Talking Dead: Team Michonne



  • Angimom
    Angimom Posts: 1,463 Member
    Congratulations Team Michonne! Winners! Everyone did awesome! And super congrats to DAZZ! our MVP! You rock it last week! Completed all your goals and lost weight, was super supportive on the boards for the whole team and was just a motivating team player! THANKS, you deserve the MVP this week!

    And, I think the other teams are LOVING the punishment exercises! LOL.

    Happy Monday Everyone!
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,632 Member
    Bring Sally up, bring Sally down....ha ha ha very funny, not!

    I'm with Sara on this one, but a nice challenge :smile:
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    To show solidarity to the other teams i am also going to do the punishment exercise. Just so they don't think we are too cruel.

    Angi and Shelley, I also wondered if it was a come on or if he was just a creepy stalker type but I dont know. I found him very annoying. He talked to me like I knew nothing about exercise and implied that it was my first time working out and that I would give up within a week. All while giving me very bad advice.

    Dazz, congratulations on MVP. With those exercise numbers and the weight loss you totally deserve it. Now keep it up to retain your title for next week!! :laugh:
  • Angimom
    Angimom Posts: 1,463 Member
    To show solidarity to the other teams i am also going to do the punishment exercise. Just so they don't think we are too cruel.

    Me too!

    This is the week of giving and believing.
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,975 Member
    Bring Sally up, bring Sally down....ha ha ha very funny, not!

    I'm with Sara on this one, but a nice challenge :smile:

    I am doing it also. Bring Sally Up! :) I like challenges that are fun. Not exactly zumba, but there is music.

    Dazz, Dazz, he's our man. WOOHOO. Way to go again.

    Louise he is to creepy. I say keep your distance. And the bad advice is just annoying!

  • FromFlabToFurious
    FromFlabToFurious Posts: 355 Member
    OH MY GOSH! I'M MVP?! I'm so happy! Grrr, I already made a post on my blog before coming here now! Wished I did it before! Thank you all so much! I'm actually really happy right now! Angi, I could hug you but I'm Team Michonne and Michonne doesn't hug so shall we fist-bump or just go chop a zombie's head off?

    Shelley, I'm sorry your back hurts. I thought you may have been okay with it. I do it all the time. I hope I haven't hurt you! :(

    Louise, my creep radar is going crazy on this fool! Drop-kick him and tell him to sling his hook (if you're not from the UK, it means go away). and go back to the caveman days! I won't have no fool hassling my team member!

    I'm happy everybody's liking their punishment but I don't think they'll like it after a week, haha. It REALLY works on your legs! Obviously, it goes without saying that I, too, am doing the punishment. Then again, I have been doing it every day. This week though, I'm going to start doing it with 20kg on my back. Been doing it with bodyweight all week so I'm thinking try and improve by adding more weight.

    Oh and by the way guys, when it comes to logging the Bring Sally Up punishment on your exercise diaries, if you've done the whole song, it's 30 squats.


    Insanity- Cardio Power and Resistance- 40 minutes

    Bring Sally Up- 30 squats
    Kettlebell Swings- 50 reps
    Kettlebell Clean and Press- 50 reps

    40/250 cardio (0/80 combat)
    0/90 weight-training
    1/5 Bring Sally Up song completion (doing the punishment)
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Hi Team Michonne, as a Rick team member, I am looking forward to our next few episodes together. :flowerforyou: I have done 10 minutes of cardio (kickboxing) for one of you. Just PM me before the end of the week and you can add it to your totals.
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,975 Member
    Hi Team Michonne, as a Rick team member, I am looking forward to our next few episodes together. :flowerforyou: I have done 10 minutes of cardio (kickboxing) for one of you. Just PM me before the end of the week and you can add it to your totals.

    All mine. Thanks so much.

    Dazz, I should of used less weight when I started to feel them in my back. My fault. I actually started using more on the last few sets since there were so few to do. But that is the only place I feel them.

    Today was an easy day for me. Resting my achy back.

    10 minutes of kickboxing (Thanks Cindy) :)
    40 minutes walking

    I also spent a couple of hours working on my aquarium. I have had an algae bloom. Nasty grass like stuff. Trying to take over. So I was pulling and brushing it off of everything. Then I did a water change. I checked all the parameters and everything checks out. Must of been the lighting. I have been using a back up lighting system since my main one went out on me about two months ago. So it has been staying on probably to long. Now I have mine up and working again and it has automatic timers. Mine is a rather complex hood with blue and white lights. The entire hood costs about $1200, so we had been trying to fix mine. Hubby finally had success! A few of the ballasts had gone out. We replaced them all and a few other things. There are three, and they were $85 each. Still much cheaper than a new hood. :love:

    OK, lets kick some butt everyone. I will try to do Bring sally up. But I will not over do my back as I stand a lot at work. I will get the rest of my workouts in. I think the kickboxing will actually help. :bigsmile:

    Night everyone.

  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Happy Tuesday everyone!
    I went for a run this morning. its my first time going out for a proper run since before christmas (since then I have done some sprint intervals on the threadmill but I haven't just gone out for a run to see where the road takes me). I was kinda dreading it and sure enough one and a half minutes into running I wanted to stop, but I managed to keep going for 30 minutes! Im very impressed with me! Im incredibly slow so I probably only covered about 2.5km in that time but I am still pleased with myself. I then walked back (40 mins) and did about 10 mins of horrible things like burpees and jumping jacks. I haven't attempted Sally yet because after that my legs were shouting at me to please please sit down! I'll try and do it later.
  • Zombieinkpot
    Zombieinkpot Posts: 745 Member
    wohoo. I've got my sword so I am ready for whatever you have to throw at me! Time to kick some undead *kitten*! :smile:

    Hi Louise, this week I am donating 10 minutes of upper body strength training to you to help you wield Michonne's mighty sword. I can also donate some Sally's if you would like. :smile:
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    wohoo. I've got my sword so I am ready for whatever you have to throw at me! Time to kick some undead *kitten*! :smile:

    Hi Louise, this week I am donating 10 minutes of upper body strength training to you to help you wield Michonne's mighty sword. I can also donate some Sally's if you would like. :smile:

    Yay!! Thanks Zombieinkpot!! As the winning team this week we don't technically have to do the Sally challenge so there is no need to donate that, keep them for your chance at MVP. I'm still going to give it a go though, just for the craic!! :laugh: :laugh:
  • Zombieinkpot
    Zombieinkpot Posts: 745 Member
    wohoo. I've got my sword so I am ready for whatever you have to throw at me! Time to kick some undead *kitten*! :smile:

    Hi Louise, this week I am donating 10 minutes of upper body strength training to you to help you wield Michonne's mighty sword. I can also donate some Sally's if you would like. :smile:

    Yay!! Thanks Zombieinkpot!! As the winning team this week we don't technically have to do the Sally challenge so there is no need to donate that, keep them for your chance at MVP. I'm still going to give it a go though, just for the craic!! :laugh: :laugh:

    Oh yeah, I forgot, you won! Silly me :laugh: :laugh:

    Go team Carl!
  • Angimom
    Angimom Posts: 1,463 Member
    Hey all! Louise, I am so excited for you! Great job going back to running. I am feeling not so excited about it the last couple of days and I am not sure why, so yesterday I just ran on the treadmill and did circuit training, which I also felt just blah about, I don't know whats up with me. But, I did complete my 50 min last night and already did 30 this morning so I am not slacking, I am just not excited about it.

    Shelley, how is your back doing? do you think just a pulled muscle or something else? You should definitely rest your back and let it heal. I am sure we can help you if you need any numbers. The only ones we cannot help with are calories! LOL. feel better!

    Happy Tuesday!
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    That must be annoying that you are not getting as excited about your workouts, it definitely makes it harder to get out and do them. How often do you change your route while running? You might be getting bored if you are running the same roads every day. otherwise is there any other form of exercise that you could do to keep things interesting? maybe do some dance classes or something just for fun for a while and then go back to running?

    Also, sorry Shelley, I meant to comment on your back pain earlier but got caught up in my own world!! How is it feeling now? Was it just stiff from working out or do you think you injured something?
  • FromFlabToFurious
    FromFlabToFurious Posts: 355 Member
    Today has been rather stressful for me, mainly because of people. I get accused of doing something I haven't done at work and my boss talks to me about it. He understands that I was telling the truth and he believes me over the dude who has developed some sort of problem with me but I just hate that he won't talk to me and would rather swan off and not get his facts right.

    So I used that frustration and anger into my workouts to ease some stress and it bloody worked as well! I'm way more chilled out now but I just hate being accused of lying or doing something I didn't do. I just feel that if you're not happy with me or if I've done something to offend, speak up! It hasn't stopped them before so why the sudden need to go to my boss, make up lies and have him talk to me about it? UGH! People! lmao.

    Anyway, as I said above, I just let it all out in my workouts and produced some cool results. Still a little annoyed with what happened but not as bad as I was earlier today. Where's Michonne when you need her?! hehe.

    Oh and just an update, I DIDN'T make the challenge. Towards the end, I didn't keep proper form so I got disqualified. I'm welcome to try it again though so I'm going to be doing it on Sunday. I had someone watch me do it earlier and I did it but I didn't officially re-do the challenge. Still, good to practice.


    Insanity- Pure Cardio- 40 minutes
    Treadmill- 30 minutes
    Rowing- 30 minutes

    Bring Sally Up- 30 squats with 20kg (NEVER AGAIN!)
    Kettlebell Swings- 550 reps with a 12kg
    Kettlebell Clean and Press- 110 reps with a 12kg
    Pull-Ups- 10 reps

    140/250 cardio (0/80 combat)
    40/90 weight-training
    2/5 Bring Sally Up song completion (doing the punishment)
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,975 Member
    Dazz, That is a bummer. But you will get it done! :) I have a snarky co worker also. She went off on me today. She so does not get it. I do not care. She does not like or respect me. So why would she think that I care what she says? And I know she was crying to the Sgt. After I left. Nope do not care. See there are problematic people where ever you live. Great workout again!

    Angie thanks for the offer. I will be back and going tomorrow.

    Louise and Angie it was just over worked muscles. They are sore, but better already. Angie I think everyone gets bored with working out. I do less for awhile, find something new. Change it up for awhile. But do not quit totally. It is so hard to start up again.

    I did 30 minutes of kickboxing. Not as up to my usual speed. Legs and back were stiff. I bet I will be better later for it. Also got in my Sally squat. I actually liked it. It was fun. Thanks Dazz. Also another ten minutes of weight training.

    Ok, ibuprofen and bed time now.

  • Angimom
    Angimom Posts: 1,463 Member
    Hey All! Dazz, I agree with Shelley, there are always those kinds of people around. I am glad you took it out on your workout though and made it a good one! That is good for you and good for your team! YAY, Dazz!

    Shelley, you are right, sometimes I am excited and do more and othertimes, eeehhh, not so much. However, I made myself get up and run this morning in the opposite direction that I normally do and that was kinda fun, I got in a good run, so all is well. I will do an arm workout and Sally tonight. I am really glad your back is feeling better.

    Ellie, how are you doing? anything exciting in your life this week?

    Anyone have any great plans for the weekend?

    Happy Hump Day!
  • PhoenixStrikes
    PhoenixStrikes Posts: 587 Member
    Yes! I'm doing good, got in a half hour bike ride on Sunday with my nephew. Had intended to go longer but he started panting and wheezing so we had to turn around. Trust me I teased him for being out exercised by a 32yr old woman and he's 15!

    Monday I got in some strength training. I'm hoping to add another weight to my bench press by the end of the month as my Home Gym doesn't work smoothly with only one weight and that's all I'm able to bench right now.

    I've been doing squats all day by sets of tens and I'm planing on doing some more lifting tonight.

    This weekend I have a tattoo appointment to work on a large thigh piece I have. Should make it difficult to walk for a couple days but I plan on doing two bike rides towards the end of the week to help meet my cardio numbers.
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    What tattoo do you have Ellie? I have never gotten one because a) I'm afraid of needles, and b) I change my mind about things about 3 times a day so I would be sure to hate it very quickly!
    Thats hilarious about your nephew not being able to keep up. i'm pretty sure that there are no 15 year old boys out there that I could out-cycle!

    Dazz, that sucks about work and about not making the challenge. As the others have said though, everywhere you go you will come across people who are just *kitten* who thrive on others being miserable. You have a nice way of dealing with it though, I like that you took it out on your workout! Have I told you before that you are amazing? The workouts you post here just blow me away (and make me want to have a nap!! :laugh: :laugh: )

    Glad you are feeling better Shelley. I tried Sally today. i was fun but harder than i expected. i can't believe you did it with weights Dazz, my thighs were burning afterwards!

    My plans for the weekend involve driving to Dublin and going drinking with college friends. I have lots of extra calories saved up so I should have plenty of room for alcohol in my diary! :drinker: :drinker: Anyone else have anything planned?
  • FromFlabToFurious
    FromFlabToFurious Posts: 355 Member
    How are you feeling today, Shelley? I hope you're feeling a lot better now! Way to go on the kickboxing by the way!

    Angi, that run sounds awesome! Let us know how far you got on your Sally!

    Ellie, there is NO WAY you're 32!!! Seriously?! That has shocked me! I'd have said 25! It's good that you teased your nephew though, I wouldn't have let it lie either! Well done on your exercises, you beasted it! What tattoo are you going to get?

    Louise, enjoy Dublin and enjoy the boozing! I love how you've even saved the calories for it too, hehe. Good thinking!


    Thank you all so much for your support! I had to work with him today. Both of us didn't say a word to one another. My boss asked me what I'd do about it and I said "As far as I'm concerned, this is the way I see it: Professionally, I have respect for him because he does go out of his way for the company and he does more than what is asked but as a person, I have absolutely no respect for him. I believe in respect being earned and he's destroyed that by lying about me. I'll talk to him on a professional level if it's to do with the business but as far as joking about and stuff is concerned, I'm done. The last thing I want is to be lied about again". My boss actually said that it was very sensible of me to say what I did. It's the truth though so yeah! :)

    I kind of had a little wobble today. I kind of eat with emotions and I got a little stressed. I ALMOST bought a huge slab of chocolate but I quickly dived on a pot of porridge and a couple of chocolate breakfast bars before I did that. I knew I'd regret it if I didn't.

    Anyway, I obliterated Insanity today. Did my plyometric cardio circuit and it has slayed me. I did the Sally challenge as well, my legs are beyond aching but I'm getting a weird kick out of it....geddit...kick...because my legs are aching...doing squats...

    Insanity- Plyometric Cardio Circuit- 40 minutes
    Kettlebell: Figure 8- 5 minutes

    Bring Sally Up- 30 squats
    Kettlebell Swings- 50 reps with a 7kg
    Kettlebell Clean and Press- 50 reps with a 7kg
    Push-ups- 10 reps

    185/250 cardio (0/80 combat)
    55/90 weight-training
    3/5 Bring Sally Up song completion (doing the punishment)

    45 added to cardio, 15 added to strength training and 1 added to Sally