Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    So is everyone running on New Year's Day? What's everyone's new year running plan to start the new year off ;)

    I want to take Nina to a tot trot.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Repeated the Thursday run today. My sisters, my dogs, and I did Day 3 Week 1 on C25K and then Cathy and Colin went inside while the rest of us ran for another 40 minutes. Beautiful sunny day today with a temp of 38 degrees F, 10 degrees higher than Thursday. Yesterday, Linda and I did a brisk walk with the dogs for 40 minutes. My dogs are loving this vacation.

    How's Cathy doing with C25K? Do you think she'll want to keep going?
    I'm hoping. I really tried to talk it up and tell her all about the different options to get the program off of the computer. She doesn't have a phone that can run apps, so she needs it in mp3 form or just paper form with a stop watch. She admitted that the third day was much easier than the first. It's up to her now.

    I first did C25K the summer of 2012 and just used the Cool Running schedule I found online & my Timex watch (which had a timer on it).

    The NHS website has a free mp3 version.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    congrats on the shoe purchases :) new shoes are always fun!!!!

    I did the 10 miles in my new minimalist merrels - (which I traded my new balance minimalists for). I bought them specifically for long distance and they did great yesterday! A little bit of a bruised toenail on left foot middle toe - but I didn't feel it hitting the end or anything, so I guess I just have wierd toes lol I'm so happy to know that theoretically I can do a half now - come on Feb 8th!!! I asked my hubby for entry fee for it for my birthday in a week - he said sure!!! So awesome!

    Your toe could just be from the mileage (it's always that toe for runners). However, that's why I started to use the extra hole on my left shoe. It really helped. You might also want to tape the toenail.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Just finished a 9-mile run with my wife followed by a yoga class. That puts me over 500 miles for the year (503 to be exact). This year has been quite up-and-down with my mileage. You can clearly see from the chart below each time I was dealing with an injury. I wonder where I'd be if I never got hurt during the year?

  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    WOW Tim!!!!!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Awesome Tim! I hope your 2014 graphic reflects an injury-free year!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    So is everyone running on New Year's Day? What's everyone's new year running plan to start the new year off ;)

    I want to take Nina to a tot trot.

    I will run tomorrow, but likely on the TM. We're in a cold snap & it's still supposed to be double digits below zero tomorrow, plus whatever the ridiculous wind chill is.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    That's a great graph, Tim.
    I've been keeping track of my run/walk distances this year. My aim for next year is to track my running miles separately so that I have an idea of how much I run.

    Laura, you live in a cold area. Keep warm.

    I had an easy run today and loped along for 5K (40:26). As I was running along, I thought about my progress this year. I started tracking my distance at the end of April and have run/walked 844.5 Km. I'd estimate that approx. 80% of that would be running but I'm really not sure. That's not a bad mileage for the first year, I think, and this morning's run was an "easy lope"....something I couldn't have imagined a year ago.
    Watch out next year! :smile:
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    That's a great graph, Tim.
    I've been keeping track of my run/walk distances this year. My aim for next year is to track my running miles separately so that I have an idea of how much I run.

    Laura, you live in a cold area. Keep warm.

    I had an easy run today and loped along for 5K (40:26). As I was running along, I thought about my progress this year. I started tracking my distance at the end of April and have run/walked 844.5 Km. I'd estimate that approx. 80% of that would be running but I'm really not sure. That's not a bad mileage for the first year, I think, and this morning's run was an "easy lope"....something I couldn't have imagined a year ago.
    Watch out next year! :smile:

    It is amazing to see how perspectives change as we progress. The first time I ran a mile I was beside myself. Now at the end of a long run I love that point where I "only" have a mile left. That's a great idea to log running miles separately. I'm going to do that too.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    I ran two miles in the neighborhood at sunrise to try out my New Balance Minimus shoes. They felt great! After looking at the Garmin data I saw my cadence was higher which is a good sign. I felt my calves working more. I'll keep doing some short runs in these shoes to get used to them. Still need a little more cushioning for my long runs. My Brooks are about halfway through their useful life and will be replaced in a couple of months.

    Happy New Year everyone! I'm getting ready to head out for dim sum.
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    I got a run in! Yes! I'm between treatments on my legs and I went for it. I was arguing with myself for the first mile. A mile has never felt so hard. I knew I could not have lost a years worth of conditioning in less than 4 weeks. I'm convinced that 80% of running is a mind game, the other 20% is actual physical conditioning. After two miles I was feeling awesome, so I called my husband to let him know I was pushing on, and on I went. 4 miles took 51 mins. Not my usual pace, but it was in snow. (Thank you,Yaks!) Climbing the 100 feet back into my neighborhood was really slow and really hard, my feet were slipping, but I refused to walk. I owned that hill 4 weeks ago, and by golly I was going to beat it today!!! I did! I am amazed at the fight in me. Running has changed me in so many ways. I am not who I was.

  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    That's a great graph, Tim.
    I've been keeping track of my run/walk distances this year. My aim for next year is to track my running miles separately so that I have an idea of how much I run.

    Laura, you live in a cold area. Keep warm.

    I had an easy run today and loped along for 5K (40:26). As I was running along, I thought about my progress this year. I started tracking my distance at the end of April and have run/walked 844.5 Km. I'd estimate that approx. 80% of that would be running but I'm really not sure. That's not a bad mileage for the first year, I think, and this morning's run was an "easy lope"....something I couldn't have imagined a year ago.
    Watch out next year! :smile:

    That's great, plexgut!!! That's a long way ;) it's crazy, isn't it - we've all come so far...

    I went out for a nice, 4 mile run in medium sized rain - heaviest rain I've ever run in, but it was New Year's Day and I had to start the year out right!! Welcome, 2014...
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    I got a run in! Yes! I'm between treatments on my legs and I went for it. I was arguing with myself for the first mile. A mile has never felt so hard. I knew I could not have lost a years worth of conditioning in less than 4 weeks. I'm convinced that 80% of running is a mind game, the other 20% is actual physical conditioning. After two miles I was feeling awesome, so I called my husband to let him know I was pushing on, and on I went. 4 miles took 51 mins. Not my usual pace, but it was in snow. (Thank you,Yaks!) Climbing the 100 feet back into my neighborhood was really slow and really hard, my feet were slipping, but I refused to walk. I owned that hill 4 weeks ago, and by golly I was going to beat it today!!! I did! I am amazed at the fight in me. Running has changed me in so many ways. I am not who I was.


    Bttr, that's so great!!!!!! I am so happy for you and proud of your spirit... What a great first run of the year for you, such a great story!!!! You are truly an inspiration. Happy new year!!!!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I got a run in! Yes! I'm between treatments on my legs and I went for it. I was arguing with myself for the first mile. A mile has never felt so hard. I knew I could not have lost a years worth of conditioning in less than 4 weeks. I'm convinced that 80% of running is a mind game, the other 20% is actual physical conditioning. After two miles I was feeling awesome, so I called my husband to let him know I was pushing on, and on I went. 4 miles took 51 mins. Not my usual pace, but it was in snow. (Thank you,Yaks!) Climbing the 100 feet back into my neighborhood was really slow and really hard, my feet were slipping, but I refused to walk. I owned that hill 4 weeks ago, and by golly I was going to beat it today!!! I did! I am amazed at the fight in me. Running has changed me in so many ways. I am not who I was.


    You just forgot that the first mile always sucks.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    That's a great graph, Tim.
    I've been keeping track of my run/walk distances this year. My aim for next year is to track my running miles separately so that I have an idea of how much I run.

    Laura, you live in a cold area. Keep warm.

    I had an easy run today and loped along for 5K (40:26). As I was running along, I thought about my progress this year. I started tracking my distance at the end of April and have run/walked 844.5 Km. I'd estimate that approx. 80% of that would be running but I'm really not sure. That's not a bad mileage for the first year, I think, and this morning's run was an "easy lope"....something I couldn't have imagined a year ago.
    Watch out next year! :smile:

    That's great, plexgut!!! That's a long way ;) it's crazy, isn't it - we've all come so far...

    I went out for a nice, 4 mile run in medium sized rain - heaviest rain I've ever run in, but it was New Year's Day and I had to start the year out right!! Welcome, 2014...

    We are awesome! I can't believe how much I've changed as a person from running.

    I took Nina to a tot trot. She was last, fell down, cried, got back up, walked some, started running again and finished. 4:08 for 3/10 of a mile. My inspirational quotes included "you have to run your own race." "Just keep running." "What's important is that you finish."
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    I got a run in! Yes! I'm between treatments on my legs and I went for it. I was arguing with myself for the first mile. A mile has never felt so hard. I knew I could not have lost a years worth of conditioning in less than 4 weeks. I'm convinced that 80% of running is a mind game, the other 20% is actual physical conditioning. After two miles I was feeling awesome, so I called my husband to let him know I was pushing on, and on I went. 4 miles took 51 mins. Not my usual pace, but it was in snow. (Thank you,Yaks!) Climbing the 100 feet back into my neighborhood was really slow and really hard, my feet were slipping, but I refused to walk. I owned that hill 4 weeks ago, and by golly I was going to beat it today!!! I did! I am amazed at the fight in me. Running has changed me in so many ways. I am not who I was.


    You just forgot that the first mile always sucks.

    LOL, Varda!!! Yup! I did forget.
    You must be so proud of Nina!

    Awesome graph, Tim! You are going to tear it up this year!
    Way to go, Plexgut and Madmiss!!!

    Laura, I would have run at the Y if it wasn't closed. Thankfully it warmed up to 20 degrees by the time my phone finished charging and no wind. :-)

    Running has taught us all so much. The gains (and losses!) everyone have made are so great! I can't wait to see what happens this year.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I got a run in! Yes! I'm between treatments on my legs and I went for it. I was arguing with myself for the first mile. A mile has never felt so hard. I knew I could not have lost a years worth of conditioning in less than 4 weeks. I'm convinced that 80% of running is a mind game, the other 20% is actual physical conditioning. After two miles I was feeling awesome, so I called my husband to let him know I was pushing on, and on I went. 4 miles took 51 mins. Not my usual pace, but it was in snow. (Thank you,Yaks!) Climbing the 100 feet back into my neighborhood was really slow and really hard, my feet were slipping, but I refused to walk. I owned that hill 4 weeks ago, and by golly I was going to beat it today!!! I did! I am amazed at the fight in me. Running has changed me in so many ways. I am not who I was.


    I'm so genuinely happy that you got out for a run! Jason keeps reminding me that I'm going to be slower running in snow, so don't worry about your pace. Also running in snow is freaking hard! And finally, as Varda points out, the first mile always sucks Way to OWN that hill at the end! You were worried you were going to lose something in the process of having your leg work done - instead you gained a new appreciation for the new Beth. How cool is that?
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    I got a run in! Yes! I'm between treatments on my legs and I went for it. I was arguing with myself for the first mile. A mile has never felt so hard. I knew I could not have lost a years worth of conditioning in less than 4 weeks. I'm convinced that 80% of running is a mind game, the other 20% is actual physical conditioning. After two miles I was feeling awesome, so I called my husband to let him know I was pushing on, and on I went. 4 miles took 51 mins. Not my usual pace, but it was in snow. (Thank you,Yaks!) Climbing the 100 feet back into my neighborhood was really slow and really hard, my feet were slipping, but I refused to walk. I owned that hill 4 weeks ago, and by golly I was going to beat it today!!! I did! I am amazed at the fight in me. Running has changed me in so many ways. I am not who I was.

    What a terrific run! Congratulations for getting out there and doing it! With your determination, you can do anything!
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    I didn't go to the local race today. It was supposed to be at 9 am from a local running store and they never did say how long a run it was going to be. I thought I might, but the choice of getting up, getting dressed, and getting over there to run in the morning and then have pancakes with strangers wasn't as appealing as getting up, having an omelet, checking my e-mail and then running with Fells in the afternoon when it was warmer. It's really hard for me to get enthusiastic for a race.

    I did get out with Fells and we got a good run (5k+) in and though it seemed like I was running slower than a snail, I actually had a pretty good pace going for me.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I desperately wanted to run outside today but the warmest it got before I had to leave for a family party was -9 with a -21 wind chill, and I'm not that brave, so I opted to stop at the gym on the way home. Just wasn't feeling it today. Walked a quarter mile to warm up, ran 2 miles, walked another quarter mile, ran 1 more mile, then walked a half mile & stopped. Was hoping to run 4, but settled for 3 running & 1 walking. My IT bands have been sore just above my knees so my trainer gave me a new stretch for that. I made sure to stretch well & get on the foam roller after my run.