Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    I am starting on the Cool Running half marathon training program on Monday - http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_4/134.shtml should be fun, even though I'm basically half way through it already :) Hopefuilly I will be well!!! I got some mucinex this am, that stuff is the BOMB, but so expensive :(

    Awesome!! Hope you are recovered soon! Yeah, Mucinex has been quite effective for me in the past. Also single-malt Scotch but I'm not allowed to buy that any more. :-(

    My leg feels much better today. Below is a photo from yesterday morning. It was red and tender to the touch. Today I can just barely make out some redness and the tenderness is gone. I had planned on a tempo run today but will change that to a short easy run just to see how my leg responds.

  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    Sorry about your leg Tim ;(

    Single malt scotch huh ;) there's a lot of that in the liquor cabinet at our house, but eugh.....

    So far mucinex has made me float around the office in a cloud of happiness, it's great!!!! I feel better too ;) for my birthday all my friends bought me running gift cards and booze lol they know me well ;)
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    TIm, Joe and Varda: I'm excited by all your speed work talk, now that I think I might have some speed in me. Before my leg stuff I was doing my own quasi-version of speed work on the track by running a mile walking two laps x 3. I was getting a 9:30 -10:00 average pace with those. My 8:36 mile shocked the heck out of me! It was in stark constrast to my two previous slow and snowy runs 4 mile! I didn't really intend to do it, I was just feeling my oats after being laid up so long.

    That happens. You've built up a base and then go out with completely fresh legs. If your lungs can handle it, your legs can.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Just did a short 4.4 mile run with my wife. It was a little wet out - some mist in the air but warm compared to the past few days. A balmy 49°F! We had to stop early on to shed a layer because we were getting too warm. Overdressed a little, I guess. The run felt a little hard after yesterdays leg workout at the gym. Especially my hip flexors. The new gym I started going to has a machine that works the hip flexors (or quads depending on how you move your leg). I'm feeling that today!

    I'm looking forward to our Sunday long run. Can't believe it but there's actually sunshine in the forecast! After 5 consecutive weekends of rain that will feel great! I hope everyone has a great & active weekend!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Madmiss I hope the Mucinex works for you. I finally have learned to buy that first - otherwise I spent a fortune on cheaper cold medicines and end up buying the Mucinex anyway. I got a cold right after Christmas last year (started in the chest, then moved to the head, then moved into my eyes) and after the fact figured out that I had spent over $150 on cold medicine. Should have just started with the Mucinex.

    Varda & Tim & Joe & Beth I have to confess when you talk training plans and specifics I feel like you're speaking a foreign language. I do not have all the runner lingo down. So I'm going to keep paying attention and hopefully learn something. This is probably why my trainer pushed me to join the half training group.

    Tim thanks for posting that photo of your leg. That seems so strange! Glad you're due for some sunshine finally over the weekend! It's finally warming up here too.

    I have my layering figured out for when it's really cold but not sure how to dress when it's 30 degrees. Maybe just 2 layers instead of 3? Going to Fargo tomorrow for the weekend, so the plan is to get up early & sneak in 6 miles before I go.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Laura - yes I think 2 layers would do, at least for me. In that weather I would wear two long-sleeve tops (or a long-sleeve shirt and a light jacket), tights, hat, and gloves. Have fun in Fargo (I don't know much about the place but I loved the movie).
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    I ran outside tonight in a dark, wet but balmy 34 degrees. No yaks needed, but I did have to run off the road into the banked snow for two cars, so my first mile probably could have been better than 10:36, but this was a "bonus" run. ( I promised madmiss I would run one for her today.) "Sucks to my asmar" though, I was wheezing after. That hasn't happened to me in a long time. But I have been off my Singulair for over a month due to my prescription running out....Time to get back on it. I wore regular tights, a long sleeve tech shirt and a light jacket with gloves and a hat (also my cyclops eye headlamp and my snazzy reflective vest). I was comfortable to verging on slightly too warm.

    madmiss, I'm glad a mucinex induced happy haze has made you feel a little better. :-) I hope you had a wonderful birthday in spite of it. Did you gat any cool running gear? ☺ I wonder why your plan has 880s? I thought 800s were the norm…hmmm.

    Tim and Joe thanks for the input and sharing your plans...I am intimidated by my plan, but willing to give it a go. I may have to adjust it though, due to my Runnning Revolution duties. I will be "coaching" the 13.1 mile completion group. That is my real goal...just to FINISH...despite all this speedwork business. I will need to adhere to a plan developed together with two other coaches...at least one night a week. That is TBD.

    Tim, I am jealous of all your race opportunities too. My area has a surprising number of races considering the remote location, but it doesn't have anything like the opportunities you have. Lucky! Your plan is impressive. Your leg however is baffling...how odd that it could look as it did in your photo, then disappear in a day or two. Weird and ow!

    Great run, Rindy!!! Good luck with your race!

    Way to conquer the dreaded 'mill Petra, Laura and Varda! I hope you guys can get back outside soon.

    Laura, I’m still learning the lingo too…but definitely running with a group will advance your learning.
  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270
    10:36 is bad *kitten*.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    10:36 is bad *kitten*.

  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Tim, I am jealous of all your race opportunities too. My area has a surprising number of races considering the remote location, but it doesn't have anything like the opportunities you have. Lucky! Your plan is impressive. Your leg however is baffling...how odd that it could look as it did in your photo, then disappear in a day or two. Weird and ow!

    Yeah living around Atlanta does have some advantages. Always something going on every week of the year.

    My leg is a little achy again this morning but no bruise. Today is a total rest day. We'll see how it feels on Sunday's long run. Hoping for 10 miles. My other foot now has some pain in the big toe joint. I've had that off-and-on long before running and the podiatrist never found anything. He suggested I get checked for gout but I never did. Maybe I should.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Glad I'm not running this morning! Just checked the weather and saw this. Tornado warning north of Atlanta.

  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    My leg is a little achy again this morning but no bruise. Today is a total rest day. We'll see how it feels on Sunday's long run. Hoping for 10 miles. My other foot now has some pain in the big toe joint. I've had that off-and-on long before running and the podiatrist never found anything. He suggested I get checked for gout but I never did. Maybe I should.

    Hope your rest day takes care of both the leg & toe pain! At least the bruise is gone.
  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270
    Wow...stay safe Tim.

    65 minutes...6.5 miles...@10:06...good morning for a run!
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    I feel that I have lost alot of my speed since I have been running with my kids so last night I ran a 5k on my usual route and I was 3 minutes slower than the last time I ran it. The first km I thought I was pushing it a bit but I was almost a minute slower than my easy run pace. So down heartening. It didn't help that I'd been weightlifting the day before, that always makes my legs feel tired and heavy. Guess I just need to run more! I haven't signed up for my first race in March yet as my right knee is sore when I run uphill and this race has a 4km long uphill section in the middle, going to continue with my knee exercises and see how it goes.
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    Thanks all for the well and birthday wishes ;) I think I'm going to try for it tomorrow - it will be 7 days tomorrow, and I feel a lot better today. Mucinex is working great, I am very happy!!!! Just have a residual cough and minor sniffles now that's well under control with the new meds, so I feel a lot better. I also have a photoshoot tomorrow, so that has to take precedence over me trying to run if I'm truly not ready. I'd rather not have a relapse!

    Beth, I got gift certificates to the running store, a subscription to running world and booze lol - my friends know me very we'll ;)

    Thank you for running for me! I'm sorry your asthma was acting up ;( your times are so great!!!! Especially in the snow!

    Everyone is doing so well, I'm so proud ;)
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    10:36 is bad *kitten*.


    This X3. She always was a speedster though, even during C25k.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I feel that I have lost alot of my speed since I have been running with my kids so last night I ran a 5k on my usual route and I was 3 minutes slower than the last time I ran it. The first km I thought I was pushing it a bit but I was almost a minute slower than my easy run pace. So down heartening. It didn't help that I'd been weightlifting the day before, that always makes my legs feel tired and heavy. Guess I just need to run more! I haven't signed up for my first race in March yet as my right knee is sore when I run uphill and this race has a 4km long uphill section in the middle, going to continue with my knee exercises and see how it goes.

    I'm going with it was a sluggish run combined with lifting. I think a time or two and you'll be back at it.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member

    I marked where I live. I woke up at 8 and considered a run. By 9:30, it was raining and gusting so hard I thought the house was going to come down around me. By 12:30, it completely stopped and we had a lovely afternoon.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Laura - I think you give me too much credibility for knowing what I'm talking about. :wink:
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    After my last (second) running 5k, I totally understood speed work. You need it to properly gauge effort during the shorter races and to convince your body that it has something left when you see the finish line.

    varda..did you check out gip.is to see if that met some of your requirements for a training plan?

    It's pretty awesome and I'm considering it. I love that it adapts to the number of days that you can run.