Starting Nov 1



  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I think they were about an hour but I don't think I ever did 20 reps of anything. I kept them around 15 and was able to do 4 sets (most days - towards the end I only did 3) I know I was able to get it all done before work and I usually had about an hour. How are you feeling - any DOMS yet?

    Sometimes getting away from the office is the best place to get some work done - enjoy the game!
  • Jennifer_Lynn_1982
    Meg - Western Wednesdays sounds awesome! Wish I could have done that when I was young! White Rock is fun though, doesn't matter your age. I'm with Jen, I hate feeling nauseous! Hope you feel better soon!

    Can't wait for the weekend! Saturday is some errands, brunch with family and stopping by our new place to see its progress and take some measurements. Sunday is a wine tour with some friends to visit some local wineries (limo takes us around 4-5 wineries for tastings and purchase). Looking forward to a break...but I'll sneak in my workouts before the day starts so I don't get side-tracked and run out of time - that's the plan!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Jen - Have so much fun at the game! How's your fantasy team doing this year? I think stage 7 took me around 45 min to an hour to complete depending on the day... but I was also pregnant so I was doing max's or anything.

    JL - Sounds like a fun weekend. I can't wait to have some wine again... sigh. I've been dreaming about it actually!

    My weekend will be pretty boring per usual. I've still got a whole floor of trim to paint, so I think i'll start on that tomorrow. My bestie turned 30 this week and is having a day time get together on Saturday and then Sunday I'm walking with a few fellow preggos. My spare time will be spent cleaning and painting - oh joy! We are picking up the crib and glider this weekend, so the room should start coming together soon. Oh - and I'll obvs be watching the hawks game :drinker:
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    OMG, that was brutal! Holy cow! I only managed three sets of everything before I thought I was going to keel over. And I didn't even hit 15 reps for my last deadlift set at 65lbs. Holy moley. Part of the problem is probably that I've had IBS issues today (sorry, TMI) so I probably don't have as much in my stomach as usual to work with; I also ate a mediocre salad for lunch, which didn't help. About 2/3 through the workout I was guzzling water as I was hot and sweaty, but that made me nauseous and like I need to burp but can't. Good grief! It's been a long time!

    But it felt good to get back to the weights, at least good in theory if not entirely in practice. I used 15 for the static lunges, 20 for the rows, 65 for the deadlift, 75 for the back squat. I should probably drink my protein but the thought's unappealing.
  • Jennifer_Lynn_1982
    Seahawks...of course! We were already discussing how we can keep up with the game while in the Limo and at the wineries, haha.
    Jen, that's a tough workout! But you'll feel better each day, I'm sure! Perhaps wait a bit and then protein up so you don't feel sick.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I did, and then decided to continue the week of overheating. Mm, pie.
  • Jennifer_Lynn_1982
    haha...we all have those days!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    I love pie. That is all.
  • Jennifer_Lynn_1982
    I love pie...but I love cheesecake even more...
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Mmm. I ended up under my cals so it all worked out!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Hey Blue, you asked about DOMs--yesterday I walked to loosen up my very tight muscles and it helped briefly before everything became increasingly uncomfortable. today's a bit better but I won't be going to the gym as planned; I don't think I could get through much of a workout! the parts of my quads right about my knees are the most painful, but i ache pretty much everywhere. So you weren't kidding!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Did someone say pie???

    Stage 7 DOMS are like no other! Did you drop the weights at all? I found on the bigger lifts 10lbs less was hard enough for that many reps. It's a tough stage psychologically because we've been working hard to increase our weights and suddenly we can't do that anymore.

    I was planning on shredding tomorrow but my back started spasm-ing yesterday. aRGH!! I sat with the hot water bottle most of the day and took it to bed with me. It's no better this morning :sad:

    And to top that off, Nyxon has been peeing again! She was good for a couple of weeks but she picked her favorite spot on the stairs yesterday and again this morning.

    Sounds like everyone has awesome plans for the day! I think I'm going to be curled up with my hot water bottle :drinker:
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Happy, happy Monday :flowerforyou:

    No, I'm not really that happy - it just sounded fun :laugh: and I have no back pain!

    Was able to get thru the Shred this morning - barely! I'm still wiped from that stupid cold but I just took a few breaks and managed to get thru it. I only had to blow my nose about 18 times!! Wes is really pumped to get this done - he wants to do the full 10 days at each level. We won't be doing 10 days straight, mind you, but we'll do 10 workouts and then progress to the next level. He's just so un-coordinated LOL

    So, did the right teams win the football games yesterday? Sorry, I just don't pay attention to the NFL - other than all the abuse cases going on! They seem to be coming out of the woodwork these days. Especially disturbing to me is the guy who took the switch to his 4 year old son. I'm all for a spanking - swift swat on the bum to get their attention but what he did is definitely crossing the line. I mean the kid's 4 years old! Equally disturbing is the woman who was knocked unconscious in the elevator - not only did she go on to marry him but now she's defending him? That girl needs help! That marriage won't end well, I'm afraid. The life of the rich and famous!!

    It's supposed to hit 29C today - about 85ish I'm thinking. We're going to hit a patio one last time for dinner before the weather turns. AND they start our landscaping today!!

    Hope everyone has a good day!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Morning ladies - happy no back pain Monday Blue! :drinker:

    Blue - Way to get through shred. I've been thinking about trying to start doing that once a week just to get a bit of weights in, but I haven't seemed to find the motivation to do that yet ha ha. Hey, you gotta give Wes props for wanting to stick to it, even if he lacks coordination. I don't know about ALL the right teams, but the Seahawks won in truly dramatic fashion. SUCH a better game than the Super Bowl, but they cut it a little close for my liking. All this abuse stuff just makes me sick. Couple that with the tax exempt status that the NFL holds and the general idiocracy going on within the organization... makes me mad. Crossing my fingers that Nyxon stops that peeing business. Enjoy your sunny weather!

    Jen - Sorry about the doms. Hope you feel better today!

    I wasn't nearly as productive as I wanted to be this weekend. I had planned on both trim painting and baby room painting, but only managed to get the first coat on in the babies room. I'm painting a light color over a darker one, so I have a feeling it's going to take 3-4 coats which is really annoying. :grumble: We did get the crib and glider on Saturday, so I'm looking forward to getting the painting wrapped up and the furniture in there!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    My DOMs are better today. I'm hoping to get into the gym for round 2 but I don't know that I'll have the time. My schedule's really tight today, esp since I just ate lunch and won't be able to lift anything without grossness for at least an hour or two, which is when I have to be elsewhere.

    I would have liked to see the Seahawks lose, mostly b/c I dislike Pete Carrol. I did want OT to drag out longer, though, for the sake of my fantasy team--2 guys on the Broncos offense. Bummer. And yes, the crap in football is unbelievable. I feel like a bad feminist for enjoying football when clearly it's "give a ****" about women is nil.

    I did like going to a game yesterday. It was fun. Seats were waaaaaaaaay up but we could still see quite well.

    Blue, they make aerosol bottles of the pheromone stuff--perhaps you should look into it for Nyxon until you can sort the diffuser issue (ours is still just sitting on the mantle). Does she pee at particular times? If it's at night, let's say, perhaps you could spray it before she goes to bed.

    Off to get work done. Chill that back! And Meg, take it easy! You're a painting machine!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Meg, I definitely give Wes props for Shredding with me - he's just so funny to watch :laugh: You better get cracking on Baby's room - the next six weeks is going to fly by and you'll wonder where all the time went! It's going to get real once all the furniture is in there - I'm so excited for you!

    I love how you choose your fantasy teams over reality Jen LOL Something I would do for hockey for sure! Pre-season started last night - bring on the real games and I'm there :drinker: I don't think you're a bad feminist - but I'll bet we see the league change in a few years time. Education, education, education. Why it's taken so long is beyond me tho!

    We do have some sort of spray similar to the Feliway. It doesn't work as she goes in the exact same spot. On the weekend Wes was like - lets just give her away and get two puppies! He doesn't realize puppies have more accidents than Nyxon does LOL Or how much work they require when they're babies. Not sure I'd want two at the same time either - one at a time is definitely enough :laugh:

    Good luck on W/O 2 Jen - take it easy on the weights. That many reps is no joke!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Whoa whoa whoa Blue - don't wish my pregnancy away. I've still got 8.5 weeks to go :laugh:
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    It was 7 by my count :laugh: 7 weeks from today is Nov 10 - isn't that right around your due date? Or has it changed? The only reason I remember it's around that time is my birthday is on the 9th :smile:
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    November 20th :) Close enough though. I'm guessing it will be exactly a week late on Thanksgiving the day the Hawks play the 49'ers (big game). Mostly bc Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I like that you have a count for Meg, Blue. Ha!

    I didn't get to the gym today. Too pressed for time. Somehow I had time for a pumpkin donut, though. Mmmm. I rarely have a sweet tooth but it's nearly that time of the month, and I guess I'm craving sweets instead of the usual salty.