Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Sweet hot air balloon! That's awesome.

    I bullied myself out of bed this morning for my run. It was 34 degrees but little or no wind, so it was very comfortable running weather. Instead of setting out to run specific mileage I planned my route in advance - I needed to make a deposit so I tucked my envelope into my pocket and ran to the bank, then looped back a different way and stopped at a park near my house (then did my cool-down walk from there). It turned out to be 2.75 miles (if I had run mileage I would have gone for 3 so reasonably close anyway). I was running on sidewalks & had to wait at stoplights so my running pace isn't going to set any records, but on the up side there were street lights on most of my route so I could see where I was going. I had a mini Maglite with me for the areas that weren't well lit (within half a mile of my house) and that worked well.
  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270
    4 mile run--tempo today---felt petty good...quick question though:

    First 5K is on November 9th...i will show runs from last week and this week as well as what I have planned for next week and I would like comments or suggestions if this is appropriate leading into the race.

    Last week:
    Monday- 4 miles easy
    wednesday- 4 miles speedwork
    Friday - 3.4 miles easy
    Saturday- 6 miles long

    This week:
    Monday- 4 miles easy
    Wednesday- 4 miles tempo run
    Friday- 6 miles long

    Next week:
    Monday- 3 miles easy
    Wednesday- 3 miles speedwork(400s(hard) w/200 recovery jogs)
    Friday- 2 miles easy
    Saturday- RACE DAY

    Does this look reasonable?

    Thank you
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    No clue. Try Happy Feet or Long Distance Runners. There are people over there who can evaluate plans. My last three runs before my 5k are two 3 mile runs, a speed work session. Then two rest days.

    So maybe cut your long run down to three miles this week and skip the Friday run next week?
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I went to a new park yesterday because it showed a dirt path. It was better suited for mountain bikes, but I ran anyway.


    My first trail run. It was a challenge, but my knees are thanking me for not being on concrete!
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    I got one of these at one of my 5Ks this year:

    It is flimsy, but I like the light weight of it. And it holds up well to washings, I have washed it several times now.

    Thanks! I don't mind flimsy and am looking for washability. I'll check these out.

    I've never run while wearing my glasses. I wonder about them bouncing on the nose. Are they an irritation in that respect to anyone?
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I got one of these at one of my 5Ks this year:

    It is flimsy, but I like the light weight of it. And it holds up well to washings, I have washed it several times now.

    Thanks! I don't mind flimsy and am looking for washability. I'll check these out.

    I've never run while wearing my glasses. I wonder about them bouncing on the nose. Are they an irritation in that respect to anyone?

    I have to wear my glasses when I run or I can't see the ground! It isn't really an issue unless it's raining!
  • Rindy12
    Rindy12 Posts: 215 Member
    For me, my glasses are an extension of my face. I've been wearing them since I was 5. My vision is bad enough that within an hour of not wearing them I have a nasty headache. When I was in high school, I wore them playing flag football, volleyball and softball. I never had an issue with them. They don't bounce around at all when I run. In the winter time I find that coating them with either dish soap or shaving cream while dry and then wiping it with a cleaning cloth helps prevent them from fogging up. It's something you gotta redo every couple of days.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member

    I am thinking about trying to do a Sprint Triathlon someday, maybe.

    Oh, and as for my daily check in, I got in a 5k run last night. I ran easy. Next one I do, I'm using music and upping the speed. I don't thank that I need to be running as easy as I am any more.


    To both of those things. I just can't get myself to run faster outside. With or without music, it doesn't make a difference for me. My breathing is pretty easy, too.

    It might be form, then. Do you have access to a clinic or a coach? There was an article on "the science of running website" that is beginning to make all the difference in the world to me. He talks about the parts of running that are voluntary and involuntary. For instance, the entire motion of the leg from picking up the foot to the apex of the knee movement is involuntary. Trying to raise knee height bleeds force from the movement and wastes energy. You get that good high knee movement when you let your calves fully load - so allowing your body to follow through the full stride is a mechanically easier movement.

    That's what I was doing with the cadence runs over the last couple weeks- working on that and remaining stable in my core as I run to a rhythm. Take everything I say with a grain of salt because I'm one of the slower runners on this board, but your speed work shows you have more capacity.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I went to a new park yesterday because it showed a dirt path. It was better suited for mountain bikes, but I ran anyway.


    My first trail run. It was a challenge, but my knees are thanking me for not being on concrete!

    That kind of running does such good things for you: tightens up your form, works your stability muscles, and is just plain fun.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Sweet hot air balloon! That's awesome.

    I bullied myself out of bed this morning for my run. It was 34 degrees but little or no wind, so it was very comfortable running weather. Instead of setting out to run specific mileage I planned my route in advance - I needed to make a deposit so I tucked my envelope into my pocket and ran to the bank, then looped back a different way and stopped at a park near my house (then did my cool-down walk from there). It turned out to be 2.75 miles (if I had run mileage I would have gone for 3 so reasonably close anyway). I was running on sidewalks & had to wait at stoplights so my running pace isn't going to set any records, but on the up side there were street lights on most of my route so I could see where I was going. I had a mini Maglite with me for the areas that weren't well lit (within half a mile of my house) and that worked well.

    Awesome run Laura! Way to make it a lifestyle!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Good work pushing through, Rindy!

    I have been wondering when fuel during a run will come into play. So far all I have carried is water on my long runs, of which the longest is currently 6.25 miles and one hour and 19 minutes long. I do always have a light protein snack before my runs. Anyone have some advice on this? If I don't HAVE to eat anything or carry anything other than water, I don't want to.

    I started carrying or stopping for water at 6/7 miles and fueling helps at 9/10. At my speeds, 10 miles is almost 2.5 hours of running.

    I ate one Blok every other mile in my half. CarsonRuns advises training without fuel to adapt the body to burning deep reserves, but that's only an issue if you are trying to PR a marathon.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Brilliant shots, Tim, thanks for sharing :)

    A frosty 2mile run this morning (my first sub zero centigrade run ever) so I decided to do it on the hill for a change. Normally I have a downhill stretch and then inevitably I run back up a different hill to get home in a loop but this morning I just kept running up and down the same section of hill near my house until I beeped 2miles. I've more than likely just underlined my 'nutter' status with the neighbours but what the hell :)

    I'll maybe go a little slower next time and pay more attention to my stride but it seems to make better use of my 2mile run than just making up the numbers so I'll stick with it for a while and see if it improves .....anything!

    I imagine that my neighbors were thinking the same thing when they saw my run up and down our streets, over and over with a light shining out from the middle of my forehead. Oh, well! :-)

    I terrified mine with my red running light the other night. They were all standing out in their yard to see what it was.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    FYI - I had foot pain after my run. I was limping slightly. Resting, icing and worried about being able to run again after my layoff. My massage therapist just erased it. Rubbed it out. As if it had never been. Amazing.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    FYI - I had foot pain after my run. I was limping slightly. Resting, icing and worried about being able to run again after my layoff. My massage therapist just erased it. Rubbed it out. As if it had never been. Amazing.

    My massage therapist is on maternity leave. I miss her. So much.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Even though I primarily wear my contacts during the day I almost always run in my glasses, and don't have any problems with them bouncing/staying on my face. The only issues I have are when it rains, and the hat has helped with that.
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    Brilliant shots, Tim, thanks for sharing :)

    I've more than likely just underlined my 'nutter' status with the neighbours but what the hell :)

    I'll maybe go a little slower next time and pay more attention to my stride but it seems to make better use of my 2mile run than just making up the numbers so I'll stick with it for a while and see if it improves .....anything!

    I imagine that my neighbors were thinking the same thing when they saw my run up and down our streets, over and over with a light shining out from the middle of my forehead. Oh, well! :-)

    I terrified mine with my red running light the other night. They were all standing out in their yard to see what it was.

    When I started running earlier this year I made it a mission to avoid being seen actually doing it as I felt a bit daft but now I'll happily run past queuing traffic or pedestrians and not give it a second thought - maybe I feel less of an imposter now lol
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    I went to a new park yesterday because it showed a dirt path. It was better suited for mountain bikes, but I ran anyway.


    My first trail run. It was a challenge, but my knees are thanking me for not being on concrete!

    I love trail running - That extra bit of bounce under your feet makes all the difference even if it is at the expense of speed (well for me anyway) -roll on Spring when t will be light enough in the mornings to get back on them.

    Do you think you'll run trails more often now?
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    Good work pushing through, Rindy!

    I have been wondering when fuel during a run will come into play. So far all I have carried is water on my long runs, of which the longest is currently 6.25 miles and one hour and 19 minutes long. I do always have a light protein snack before my runs. Anyone have some advice on this? If I don't HAVE to eat anything or carry anything other than water, I don't want to.

    I started carrying or stopping for water at 6/7 miles and fueling helps at 9/10. At my speeds, 10 miles is almost 2.5 hours of running.

    I ate one Blok every other mile in my half. CarsonRuns advises training without fuel to adapt the body to burning deep reserves, but that's only an issue if you are trying to PR a marathon.

    Thanks, Varda! I don't think I'll be PRing a marathon any time soon, LOL! Oh, wait! But I will guaranteed PR my Half! That's somehow a comforting thought. I will keep running without fuel as long as it feels OK to do so. Admittedly, I need to work on figuring out better fuel. I didn't need it, but I had some "fuel" stashed for my 10K...a cherry twizzler. That was a last minute inspiration. It would not be my first choice. I don't even like licorice! Somehow just knowing it was there gave me some sense of security.

    Tim, that hot air balloon is so cool!!!

    Yamsteroo, I decided when I started C25K that I was not going to give a fig about how others saw me or how pitiful I probably looked running. I was just determined to succeed. However, last night's get up raised the bar for weird looking...Did I mention that I was also wearing a fanny pack so I'd have a place to stash my gloves if it got too warm to wear them? LOL!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I originally did C25K last summer (repeated it this year & kept going this time) and intentionally ran early in the morning so nobody would see me. I was worried I looked like a moron, plus was convinced that people would see me and think "she's too big to run." The day I ran past a yard full of high school boys playing football and didn't care was the first time I felt like a real runner.
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    After I finished the 10-miler race on Sunday I grabbed my camera and started shooting pics of the marathon finishers until my wife crossed the finish line. My wife is in the last few photos of the set. Here's the set:


    Tim, is your wife that adorable little thing in those awesome tights with the pink headband??!?!?!!?!? How cute!!!! She looks so happy!!!!! Great pictures!!!