Starting Nov 1



  • Jennifer_Lynn_1982
    So I think I mentioned that I've been doing Insanity for the past 2 weeks and I wanted to share my results because I was so excited with my improvement! Can't wait to do measurements and pics tomorrow to see the difference.

    Fit Test Day 1 / Day 15
    Switch Kicks 75 / 90
    Power Jacks 40 / 57
    Power Knees 66 /100
    Power Jumps 26 / 38
    Globe Jumps 7 / 9
    Suicide Jumps 14 /15
    Push-Up Jacks 17 / 25
    Plank Oblique 38 / 50

    Weight 151.8 / 149.2
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Nice numbers Jenn - but I'm not sure what they mean? Are you given a timeframe to do them in? If so that's a huge improvement! Sorry, I'm not familiar with Insanity.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Cold and dreary day today :cry: Have no plans at all. Wes is still sick so I think it's going to be a quiet day. He wants to work out but I think he needs his rest. Jillian will still be there on Monday :wink: ready to kick his *kitten*!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I typed a whole message yesterday and when I opened a window to find a link to share, my message was eaten. Dang.

    How's everybody? Happy Monday to you. Stage 7 workout 3 left me with crippling DOMs Friday and Saturday--well above and beyond the usual. They bridged my upper shoulders, across my back, and both hamstrings were pulled tight. I probably should have used my foam roller, but mostly I took advil and griped :laugh: Yesterday was the first day I could get a walk in. I do wonder sometimes why I work out so hard if it's not to leave me strong but hobbled over!

    The highlight of my weekend was eating an enormous boston cream pie cupcake. The middle was filled with what felt more like whipped cream than pastry cream, in that it was really fluffy. I didn't even know how to record it--it was huge!--so I just found the most caloric cupcake of that variety in the system. I also finished the quilt top i've been working on since June. It looks really nice. I do have to piece a back, unfortunately, since the fabric I wanted lacked enough yardage and thus needs help.

    I'm going to spend my morning working while the electrician hooks up our new dining room light fixture (I *can* do this, but have no desire--overhead lights are a PITA to hold and connect at the same time, and god only knows what our wiring looks like in there), our new hallway light fixture (The one that's been a PITA all summer--I'm sure I"ve told you that saga) and checks out the wiring behind the switch to that light (we found a melted wire cap on them. Um). Then off to a tedious meeting (boooo) and perhaps the gym. 4 can't be worse than 3.

    At the rate I'm going (2 workouts/week) I'll finish NROLW either late this week or early next week. Woo! I don't see me repeating stage 7, as he suggests in the book. :noway: I guess I'll take next week as a rest week and start with Supercharged the following week! Woohoo!

    Have a great day! I hope Wes is feeling better and you all get to spend more time with Jillian. :shudder:
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    What - you don't want to torture yourself a second time thru stage 7?? Whyever not?? :wink: Supercharged next eh? When do you think you'll start? I'm still not sure what my plan will be. I might do Jillian thru October and then start lifting again in November.

    Wes is still suffering - these dang colds seem to hang on for dear life and not let go! I jumped on the exercise bike but did a few Jillian moves afterwards. Squat/press, lunge/bicep curls, pushups. He's going to be out of town the rest of the week so I may just do Jillian by myself.

    How was the baby shower Meg? You'll have to show us some pictures of your 'haul' :smile:

    My youngest 'son' got engaged over the weekend :bigsmile: WHOO HOO another wedding - I just love weddings! As much as I love the babies that follow LOL

    Happy Monday :flowerforyou:
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Another light workout this morning. Wes still isn't feeling up to tackling Jillian yet (although I'm sure he'd literally love to do that LOL). I didn't have to go straight into the office this morning so I was able to add another 15 min to my bike ride. Did the same squats/press, lunge/bicep curls and pushups afterwards.

    The scale was down again this morning!! :drinker: I'm not sure what it is exactly but I'm not complaining! I'm eating the same amount of calories as when I was lifting and suddenly the weight is coming off. It seems to go against all the rules but I'm not going to argue.

    Off to the office - won't have time to check in until later. Have a great day!!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Hey, good for you. I hopped on the scale this morning and it wobbled between 127.5 and 128; I did have a beer the other day, but this number is probably more or less accurate. I think the 126.5 I saw over the summer was probably a blip, and if that pound I've added is muscle, well, I'm not complaining!

    I did notice this morning that the skirt I made (flannel pencil skirt) in august is now huge, so probably it was too big at first and now even bigger. A PITA to fix, but again, no complaints.

    We've dramatically cut back on takeout lately as well as dining out, so I'm curious to see if any salt retention weight will slowly disappear. I'd love to see 126.5 again, but if not, I'm ok, too.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Sorry for the late check-in I've been swamped at work this AM. :grumble:

    Jen - SO close to being done. I remember doing a happy dance the day I finally finished! Your doms sound awful... but honestly, I kinda miss them. (Sad but true). I don't blame you for not wanting to do it again... I definitely didn't. That cupcake sounds amazing. I think in total I probably ate about 6 cupcakes this weekend, so I have that going for me. Yay for skirts being too big! It's a good problem to have.

    Blue - Dang, he's STILL sick? That suuuucks. Hopefully he feels better soon. Congrats on all the weight loss - keep on keepin' on. Sometimes the loss just can't be explained ha ha.

    My baby shower was good! I definitely got a lot of stuff, and felt very very loved. My friend did an amazing job, and it was just so lovely to have all my friends from all walks of life in one place. I think our poor pup is starting to realize we weren't just repainting the room for him... that something else may be moving in there at some point. He's been quite mopey. It might also have to do with the fact we are watching one of my parents dogs while they are out of town and he isn't getting all the attention. Silly dog.

    The next few weeks are going to be a bit patchy with workouts. Hubbs is traveling at some point for the next 3 weeks in a row, so likely getting to the gym during the week will be tough as I have to go home and let the pup out... so we'll see how much I actually get to workout (if at all). I guess I'll be walking at least.

    Anyway, that's all I have for now. Hope you ladies have a great rest of your day!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Walks are good enough! I'm glad the shower went well. I remember feeling that way (loved, and spoiled) at my wedding shower.

    I did stage 7/round 4 today and it went well! I didn't up the weights but did manage all four sets. Wooooooo!!

    off to run errands, then home. So tired!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I was getting in the shower around 930 and hopped on the scale for giggles. this was post toast and coffee. it was lower than yesterday--between 127 and 127.5, depending on where I stood on the scale (does anyone else's scale fluctuate like that? makes me nutty). So I'm pretty happy with that! I'm glad to see that 126.5 wasn't the blip so much as the 129/130 I was rocking for weeks a month or so ago, when you all told me just to stay off the damn scale.

    DOMs aren't too bad today, but it's pouring so I won't be getting a walk in. I had great intentions of spending my morning repairing our toilet, but I can't get the bolt that holds tank to bowl to come apart. So I dawdled twenty minutes online to kill my frustration, showered, tidied, did a smudge of work, and here I am, dawdling again, as I have to leave momentarily for a noon meeting.

    Have a good day!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I'm glad you enjoyed your shower Meg - did you wear the dress you showed us? Your poor pup has NO IDEA of how his life is going to change LOL At least he will enjoy the walks :smile: Good motivation!

    Jen - great job on getting 4 reps in on Stage 7. I don't think I ever managed 4. It's very tough! You're very brave to get on the scale post food. I will not go anywhere near it if I've even had a glass of water! Do you know how much that stuff weights?? LOL I jump on after my morning pee (and hopefully poo). The fluctuations don't bother me anymore but I do wish I could understand them. When I analyze the numbers there's no way I should be losing. But I'm not arguing :wink:

    Wes felt up to doing Jillian this morning. OMG he's so uncoordinated LOL I think I burn more calories laughing at him than I do the workout :laugh: It's a good thing we do it in the privacy of our basement ! He's out of town now for the next couple of days so I'll either do the workout myself or ride the bike. I'm going to be out of town myself for a couple of weeks in October. I'll just do the BWM in the hotel room so it will at least feel like I've done something.

    Have a great hump day!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I loathe the BWM but realize I did 4 sets x 15 squats + 2 sets barbell squats for a grand total of 76 squats on Tuesday, so the BWM is looking better.

    Today's an odd # workout. Scary. Probably more of two kinds of deadlifts. That *kitten*.

    Have a good day!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Morning ladies.

    Jen - Yay for the scale... and yes mine does that weird fluctuation depending on where you stand on it too. It's quite maddening. I loved the odd workouts, but maybe I'm weird.

    Blue - I did end up wearing that dress and got lots of compliments :smile: Yes he will definitely enjoy the walks. Where are you going in October? (Also how is it October?)

    So I had my Dr. appointment followed by Newborn/breastfeeding class on Tuesday. I had to see a Nurse Practitioner as my Dr. was on call. My Dr. and I have an agreement that she won't tell me my weight unless she is concerned about it (which she hasn't been for the record), but this stupid NP decided to blurt out my weight! :grumble: She started off by saying I haven't gained anything since my last appt. (over 2 weeks ago) but then decided to tell me I was up 30lbs, which I'm actually ok with. I also weighed in the afternoon, when I usually weigh in the AM. So with 7 weeks left, I could still potentially gain up to 40lbs, but hopefully not. I seem to gain in "spurts", so hopefully I don't have another one before baby is born. Not sure how much bigger my belly can get!

    The Class was definitely a pretty big waste of time, but the breastfeeding part was really helpful. My husband just kept saying "they have to teach to the lowest common denominator" ha ha. I guess I've had more experience with babes than I thought :laugh: What the class did do, was put me into nesting overdrive. I've been so laid back throughout this whole pregnancy which is not like me AT ALL... I definitely have a type A personality when it comes to big events and can often be found with about 8 lists going at one time. So, I'm making hubbs put together all the furniture this weekend, make one final trip to Ikea with me and get our car seat since we don't have that yet. I think once I can start seeing things come together I should calm down a little bit... hopefully :tongue:

    My goal for workouts for the rest of the week since I really haven't done any are - to get to yoga tonight, swim or gym tomorrow and walk a few times over the weekend. Have a good day ladies!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I find it hard to believe you've gained 30lbs! You certainly don't look 7-1/2 months pregnant! Don't forget that 6-8 of those 40lbs gained will be baby! You've worked out the entire time - I'm sure you'll have no trouble losing it all. I love the lowest common denominator comment - if it common sense doesn't apply then you probably shouldn't be having a baby!

    Jen, I'm pretty sure the writer of the book was thinking up sadistic ways to torture people at the end LOL. That's why he included two sets of DLs in stage 7. You're almost there!

    I decided to sleep in this morning as Wes wants to Shred both days on the weekend - I normally take weekends off from exercising but his schedule has been so scattered this is the only time we can do it together. So I rested today - well not really - I did the BWM before jumping in the shower. We'll shred Fri/Sat and then I think I'll rest again on Sunday.

    I'm only going to Calgary for work - nothing terribly exciting at all! Oct 14-17 and 27-30. I know what you mean - how IS it October already? At least that means my Christmas cruise is right around the corner - Dec 19 we leave for Fort Lauderdale! 78 more sleeps! :bigsmile:
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Ahhhh a Christmas cruise. Sounds lovely - remind me, which line are you going on again? I certainly feel like I've gained 30 lbs... it's more of a struggle to do virtually everything, which really is just a good incentive for me to lose the weight when the time comes. It's miserable feeling overweight.

    I am trying to convince my mom (who is a dual citizen of Canada/US) that we need to do Thanksgiving on Canadian Thanksgiving this year, just in case I can't make US Thanksgiving... we'll see how that goes :)
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    We cruise Norwegian. This will be #7 I think - I've lost track LOL

    Canadian Thanksgiving isn't quite the big deal yours is - it is about turkey and pumpkin pie tho! Do two - who's going to complain? :wink:

    I'm so excited to announce that my grandson was born this morning - 10 days early! He certainly doesn't take after his dad! :bigsmile:

    Cooper Jay / 6lbs 15 oz :heart: :heart: Oliver has a little brother :smile:
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    I love the name Cooper :) Yay!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    I love the name Cooper :) Yay!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    This is the 'son' that lives in Wisconsin. They come home to see his family at Christmas time - we missed them last year by mere hours :sad: I hope that doesn't happen this year. I can't wait to meet the little guy! If not Christmas, Greg's brother is getting married in May so I will get to see him then. I guess I need to do some shopping this weekend :bigsmile:
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    I've discovered baby clothes are the best. I've really had to stop myself from buying anything clothing related for now - I got a TON of onesies at the shower... I am kinda thinking I want a coming home outfit, but that just seems silly ha.