EPLWE! general chit chat thread.



  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    I feel sorry for that OP, so much conflicting advice....

    And I sense that she is really trying. The ones that get me are the people that tell people to automatically eat 1200 calories no matter what. I have to take a "deep breath" LOL
    Here's a wonderful example of what all that clean eating advice is doing. This poor girl's afraid to eat anything anymore. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1122422-so-basically-i-can-have-water?page=1#posts-17395139
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    I haven't posted any dessert pics in a while:
    This is tonight's homemade Apple Crisp with Caramel Pecan ice cream.

    Edited for gi-normous pic.
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    << in response to the wickedly tasty looking dessert >>

    and the results:

    USA - 10, China - 8, Russia, 9, GB - 10, France - 8, East Germany - 3 (Awww c'mon)

    Picture gets the GOLD!
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    so i guess it's just 3 of us in here... i wonder if anyone is lurking and reading, but not participating. if so, they should post and let us know we're not just spinning our wheels here.

    cindy & chevy, i can make you both moderators if you want. i don't plan on doing a November 2013 challenge, but there is no reason not to keep the group open/active after October if you feel like doing more challenges. i might do one in December.

    i was thinking of posting in Success Stories the results of my October challenge, but now i'm thinking i might just do a blog post instead.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    so i guess it's just 3 of us in here... i wonder if anyone is lurking and reading, but not participating. if so, they should post and let us know we're not just spinning our wheels here.

    cindy & chevy, i can make you both moderators if you want. i don't plan on doing a November 2013 challenge, but there is no reason not to keep the group open/active after October if you feel like doing more challenges. i might do one in December.

    i was thinking of posting in Success Stories the results of my October challenge, but now i'm thinking i might just do a blog post instead.
    I'm up for doing something in November. December too, as long as it doesnt involve fruitcake.:sick: I still haven't done the 'ten foods you should never eat' in one day, and I'm intrigued with Jonnythan's eat 50% of your calories from cookies challenge that was discussed in one of the forums, forget which one, but sounds like a fun experiment. :bigsmile: What are your thoughts for November, Chevy?
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    so i guess it's just 3 of us in here... i wonder if anyone is lurking and reading, but not participating. if so, they should post and let us know we're not just spinning our wheels here.

    cindy & chevy, i can make you both moderators if you want. i don't plan on doing a November 2013 challenge, but there is no reason not to keep the group open/active after October if you feel like doing more challenges. i might do one in December.

    i was thinking of posting in Success Stories the results of my October challenge, but now i'm thinking i might just do a blog post instead.
    I'm up for doing something in November. December too, as long as it doesnt involve fruitcake.:sick: I still haven't done the 'ten foods you should never eat' in one day, and I'm intrigued with Jonnythan's eat 50% of your calories from cookies challenge that was discussed in one of the forums, forget which one, but sounds like a fun experiment. :bigsmile: What are your thoughts for November, Chevy?

    @Brainy , @Cindy - I am in for November. Just Give Cindy and I the keys and we won't try to run the car off the road :drinker:

    I like this place because it is a "refuge" from other parts of the boards. Most people think we are heathens and heretics and deranged. However.. this group has helped me to get rid of the "f--d up" thinking I had about food.

    Plus... I want to show that I can eat the "forbidden" foods and

    1. Gradually lose weight
    2. Increase my VO2 max
    3. etc. etc. etc.

    Plus I just get all giddy about posting "food porn" pics LOL :smokin:
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    Something I posted last night (I admit that I took a "shot" at the derps and belligerent "in denial" OPs :smile: )


    There are a whole lot of posts about cheat days and logging. First I realize that even if you ate exactly where the green ended and the red bar of death started MFP builds in a deficit based on your settings. Look under goals and you will see a daily calorie deficit. I did not put "two and two" together until I read a lot of posts.

    I have finally knuckled down and I log everything even on my worst days. This is the only way I am going to learn. I used to be a "serial sweep it under the carpet and start again for the 247th time" kind of guy --- no more!

    The other lesson I just learned was about fooling myself with green vs. red days. September I did well and lost a little over 2 lbs. I had 25 green days and five red days. (I am trying to lose 1-2 lbs per month).

    This month I got a little "sloppy" and I had a "wake up call" As of this weekend i had 5 red days already and knew I had dug a hole. A hole to the tune of -2994 calories. I probably will gain a little bit this month.

    I was telling myself I am going to be about 24 Green 6 Red - that is great. But here is the hook...
    1. I am making sure that my Net cals do not go underneath my BMR so I am trying to Net 100-400 Green every day.
    2. I threw caution to the wind on my "few" red days and totally, I mean totally erased my gains.
    3. That means I cannot make up for the red with the green - there are not enough days in the month.

    Here is an example of what can happen - It opened my eyes!


    We see all these posts written (in all caps) "Why can't I lose weight... I am working out and burning 800 calories per day and I am always eating at green"

    Veterans reply to the post and say: "Perhaps you are not accurately logging everything... or maybe you are overestimating calorie burns.. and... just asking... "By the way... I noticed that you did not log a few days here and there?"

    Usually these threads get ugly with people being called "mean" because they are questioning the "honesty" of the OP.

    Many of us here log everything because we are trying to understand what causes us to "get off track" and how to make a permanent lifestyle change.

    Just some thoughts --- good luck everyone!
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Well, I put out an invitation on my wall and in a thread, so we'll see if we get any new members for next month. The beach body coaches have better luck getting members with their clean eating challenges, I think. :sad: :angry: The forums have been very sad today. There are at least three ongoing threads promoting eating under 1200 calories and I then there're these gems: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1128074-is-sugar-more-evil-than-fat
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    Well, I put out an invitation on my wall and in a thread, so we'll see if we get any new members for next month. The beach body coaches have better luck getting members with their clean eating challenges, I think. :sad: :angry: The forums have been very sad today. There are at least three ongoing threads promoting eating under 1200 calories and I then there're these gems: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1128074-is-sugar-more-evil-than-fat

    this is what i mean when i tell people that the #1 issue on MFP is food-related. there are so many people with disordered thinking about food on here. there is a name for it (orthorexia nervosa) and it's why i have a particular dislike for people pushing eating "strategies" such as clean-eating and paleo... those strategies just reinforce errant notions about food and they can actually lead some obsessive people into real eating disorders.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Well, I put out an invitation on my wall and in a thread, so we'll see if we get any new members for next month. The beach body coaches have better luck getting members with their clean eating challenges, I think. :sad: :angry: The forums have been very sad today. There are at least three ongoing threads promoting eating under 1200 calories and I then there're these gems: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1128074-is-sugar-more-evil-than-fat

    Hi dere. Saw your post and figured I already eat ice cream most nights, why not aim for all the nights? I like having meaningful goals. :bigsmile:
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Hi dere. Saw your post and figured I already eat ice cream most nights, why not aim for all the nights? I like having meaningful goals. :bigsmile:
    Yay! *happy dance* Welcome! I've smiled so many times at your no nonsense forum posts. You are so inspiring!
  • mrsamanda86
    mrsamanda86 Posts: 869 Member
    HEY guys! So I'm so awesome that I'm in the Biggest Loser competition you guys LOVE so much, and I wanna join the party over here simultaneously with eating either chocolate or ice cream every day :bigsmile: Sadly, my BL team doesn't seem to be all that serious about trying to lose weight seeing how we were the second to last team in terms of loss last week(NOT my fault, I joined it late and still managed to drop a pound).
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    HEY guys! So I'm so awesome that I'm in the Biggest Loser competition you guys LOVE so much, and I wanna join the party over here simultaneously with eating either chocolate or ice cream every day :bigsmile: Sadly, my BL team doesn't seem to be all that serious about trying to lose weight seeing how we were the second to last team in terms of loss last week(NOT my fault, I joined it late and still managed to drop a pound).
    Welcome! :flowerforyou: I was in a Biggest Loser challenge in January, you take what inspiration you can from it and leave the rest. They can be fun. Feel free to start a new topic and introduce yourself. Brainyburro, Chevysmart and I post pretty much daily on our threads, and discuss our strategies, goals and thoughts. I use my thread to keep track of my calorie deficit and to confirm that I had my daily ice cream and/or other treats.
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    <<sniped>> Feel free to start a new topic and introduce yourself. Brainyburro, Chevysmart and I post pretty much daily on our threads, and discuss our strategies, goals and thoughts. I use my thread to keep track of my calorie deficit and to confirm that I had my daily ice cream and/or other treats.

    ^^ What Cindy said. Starting your own topic is a great "place of your own" and we all visit from time to time.

    This group has been a real eye opener for me. We all are serious about our health and fitness goals.. we just happen to believe it can be achieved with eating enough to fuel our workouts and eating GOOD STUFF! :drinker:

    Welcome Here! :smile:
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    ugh! somebody just created this new group. the group description makes me sad. it's so unnecessary to deprive oneself. i wish i could reach through my monitor and shake those people out of their trance. a challenge whose rules are mostly things you CAN'T do just seems doomed to failure to me. :cry:

  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    ugh! somebody just created this new group. the group description makes me sad. it's so unnecessary to deprive oneself. i wish i could reach through my monitor and shake those people out of their trance. a challenge whose rules are mostly things you CAN'T do just seems doomed to failure to me. :cry:

    Just went there and peeked. I expected the no sweets, no sugar, no junk food rules, but the must encourage 10 friends a day rule?:noway: Sounds like an Amway meeting.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    ugh! somebody just created this new group. the group description makes me sad. it's so unnecessary to deprive oneself. i wish i could reach through my monitor and shake those people out of their trance. a challenge whose rules are mostly things you CAN'T do just seems doomed to failure to me. :cry:

    Just went there and peeked. I expected the no sweets, no sugar, no junk food rules, but the must encourage 10 friends a day rule?:noway: Sounds like an Amway meeting.

    i'm pretty sure that's how the zombie apocalypse is gonna start.
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    ugh! somebody just created this new group. the group description makes me sad. it's so unnecessary to deprive oneself. i wish i could reach through my monitor and shake those people out of their trance. a challenge whose rules are mostly things you CAN'T do just seems doomed to failure to me. :cry:

    Just went there and peeked. I expected the no sweets, no sugar, no junk food rules, but the must encourage 10 friends a day rule?:noway: Sounds like an Amway meeting.

    i'm pretty sure that's how the zombie apocalypse is gonna start.

    too late!

  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Yay, we have about 20 new members for our November challenge. Welcome. :flowerforyou: And, if you would like to participate, please feel free to start a new topic, write down your goals for this month and use that thread to track your progress. If you have any questions, just ask! Post some food porn and share some yummy recipes*, but most of all, enjoy not depriving yourself, while still successfully losing weight.:drinker:

    *No cauliflower substitutes allowed. Ever. :bigsmile:
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    *No cauliflower substitutes allowed. Ever. :bigsmile:

    ^^^ This - I will be making bumper stickers! :drinker: