Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    7 miles, 5 of which were 10.26 to 10.50 - so happy!!!! Never done this before at that "caliber" lol for that distance, and set a new pb for 3 miles - 31.21 which is a 50 second improvement!!!!! Did I mention I'm so happy!!!!

    Also - if you eat chocolate and do not run, you will gain .2 lbs ;) lol merry Christmas everyone!!!!!

    ❤️???????????????? Love it! ????????????????❤️
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    7 miles, 5 of which were 10.26 to 10.50 - so happy!!!! Never done this before at that "caliber" lol for that distance, and set a new pb for 3 miles - 31.21 which is a 50 second improvement!!!!! Did I mention I'm so happy!!!!

    Also - if you eat chocolate and do not run, you will gain .2 lbs ;) lol merry Christmas everyone!!!!!

    Thanks for the warning!

    Terrific run! Both the distance and the speed; really good!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    7 miles, 5 of which were 10.26 to 10.50 - so happy!!!! Never done this before at that "caliber" lol for that distance, and set a new pb for 3 miles - 31.21 which is a 50 second improvement!!!!! Did I mention I'm so happy!!!!

    Also - if you eat chocolate and do not run, you will gain .2 lbs ;) lol merry Christmas everyone!!!!!

    That's an awesome run! Speedy woman!

    Have been eating chocolate. Haven't run since Saturday. Drat.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Okay I went and ran 4 miles. Back to my chocolate....
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Merry Christmas everyone!!

    Last night was the first "Jingle Jog" with the local running store. We all wore bells and whatever Christmas-y stuff we had. I counted at least 40 people - not bad for Christmas Eve. Everyone said they were just going to "take it easy" but I ended up running the 3 miles at 8:51 pace! I had already ran 3.5 miles in the morning so I was feeling pretty tired at the end (and still tired this morning). They had cupcakes & cookies waiting for us at the store but sadly nothing hot to drink (it was COLD!).

    I hope everyone has a great day!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Tim that really is a quick run through the Christmas lights! Hot cocoa would have been nice at the end.
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    Merry Christmas everyone!!!! Wow on your run Tim! Santa (aka husband) bought me the cw-x running tights for a present!!!' Holy awesome, I don't think I will ever take them off. Why does all my wonderful running gear make all my other clothes feel sooooo crappy! What a wonderful present. Means a lot, he did so much research!!!!
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Okay I went and ran 4 miles. Back to my chocolate....
    Whew! Glad you got the warning (that you had to run for the chocolate to work for weightloss) in time to get the run in!

    Yesterday I got to my parents and then went for a run with my sister and much younger brother, and my two dogs. Cathy is a year younger and as unfit as I was last year. John is much younger and quite fit. We decided to do day 1 week 1 of C25K. Cathy was red faced and panting by the end, but she did it! John seemed to enjoy the walk (he rarely broke into a run) and I was thrilled at how easy it all was. Both of us ran at Cathy's pace so that she didn't feel out of place and I think we all had fun. I compared it on RunDouble to my first day of C25K and the time was very close. Now, I can't believe I found it that difficult, but I did, way back in May.
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    Okay I went and ran 4 miles. Back to my chocolate....
    Whew! Glad you got the warning (that you had to run for the chocolate to work for weightloss) in time to get the run in!

    Yesterday I got to my parents and then went for a run with my sister and much younger brother, and my two dogs. Cathy is a year younger and as unfit as I was last year. John is much younger and quite fit. We decided to do day 1 week 1 of C25K. Cathy was red faced and panting by the end, but she did it! John seemed to enjoy the walk (he rarely broke into a run) and I was thrilled at how easy it all was. Both of us ran at Cathy's pace so that she didn't feel out of place and I think we all had fun. I compared it on RunDouble to my first day of C25K and the time was very close. Now, I can't believe I found it that difficult, but I did, way back in May.

    That's so great bts - it's crazy how far we've all come, it's hard to remember somedays what it felt like to barley be able to run 30 seconds.... Great that you went at her pace, it would be awesome for her to do the program, I would love to mentor someone through it since it changed my life so much!

    And yes, run before chocolate is important. (Or after). I went three miles to make up for mine today lol -
  • solardippo
    solardippo Posts: 54 Member

    So I can't even pretend I have caught up with what has been going on with you all. I am just going to assume you are all still awesome, or if not currently awesome, you are planning to be in the near future.

    I have had barely a minute to fit in things like showering, wrapping Christmas presents or sleeping (Ok, there has been sleep - I DO NOT skimp on sleep if there is the slightest option). So running has only been wedged in when I can. Managed 3 days last week, but so far this week only today. Didn't feel great today, but if runtastic is to be believed it was decently quick. I suppose half the time the wind was behind me, so it balanced out the parts where it was like running into a wall! I hope to get out again tomorrow morning, but that relies on me getting out of bed...

    The parkrun on Saturday was in nasty conditions. Really wet, only just above freezing, a biting wind, especially at the top of the park and hailstones at the end... BUT! Personal Record on that course by nearly a minute (30:44 on a hilly 5k - so not breaking anybody else's records). I was not expecting that because it not feel particularly speedy and I thought I had started off too fast (it starts straight up a looooong slow hill) but the last km I was racing a 15 year old boy who looked really pissed off at me overtaking him and I think that helped. I am still in the last 10% of finishers every time but they are all so nice I don't care. I hope to get along again this weekend and will try to match that.

    Folk on my friends list will know my weight has been a bit mental. I have been eating really badly (hello 5000 actual calories today, as a very conservative estimate) but the weight has been falling off. I can actually see it in my face. I suspect this has a lot to do with the mentalness of work and the long long long winter hours... As of this morning I am only 3lb from what I have set as my ultimate goal. As of tomorrow morning I expect it to be at least 9lbs away but today was yum!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Okay I went and ran 4 miles. Back to my chocolate....
    Whew! Glad you got the warning (that you had to run for the chocolate to work for weightloss) in time to get the run in!

    Yesterday I got to my parents and then went for a run with my sister and much younger brother, and my two dogs. Cathy is a year younger and as unfit as I was last year. John is much younger and quite fit. We decided to do day 1 week 1 of C25K. Cathy was red faced and panting by the end, but she did it! John seemed to enjoy the walk (he rarely broke into a run) and I was thrilled at how easy it all was. Both of us ran at Cathy's pace so that she didn't feel out of place and I think we all had fun. I compared it on RunDouble to my first day of C25K and the time was very close. Now, I can't believe I found it that difficult, but I did, way back in May.

    I love this story. Do you think your sister or brother will be motivated to continue on with C25K on their own?
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member

    So I can't even pretend I have caught up with what has been going on with you all. I am just going to assume you are all still awesome, or if not currently awesome, you are planning to be in the near future.

    I have had barely a minute to fit in things like showering, wrapping Christmas presents or sleeping (Ok, there has been sleep - I DO NOT skimp on sleep if there is the slightest option). So running has only been wedged in when I can. Managed 3 days last week, but so far this week only today. Didn't feel great today, but if runtastic is to be believed it was decently quick. I suppose half the time the wind was behind me, so it balanced out the parts where it was like running into a wall! I hope to get out again tomorrow morning, but that relies on me getting out of bed...

    The parkrun on Saturday was in nasty conditions. Really wet, only just above freezing, a biting wind, especially at the top of the park and hailstones at the end... BUT! Personal Record on that course by nearly a minute (30:44 on a hilly 5k - so not breaking anybody else's records). I was not expecting that because it not feel particularly speedy and I thought I had started off too fast (it starts straight up a looooong slow hill) but the last km I was racing a 15 year old boy who looked really pissed off at me overtaking him and I think that helped. I am still in the last 10% of finishers every time but they are all so nice I don't care. I hope to get along again this weekend and will try to match that.

    Folk on my friends list will know my weight has been a bit mental. I have been eating really badly (hello 5000 actual calories today, as a very conservative estimate) but the weight has been falling off. I can actually see it in my face. I suspect this has a lot to do with the mentalness of work and the long long long winter hours... As of this morning I am only 3lb from what I have set as my ultimate goal. As of tomorrow morning I expect it to be at least 9lbs away but today was yum!

    You ran just over a 30 minute 5K, on a hilly route, in the HAIL. You're my hero.

    Also congrats on closing in on your goal. The way you're going those 5000 calories today will probably get rid of those final 3 pounds for you.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    My Monday trip to the gym included 6 more miles on the elliptical and then a quick run on the track. (Ran 1 mile and walked about 1/2 more.)

    I ate enough cashews and chocolate yesterday for 5 people. I didn't even log yesterday, but am right back at it this morning!

    Since I started "maintenance" I've gained about 4 lbs. :grumble: MUST GET BACK ON TRACK!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    My Monday trip to the gym included 6 more miles on the elliptical and then a quick run on the track. (Ran 1 mile and walked about 1/2 more.)

    I ate enough cashews and chocolate yesterday for 5 people. I didn't even log yesterday, but am right back at it this morning!

    Since I started "maintenance" I've gained about 4 lbs. :grumble: MUST GET BACK ON TRACK!

    Now you know. Rocking job at the gym, BTW.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Merry Christmas everyone!!!! Wow on your run Tim! Santa (aka husband) bought me the cw-x running tights for a present!!!' Holy awesome, I don't think I will ever take them off. Why does all my wonderful running gear make all my other clothes feel sooooo crappy! What a wonderful present. Means a lot, he did so much research!!!!

    This is why we need to develop a woman's work/casual line based on performance wear.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Varda, here's a video of me and Free
    You have to realize that 1) Free was the dog I started freestyle with as a retirement sport for her, so I only worked with her, not the boys until this summer, and 2) we are both rank beginners at this and 3) when this was done, Free was just a couple months short of her 14th birthday.

    Edited! Forgot to add my run! The purpose of this post! Anyway, because everything was upset and delayed, i didn't get in the long run that I wanted, so instead I tried to do hills. I walked down my street for 5 minutes which put me at the bottom of a hill with a gradual incline. I ran up the hill. The other side of the hill has a much sharper decline/incline. I ran slowly down it than up it as fast as I could, five times. Then I jogged down the gradual side and then walked the 5 minutes home. Hopefully that's the way to do hills. I was just guessing, but it did make me gasp for breath quite a bit.

    She's just lovely. I'd never guess her age. I LOVE her gait.

    Yep. That's hills.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Okay I went and ran 4 miles. Back to my chocolate....

    That's the way to do it!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I managed to sneak out of work early yesterday, couldn't pass up the beautiful weather!

    I ran around the community college near where I work. It was a good run, felt great! Still came out with a blood blister on the ball of my left foot, though!

    Yikes. Is it time for new shoes?
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member

    That's one way to do negative splits :)
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I managed to sneak out of work early yesterday, couldn't pass up the beautiful weather!

    I ran around the community college near where I work. It was a good run, felt great! Still came out with a blood blister on the ball of my left foot, though!

    Yikes. Is it time for new shoes?

    I just bought new shoes last month! I don't know why I keep getting blisters! I've tried everything. I'm sure it has something to do with the way I'm running. :grumble: Just something I will have to deal with I guess...