30 Day Shred and Nordic Skiing



  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Enjoyed my ride on Friday afternoon. Up at 6.30am this morning to go and help muck out. An hour of sweat on a beautiful spring morning with the muck heap steaming gently! Back again this afternoon to give Merlin a groom and then help with doing up. Happy Day!
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Something weird has happened on the Lets Get Started thread - it appears to have been locked...... So I thought I'd come on here!

    Good Morning Crackers

    I'm glad to say that at present it remains dry outside which is not what I was expecting. I have a nice day planned - coffee and a walk with a friend this morning followed by grooming and, if it stays dry, a ride this afternoon. I had something of a riding lesson yesterday from Hilda - who has been riding so long she does it without thinking - but her approach certainly seemed to improve things so I shall try to follow her instructions.

    Sticking to the diet too - had a home made pizza last night which was delicious and very filling. (Tesco recipe)

    Anyway, I hope all is well with everyone and that we can sort out the problem with Lets Get Started thread!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day

  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    HI PB. No problems now with the other thread, we were up to the limit so a new thread was started by MFP. MITM has put a message on the home for us x
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Thanks Bailey - will look on the home!
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    A lovely morning ride. Then some hilarity when Hilda played with Merlin in the field. He acted like a 2 year old and you wouldn't know one of his legs is pretty useless. It was very funny watching him kick up his heels and trot about with Hilda teasing him by jumping and growling at him. Harley predictably was completely uninterested as there was grass to be eaten. So busy morning ahead followed by grooming this afternoon and doing up so a good days physical work. Also had a lovely walk round the village and to the new coffee shop in the mews yesterday lunchtime so plenty of exercise.

    Interview tomorrow - wish me luck!

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello PB, have not been on this thread much recently, with all the gardening being my main form of exercise. Always interested in hearing about your riding. I'd also be interested in knowing something about the approach who gave you a riding lesson takes- I know it was some time ago now. I also know that no matter how long one has ridden there is always more to learn and that a different way can make a lot of difference. When I moved to the stable where I am now the barn owner/instructor really had an effect on improving my leg and I have felt much more secure since then. She also gave me much more confidence over fences. One facet was that she simply took everyone she instructed completely seriously whether they were showing on the "A" Circuit or a recreational rider who would never compete. This is not always the case. Hope the interview went well yesterday.
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi Bracken - as you say it was a long time ago that I 'learned to ride' and actually it was with the people who I now ride with rather than a school. They put me on a horse that they felt they could trust and I 'learned' hacking out. When I started having lessons I went to an approved riding school where we did an immense amount of 'flat work', work without stirrups, lungeing etc. I learned to look at the whole horse - how to care for it as well as riding. I learned a lot about how to work with a horse when on the ground too. Because I ride purely for pleasure I don't worry too much about leg position - as long as I have a contact with the mouth and can get my legs on that's the main thing. I school on the forest -when we are going round corners etc and using half-halts etc to regulate speed in trot.

    That's probably more information than you wanted! Do you ride English style? or Canadian style? I think there is something so special when you know that your horse trusts you and will rely on you when its worried by something - like this morning when we met a couple of tandems - Harley is convinced that all bicycles are really lions and this morning although he stiffened he carried on going forward if a little reluctantly!

    Speak soon
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Evening Crackers (Shredders!)

    'The time and energy for dieting and exercise will never magically appear - but remember it's 100% worth it' BECK

    The daughter sent me a video clip of her exercise class last night, frightening stuff like watching Jillian in action, but all very inspiring and motivating! Which in turn reminded me of my many Jillian DVDs gathering dust and that led me on to thinking just when did my belly turn to jelly and why have I only just noticed my thighs have got fatter again?!

    Could the answer be according to this blog when I stopped meeting with Jillian and took up painting?! So I measured myself YIKES which confirmed my suspicions and then I nearly had a panic attack when I stepped on the scales. And then I decided to stop moaning and groaning and get moving again and just put on a DVD as I know they all get results.

    Not so sure if even the wonderful Jillian can work a miracle in 10 days but I can only improve and see what happens!

    So Day 1 - met with Jillian - tick. Hope I can get out of bed tomorrow!
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Just reporting in so everyone knows I have done DAY 2 - tick!! Of course meeting with Jillian and being whipped I can't help but think of LMV as she so detested the lovely Jillian!! It's now been 25 days since LMV last logged in and well over a month since her last posting. Well I must get to my bed to rest my bones before I throw them around the room again tomorrow!
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Well done MITM, did you have the usual aches and pains after the 1st day?
    Funnily enough I was thinking about LMV yesterday, I had thought it had been a bit longer than 25 days, (probably because I miss her posts!). I sincerely hope all is well in her part of the world. I am sure she will pop in soon, are you? x x
    Ps wish I could just get in the frame of mind to do some Jillian too, x x
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Days 3 & 4 tick, tick! BM surprisingly no aches or pains whatsoever just a pool of sweat! But I'm not 'shredding' I'm not that brave or stupid! I'm doing my favourite Jillian DVD 'the banish fat' which Bracken recommended as I love all the kick/boxing exercises and that I can choose my 3, 6 minute work outs which is enough for me! And I know from past experience it works so if I can keep it up for the next week....
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Oooh, MITM that must be one of the only DVD's I haven't got. I will have to check it out. Well done on day 3 and 4. I am with you in spirit all the way! Now if only I could lose weight in spirit too! lol x
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Well how strange, you two were talking about me on here and I reappear. I must have felt the vibe!

    I simply can't understand the concept of a favourite Jillian DVD MITM, they are all torture in my opinion! But well done on getting back to daily exercising. I should be doing it too but I can't quite get beyond thinking about it. Shame on me. Like BM, I am with you in spirit

  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    How can anyone not enjoy Jillian?!!! Days 5, 6 & 7 completed and I'm on a roll I'm loving it - LOVING IT - LMV!! Have decided to stay away from the daily scale reading and just eat normally but exercise daily until I depart for the UK. The idea being as LMV says it's just a number and I'm not going around with it stamped on my back and it means nothing, but inches off is another matter as it's what you see and feel and it means, I have more clothes that I can put on my back! Well that is my theory anyway!!

    Be good Crackers!

    P.S. Have just read the myfitnesspal blog 'The Unexpected Benefit of Being Bad at Yoga' and I like this quote 'you know your yoga is improving not when your poses get better, but when your life gets better' snap - I know what my body can and cannot do so I choose which 'Jillian' exercises to push myself over the edge with and as the blog also said 'I'm there to be good to myself' well one week on, I feel a whole lot happier than I did this time last week!
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    The suitcase is out - my dilemma now what to pack! Unlike 2 weeks ago when everything felt tight and uncomfortable - TEN days of Jillian cracking the whip and I'm a new woman! My whole wardrobe once more fits again even those clothes acquired for when I'm at my target weight. Jillian has whipped my body back to its best shape and banished the jelly belly to the back of the wardrobe! There's no flab anymore hanging over the waistband of my cropped fitted trousers which is just as well as summer has finally arrived here... TWO pounds lost and TWO inches airbrushed off my frame!!

    I shall end with the words I started with
    'the time and energy for dieting and exercising will never magically appear - but remember it's 100% worth it.'

    So true!
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Absolutely well done MITM! Thoroughly deserved because 10 days (OK 10 Mins) of Jillian is so very difficult to do. I hope you have a wonderful time and are able to wear the same clothes to travel back as to get there. (It's one of my little ambitions, just never happened yet). So happy for you being able to wear your lovely clothes. Your confidence and happiness is inspiring, hope some rubs off on me!
    Safe journey, BM x
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello Shredders,

    Well it's Oct 1st and time to start my annual shred.

    Day 1 - done.

    According to Jillian I am now well on my way to being shredded, but sadly there is a long way to go. I am definitely in much better shape than I was two years ago when I did the shred for the first time. I can manage level 1 quite comfortably now apart from the side lunge and anterior raises - I still find that one hard.

    I've set myself the target of losing 7lbs in October and shredding should help me to achieve that.

    Only 29 more days to go.

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Nhello Shredders,

    Day 2 - aborted

    Started the shred but had absolutely no energy so I must still be suffering from the after effects of my cold. I could have carried on in a half-hearted way and ticked day 2, but I didn't see the point in that so I gave up and will have another attempt at day 2 tomorrow

  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    LMV - apologies for not joining you yesterday or today for that matter - I am swapped under with work at the moment so have decided I'm going to start on Monday! I got into my trousers last night and was thinking of you and your 'black choir trousers!' next time I wear them I want to know I look good in them rather than know my bum looks big in them! So roll on Monday and the dreaded shred!
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello Shredders,

    No need to apologize MITM, we have to do these things when it is practical to do so.

    Day 2 - done

    I went to bed early last night and had a really good sleep. I got up and did the shred immediately as I didn't want to risk being too tired later on. I'm now enjoying a lovely bowl of fresh mango for breakfast as a treat.

    So far, so good. No ill effects after day 1

    Keep shredding
