30 Day Shred and Nordic Skiing



  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    A quick note here to record that I did 3 miles on the treadmill. However, reading your post, MITM, it looks like I need to up my distance. I wonder if I can get any credit for using a slight incline on my treadmill (level 3) instead of straight flat! In any case, it looks as if more may be required. In better weather I would think I'm easily getting a mile or two of incidental walking through the day but at the moment that isn't true- perhaps another 1/4 mile when I was at a couple of shops today.
    Your post PB shows a lot of effort being expended. Well done. You must be getting much more riding fit now.
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi Bracken - yes I'm feeling quite riding fit - off to ride again this morning in about 10 minutes time. then no riding over the weekend as busy with other stuff.

    have decided on my next challenge - doing the swimathon in March - just a short swim this time I'm sharing with friends 11 year old daughter Zoe - so she will do what she can and I will do the rest probably about 40 X 25 = 1km. I need to do some work to get fit enough to do that again though!

    have to go now to get ready.

  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    I have exercised TODAY!!

    Woke up to a metre of snow outside the front door and back door for that matter but there's a covered terrace at that entrance... Husband went out the back way at 6am and jumped over a snow wall to get to the road which at least had been cleared as the snow plough had been round. His car he had to dig out somewhere in the village as he couldn't get up our road last night.

    So I had the pleasure of first digging a tunnel from the front door across the front garden to the road and it was hard work! Then I had to clear the snow on the front terrace by the front door, as it was already a metre high and this is day 1 of 3 days of heavy snow. As we are built into the hill, my photo shows the side view of our house so that is the terrace I had to clear, I tipped it all into the garden it's like Narnia!! And once the garden was as high as the terrace I went the other way, by the fir tree as our garage is underneath that terrace but when it snows we can't drive into it!! My husband's father built this house and he didn't have a car at the time! Then of course I had to clear the garage entrance. I did it in stages from the top throwing the snow over, then walked down my tunnel to the level below and used the snow tray to move the snow into the field opposite us.

    Next to the back door and I had to dig another tunnel out to the road. My little car was a massive snowball! It was completely hidden. The trouble here is there are no boundaries marked although everyone knows to an inch what belongs to them! So my car is parked in an area where the snow plough will dump excess snow so I had to dig my car out just in case he couldn't see it!

    I spent over 3 hours in total with my shovel in hand and I'm absolutely shattered and I'm hoping that I've worked off enough calories that when I step on the scales tomorrow I won't see loaf of bread registered! Although tomorrow is another day ahead of snow clearing but at least the husband will be home. It's that bad here he couldn't even get his car up to our village it's down in the lower village!

    Bracken I'm sure you will understand! And BM you're very welcome to every little snow flake as I've had enough of the snow for this winter!
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Oh MITM (and Bracken). I would live where you both are in a heart beat compared to this heat every day!:smile: I know the digging out of it is such hard work but can you not say the air is so fresh it is a delight to take a deep breath in. (Admittedly that would probably be dangerous for Bracken right now at -20c!). Honestly I have not felt fresh air since August. Being Welsh I miss the mountains and freshness as much as I miss my family! Every day becomes hotter here until the end of the year when the Monsoon season begins again. It was 36c yesterday evening, that is not to brag but to say it is no joy to do anything, you sweat just sitting still with the humidity, and any exertion leaves you exhausted. These conditions might be great for a 2 week holiday, but for activities of daily living they are a nightmare.
    I would say you have definitely worked that loaf of bread off MITM, in fact I would say you should have had another one when you finished to keep your strength up! :happy: I can practically smell the aroma of it cooking and then slathering salted butter on it. Oh Dear Lord, it will be a miracle if I don't put a stone whilst back in the UK. The bread here has milk and sugar added and is like cake, not having a sweet tooth I find it awful unless I put a really sharp cheese on it.
    I have stayed the same this week. Not surprising as it's the main holiday event here so we have ate out more than usual. It's always the wine gets me. I go out with such good intentions and now alternate with sparkling water but even 3 glasses of wine increases my weight for a few days. I expect when I weigh on Tues/Wed it will have gone. So I try not to stress too much about it. Does this happen to anyone else?
    I have to walk the dog now before it gets too hot. To answer your question Bracken, Harry is an American Cocker Spaniel. We had our names down for a rescue dog here and had an urgent call one day that a dog desperately needed rehoming. We didn't know how old or what breed but just said Yes! When we got there Harry and his seven siblings had been left in a cardboard box in a pet store doorway. They were three and a half weeks old. The information with them in the box had the parents papers and the reasons why they had had to be left. He was so small he fit in the palm of our hand. The other pups all found homes too. Unfortunately one of his sisters has been rehomed 3 times so if she comes up for adoption again we are definitely having her. We do regret we didn't take her at the time when we had Harry, but he has been a handful although so much fun! At first he had to be fed 3 hourly and looked just like a flopped ear rabbit, he used to step on his ears when he walked!. Now he is so pretty everyone thinks he is a little girl! He is tri coloured but mainly black and white. He thinks I am his mother and follows me everywhere to the extent I constantly trip over him and have to keep removing from under the ironing board, and to lock the bathroom door, (I can't wee when he is staring at me! lol x). he has also jumped in the bath with me on more than one occasion so I have to quickly jump out! He has brought us so much joy and love it has made being here that much easier to bare. I know you feel exactly the same with Nellie. They give so much and expect so little don't they?
    Anyhow have to dash. Wishing all Crackers a fab weekend, love BM x x
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Thought I would post here today as I really only have exercise to talk about- unless I complain again about the weather. However, it was delightful to discover two long postings by BM and MITM. Apparently I have not checked this thread out recently. I very much enjoyed hearing about Harry's (lucky) story and shall now picture him. You are so right, BM, about the pleasure of having a dog and
    and it can certainly be a consolation in difficult times. Some days this winter Nellie has been the only 'person' I've spoken to. Your description of your weather makes me realize I could never live in such a climate for an extended period of time. At least here there is always the promise of the consolation of spring ( my very favourite season) and even our hottest summers would not contend with yours for duration. And fall can be a lovely season here too. I too appreciate the fresh air here. It is interesting how much we come to love the landscape we identify as home. I really enjoy the Canadian mountains of western Canada although I don't think I would like to live there permanently. Because of the different climate the prairie provinces do not have the large trees,- the maples,
    oaks, elms, ash, etc. that grow in Ontario and are really a consolation in a part of the country that is increasingly losing its open character. MITM, I can see now how you lost those 2 pounds you reference on the other thread. What a herculean task your snow shovelling is.
    So my short note on exercise today is this: 3 miles on the treadmill and a session on the Nordic track.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Socked in again with snow so the roads were slippery and I didn't get out to see my sister-in-law as planned. I did do 3 miles on the treadmill and worked on the Pilates dvd- I'm feeling some overall muscle soreness so perhaps am getting some benefit. I'm also trying to avoid injury by trying to do the exercises properly.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Yes, wretchedly cold but at least the roads were clear and it was sunny. I had a call to substitute teach for the afternoon so accepted. I was quite pleased that when I came home, despite feeling a bit exhausted, I did 2 miles on the treadmill and a Nordic track session- perhaps getting inspired by the Olympics!
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Bracken, you impress me so much with your dedication. With all your cold weather it would have been so easy to have "hunkered down" and just comfort ate (it would have been very easy for me anyway!). To keep on using the treadmill as you do and now starting pilates is so amazing! I am crying off ALL exercise until I return from the UK. (Will write a quick post on other cracker circle).
    Hop you catch a break in the weather soon.
    BM x x
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Bailey, thanks for the encouraging words. I am trying to forge ahead with the idea that as much as I feel this winter is endless , on the other hand, in terms of making progress with weight and exercise spring will soon be upon us. I have certainly had my days of comfort eating this winter too. But I am also trying to recall that awful feeling of coming into spring and not wanting to look at new spring clothes because I've put on so much weight in the winter. Somehow it seems worse because here in the winter you can sort of cocoon inside bulky winter clothes but spring- well, not so much! Today, very cold of course, so my exercise again was on the treadmill for 3 miles and I worked on the Pilates dvd. I make some modifications, especially on moves that require doing full situps as I know I could really hurt my back. I understand that I am supposed to be pulling myself up, ("scooping the abdominals as the instructor would have it") by the abs and engaged glutes. However, it is because my abs are not strong that I am doing these exercises so a cautious approach will be my way. Also, BM, sorry to read on the other thread about your dreadful bout of possible food poisoning. I hope you are recovering well. I believe you mentioned potatoes as the possible source and I was reminded of a news story that happened here a few years ago. A farmer who had been working late taking off crop went to the local town with his wife late in the evening and ate at a buffet-style restaurant. As it was near closing, much of the food was under heat lamps and he took a baked potato which was in foil wrap with his meal. He became dreadfully ill- it turned out the potato caused ptomaine poisoning because the foil wrap and the warmth of the lamp incubated the bacteria. He became almost totally paralyzed and was in hospital for many months though he was reported to have 'recovered.' That has always made me leary of potatoes wrapped in foil. I know you will soon leave for England and hope you have a wonderful time. We have much news here of the flooding so I hope that will not effect you.
    Thinking of you other Crackers too, wherever you find yourselves.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    It's just morning and I have not done exercise yet but didn't log in yesterday as I planned so am just noting that I treadmilled 2 miles and worked on the pilates (lots of work still to do there but have worked up some muscles!). Am off to check Olympic updates but hope to return later.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Later. I was pleased with my exercise today. I did 3 miles on the treadmill and a bout of Jillian which I haven't done for a couple of weeks. The Jillian went well. I am thinking that rotating, not in any set order, but using my Nordic track, Jillian and Pilates dvds with the treadmill as sort of my anchor exercise is the way I want to proceed at the moment. Once Nellie and I can do real walks again and I can start riding, I'll reconsider but for the time being this is it.
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Crikey Bracken! You'll be in the next Olympics yourself if you keep on at this rate! Really pleased for you. I think you have the right idea in mixing it up too. You will be exercising so many different muscles etc your body will not get into a routine and then maybe you won't ever plateau. Hope the weather will soon be kinder to you, you must be missing your horse dreadfully.
    Take care, BM x x
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Really well done Bracken, you seem to be the only one of us who is exercising regularly at the moment. I did sort out all my exercise DVD's yesterday which is a start and I will try and get started next week. I think I've lost motivation and momentum having been away for so long but I'm psyching myself up to get going again. I know the only way I lose weight effectively is to make sure I exercise so I must do it.

    I'm going to a wedding in Prague in 4 weeks and I need to sort out my outfit. I could definitely do to lose half a stone by then so I'd better get started with Jillian and Rosemary!

  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    I echo LMV! Bracken you are making me feel quite guilty! keep it up

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Popped in for a quick report today but really appreciate the support everyone is showing here. With all the bad weather and being in so much, if I were not exercising I'd be really putting on weight. Today was a lighter day though; I just did the treadmill for 3 miles. I also watched but did not do the second part of the Pilates dvd to try to get a better sense of the mat exercises. (the first part is cardio and not so complicated). The mat section runs a solid 28 minutes so my thought is to try to start with the first 14 minutes which look easier and then try adding in gradually the rest. Did I mention my dvd is called Pilates weight Loss for BEGINNERS. I dread to think what a more advanced program would be! LMV, I'm sure once you put on one of your dvds you'll find your motivation- though from what you have said previously perhaps Rosemary will entice you first rather than Jillian. I believe you've said you love to dance. What better preparation for a wedding!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Log of my exercise today: 2 miles treadmill, Nordic track, worked on the Pilates dvd to the extent I had planned. Will be interested to see if I have sore abs as mine are definitely weak and I could feel them being used.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Well done Bracken! With my shoulder and neck problem as mentioned on the other thread, no exercise for me at the moment. I think you are right though, dancing with Rosemary in definitely the best way for me to get back into it.

    I hope you enjoy the Pilates. I love my classes and the main thing I have learnt from my teacher is to make sure I get the posture right. Feet hip width apart and parallel, neutral spine (push the hips forward and back and find the midway point) shoulders back and down so that the shoulder blades slot into imaginary pockets on your back, "zip" up the pelvic floor muscles and "hollow" the stomach muscles (pull them in). That's the starting point for any of the standing exercises. It's important to get a neutral spine position when on the floor too. All teachers seem to have their own way of expressing this though. I'm sure your abs will benefit from the Pilates quite quickly.

    Well done on being so disciplined Bracken!

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Thanks, LMV, for the Pilates tips. Your description of the neutral spine and the pelvic zip are very clear and I shall think of them as I proceed.
    I struggled in my head today to start exercise but did manage 2 miles on the treadmill and the Jillian workout. When I do Jillian I only do half at a time (about 25 minutes). Today's workout has cardio interspersed with weights. The other half is an upper body sculpt and a lower body tone.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Brilliant Bracken! To keep going when you don't really feel like it is a fantastic effort. I'm sure you felt better for doing the exercise both mentally and physically.

    The physio helped my neck and she gave me a couple of exercises to do during today and then I'm going back for another session tomorrow. Things are improving but it's still painful.

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Keeping up with the exercise the last two days. Yesterday I did 2 miles on the treadmill and worked on the Pilates, pleased that I'm feeling the effort but not overly sore. Today I did 3 miles on the treadmill and my Jillian Biggest Loser workout. Exercise is getting easier but moderating eating pattern is a struggle at times. I think some of the problem is because I'm housebound a lot and don't forget about eating the way I do when I'm outside more. Plus I've got back into my better weight range, 3-4 pounds from my best again but it seems like a plateau at the moment considering the amount of exercise I'm doing. Anyway, I guess the route is to hang in and eventually there will be scale progress. I'm definitely feeling better in other aspects physically.