Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    ran my first 6 mile long run today! 10:10 pace, i felt good it was a cool late morning fall afternoon .. madmiss-- congrats on your new garmin!..i bought a soleus awhile ago and absolutely love it compared to the arm phone thingy!

    Great pace! One thing, though. Long runs should be conversational. I know a lot of runners who have a conversational pace less than 10 minutes, so I'm not saying to slow down. Just to make sure you are maximizing the value of the run.
  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270
    Does singing out loud to the music count? ;)

    also, i still work while running, i took 3 calls the last run
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    Does singing out loud to the music count? ;)

    also, i still work while running, i took 3 calls the last run

    lol now that's just showing off! Only joking; fantastic pace and well done on hitting 6miles - I'm up for 5 tomorrow and I'm hoping the storm that is due to hit the south of England by 6am tomorrow is a hour late. Though if the wind is behind me I could be up for a PB :bigsmile:
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    My older running clothes are all black, grey and deep grape. My newer stuff looks like I handed my kids a box of highlighters and unleashed them on my closet.

    This is great! lol

    I bought black initially as it's more flattering for my ermm ..... shape but had to go to the bright side as the year wore on. My husband says I scare the dog now :)
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Does singing out loud to the music count? ;)

    also, i still work while running, i took 3 calls the last run

    You are hitting the perfect pace then, though I agree the work calls are showing off.
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    Lol Laura and varda and Beth ;) highlighter yellow is awesome, it's all the rage!

    My second 5k today and beat my time by 3 mins. 4 seconds!!! 36.07 - down from 39.11 just 3 weeks ago! And I took a header cutting a corner to get around some slow kids - so ran remaining. 2 miles with bleeding knee and scraped elbow and hands. Pretty much I wanted to quit the entire time, even walked for one minute at 22 min mark but pushed on all the way to the ambulance at the end to get cleaned up ;) I can't say it was fun but I'm still very proud !
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    My second 5k today and beat my time by 3 mins. 4 seconds!!! 36.07 - down from 39.11 just 3 weeks ago! And I took a header cutting a corner to get around some slow kids - so ran remaining. 2 miles with bleeding knee and scraped elbow and hands. Pretty much I wanted to quit the entire time, even walked for one minute at 22 min mark but pushed on all the way to the ambulance at the end to get cleaned up ;) I can't say it was fun but I'm still very proud !

    There's a diehard! Scraped and bleeding but still set a PR.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member

    I'm wearing it in my current profile photo. (The black shirt under was the race shirt.)
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Lol Laura and varda and Beth ;) highlighter yellow is awesome, it's all the rage!

    My second 5k today and beat my time by 3 mins. 4 seconds!!! 36.07 - down from 39.11 just 3 weeks ago! And I took a header cutting a corner to get around some slow kids - so ran remaining. 2 miles with bleeding knee and scraped elbow and hands. Pretty much I wanted to quit the entire time, even walked for one minute at 22 min mark but pushed on all the way to the ambulance at the end to get cleaned up ;) I can't say it was fun but I'm still very proud !

    Beast Mode engaged
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    I did some intervals today (6x 12 minutes) and felt really good, especially the first 2 intervals where I felt like I was flying. Everything moved just right today. My weekend runs are my best: I feel more rested and go running earlier in the day. The weather today was perfect, too: sunny and cool and, once running, comfortable.
    I seem to have found an even pace. My distance in the intervals was 1.5K, 1.6K, 1.5K, 1.5K, 1.4K and 1.35K. I think I may need to add some speed drills into my runs before I turn into a one-pace bunny.

    Is that a decent pace (12 minutes = 1.5K)? That's just over a 12 minute mile. My 5K runs are still in the 40-41 minute range on average.
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    Lol Laura and varda and Beth ;) highlighter yellow is awesome, it's all the rage!

    My second 5k today and beat my time by 3 mins. 4 seconds!!! 36.07 - down from 39.11 just 3 weeks ago! And I took a header cutting a corner to get around some slow kids - so ran remaining. 2 miles with bleeding knee and scraped elbow and hands. Pretty much I wanted to quit the entire time, even walked for one minute at 22 min mark but pushed on all the way to the ambulance at the end to get cleaned up ;) I can't say it was fun but I'm still very proud !

    That's moxie!!!! Go madmiss!!! And how awesome to score a PR!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Has anyone talked to romyhorse lately? Just realized I haven't seen a post from her in several days although I wasn't in the groups much last week when I was traveling.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I did some intervals today (6x 12 minutes) and felt really good, especially the first 2 intervals where I felt like I was flying. Everything moved just right today. My weekend runs are my best: I feel more rested and go running earlier in the day. The weather today was perfect, too: sunny and cool and, once running, comfortable.
    I seem to have found an even pace. My distance in the intervals was 1.5K, 1.6K, 1.5K, 1.5K, 1.4K and 1.35K. I think I may need to add some speed drills into my runs before I turn into a one-pace bunny.

    Is that a decent pace (12 minutes = 1.5K)? That's just over a 12 minute mile. My 5K runs are still in the 40-41 minute range on average.

    A decent pace is whatever feels right for you. You'll people running anywhere from 9 minute miles to 14 minute miles so really you have to go by what works for you. The only person you have to compete against is yourself.

    I highly recommend hills. This summer when I was running outside I ran hills once a week. I've been slacking off on that the past few weeks but found a hills treadmill program (Galloway) so I'm going to start doing that.

    Edit to clarify that there are people running 5 minute miles at a 5K distance, but generally in this group you'll find 9-14 minute miles.
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    I did some intervals today (6x 12 minutes) and felt really good, especially the first 2 intervals where I felt like I was flying. Everything moved just right today. My weekend runs are my best: I feel more rested and go running earlier in the day. The weather today was perfect, too: sunny and cool and, once running, comfortable.
    I seem to have found an even pace. My distance in the intervals was 1.5K, 1.6K, 1.5K, 1.5K, 1.4K and 1.35K. I think I may need to add some speed drills into my runs before I turn into a one-pace bunny.

    Is that a decent pace (12 minutes = 1.5K)? That's just over a 12 minute mile. My 5K runs are still in the 40-41 minute range on average.

    I love that flying feeling! Good for you! Intervals are great for picking up the pace. I still have not cracked the code of speed work. I am not sure what my mile pace is...
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Laura, I'm not competing against anyone; not even myself. I was just curious about an average time to see if I should push myself just a titch harder to firm my running up a bit. But a 9-14 minutes/mile sounds like a good average range. I'll just keep on going for now and see what happens over the winter.
    My ideal speed, for myself, would be to one day be able to run 5K in 30-35 minutes.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Laura, I'm not competing against anyone; not even myself. I was just curious about an average time to see if I should push myself just a titch harder to firm my running up a bit. But a 9-14 minutes/mile sounds like a good average range. I'll just keep on going for now and see what happens over the winter.
    My ideal speed, for myself, would be to one day be able to run 5K in 30-35 minutes.

    By competing with myself I guess I just mean that I like to see general overall progress. I'm in the 35-38 minute range and would like to get into the low 30's next summer.

    When I look at other people's times, especially people who started running around the same time as me, it's hard not to wonder why I'm so much slower than they are, but that's dumb so I make myself stop. :smile:
  • KathleenKP
    KathleenKP Posts: 580 Member
    My older running clothes are all black, grey and deep grape. My newer stuff looks like I handed my kids a box of highlighters and unleashed them on my closet.

    Well, I did it. I came home from the store with a highlighter yellow top (with the highlighter blue for the sleeves) at my husband's request. I guess after all my whining about non-support from him (all true, by the way), he wants to keep me alive.

    I really need to get my Garmin. I'm so frustratingly slow when left to my own devices. "Frustratingly slow" being relative to what I am capable of doing. I'm hoping the Garmin will allow me to program both speed and distance into my workouts for the feedback I get from the treadmill, but I'm confused reading reviews if I can actually program this. Not to mention that the treadmill keeps my feet moving, while the Garmin will not do that.

    Now...who is going to close out this thread? I thought about it, but someone else gets the honors...
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    Has anyone talked to romyhorse lately? Just realized I haven't seen a post from her in several days although I wasn't in the groups much last week when I was traveling.

    She's been very quiet - I noticed a check in post on my home page last week but apart from that not a peep!

    Hopefully it's just life getting in the way and she'll be back with us soon :)
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    Today's run was supposed to be 5 miles but ended up being 5.45miles in 1hr 2mins as I had to divert a few times to avoid blocked paths etc from the overnight storm but it went well and I felt good splashing through the puddles.

    I'm happy with the time and the distance as it brings me that bit closer to my goal of a 10k in about an hour by the turn of the year .. ish :)

    Edit: Oh ... and it appears we have a thread roll!