What I did right today



  • seamoth
    seamoth Posts: 69 Member
    What wonderful insight into your own emotional response to guilt. There is no rule that you have to walk today. You know the right choices for your body. Food is a false comfort that lasts briefly and brings more guilt. Thank you again friend for reminding me of my own freedom of choice.

    Freedom of choice.....yep, I think thats one of the most important gifts we have in our Western world. We are so lucky.
  • seamoth
    seamoth Posts: 69 Member
    I have so much to learn, but it sure feels good to be back on track again with more knowledge, better health, and friends that really can help me live a better, smarter, leaner life!

    Thanks my friends,

    Well said! I know exactly what you mean, Paul. Thats me, too ????
  • seamoth
    seamoth Posts: 69 Member
    Well, today I DID go walking, 3.5 miles, and it was lovely. Map my Walk recorded that I walked at a 'moderate' pace, about which I was very happy, because it usually tells me I am walking at a 'leisurely' pace! I think I must be getting a little bit fitter.
    So thats what I did right today! I've still got most of the day ahead of me so I may (or may not) do some other right things. Like stick within my calorie limit. Hah!
  • dcnpaul
    dcnpaul Posts: 21 Member
    Well, today I DID go walking, 3.5 miles, and it was lovely. Map my Walk recorded that I walked at a 'moderate' pace, about which I was very happy, because it usually tells me I am walking at a 'leisurely' pace! I think I must be getting a little bit fitter.
    So thats what I did right today! I've still got most of the day ahead of me so I may (or may not) do some other right things. Like stick within my calorie limit. Hah!
  • dcnpaul
    dcnpaul Posts: 21 Member
    Well, today I DID go walking, 3.5 miles, and it was lovely. Map my Walk recorded that I walked at a 'moderate' pace, about which I was very happy, because it usually tells me I am walking at a 'leisurely' pace! I think I must be getting a little bit fitter.
    So thats what I did right today! I've still got most of the day ahead of me so I may (or may not) do some other right things. Like stick within my calorie limit. Hah!
    SorryI hit the wrong key. I am also ready for warmer weather. I don't walk indoors because I like the fresh air. That unfortunately means that I get less exercise in the winter and I am craving warmer weather for the opportunities to get outside. Yesterday I got outside and loved every minute of it - what a blessing spring is!
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    I did 15 minutes on the exercise bike...rather then the 30 I was aiming for.
    My back was bothering me after yesterday's 30 minute session and it started to twinge today so I stopped. boo.

  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Today I created a new recipe to celebrate a long awaited weight loss. I had gone over 3 weeks without loosing any weight at all. I felt that I had to try something to get back on track and so I started to learn about macros, how protein impacts with weight loss, and micro nutrients. The short of the story is that I am back to loosing weight - not much today but almost a half a pound - I was really happy. Any way I created a recipe for Telapia fish cakes that really were great. Tasted great, only 100 calories each, and lots of protein. I fried them today but next time I will bake them and they will be even better.

    I have so much to learn, but it sure feels good to be back on track again with more knowledge, better health, and friends that really can help me live a better, smarter, leaner life!

    Thanks my friends,

    I love that you created a recipe to meet your needs. I have thought about starting a recipe thread in our group since the sharing of recipes is something that MFP should be doing but hasn't so far. I understand they are working on that feature.

    I am going to start that thread now, that is what I am doing right today! :flowerforyou:

    EDIT: Started a thread for recipes, please add yours to it:
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    Met my goals today.

    30 minutes on the exercise bike

    2 miles walking per fitbit

    stayed within my calories range (my worst weakness with this program thus far is consistency with recording. I am fine for a week then whoops, fall off the wagon and do not record. when I do not record, I start to slip up in other areas)

    Paul, would love to hear more about your changes as far as macros/micros
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Been away for a wonderful weekend down near London. My son lives there and I had a long walk in Richmond Park on Saturday afternoon with him and his girlfriend ...... and then a day in Brighton yesterday walking all round....browsing speed but on my feet for about 6 hours. Had a few nice restaurant meals but not too disastrous....and now I am home and raring to go again tomorrow.... so what I did right today was appreciating what a great weekend I had with my lovely son :heart:

  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    During the last few weeks before I quit my job, I was running on empty. The last two weeks in particular I was in survival mode. After a week of simply doing nothing (ok, maybe watching news of the snowstorm and the Raleigh gridlock - I am in Raleigh, had something to do with that) I dragged myself onto my neglected exercise bike. That first day I was able to do 2.8 miles in 30 minutes. Today I did 6.2 miles in 30 minutes. So I am feeling just a bit proud of myself!
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    During the last few weeks before I quit my job, I was running on empty. The last two weeks in particular I was in survival mode. After a week of simply doing nothing (ok, maybe watching news of the snowstorm and the Raleigh gridlock - I am in Raleigh, had something to do with that) I dragged myself onto my neglected exercise bike. That first day I was able to do 2.8 miles in 30 minutes. Today I did 6.2 miles in 30 minutes. So I am feeling just a bit proud of myself!

    You live in Raleigh????!!!!!!
    So do I!!! (North of 540 out in the county) Maybe we could hook up and be walking partners or something???

    You should be proud of yourself.. and congratulations on getting on your bike. I'm surprised we haven't pedaled into each other. each on our exercise bikes. LOL LOL

  • ireallyneedit
    ireallyneedit Posts: 104 Member
    You mean London Ontario right? I live there but of course only in the summer....in Florida in the winter.
  • ireallyneedit
    ireallyneedit Posts: 104 Member
    I have been excellent with regard to the exercise - walking - doing a power walk dvd - water aerobics like 3-5 times a day each. However having a struggle with eating...going out too much (today a ladies lunch) so much company etc. I know how to control it even at restaurants I am just not doing it must smarten up today.
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    I've been lax/ lazy this week and haven't exercised for a couple of days.

    And it is interesting, when tracking food, how quickly those daily calories add up.
    Dang, I'm not eating much at all.
    I'm at or below my allotted calories almost every day, but it doesn't take much to inch that count up and over the limit.

  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    I can't find a good place to post this so I'm putting it here...as much as a reminder for me as anything else..
    It's an article about how exercise affects our brains.

  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Need to take myself in hand...have been decorating so not exercising as much....... back to the pedometer I think....... did an extra little walk between painting a wall today.......am over 10,000 steps.......it's a start..again!:laugh:

  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    10,000 steps again today........ including a short run ...... and good caloriewise too...I have logged three chocolates, within my allowance but haven't eaten them yet......... I think I will.......but only three! :smile:

  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 897 Member
    10,000 steps again today........ including a short run ...... and good caloriewise too...I have logged three chocolates, within my allowance but haven't eaten them yet......... I think I will.......but only three! :smile:


    Excellent job jeanmrob! Hope you had your chocolates. You deserve them!
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    I had my chocolates ans enjoyed them...... I kind of liked logging them in advance and then looking forward to them all evening....lol

    Today I went to town on the bus looking for certain things and found none of them but walked all around town for a couple of hours and walked extra at both ends of the bus rides....... going to log my dinner and snacks for this evening right now!

  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    Great job with the steps!!!

    I did my 30 minutes this morning. I'm working up to adding another 15-30 in the evening as well.

    We just put the TiVO app on my ipad, so now I can watch programs on it from the comfort *snicker* of my
    elliptical machine or the stationary bike.
