Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270
    Hopefully it's nothing major Tim... this morning I ran for 65 minutes under a light snow @10:17 putting me a little bit over 6 miles. Another nice easy run and definitely easier with 24 hours between runs as oppossed to 12 hours.

    Jan 27 I get to start track workouts once speed work is introduced in the training plan. Amazed @ your 6:30 pace, I am reasonable sure the fastest pace the speed workouts have me at is about 7:40 or so.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Jan 27 I get to start track workouts once speed work is introduced in the training plan. Amazed @ your 6:30 pace, I am reasonable sure the fastest pace the speed workouts have me at is about 7:40 or so.

    You'll enjoy the speedwork and it really makes a difference in your overall speed. I was amazed too at 6:30 pace and I was so happy when we finished that 16th interval! I don't think I could hold that pace for a longer interval. And I did the 200m rest intervals very, very slowly. I run 400's at 7:00 and 800's a bit slower. I haven't run any longer intervals but I'm sure we will eventually.
  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270

    This is what the plan calls for for my first bout of speedwork...looks daunting, but excited to get there.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I got in 5 miles on the elliptical yesterday, then a short walk before weight training. I really love the gym, but can't wait for better weather so I can ride my bike!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    After my last (second) running 5k, I totally understood speed work. You need it to properly gauge effort during the shorter races and to convince your body that it has something left when you see the finish line.
  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270
    After my last (second) running 5k, I totally understood speed work. You need it to properly gauge effort during the shorter races and to convince your body that it has something left when you see the finish line.

    varda..did you check out gip.is to see if that met some of your requirements for a training plan?
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    And... No running for 4 days ;( at this rate I'll be able to go hopefully Saturday :( this morning was not pretty, almost completely lost my voice and my cold has settled nicely in my chest. So hot toddys and medicine for this girl ;( sad sad sad ;( everyone have a run for me!!!!
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    And... No running for 4 days ;( at this rate I'll be able to go hopefully Saturday :( this morning was not pretty, almost completely lost my voice and my cold has settled nicely in my chest. So hot toddys and medicine for this girl ;( sad sad sad ;( everyone have a run for me!!!!

    Well, poop! That sucks! It kinda sounds like you have what I did a few weeks ago. I did lose my voice entirely. i will run for you tomorrow! :-)
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    TIm, Joe and Varda: I'm excited by all your speed work talk, now that I think I might have some speed in me. Before my leg stuff I was doing my own quasi-version of speed work on the track by running a mile walking two laps x 3. I was getting a 9:30 -10:00 average pace with those. My 8:36 mile shocked the heck out of me! It was in stark constrast to my two previous slow and snowy runs 4 mile! I didn't really intend to do it, I was just feeling my oats after being laid up so long. Now I'm back to base building for the next two weeks or so, but now I know its in there. I just gotta stretch it out. I had a speedwork plan figured out using FIRST method . My pace goals for each distance would look like this based off of a HM pace goal of 11:30:

    Targeted HMP: 11:30 min pace
    400s: 9:15 min pace = 2:19
    800s: 10:25 min pace = 5:12
    1600s: 10:45 min pace = 5:12
    Tempos: 11:15 pace

    The plan calls for the weeks to build like typed below, but I might do the weekly mileage building more gradually by shortening the Thurs run and repeating the long run distances for two weeks before adding a mile. The quick build to multiple 10 mile runs within a month intimidates me. What do you think?:

    WEEK 1: Tues. 4 x 400s Thurs. 3-mile tempo Sat. 6 mile long run
    WEEK 2: Tues. 4 x 800s Thurs. 4-mile tempo Sat. 8 mile long run
    WEEK 3: Tues. 3 x 1600 Thurs. 5-mile tempo Sat. 10 mile long run
    WEEK 4: Tues. 6 x 400 Thurs. 6-mile tempo Sat. 6 mile long run
    WEEK 5: Tues. 3 x 1600 Thurs. 4-mile tempo Sat. 10 mile long run
    WEEK 6: Tues. 4 x 800 Thurs. 8-mile tempo Sat. 8 mile long run
    WEEK 7: Tues. 6 x 400 Thurs. 6- mile tempo Sat. 10 mile long run
    WEEK 8: Tues. 4 x 1600 Thurs. 8-mile tempo Sat. 12 mile long run
    WEEK 9: Tues 3 x 800 Thurs. 3-mile tempo Sat. 6 mile long run
    WEEK 10: Tues. 4 x 400 Thurs. 2 mile tempo HALF MARATHON
  • Rindy12
    Rindy12 Posts: 215 Member
    I got 3.3 miles in today outside. I think I finally have the layers right, I wasn't too cold and wasn't too hot. My next run is the 10k Polar Dash on Saturday. I'm not concerned with the time since December got completely screwed up with my mileage. It's supposed to be 35 with a windchill of 24, so not too bad. All week they have been forecasting between 60 and 70% chance of rain, we are now down to 10% chance of rain. I'm really hoping it stays that way. Not really liking the idea of rain when it's that close to freezing, but it's looking like I won't have to deal with that. Yeah!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I ran 3 miles on the TM tonight since I blew off my run last night. I really wanted to quit at 2 miles. At 2.5 I was exhausted but knew I could hang on for another half mile. At 3 miles I felt pretty good and rewarded myself with a nice stretch & some quality time with the foam roller on my IT bands.
  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270

    The plan calls for the weeks to build like typed below, but I might do the weekly mileage building more gradually by shortening the Thurs run and repeating the long run distances for two weeks before adding a mile. The quick build to multiple 10 mile runs within a month intimidates me. What do you think?:

    WEEK 1: Tues. 4 x 400s Thurs. 3-mile tempo Sat. 6 mile long run
    WEEK 2: Tues. 4 x 800s Thurs. 4-mile tempo Sat. 8 mile long run
    WEEK 3: Tues. 3 x 1600 Thurs. 5-mile tempo Sat. 10 mile long run
    WEEK 4: Tues. 6 x 400 Thurs. 6-mile tempo Sat. 6 mile long run
    WEEK 5: Tues. 3 x 1600 Thurs. 4-mile tempo Sat. 10 mile long run
    WEEK 6: Tues. 4 x 800 Thurs. 8-mile tempo Sat. 8 mile long run
    WEEK 7: Tues. 6 x 400 Thurs. 6- mile tempo Sat. 10 mile long run
    WEEK 8: Tues. 4 x 1600 Thurs. 8-mile tempo Sat. 12 mile long run
    WEEK 9: Tues 3 x 800 Thurs. 3-mile tempo Sat. 6 mile long run
    WEEK 10: Tues. 4 x 400 Thurs. 2 mile tempo HALF MARATHON

    I am not qualified to speak to plans...however, it doesn't seem extreme...even see some pullback in there. Honestly, there seems to be big jumps in weekly though, almost seems like the plan assumes a good base is already in place. Heres my numbers from FIRST and I feel that weekly mileage would be too much at first



    on second thought, the weekly doesn't seem bad, although the long run pace is a full minute and half faster than i have gotten from other plans

    you know what, I remember reading that a member here does the FIRST thingy, I can't remember who, but they would be excellent to talk to about it
  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270
    @rindy...i am jealous you have layers figured out...i can't seem to get both halves in sync

    @laura..great job tonight, especially on a tready....
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Rindy & Laura - great runs yesterday!!

    Yesterday was strength training for me. I switched to a different gym and it was my first workout there. They have a lot more equipment and the place is just nicer in general.
    on second thought, the weekly doesn't seem bad, although the long run pace is a full minute and half faster than i have gotten from other plans

    you know what, I remember reading that a member here does the FIRST thingy, I can't remember who, but they would be excellent to talk to about it

    I am loosely following the FIRST plan. Right now I am doing a hacked-up plan to carry me to the end of March. That's when I begin the first of two 16-week marathon training plans. I read the book "Run Less, Run Faster" and I know they don't like "junk miles" but I added an easy run to my schedule. I talked with our speedwork coach who is an old, very experienced runner and he told me I need to be running much more often. So I'm trying to decide if I need to revamp my plan.

    You can see my 2014 plan at the link below. Note: I don't put any specific workout for speedwork because it's a group workout and we never know what we are doing that night until we show up. And I put runs next to races (in red) but those probably won't happen - just there to remind me of my total mileage needed for the week.

  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270
    Very nice , Tim. Even without a revamp it still looks like your running often. Both you and Bttr plans look a lot more intense than the one I am following. I am not sure how to share my gip.is plan...I wouldn't mind getting some opinions on that either. But I will try it all the way through..it's only 18 weeks, so if it turns out to not be very well, I'll just try another one.

    I wish I had the availability of races that you do. That is A LOT of races!
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    I wish I had the availability of races that you do. That is A LOT of races!

    And that's not even all of them. Next month I'd like to squeeze in either a fast 5K or a trail half-marathon. I'm leaning towards doing the trail race but taking it easy. Then there's the North Face Endurance Challenge which doesn't have a date yet but should be the end of September. I am targeting 50K for that race (I have all day to run it). And finally there's the One EPIC Run in South Carolina which should be in early December. That's a 24-hour run on a 3-mile trail loop. Might go for 50 miles if I don't bonk.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    And... No running for 4 days ;( at this rate I'll be able to go hopefully Saturday :( this morning was not pretty, almost completely lost my voice and my cold has settled nicely in my chest. So hot toddys and medicine for this girl ;( sad sad sad ;( everyone have a run for me!!!!

    Well, poop! That sucks! It kinda sounds like you have what I did a few weeks ago. I did lose my voice entirely. i will run for you tomorrow! :-)

    madmiss, I'm sorry to hear that you're still not well. My husband had something like this just before Christmas. It's not pleasant. Get well soon. I will run for you tomorrow, too.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    I'm loosely following the 10K Runner app. Yesterday, I adapted the training run for 25 min run + 3 min walk + 20 min run + 3 min walk + 7 min run (an extra session to fit my allotted TM time). In total I ran 6.2K in the 52 minutes.
    It's a tough slog on the TM and I hope that tomorrow is pleasant enough for an outdoor run.
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    I am starting on the Cool Running half marathon training program on Monday - http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_4/134.shtml should be fun, even though I'm basically half way through it already :) Hopefuilly I will be well!!! I got some mucinex this am, that stuff is the BOMB, but so expensive :(
  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270
    I am starting on the Cool Running half marathon training program on Monday - http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_4/134.shtml should be fun, even though I'm basically half way through it already :) Hopefuilly I will be well!!! I got some mucinex this am, that stuff is the BOMB, but so expensive :(

    running 5 times a week!!!! oh my. I wish i had the energy for that myself. Very cool!