or not!!
  • 230137isntmyweight
    230137isntmyweight Posts: 256 Member
    Today was my third day in Run Double's 5K Improver program. It was the second speed interval workout, which consists of 300 M run, 100 M break for 13 reps or 3.1 miles . The first time I did it, I struggled. But this time I felt so much stronger. One of my intervals was at a 9:11 mile pace. Most of the intervals were less than 11:30. Considering that I have 13 more weeks of this program, I am feeling good about the prospect of a 10 min mile or less pace in my future.

    Sounds like you're doing really well. I think a 10m/m is a very good possibility! I haven't done intervals in awhile, but I think they are going to be coming up in my half marathon program.
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    A VERY soggy wet run this morning but rather perversely, I enjoyed it! (Though must dig out my peaked cap as the rainwater was starting to sting my eyes for the last mile). My husband was still home when I got back (normally he's off to the gym but he's got man flu today) and he looked at me like I was some sort of mentalist as I stood dripping in the hall with the dog licking rainwater off my shins. :bigsmile:

    2.59 miles in 27.55 - should have been a 2 mile run according to plan but the loop I've been using for my short runs in the dark is this length so I've decided it's just easier to run the loop and bag the extra half mile.

    Any tips for stopping your feet slidding in your shoes when they become waterlogged? I thought about the Gore Tex type but worried my feet might end up too hot in them. Besides, I didn't mind the squelching per se, just the slidding as I think this would be painful on a longer run.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    I did 3.1 miles last night at 8:10 pace with the group. My last faster run before this weekend's race.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I did 3.1 miles last night at 8:10 pace with the group. My last faster run before this weekend's race.

    Whoa. You are going to be medaling in your age group soon.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Whoa. You are going to be medaling in your age group soon.

    On the way home my wife & I were talking about how far we've come since starting running late last year. Last night's run felt easy, not like we were pushing it to the max. We were breathing calmly and talking and just enjoying a good run. I can't wait to see what we can do after starting some regular speed work (we'll start in November).
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    If you can just stay uninjured this next year, you will be golden.
  • CherylP67
    CherylP67 Posts: 772 Member
    I met one of my long set goals yesterday, I ran an entire 5k. Feels good to have this ticked off my bucket list. I was hoping to finish under 36, and I finished in 33:47.

    Good luck to those of you racing this weekend!
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    If you can just stay uninjured this next year, you will be golden.

    Yeah, that's the key. Besides the fall that messed up my hip, my doctor really zeroed in on my left side weakness that was causing a lot of right side issues. As I keep working on strengthening & balance exercises I have noticed more pain in the left side after fast runs and long runs. I'll ask the doctor about that when I see her tomorrow but I think it's because my left side is finally starting to do it's share of the work and I probably have to go through a little pain as it gets stronger. My entire right side has been pain free for several weeks now which is a great sign.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    I met one of my long set goals yesterday, I ran an entire 5k. Feels good to have this ticked off my bucket list. I was hoping to finish under 36, and I finished in 33:47.

    Good luck to those of you racing this weekend!

    That is fantastic - you should be very proud of that time!

    I'm already getting nervous about my race. I've never run 10 miles, let alone raced it. But I'll treat it as a training run for my upcoming half marathon, but slightly faster than a typical long run.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Yesterday was a bike day for me- 26.22 miles, which put me over my goal of 250 miles total for the month!
  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270
    Nice ride Ceci!!!

    This morning was a tempo run for me 4 miles

    mile 1 @ 10:50
    mile 2 @ 8:48
    mile 3 @ 8:42
    mile 4 @ 10:32

    34 degrees and predawn...gorgeous morning for a somewhat hilly but quiet run.

    17 more days til my first 5k!
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    Today was my third day in Run Double's 5K Improver program. It was the second speed interval workout, which consists of 300 M run, 100 M break for 13 reps or 3.1 miles . The first time I did it, I struggled. But this time I felt so much stronger. One of my intervals was at a 9:11 mile pace. Most of the intervals were less than 11:30. Considering that I have 13 more weeks of this program, I am feeling good about the prospect of a 10 min mile or less pace in my future.

    Sounds like you're doing really well. I think a 10m/m is a very good possibility! I haven't done intervals in awhile, but I think they are going to be coming up in my half marathon program.

    I plan to start a half marathon program at the Running Room Store when I finish this. I think this program will be great to build on