Starting Nov 1



  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Especially for a first born, I always buy sleepers, onsies, blankets and wash cloths. And some toys - rattles and teething ring type things. Things you can never get enough of. Second babies always get the nicer outfits LOL

    Of course you should get a coming home outfit - why wouldn't you? You only bring your firstborn home once! It's kind of like the wedding dress LOL It'll only be special the first time :wink:
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Haha good point blue :)
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    So we'll need to see pictures :wink:
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Obviously! I should probably find out what a baby SHOULD wear home from the hospital. I did get a super cute onesie with matching pants at my shower I might go with. We'll see. I should have most of the furniture in the nursery by this weekend, so I should have some pictures to show you gals next week :smile:
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    You're so close now! How exciting. and exciting news about your new grandkid, blue! babies all around!

    not here, though. Just me and the cats. I'm wresting with the bathroom reno today. DH's a bit of a PITA--we've been crazy busy this week and I need his help to get the nuts off the bolts that connect the tank to the bowl in order to install a new gasket and flushing system. This morning nearly time to leave, he starts it, but of course couldn't finish as there wasn't time (one of us needs to be holding bolt down from the top, other needs to basically be under the tank to see what they're doing--I tried to do it alone, but alas, got nowhere). So I filled in some of the gouges in the woodwork, filled the corners of the trim with caulk, added a tiny piece to the baseboard trim (was too small by radiator and was driving me crazy), slammed my fingers with the hammer a couple of times. Good fun. :P

    I should go walk but i'm already tired!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I think all DHs are born with the PITA gene - I know mine sure was :bigsmile:

    I'm so amazed at the work you're doing yourself during your renos! Both of you - and Clam if she ever comes back! Our landscaping is almost done and all I had to do was write the cheque! I will hopefully be posting some pics on Facebook shortly...

    I'm really tired today too! :yawn: Nyxon didn't have a good night - some nights she's up scratching to get into the dresser drawers or just plain getting into stuff she shouldn't. It's usually left to me to go pick her up and cuddle her back to bed. Which works fine for maybe 15 min or so and then she's at it again. We've started sleeping in the spare room in the basement on weekends - for some reason she's much more settled when we sleep there! The things we do for our pets ... No Jillian this morning but I did do my BWM in my PJs :laugh:

    Anyone have big plans this weekend? I have to go buy a baby gift (YES!) and a birthday present for the great-nephew. He turns 9 this month. He was born the day after my 40th birthday party :laugh: so at least I'll always remember how old he is. I guess that only works if I remember how old I am! I forget some days LOL

    Happy Friday :drinker:
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I'm still 29--aren't you? My grandma insisted she was 39 until she could entire, and then her tune changed abruptly,

    I had two beers and a burger tonight to make up for today's craziness and to congratulate friends on getting their promotion material in. Now in full and parked in the couch. I bought two macaroons for dessert but am too full to eat them!

    After we got the tank apart today and I watched a video on fill valve installation, I found a crack in the tank. We have to let it dry out really well and epoxy it before we can go further. I carried the tank to the garage, cursing.all the while. Murphy's law!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    We got up early this morning and went to West Edmonton Mall - the big one - before the craziness started. I got everything done that I needed except Jake's present! I knew I was forgetting something! I did get some adorable baby gifts tho. Now just to get them in the mail. I'm really good on the shopping part - just not so good at getting it in the mail :laugh: it's not like I didn't know he was coming - he just arrived much earlier than expected! Jakes birthday party isn't until next weekend so at least I've still got some time.

    Had a bacon cheeseburger and fries at the mall - tried a new place. It was really good. Oh, and a sausage egg mcmuffin for breakfast :wink: And 8000 steps on my fitbit to offset!

    A crack in the tank? You're right - Murphy was hanging around! Will the epoxy hold? That's not something you want leaking.

    And you're right Jen - I'm only 29 :bigsmile: with another 20 years experience :wink:
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    It *should* be ok--if cracks are a certain width, then no, it won't work, or if it goes all the way through, then you have a real problem. I can't just replace the tank, unfortunately, as it's ca 1986. I've already spent and invested so much on getting this toilet put back in (literally--I paid to have it reinstalled, but he noted the fill valve and flapper problem when he did so--his apprentice had taken it out so the plumber didn't know those things), but I am a little tempted to just buy a new one, return the parts I bought, and install it. "how hard can it be?" lol.

    I've been totally off my exercise habit. Rain, lack of sleep, DOMs last week--I'm a host of excuses. Today we did a scavenger hunt--I was on my feet for a good part of several hours and running around at least part of the time. I"m afraid it's all I have time for today. Gym tomorrow, I swear.

    I had a huge burrito afterward, I was so hungry. I need some 8000 steps to make up for it, too!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I was thinking all weekend that I had two NROLW sessions left, but this morning I realized I only had one and was very excited to go to the gym. About four minutes from leaving the house, it occurred to me that the time I had pencilled in to work out is when the gym closes for weightlifting class. I have a meeting at 11, and another at 12, and by then I'll be hungry and can't head straight to the gym. I either hide in my office for two hours to digest and go get stuff done. I'm thinking I won't make it in now until tomorrow. Rats!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Oh so close! But still - your last one!! It's quite an accomplishment!

    We traipsed back to West Edmonton Mall yesterday as I forgot (read the cashier forgot to give it back to me!) my Sears card! Of course being Sunday, we got there too early and had to wait over an hour for the store to open :grumble: We ended up at Target where we were able to get a gift for Jake. He's 9 and his parents are buying him a laptop :noway: . He already has an ipad - am I so out of the loop or do kids these days need laptops in elementary school?? Got lots more steps in plus we were up early so we did Jillian before we left. I hope to hit level 2 by Thursday, rest Friday, workout Sat thru Mon and then I'm off to Calgary for the week. I'll leave Wes alone with Jillian and hope he doesn't injure himself LOL

    Happy Monday!! :drinker:
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    So swamped today, but just wanted to check in and say hi! Hopefully I can get back on later!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Finished! I did four sets, too, by not upping the weight. Yay!

    I don't get all the tech for a tiny child. Makes no sense. My niece has an iPod, her brother who is 12 just got a cell phone. That's it. There's a family computer they were se.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Phew ok hi guys! Busy morning.

    Jen - Sounds like you should just replace the toilet and return the parts. I helped my Dad install a toilet a few years ago, and it really wasn't too bad. We watched a YouTube video and we were set. I've been off the workout wagon too. Sleep deprivation is my excuse :) WTG on finishing NROL!!! WOOOOOOT. What are you on to next?

    Blue - Poor Nyxon. Has the peeing stopped at least? And yes, it is amazing what we do for our pets. Saturday night my hubs was snoring so loud and I couldn't sleep. I headed downstairs to the couches and my pup was on the bigger one and wouldn't move, so of course the 8.5 month pregnant lady ends up sleeping on the smaller couch :grumble:... he's a punk. That whole mall fiasco sounds fun. I really wish stores in the mall would open earlier... they don't open till 10AM here which is ridiculous.

    I struggle a lot with the idea of kids and technology. When I was in HS I had a pager for god sake, and didn't even get a cell phone until I was 16, and only then bc I was driving. It had no texts or voice mail, and had 90 minutes a month ha ha. :laugh: We also had a family computer. I get that tech is cheaper these days, but I still don't buy that kids under 15 really need a cell phone and certainly not a laptop. I also don't get the need for them to be constantly hooked on to something, but I guess that really is the pot calling the kettle black since I'm attached to my phone like no other.

    I had a VERY busy weekend that I had not planned on having. I was hoping to catch up on sleep, since I didn't get much at all last week, but, hubby and decided to make our last Ikea trip and just start putting together furniture. We got two out of three Ikea dressers built and the crib built. I am exhausted. It's a good marriage test - putting together Ikea furniture with a pregnant, hot and tired wife. We made it though! The nursery is all built and put together. I'll post some pics once I clean things up a little bit.

    This week I have little/nothing going on after work, so hopefully I can get some walks in and clean up the house a bit. We were watching my parents two small yappy shelties for 2 weeks while they are in Hawaii and they are finally coming home today, THANK GOD. They are driving me nuts.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    My word, Meg! You're one kick-*kitten* pregnant lady. I think you've earned the bed! He can go sleep on the couch. :)

    I don't know about returning the parts, alas, as I had to special order them--at minimum, I'll have to eat the costs of shipping and restocking, and because I tore the bag open that contained the fill valve, I don't know that they'll take it back--they require everything to be in resealable, resell able condition. I'll also be eating the money spent on the plumber putting the old one back in.

    Bah! Bah to toilets. Ben got the new faucet in today, though, on the sink out in the garage. Wahoo!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Ugh that sucks about the parts Jen - Gotta love home improvement :)
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    looks like we're back. I sent you, Meg and Blue, an FB message last night but I suspect neither of you saw it. I'll repost here now that we have a forum again!

    No forums today! Today was a zoo. I overslept 15 minutes and that set the tone for my day--RUN! Work was zany, I had a student find me after my last class and gave her the time I expected to spend walking. Then grocery shopping, errand running--3 stores, not near each other. I got home after 530 and made dinner. And I'm done--no time for walkies! I've started looking at supercharged again tonight and am a wee terrified. I'd also really like to know what my maximum lifts are. The program (4w) is set up with all those high reps at the end, so you don't really know. If I can do some 45 deadlifts at 75 pounds, I suspect I can probably single-rep far higher. But I'm such a dweeb that I feel weird even going to the gym to test these things. I need my book, dammit!

    Hope you are both well!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I gotta say, I missed the forums yesterday. I actually had to do work! It took some time to find the group again - my groups didn't automatically reappear. I didn't see a notification from FB that I had a message - sorry Jen. I wasn't ignoring you!

    You're both kick butt ladies (can't swear at work LOL) Changing toilets, painting, all the renos - you are my idols :smile:

    Wes is off to Calgary this morning and had no time for Jillian so I just rode the bike. I still want to hit level 2 for a few times before I'm off to Calgary next week. This week is going to turn into a gong show food wise. Out for dinner last night - I know I should have cooked but I didn't' want to LOL Downtown meeting this afternoon - catered lunch. Tonight I'm having dinner with my Mom, tomorrow is the Oilers home opener so it's dinner before the game with clients. Friday the Oilers are having a 30th anniversary celebration from their first Stanley Cup win - OMG those were the days! Dinner before that too! Saturday I think will be a normal day but we're having overnight guests so I'm pretty sure drinks will be involved. At least I can serve healthy snacks! Sunday is Thanksgiving brunch - the $40 plate variety that I couldn't get out of this time and then dinner at my sister's. Monday is a holiday and should be fairly normal but then Tuesday I'm off to Calgary for the week - catered lunches and dinners out. If I can stay under 150 after all that I can do anything LOL

    Have a most wonderful day!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Guys, I really don't like this new group set up... this really sucks! They took away all the fun smileys... but it looks like adding in images will be easier.

    Jen, I never got a FB message from you yesterday. I actually thought about FBing you guys too, but then work got the best of me. Sounds like you had a busy day. Get your booty in the gym and try it out! You know you know what you're doing :)

    Blue, I missed the forums too. Sounds like you have a bunch of good eating coming up yay! I will be celebrating Canadian Thanksgiving this weekend too - any excuse to deep fry a turkey is good with me ha ha.

    I got home last night and had high hopes of putting together our last piece of Ikea furniture, but the couch was calling my name. I did manage to get some laundry done and started putting stuff away in the nursery. I'm hoping to have things organized enough to share pics with you guys soon, probably next week.

    I've been a pretty cranky lady lately, and I'm trying really hard not to be... I'm going to make myself go swimming today and I've booked a massage for after work, so I'm hoping that will help.

    Hope you ladies have a great day.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I'm not sure I like the new set up either. I had to find the NR group both times - it didn't' automatically add to my list. And the my topics was so easy! I'm sure it's just a few glitches they'll get worked out - hopefully sooner than later :smiley: I miss the smileys :'(