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December workout reports



  • macybean
    macybean Posts: 258 Member
    Barely time to catch up with everyone. Had my migraine medication changed, then spent 4 days whimpering in bed. Finally got back to lifting today, now have to go out of town to see some family in the hospital, so will probably not get to lift again this week.

    Today though…

    Squat 135x6 140x4 145x4 150x2
    OHP 70x3 70x4 75x1 weird numbers, I know
    Dead 185x4

    Not moving up much, but not slipping either. If I can maintain through this period of unrest, I know I can build my strength later. Everyone is doing great, it appears.

    Have a great weekend.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member

    Lydia - looking good - do you look down or out? Just curious.

    It is right in front of the wall so tend to look at the corner where wall meets mirror, otherwise I get sucked into looking in the mirror! Probably a bit too far down though..
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    So I missed deadlifting this week so I went to the gym to do some pulling. It didn't go as planned. I wanted to do 3x3 at 330, but had to stop as 315 was soooo heavy. I think it was probably due to my bench PR yesterday and that tiring out my back muscles too much for really heavy pulling. So I did this:

    225x3- I was going to do 8-10 here, but I was just done. ugh.

    Back extentions just bodyweight 3x8

    10lb dumbbell curlx12 and 35lb dumbbell straight leg deadx8 supersetsx3

    I tried to GHR but the one at the Y has a really weird foot plate where only like 1/3 of your foot presses against it. It scared me so I did the SLDL instead lol.
  • girlie100
    girlie100 Posts: 646 Member
    Saturdays session

    20kg x 10, 30kg x 5, 40kg x 5, 52.5kg 3x5
    20kg x 5, 30kg x 5, 42.5kg 3x5
    Deficit RDL:
    40kg x 10, 60kg x 5, 85kg 3x5

    then I was supposed to do sprints and ball work but it was raining quite heavily so scrapped that and just went home :bigsmile:
  • debress
    debress Posts: 36 Member
    Failed at 112 pounds for squats today. I knew a fail and deload was coming.

    I was in the rack with safety pins set properly, and when I struggled to stand after rep 4, the guy in the next rack came running over. I shook my head to keep him out of my way, made it back up, and then sat down on the next rep. What was he going to do anyway? The safety pins are about an inch lower than the bottom of my squat. I didn't even make any noise when I sat down. Still sitting on the floor, I said please don't do that again. I'm in the rack with the safety pins. It's safer for me to just sit down than for you to run over here and try to do something. He said I should get a belt so I don't get a hernia. This guy was squatting in the other rack, not even getting parallel, lifting his heels up every time he went down, poor form, and making a lot of noise doing it. I just smiled and said thanks.

    So I put the weights back on and did 4 reps on the next set, didn't try for 5 because I figured I'd have to sit again. Kept trying, but the first set was the only full set of 5 I got done.

    Then I tried 78 pounds on the bench press. Got the first 5, but failed on the second set on rep 5. Dumped the bar. A different (very nice) guy asked if I needed help, but I had already tipped one end off. He then offered to spot me, but I just wasn't feeling like I had it in me to keep doing the 78, so I backed down to 75. Time to deload on the bench as well.

    Skipped my rows, as I had to pick up a co-worker and get my cat to the cat sitter so I can go out of town for the holiday. Feeling a little bad, but at least I made it to the gym this morning, and I have to take failures to keep progressing. Also in the plus column: I made my roller derby league's travel team! I would like to think it's partly because I'm getting stronger from all these weights I'm lifting.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Hey Ladies I see some nice numbers...and good workouts...

    Missed Friday was out all day and didn't get home till 8pm.....

    Back at er today....

    Squat 5x5 @ 110 no issues glad to be back up in these numbers couple more weeks and I will be back where I was prior to injury

    OHP 5x5 @ 80...been here for a while...I got them out but form issues so stayed...failed next time...got them out next time but again form issues...this time no issues but I may stay here another workout just cause this is a hard one.

    DL 1x5 130...this is the only lift giving me issues and not on the way up but on the way down...not so much if I do sumo so might have to stick with that...Not that I am complaining I actually like that style...maybe better then reg DL stance.
  • _TastySnoBalls_
    _TastySnoBalls_ Posts: 1,298 Member
    5th week of SL began today :)

    warm up squat
    5x5 squat 105lb
    warm up bench
    stalled on bench at 75lb (my 1st time stalling on bench) 4,5,3,3,3
    5x5 row 65lb ( i deloaded all the way back to week 1 cause i discovered that i've been doing them wrong the entire time; no biggie)
  • I've been trying to get in 3 weekly workouts instead of 2 and it seems to make quite a difference with being able to increase my weights, which is great. I'm not sure if I will be able to keep it up over the holidays though.

    Squats 60kg 5 x 5
    Bench 27kg 5 x 5 (good for me because I've never fully recovered from frozen shoulder in both shoulders)
    Deadlifts 62kg 1 x 5

    Plus shoulders, biceps and assisted pull-ups.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    super quick drop in just to record from this morning

    squat 67.5kg new weight 545 but not pretty
    OHP 37.5kgs 1
    then dropped to 35kg and it still wasn't great
    Deadlift 85kg x 5 heavy!
  • super quick drop in just to record from this morning

    squat 67.5kg new weight 545 but not pretty
    OHP 37.5kgs 1
    then dropped to 35kg and it still wasn't great
    Deadlift 85kg x 5 heavy!
    Great weights Iwoodroff.
    Silly question, but do you deadlift with your bare hands? I wear gloves with the fingers out but as the weight increases, I'm afraid the bar is going to slip out of my hands.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    No but my gym provides chalk...
  • No but my gym provides chalk...
    Ah..I go to a ladies only gym and I'm on my own with lifting heavy weights. It's good because I don't have to wait for equipment, but bad because I have nobody to ask for advice.

    I'm going to look for chalk at the sports store.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    quick check in today

    Workout A

    Squats 5x5 @ 115 (actually miscalculated due to new plates and did 1x5 @ 120)
    Bench 5x5 @ 105 (staying here just to be sure on form)
    Rows1x5 @ 110 (can't say I like these but eh they are in)
    Rows 4x4 @ 110

    Gotta check my form on those...not feeling right
  • macybean
    macybean Posts: 258 Member
    Today's numbers…not much change, but not going down either!

    Squat 135-6 140-5 145-4 150-1

    Bench 90-4 92.5-3 95-2

    Row 95-6 100-5 105-3

    Hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season, no matter what holiday you do or don't observe:)
  • from tuesday:
    stalled at 65 on OHP last week, hit 70 this week.
    120 squats
    165 DL and damn that bar got hard to hold! lol

    annnd today
    125 squats (think i'll stay here next session, my form was not great)
    90 bench
    110 pendlays, they've been feeling great now that my form is correct

    I totally got called out for flexing in the mirror while I was resting. I mean.... what else am I supposed to do!
  • vendygirl
    vendygirl Posts: 718 Member
    Well my day break turned into seven and even after trying to lift at 6am this morning (but the gym didn't open until 10am, somehow I missed this sign) I managed to get in after work.

    Squat 5x5 115lbs
    OHP 5x5 65lbs
    DL 1x5 105lbs

    YEAH broke triple digits on the dl finally.

    I am going gnaw my arm off if I don't go eat so I'll be back later. it looks like everyone is doing well over this holiday season!
  • _TastySnoBalls_
    _TastySnoBalls_ Posts: 1,298 Member
    my body is still recovering from the xmas eve damage (way too much tequila). But some ibuprofen was just what i needed to get this workout in


    warm up squat sets
    5x5 squat @ 110lbs
    warm up OHP sets
    OHP stall on 60lbs (AGAIN! :grumble: ) 3,4,4,3,2
    1x5 Deadlift @ 155lbs
  • vendygirl
    vendygirl Posts: 718 Member
    Managed to drag my butt to the gym today. A lady came over and offered to spot me while I was benching. I said yes because I was having issues with the first two sets. Then she said you could do more reps I bet and I replied that I was doing the 5x5 program. She had never heard of it so I explained it to her. She asked if I felt it has built up my strength and I said Yes. I then explained I started in November squatting 60lbs and today i did 120lbs. She is going home to look up the program.

    Made me smile. :D

    all 5x5 today
    Squat 120lbs
    Pendlay row 60lbs
    Bench 95lbs
  • _TastySnoBalls_
    _TastySnoBalls_ Posts: 1,298 Member
    wrapped up week 5 today

    5x5 on all except bench

    sqaut 115lbs
    bench 75lbs (2nd attempt, stalled again)
    rows 70 lbs (started over from week 1 because i had been doing them wrong)

    all in all, a good workout today :bigsmile:
  • vendygirl
    vendygirl Posts: 718 Member
    I can't tell if my work pants are tight because my butt is getting bigger and/or because my stomach fat is pushing out due to the core getting stronger but just not melting that stubborn fat yet. The fat is melting off somewhere as I feel different it just isn't visible to me yet especially at my flesh belt which bothers me the most. Either way I was in the gym and it nice and quite in the morning like I like it.

    Squat 5x5 120lbs - same as Saturday but I tend to do the same weight twice then move up. My way of keep form in check
    OHP 5x5 65lbs I think I might be able to try and move up to 70 next time
    DL 1x5 115lbs

    Keep up the good work folks! Holiday season is almost over and soon we will be fighting the 'new years crowd'. :/ Well the ones who use a gym.