Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Tequilla + new running socks + guilt of no morning exercise in 2 days = interesting 8pm 31 degrees 2 mile run I may have pneumonia tomorrow, but my mile times were actually pretty good for being fueled by Mexican food and margarita salt!!!!

    Oh how I miss tequila! I haven't had any hard liquor in a year. I only allow myself a couple of regular bottles or one "bomber" bottle of beer every Saturday night. And I have a nice bomber of IPA calling my name right now!

    Great work everyone and that's awesome about the 5K Romy!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Glad to see everyone getting back into it after the festivities! Today I had to do a 5k run and the weather was great (slightly overcast and 4°C which is a lot better than the storms and flooding that the rest of the country is getting!) I decided it was the perfect day for my kids to run their first 5k! I chose an easy route, the first km was uphill but they had ran it several times during c25k, and the rest of it was downhill/flat. They ran it straight through, no complaining, no walking, in 43 minutes.

    Love this!!!
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    Tequilla + new running socks + guilt of no morning exercise in 2 days = interesting 8pm 31 degrees 2 mile run I may have pneumonia tomorrow, but my mile times were actually pretty good for being fueled by Mexican food and margarita salt!!!!

    Oh how I miss tequila! I haven't had any hard liquor in a year. I only allow myself a couple of regular bottles or one "bomber" bottle of beer every Saturday night. And I have a nice bomber of IPA calling my name right now!

    Great work everyone and that's awesome about the 5K Romy!

    So proud of you all in the snow!!!! We kept passing cars on the hwy that were covered in salt and I kept thinking of you all -

    That's so cool, romy! Hope your kids catch the bug like we all have ;)

    Tim - I will never give up booze, I love it too much. I could give up eating and all desert for the rest of my life but I still drink quite a bit ;) my best runs involve hangovers and ibuprofen on Sunday am's ;)

    If I could give it up I'd probably be with Laura at an awesome 70 lbs weight loss!!!
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Congrats on running for an hour! The first time I did that all I could think was that I started at 60 seconds and had moved up to 60 minutes, and how amazing that was. The hat is a must in the rain, if only to keep it off your face.

    Running for an hour really is a milestone. The thought still makes me smile and happy. I'm amazed sometimes how far I (we) have come. A year ago, I wouldn't have believed that I could run that length of time.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Glad to see everyone getting back into it after the festivities! Today I had to do a 5k run and the weather was great (slightly overcast and 4°C which is a lot better than the storms and flooding that the rest of the country is getting!) I decided it was the perfect day for my kids to run their first 5k! I chose an easy route, the first km was uphill but they had ran it several times during c25k, and the rest of it was downhill/flat. They ran it straight through, no complaining, no walking, in 43 minutes.

    This is such a great post. Congratulations to your kids, Romy, and to you for being such a great coach to them.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    If I could give it up I'd probably be with Laura at an awesome 70 lbs weight loss!!!

    I pretty much stick to red wine these days. Once every couple of months I might have a mixed drink or a beer. I don't deliberately avoid alcohol - I've just never been that much of a drinker. I'm the one at the bar drinking a diet coke because I like it better. I'm an awesome friend to have when you need a DD.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    I missed my 3 mile run yesterday, but I got in 2 miles today on the treadmill. I wanted to keep it short today since I'm running tomorrow with the running group and haven't done much with two days in a row of running yet. I set the incline to 1% and my calves felt better. I've struggled really bad with the treadmill in the past, but today I didn't have to take any walking breaks.

    Last month I didn't even get in half the miles I did in November and I'm sure that has something to do with my struggle. I'll probably be spending most of this month getting back to where I was at the beginning of last month, but I'll get there.

    I'm glad that today's run went well for you.

    November was a poor running month for me. I ran about half the mileage that I usually do. I haven't noticed a big difference in ability in December (not after the first couple of runs, that is...and then I only had to go a titch slower). I hope it goes as well for you.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    I ran 10K this morning. Cold this morning but it's just going to get colder as the day goes on, so I was on the road at 6:45. Different route than usual because sunrise isn't until 7:55 and I wanted street lights, which my usual route doesn't have. It snowed 3" last night, but my Yaktrax worked great. I ran down to a stretch of road that's just over a mile long - ran down & back the whole thing twice & repeated a shorter section a third time, then ran back to my starting point. Had an average pace of 13:30, which is my best pace yet in the snow (I've been averaging just over 14). When I finished the first full loop of the road I really just wanted to come home - I was running into the wind at that point and my legs were so tired from running on the snow - but I turned around for my second loop and I was fine after that. I usually like a long cool-down walk but just did a 5 minute one today, followed by a little shoveling when I got home.

    This sounds like a nice (but cold) run, Laura. You make running in the snow sound like fun. Now I want to try it. :D We don't get snow here very often, though, and its usually heavy & wet.
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    Glad to see everyone getting back into it after the festivities! Today I had to do a 5k run and the weather was great (slightly overcast and 4°C which is a lot better than the storms and flooding that the rest of the country is getting!) I decided it was the perfect day for my kids to run their first 5k! I chose an easy route, the first km was uphill but they had ran it several times during c25k, and the rest of it was downhill/flat. They ran it straight through, no complaining, no walking, in 43 minutes.

    This is so cool, Romy!!!!
    I am a happy camper because today my 13 year old son said he wants to start seriously running with me!!!! And my husband said he would also like to start up again once he finishes a project he's been working on...<3 <3<3!!!!
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    It was dismally slow...13 min pace. I was working SO hard. I worry that I've lost speed, but actually I think I can blame the footing. Eventhough it felt secure, as in no fear of falling, your feet kind of slip or slide backwards a bit with every stride on that loose dirty stuff. It's like running in sand.

    Laura, just think how awesome and easy it will be once we can run on clear roads again! Happy thought!!!!

    Your pace running in snow is going to be slower. I've been averaging 14 minute miles in the snow. Got that down to 13:30 today and was super happy with that. Don't worry about losing speed because of your couple weeks of recovery - running in the snow is harder so it's going to be slower. I've never actually run in sand, but I imagine that's what it's like.

    We are going to KILL once we get back on pavement!
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    Tequila makes me mean, so I'm going to have to stick with the chocolate diet for now.

    I ran 10K this morning. Cold this morning but it's just going to get colder as the day goes on, so I was on the road at 6:45. Different route than usual because sunrise isn't until 7:55 and I wanted street lights, which my usual route doesn't have. It snowed 3" last night, but my Yaktrax worked great. I ran down to a stretch of road that's just over a mile long - ran down & back the whole thing twice & repeated a shorter section a third time, then ran back to my starting point. Had an average pace of 13:30, which is my best pace yet in the snow (I've been averaging just over 14). When I finished the first full loop of the road I really just wanted to come home - I was running into the wind at that point and my legs were so tired from running on the snow - but I turned around for my second loop and I was fine after that. I usually like a long cool-down walk but just did a 5 minute one today, followed by a little shoveling when I got home.

    BTW...did I mention that YOU ROCK??? In the dark AND the cold AND Snow!!!
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Today my wife & I went back to the same park I was at last week. Another wet & dreary Sunday - I think that's 5 in a row now. No rain, just some light mist and a lot of fog. Thankfully today the construction was done and we could run the entire park. The part that was closed is an insanely steep section that climbs nonstop for 2/3 of a mile (about 650 ft elevation gain). We ran that hill and had to stop once to walk. Then we ran around the other side of the park and came back down that hill. For some insane reason, we got to the bottom of the hill and decided to try it again. I made it the entire 2/3 mile without stopping this time but my wife dropped back a couple of times to walk. We came back down again and my wife stopped at 7 miles while I did another loop around the lake finishing at 9.26 miles. Overall pace was 9:41.
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    That sounds like a fun Sunday, Tim ;)

    That's so awesome Beth!!! And love the new profile pic ;)

    Sunday is rapidly becoming my favorite day of the week - hangover 10 mile day as it is now dubbed ;) I cut 4 minutes off my 10 mile time!!!! 1.56hrs ;) and I hydrated for the first time - took water and chews with me to start practicing fueling for my half marathon next month!!!! I'm a very happy happy happy camper!!!!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    You guys are killing it! I've got to get back in gear or be left behind.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Madmiss, your Sunday runs are fun!

    Today was a gorgeous, sunny and cold day. We're having a really dry winter this year and I'm loving it. Getting outdoors is the best way to run.
    Today I ran my usual 5K plus 3x 0.5K intervals. These intervals are a perfect temperature control. As soon as I started feeling cold, I'd run for half a K and feel toasty again.
    Tomorrow I'm back to work, which means some treadmill runs through the week. I've really enjoyed my outdoor runs and will miss them. Hopefully the weekends will continue to be reasonable for running.
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    You guys are killing it! I've got to get back in gear or be left behind.

    I feel the same way! Yowsa!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    It was dismally slow...13 min pace. I was working SO hard. I worry that I've lost speed, but actually I think I can blame the footing. Eventhough it felt secure, as in no fear of falling, your feet kind of slip or slide backwards a bit with every stride on that loose dirty stuff. It's like running in sand.

    Laura, just think how awesome and easy it will be once we can run on clear roads again! Happy thought!!!!

    Your pace running in snow is going to be slower. I've been averaging 14 minute miles in the snow. Got that down to 13:30 today and was super happy with that. Don't worry about losing speed because of your couple weeks of recovery - running in the snow is harder so it's going to be slower. I've never actually run in sand, but I imagine that's what it's like.

    We are going to KILL once we get back on pavement!

  • Rindy12
    Rindy12 Posts: 215 Member
    I didn't get my run in yesterday as I woke up with a nasty migraine. I really didn't feel like working out today, but I saw one of those motivational posters online that said when you don't want to work out that's when you need it most. So I went ahead and hit up the treadmill for 4 miles on a 1% incline. It's getting better, I think it helped quite a bit to have the TV on. It's more of a distraction than music. I'm still a lot slower on the treadmill than out on the street yet it feels like the same pace. I love the way I feel when my workout is done, I really needed that.
  • solardippo
    solardippo Posts: 54 Member
    A quick update on what I have been up to for the last couple of weeks. Work hours are still long, but with christmas out of the way the time I am not at work is my own again.

    I got a parkrun / 5k PB on the 28th (29:37! I broke 30 minutes! On hills!) fueled by christmas excess. A nice hour long trot around the park on New Years Eve then ran my longest yet on New Years Day - 8 miles in 1 hour 20. I could have gone longer but had to be back for dinner. It was awesome! Didn't intend to go long but I got lost in the badlands of the city and had to keep moving 8¬)

    I had a little time on Thursday morning so a 4 mile trot around the park again to loosen up my legs. Then on Saturday the Parkrun and apparently I wasn't very ladylike in my incredulity at the time at the finish line... 28:33! Also my first experience of the post sprint near-puke... I pushed myself a bit against one of the regulars at the end (he got me by 5 seconds).

    There was a new woman there who it turned out lives a couple of streets from me. She is training for a half marathon so I went out with her on her training run yesterday morning. She runs a lot slower than me naturally (also, is aiming for a sustainable half pace) so regulating myself down was interesting. Probably good for me to learn to run slower because I struggle with only have one pace plus race death pace. It was nice to have someone to chat to, so we may make it a once a week thing if she didn't think I was a total freak. A Parkrun recovery hour for me. My legs and ankles are a bit sore today though. I suspect I run differently when going slower than natural?

    So, good mileage in the last couple of weeks. I got new shoes for christmas but I have been afraid to wear them out... Asics Gel Nimbus 15s. I love my brooks Ghosts and the shop said they would probably have put me back in them if there were any in stock. what if I don't love the new ones the same?!?

    As for the rest of MFP - my eating has been terrible. I am nearly at goal but am fighting evening binges every couple of days. I have revised my calories up a little and I think I need to look at eating more substantial meals rather than work enforced snacking as it is the days I eat a larger meal out that I feel satisfied. the weight is still behaving somehow...

    As a note, one of my favourite things about Parkrun is the number of kids running with their parents and a group of teenagers who are NOT the naturally fit variety who are there. Hearing about your children running with you makes me so happy.
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    A quick update on what I have been up to for the last couple of weeks. Work hours are still long, but with christmas out of the way the time I am not at work is my own again.

    You are doing great with the running, despite everything else in your life!

    I'm really impressed with how a lot of you are getting through the winter by finding a way for the treadmill to work for you and/or getting out and running in the snow and cold.

    The weather where I have been (and I've been many places other than home in the past two weeks) has mostly been right around freezing and with something coming down from the sky; snow, rain, freezing rain, and more. It has been an obstacle course of dry pavement, ice, and ice with water on top with every step and not knowing what your foot will come down on next. Yesterday had some of the worst weather so far, yet I had pretty good traction as I was at a boy scout camp so the ground was mainly dirt and leaves. The drive to and from the camp however was really bad. So anyway, I've been doing a lot more brisk walking than running because I like having at least one leg on the ground at any given time.

    I am planning to run on Friday and Sunday of this coming week, but it's been so long since I've run, since New Years Day, that I'm thinking of squeezing a small treadmill run in on Tuesday at work.