Talking Dead: Team Michonne



  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,901 Member
    Louise it is really great to know the rest of your story. I know more about Addisons than most people who do not have it. My adopted dog Cooper has it. Louise and I talked about that a while ago. It almost killed Cooper. It is a sneaky, and often hard to diagnose disease. I will tell Cooper that he can not have alcohol. Great job Louise. You beat it. :drinker: And I am so inspired by your burpees. :happy:

    Ellie, I can not think of a more inspirational reason to get in shape than to have a child. I wish you all the best in accomplishing your goal. And watching after four small children is no easy task. And to keep going in the face of such heart break. Hugs. And eating correctly is a big part of this.

  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Louise it is really great to know the rest of your story. I know more about Addisons than most people who do not have it. My adopted dog Cooper has it. Louise and I talked about that a while ago. It almost killed Cooper. It is a sneaky, and often hard to diagnose disease. I will tell Cooper that he can not have alcohol. Great job Louise. You beat it. :drinker: And I am so inspired by your burpees. :happy:

    Its ok, he can have alcohol, just in moderate amounts!! :laugh:
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,901 Member
    So a bowl of beer is probably ok. :smokin: While I am thinking of it Louise, his vet told us there were two types of Addisons. One type is almost always accompanied by to much weight. The other and you are to thin. Cooper has the type that usually means you are really overweight. And his vet said he is lucky in the fact that he is actually thin. Go figure.

  • FromFlabToFurious
    FromFlabToFurious Posts: 355 Member
    Oh my God, your stories are so inspiring and motivational! I loved reading each of them.

    Shelley, you are like this bad-*kitten* b!tch. You are the true Michonne of the group! I mean, damn, a Deputy Sheriff? And you get to use a gun? Remind me never to mess with you!

    Ellie, seriously, with a heck of a story like that, how can you not say you're inspirational?! The fact that you've had all that bad stuff happen to you and you've not given in is just massively motivational. I really do hope you and your husband get what you want in life! I really hope it happens for you!

    Louise, your story is amazing as well. I love the fact you now have so much energy that you can't sit still, reminds me of me now. I sit still for a while and I can't think of anything worse! Well done to you as well, loving these success stories! I love you all! I look forward to reading Angie's!


    Today was pretty cool for me. I went to work, came home, went to the gym, did a bit of Insanity and rested my feet up, ready for tomorrow's classes. There's a boxing one I want to try out and also my usual Fat Blast and something called Metafit, which is supposed to be amazing. I'll let you all know how I get on with it tomorrow!

    Insanity: Cardio Recovery- 30 minutes
    Elliptical trainer- 5 minutes
    Walking- 60 minutes
    Boxing- 15 minutes
    Rowing- 10 minutes
    Wall Squat- 5 minutes

    Push Ups- 60 reps
    Kettlebell Clean and Press- 60 reps with a 12kg
    "Bring Sally Up" squats- 30 squats
    Clean and Press- 100 reps with a 15kg

    Cardio: 575/250 (75/60 Combat)
    Strength Training: 80/90
    Wall Squats [Team Tyreese and Sasha Punishment]: 3/5

    125 minutes added to Cardio (15 minutes added to Combat), 20 minutes added to strength training and 1 added to the punishment.
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,901 Member
    Dazz, You make me laugh. But being a deputy almost made me choose Ricks team! :smokin:

    I have been reading other teams bios also. So interesting. And inspirational. :drinker: My feet are a little sore tonight. The floors I have been speed walking on are concrete. And I may be looking for new boots.

    We are all doing great. Keep pushing hard. As always Dazz you destroyed your workout. :drinker:

    I did get in the full 60 minutes of fast walking in today. In full battle gear. :laugh: I also walk up/down ramps. And stairs during this time. Got home and it was still sunny. Took my boys and hubby to the park for forty more minutes. Then went downstairs to get in another wall sit. Not sure how many that makes. I would have to check my notes next to my timer. :grumble: But I know I have done at least two 5 minute punishments each day. Tops of my legs are feeling it now. Then I did another 35 minutes of upper body weights. Tomorrow will be time to get in some kickboxing or the like.

    Night all

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,901 Member
    Hello everyone. Hope you are all getting excited for our next episode of TWD. :glasses:

    Got up and did 117 Pushups for another challenge, 1 wall sit and 30 minute walk. Back later with the days rest. :drinker:

  • FromFlabToFurious
    FromFlabToFurious Posts: 355 Member
    Hello Team Michonne! Today is such a beautiful day! Today, I have been complimented by two people and, for the first time in three weeks, I've took a "monthly" picture to see the difference and wow, the difference is just immense. My before photo has my stomach sagging right down with man-boobs that could put Beth from Dog the Bounty Hunter's to shame! Now, my belly has actually gotten a little flatter and has also started to not sag and my chest is looking less like a pair of boobs! I'm very happy!

    My compliments were from someone from the gym who said that I was amazing at doing my workouts and even said he couldn't do half of the workouts I do and the dude is very built! The other one was from someone who I used to go to school with. We spoke to each other but at first he didn't recognise me. I said his name and he looked at me like he didn't know me. I said "It's me, Dazz, I didn't know you came here" and he said "Oh my God, is that you? You look so different! You've lost so much weight...not that I was saying you were fat in the first place...Oh God, I didn't mean to offend you" and I was like "Nah, I'm fat, it's cool" and he laughed and said "Seriously though, I mean, wow! Keep up with what you're doing because it's working!"

    So yeah, awesome day! Anyways, onto my statistics! Funny story. Today, I was on the treadmill watching Jerry Springer and I was still running but starting to get out of breath when I saw a scrap and everyone was chanting "JERRY! JERRY! JERRY!" and totally forgetting where I was, I started chanting it as well. Made the dude next to me laugh.

    Insanity: Cardio Power and Resistance- 40 minutes
    Elliptical trainer- 10 minutes
    Walking- 60 minutes
    Boxing- 30 minutes
    Rowing- 10 minutes
    Wall Squat- 5 minutes
    Treadmill- 35 minutes
    Jump Rope- 5 minutes
    Fat Blast (gym class)- 30 minutes
    Metafit (gym class)- 30 minutes
    Zombies- 5 minutes

    Push Ups- 60 reps
    Pull-Ups- 10 reps
    Front Squats (Goblet Squats)- 60 reps with a 12kg
    "Bring Sally Up" squats- 30 squats
    Bench Press- 100 reps with a 15kg
    Squats, Barbell- 48 reps with a 50kg

    Cardio: 815/250 (105/60 Combat)
    Strength Training: 110/90
    Wall Squats [Team Tyreese and Sasha Punishment]: 4/5

    240 minutes added to Cardio (30 minutes added to Combat), 30 minutes added to strength training and 1 added to the punishment.
  • FromFlabToFurious
    FromFlabToFurious Posts: 355 Member

    ANYBODY who is in fear of not making their target this week, please don't hesitate to use my minutes! I want Abraham with us and I won't stop until he's safe and sound where he belongs! Here are the free minutes I have available!

    565 in Cardio
    45 in Combat
    20 in Strength Training
    6 in the Punishment (I'll do two tomorrow to make sure. I say six because technically, I'm not supposed to do the punishment so yeah, if you need them, use them! ;))

    I'll be doing more cardio and strength and also an extra punishment tomorrow but not combat.
  • FromFlabToFurious
    FromFlabToFurious Posts: 355 Member
    Dazz, You make me laugh. But being a deputy almost made me choose Ricks team! :smokin:

    I have been reading other teams bios also. So interesting. And inspirational. :drinker: My feet are a little sore tonight. The floors I have been speed walking on are concrete. And I may be looking for new boots.

    We are all doing great. Keep pushing hard. As always Dazz you destroyed your workout. :drinker:

    I did get in the full 60 minutes of fast walking in today. In full battle gear. :laugh: I also walk up/down ramps. And stairs during this time. Got home and it was still sunny. Took my boys and hubby to the park for forty more minutes. Then went downstairs to get in another wall sit. Not sure how many that makes. I would have to check my notes next to my timer. :grumble: But I know I have done at least two 5 minute punishments each day. Tops of my legs are feeling it now. Then I did another 35 minutes of upper body weights. Tomorrow will be time to get in some kickboxing or the like.

    Night all


    I'm so happy you chose Michonne over Rick. Michonne's a kick-*kitten* character! Definitely much suited to your personality! ;)
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,901 Member
    Hello Team Michonne! Today is such a beautiful day! Today, I have been complimented by two people and, for the first time in three weeks, I've took a "monthly" picture to see the difference and wow, the difference is just immense. My before photo has my stomach sagging right down with man-boobs that could put Beth from Dog the Bounty Hunter's to shame! Now, my belly has actually gotten a little flatter and has also started to not sag and my chest is looking less like a pair of boobs! I'm very happy!

    Man Boobs. Muahahahah, And they are going away! That is so exciting! So glad you have been getting the much deserved compliments. Now remember for every one you get, there are at least ten people who notice but do not say anything. So that is like, 22 today! :drinker:


    Ok, got in another 30 minutes walk, an hour of kickboxing, 45 minutes of weight training, which included another 90 pushups, I may be paying for it tomorrow! One more of our punishments. And a big bowl of chili. I did all this because someone really wants some new guy on our team! What not happy being the only guy Dazz? :laugh: :laugh: I think that is the most I have done in one day in quite a while. Nap time.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,901 Member
    Dazz I had to convert your bench press so I knew what you really did. It is a hair over our 55lbs. Now some people would think that is not much. But if you did all of them in one long set, I am betting your arms were dying by the end of it. :laugh: I sometimes do body pump. You do one set of muscles at a time. Usually to a song that lasts 4-5 minutes! :devil: I always made sure that I was on fire by the end. Go Dazz, now where is the rest of our team?

    I have extra wall sits if anyone needs them. I have been doing two each day. So if you need them let me know.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,901 Member
    Got in a kickboxing DVD today, two more wall sits completed, more push-ups, and another 45 minutes of weights. I am done. Night everyone.

  • FromFlabToFurious
    FromFlabToFurious Posts: 355 Member
    Dazz I had to convert your bench press so I knew what you really did. It is a hair over our 55lbs. Now some people would think that is not much. But if you did all of them in one long set, I am betting your arms were dying by the end of it. :laugh: I sometimes do body pump. You do one set of muscles at a time. Usually to a song that lasts 4-5 minutes! :devil: I always made sure that I was on fire by the end. Go Dazz, now where is the rest of our team?

    I have extra wall sits if anyone needs them. I have been doing two each day. So if you need them let me know.


    I'm usually on fire when I do Fat Blast and Metafit was the first time I went and I was flaming hot because I did one straight after the other! Shelley, seriously, you are now going to be known as Steel Shelley because you must be made of steel!

    Also, I didn't even realise that I'm actually the only dude here until you just pointed it out! Oh my God! Then again, with all of these gorgeous ladies to myself, who am I to complain? ;)

    Girls, keep on kicking *kitten*! DON'T FORGET TO SEND YOUR RESULTS TO ANGIE!!! Is that today or tomorrow?


    Insanity: Plyometric Cardio Circuit- 40 minutes
    Walking- 90 minutes
    Wall Squat- 10 minutes

    "Bring Sally Up" squats- 30 squats

    Cardio: 950/250 (105/60 Combat)
    Strength Training: 114/90
    Wall Squats [Team Tyreese and Sasha Punishment]: 6/5

    135 minutes added to Cardio (0 minutes added to Combat), 4 minutes added to strength training and 2 added to the punishment.



    700 minutes in Cardio
    45 in Combat
    24 in Strength Training
    6 in the Punishment
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,901 Member
    Dazz, You are so motivating. Keep being you.

    Here are my final stats. I have to be more organized next week.

    Punishments-13 five minute wall sits. Outer hips are feeling it.
    Kick Boxing-150
    Weight exercises-215
    Bring Sally Up-2. :(

    These numbers are all standing on their own. No duplication. I only did 40 pushups today. No, 44. No more for today. Yesterday was enough.

    I purchased some new kickboxing DVD' s to change it up. I am pretty sure that I will really like Billy' s Favorite Moves. There are even some push-ups!

    Where is everyone?

  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Remember to check in! Don't forget that there's a great prize this week, the top four teams get to add a new character from the show, who will make them points for the rest of the challenge.
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,901 Member
    Morning everyone. My bench press is getting better. Just finished 90 pounds. Still no spotter. Hubby was outside playing with his project car. So maybe he will spot me next week. But 90 is still better than last weekend. I would have tried more if he had been in the room with me. So I am confident I will make my goal of 100.

    So quiet here. Where are you guys? Tonight is another episode. So excited. Off to finish my workouts and house cleaning before the show tonight.

  • FromFlabToFurious
    FromFlabToFurious Posts: 355 Member
    Morning everyone. My bench press is getting better. Just finished 90 pounds. Still no spotter. Hubby was outside playing with his project car. So maybe he will spot me next week. But 90 is still better than last weekend. I would have tried more if he had been in the room with me. So I am confident I will make my goal of 100.

    So quiet here. Where are you guys? Tonight is another episode. So excited. Off to finish my workouts and house cleaning before the show tonight.


    I'm doing loads better with my squats. I'm now on 50kg all the time. Before, I built myself up to 50kg but today, I wondered if I could just do it straight away so I did and I managed to do it. I'm proud of myself! Also, my toes are feeling much better now that I'm not jumping around, which is something I think I may have to avoid from now on when I'm doing Insanity.

    I do have some news though: I'm not going to be weighing myself anymore. Seriously, it's too confusing. One minute, the scales say I'm under 17st and the next, they're saying I'm 17st 10lb. I tried the ones at the gym today, hoping I've lost weight and they told me I'm 15st 2lb. That DEFINITELY isn't right. I think measuring my stomach and my chest is the way to go from now on methinks. Is there any way I can just do that instead of weighing myself?

    Also, does today's workout count for the week we've just had or does it count for next week's?
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Morning everyone. My bench press is getting better. Just finished 90 pounds. Still no spotter. Hubby was outside playing with his project car. So maybe he will spot me next week. But 90 is still better than last weekend. I would have tried more if he had been in the room with me. So I am confident I will make my goal of 100.

    So quiet here. Where are you guys? Tonight is another episode. So excited. Off to finish my workouts and house cleaning before the show tonight.


    I'm doing loads better with my squats. I'm now on 50kg all the time. Before, I built myself up to 50kg but today, I wondered if I could just do it straight away so I did and I managed to do it. I'm proud of myself! Also, my toes are feeling much better now that I'm not jumping around, which is something I think I may have to avoid from now on when I'm doing Insanity.

    I do have some news though: I'm not going to be weighing myself anymore. Seriously, it's too confusing. One minute, the scales say I'm under 17st and the next, they're saying I'm 17st 10lb. I tried the ones at the gym today, hoping I've lost weight and they told me I'm 15st 2lb. That DEFINITELY isn't right. I think measuring my stomach and my chest is the way to go from now on methinks. Is there any way I can just do that instead of weighing myself?

    Also, does today's workout count for the week we've just had or does it count for next week's?
    Today is the first day of the challenge week, so it's for next week and you can send it in with everything else you do, right up to Saturday (the 8th). and, yes, throw your scale into the closet, (or better yet, out the window:bigsmile:) and measure and take pictures instead. Take a look at what Sidesteel says about establishing metrics here:
  • FromFlabToFurious
    FromFlabToFurious Posts: 355 Member
    Today is the first day of the challenge week, so it's for next week and you can send it in with everything else you do, right up to Saturday (the 8th). and, yes, throw your scale into the closet, (or better yet, out the window:bigsmile:) and measure and take pictures instead. Take a look at what Sidesteel says about establishing metrics here:

    Errorist (a friend of mine on MFP) has shown me that post before, it's very informative. I was a total beginner when I read it though and had absolutely no clue what he meant. Errorist helped me with some of the stuff but I didn't fully get it. I think I do now. Thanks for reminding me! I'll send what I did today underneath but there is one more thing I need to know; how do I send my goals now that I've decided not to weigh myself? Do I do measurements weekly or take pictures monthly?


    Walking- 20 minutes
    Wall Squat- 5 minutes
    Elliptical Trainer- 10 minutes
    Rowing- 10 minutes
    Boxing- 10 minutes
    Treadmill- 35 minutes
    Spinning- 45 minutes
    Zombies- 5 minutes

    "Bring Sally Up" squats- 30 squats
    Pull-Ups- 10 reps
    Squats- 48 squats with 50kg

    Cardio: 140/??? (10/??? Combat)
    Strength Training: 20/???

    140 minutes added to Cardio (10 minutes added to Combat) and 20 minutes added to strength training
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Today is the first day of the challenge week, so it's for next week and you can send it in with everything else you do, right up to Saturday (the 8th). and, yes, throw your scale into the closet, (or better yet, out the window:bigsmile:) and measure and take pictures instead. Take a look at what Sidesteel says about establishing metrics here:

    Errorist (a friend of mine on MFP) has shown me that post before, it's very informative. I was a total beginner when I read it though and had absolutely no clue what he meant. Errorist helped me with some of the stuff but I didn't fully get it. I think I do now. Thanks for reminding me! I'll send what I did today underneath but there is one more thing I need to know; how do I send my goals now that I've decided not to weigh myself? Do I do measurements weekly or take pictures monthly?
    I would do both as often as you like. You can also look at your gym performance too, as a goal.