30 Day Shred and Nordic Skiing



  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Thanks MITM and Bracken for your thoughts and encouragement. Yesterday I went on the first of 4 session 'stress control' which I hope will help me to manage my stress levels and get back to work. The path is very rocky and uphill at the moment - but you are absolutely right the exercise is quite helpful - especially with sunshine - even though everything is still very damp - especially in shady areas that don't get much sun (which is quite a lot in a forest!) and muddy. But the sound of birds singing and things rustling in the undergrowth - even if it makes my horse jump - are great.

    I'm still struggling with food and not attending the gym as often as I should but its the swimathon in a couple of weeks so I need to do this quite soon. My next step will be to try and get through the exam tomorrow and then that's another thing out of the way.

    MITM you are quite right the TD diet menus will help me if I can myself to go back on that route. At present I'm comfort eating rather too often. I'll take a look at the blog though as you are right it may well help me.

    take care all - and Bracken I hope that the weather starts to improve for you very soon - it seems to have gone on for ever this year and being so cooped up must make it really hard for you.

    Take care all

    PB xx
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    PB - Meant to ask earlier - what exam?
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi all - I'm doing a showjumping judging exam. A bit daunting but as I've said on the other thread - not really a big deal as I can continue to judge at my current level.

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    PB, hope your exam went well. That is very cool that you can be a horse show judge. Here, being a qualified judge can be a nice extra job too. Most people who do it really enjoy it and of course, the days are long at times but even our second level judges, the level below the "A" circuit where most of the pros mainly ride, are paid quite substantially. I have been the announcer at those shows but announcing is a voluntary job. Of course, most horse shows at any level would not be able to run without many volunteers. I really enjoyed doing it but it could be nerve wracking at times when three rings were run at the same time, and it would seem to happen that more than one ring was ready to have the placings called at the same time and everyone wanted his/her ring to be given priority! At some shows I also had to call the commands in the hack classes as well and the judge (rightly) wanted me to repeat his calls (canter, please, all canter etc.) immediately.
    I got in some exercise today by treadmilling 3 miles and doing 4 circuits of the Jillian dvd so quite pleased.
    Will check off rather quickly as I want to watch the first of a 4 part series on our CBC tv called Wild Canada. It looks at wildlife all over Canada both in water and on land and apparently took many years of preparation. One of the main documentary contributors is a Canadian couple who have also worked on the BBC Planet Earth series.
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    sorry Bracken 4 circuits and quite pleased?!!! Big pat on the back more like.

    PB - I too hope the exam went well.
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi Bracken & MITM - yes I think the exam went OK. I know I got one question wrong in the written paper - but it was an open book exam and I really couldn't find the appropriate rule. Other than that I was quite confident with my answers. In reality you are never in the position where you can't look for the answer and you have more than one judge so between you you can figure it out. Bracken it sounds a lot more complicated in Canada!

    Technically, as judges we are supposed to charge for our services - but to be honest most of the shows I go to are for charity and so I don't charge at all. There are of course now many more 'venues' which look to make money from running affiliated shows and those I do charge at least for fuel - however, they tend to resent paying you at all!!!

    Anyway, I'll let you know when I hear about my exam. No other exercise yesterday. Riding this morning - in thick fog as it stands at the moment.

    take care and well done Bracken!!!! That doesn't sound like 'quite good' - it sounds outstanding!

  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Good Evening Crackers!

    Well I've been good and I met with Jillian today. And I'm now feeling absolutely ripped to pieces! Or just plain shattered... Jillian has this lovely line 'what's that burning smell? I can smell burning fat!' Oh I hope that's true!! I was fine whilst doing the work-out but then I went out in the garden and shovelled some snow in a bid to rescue some of my trees that have been crushed - that was exhausting. I then went walking with my friend which was also hard work as it was 16°c!! And of course I spent a couple of hours painting this morning... So it's no wonder I feel tired!!

    Be good Crackers!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Love the burning fat line, MITM. Surely you shifted some with that exhausting but very productive day. yesterday I managed two rather slow miles on the treadmill only- my cold or whatever just won't seem to go and it was a struggle to do that much. However, will work at some exercise today.
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Evening Crackers!

    Well surprise, surprise (not!) I did not meet with Jillian today... Bracken I think Jillian was speaking the truth! I had ordered some new underwear usual make and size, and the knickers were too large!!!! I will keep them as I got them on offer and it's too much hassle to send back and I know, oh I know from experience they are sure to fit at some point!! I'm thinking post Christmas - not post Easter!

    I was painting this morning ooh, I wish I could say the end is in sight, but I'm only half way. It's doing wonders for the arm muscles. This afternoon I trotted around the village with my friend who was seriously struggling (quite concerning) and then I spent 2 hours in the garden tying back my bushes into presentable shapes - some hope. However I continue to be amazed at all the flowers that have sprung up seemingly overnight which put a spring into my step. Then the husband ruined my optimism by warning me we have more snow on the way at the weekend - I could have sobbed!

    Bracken well done on your 2 miles, every step counts - I'm back wearing my pedometer daily and my aim is to do 10,000 steps a day. Do you think you should see your doctor again as this cold of yours has been with you for ages perhaps you need antibiotics?

    Be good Crackers!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Thought I would post this quick note on here as I want to write longer on the other thread but don't have time at the moment. However, I like to account for my exercise now that I am getting back to it. So, Thursday I did 2 miles on the treadmill, Friday I did 2 miles on the treadmill and I estimate about a mile of walking while out at a large mall ( I should get my pedometer going again like MITM) and today I did 3 1/4 miles on the treadmill (not all at once however). I felt better doing the treadmill today so that is encouraging. Along with doing a better job on the eating front and doing the food preparation ahead of time as planned (just started a big pot of veg soup in the crockpot ) this week has been much better than the previous.
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Well done Bracken!!!! Keep it up. PB
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Thanks PB, I'm just having a quick brouse and didn't get on yesterday so will log that I finally got on my horse yesterday. It was a short ride in the arena with just walk and trotting but it was lovely to be back and I am planning on going out again today. I was actually a bit nervous after all this time off and my horse, Briar, was a quite antsy in the cross-ties ( I think he wanted to go out with the other horses being let out) although he had been let out the day before and had been ridden by the young woman who has worked at the stable when she was not in school. (another story). I decided to let him out first loose in the arena and he tore around and around and threw in some very sharp bucks so I was really glad that I did that. However, when I got on him he was extremely well -behaved. Nellie was thrilled too as she got to play with one of the stable labs and run wild. I later did two miles on the treadmill.
    I haven't done any exercise yet today so should not rest on my laurels!
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi Bracken - sounds fab - I always enjoy watching a horse kicking up his heels! I've just got back from a ride on Harley - the weather here is a little bit dull and its now trying to rain. We also got 'buzzed' by a helicopter - Harley's ears came up but he was as good as gold. Then I helped Hilda to finish off the stables and give them their tea so they are all sorted for the evening.

    I also went for a walk this morning - just over 3 miles, not too fast, but ankle has held up well to both walking and riding.

    speak soon

  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Bracken, PB,

    How I envy you on those horses! Sounds like you both had a great time and well deserved too. I would swear that there is absolutely nothing like being around horses to de-stress a person! Also well done on the walking. I don't know if you have heard of her but I discovered Leslie Sansone at the weekend on Youtube. She was recommended by a few people on the community boards, so I checked it out. She does "walking at home". I only watched the 1st video which was a mile one, but it looked quite good. Definitely easier than Jillian, but better than doing nothing at all. Might just give it a go when I am able.......
    Speaking of which, I now have a cold. I think 2 lots of strong antibiotics in a month have almost finished my immune system so here I am again. It is not Flu, but really doesn't feel too far off it. I have the aching joints etc. So I have had to up my Haemophilia meds as my bloods weren't the best anyway after the abscess on my hip, so will require even more blood tests when this is over. I try so hard not to feel sorry for myself, but sometimes it's not easy!!:smile:
    Sounds like the weather could be good for parts of the UK, so wherever you are I hope it lovely for you to continue riding. Bracken, I sincerely hope Winter is now firmly behind you too!
    Take care,
    Love BM x x
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Oh Dear Bailey! I do hope you feel better soon - its miserable feeling like that especially when you get one thing after another. Its nice to hear from you though as apart from Bracken and I its been a little quiet lately - and to be honest its Bracken who is really doing the business - although I am, at last, starting to a) feel better and b) able to do a little exercise after my fall and also the depression. I'm hoping to go back to work straight after Easter but if I'm honest with myself I think I need to find another job (sorry this is more proper on the other thread) so am putting my effort into that at present.

    Stress control course and a massage today. Hopefully, find time for a walk down by the sea this evening if the weather is good and Mum feels up to it. Parents go home tomorrow.

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    PB, I am glad to hear that you got a ride in and that your ankle has held up for that substantial walk. I certainly do not think that I am only doing the business here. I do feel fortunate that the winter seems to be finally letting go and I have been able to do more in recent days. I had another ride yesterday but I am only slowly working back into it with walking and trotting at the moment. However, it feels great and I did more than the first time so was pleased. We are now into mud season and my horse needed a lot of grooming despite wearing a turnout sheet. This group is very important to me and I really feel that we can each become stronger through interaction with others. Do you notice it is not any kind of race we have to compete in how many pounds or miles we have achieved? Dealing with health, weight and fitness challenge each of us but not as competition but inspiration. But that is why I think it is more substantial. In seeing others experiences and understanding them, it helps with one's own challenges. PB, I went through some periods of huge stress and anxiety when I was working full time and I know how hard it can be to try and hold everything together. The worst periods I put on a large amount of weight and jettisoned much of my personal life to survive my job. My horse was ridden by other people which on reflection did not relieve any of my anxiety. I think now I would do things rather differently and I commend you for trying to keep some balance in your life, also recognizing that you keep engaged with your parents. BM, you do have a tough row to hoe especially having to deal with the on-going Haemophilia. I'll check out the utube video too. I hope it can help. Because of the problems I often have with my acid reflux there are times when I am not comfortable walking outside and so indoor exercise on the treadmill has been a boon because I can stop at any time if my stomach gets really bad. Of course, I love to walk outside and yesterday Nellie and I walked 2 1/4 miles. Sometimes it feels like a state of grace just to be out and walking in fresh air.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Yesterday was such a lovely day here finally. I did all my walking outside with Nellie, 3 miles in total. I also was at a large mall and deliberately parked at a distance from where I was going and then checked out a couple of other places (an optical store and the menu in the window of a restaurant) just to add to my steps. I must have walked more than another half mile. I actually like monitoring so I must dig out my pedometer and use it. I saw on the late news that my fellow Canadians in the Atlantic provinces had the worst snow storm of the winter, this after a series of bad storms so I felt particularly fortunate.
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hello Crackers - this thread has been a little quiet later so I thought I would drop in to update my exercise activities. I started the day with a swim and Jacuzzi and have finished it with a ride on Harley - OK we only had one trot as the ground was very hard but it was so lovely and quiet in the forest and we saw not a soul. Fabulous.

  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    I'm quite proud of my exercise today. This afternoon I spent an hour grooming two horses - I glowed like a waterfall! then I helped muck out 4 stables. This evening I have walked about 5 miles to the pub and back at 4.4miles per hour. Feeling quite righteous. Tomorrow, I will be riding and mucking out as well.

  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Well done PB - you have inspired me to do some form of exercise tomorrow!