Talking Dead: Team Michonne



  • Angimom
    Angimom Posts: 1,463 Member
    Good Morning Team! I love the idea Dazz, I did not see the link in the first message! DUH. But once I viewed it !!! YAY!! The choice is actually for Shelley as she is our MVP this week, so lets make sure with her and I am in favor of a daily or 6 trys at it.
    Great work Dazz!

    Shelley, I suck at regular burpees and then you go and add all the other stuff! UGH, but I know in the end it is worth the effort! GO TEAM MICHONNE!

    Ellie, how are you doing this week?
    Louise, are you sore yet? (I am! LOL)
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Angi, I have been sore all week! I tried doing some kickboxing workouts today and I could barely keep up. At least I know I have been pushing myself!

    Dazz i think the punishment is great. I was going to do it today but didn't have the energy. maybe tomorrow!

    Shelley, I can't even begin to imagine what those burpees are like. and i don't want to either!! I think ill stick with the regular ones!
  • Angimom
    Angimom Posts: 1,463 Member
    Dazz, Shelley, Ellie, I haven't seen any of you on today! Where are my teammates? We cannot quit today, we will lose the week if you all disappear! HELLO..........crickets............chirping...........crickets................I hope to hear someone soon.
  • PhoenixStrikes
    PhoenixStrikes Posts: 587 Member
    I'm here! Just busy with my workday. I plan on doing strength training tonight. It's arms day,
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    Dazz, Shelley, Ellie, I haven't seen any of you on today! Where are my teammates? We cannot quit today, we will lose the week if you all disappear! HELLO..........crickets............chirping...........crickets................I hope to hear someone soon.

    I have been sneaking around spying on the other teams. I am here. :bigsmile: I did 30 minutes of arms this morning. Still going to put in more tonight. Back for an update. :laugh:

  • FromFlabToFurious
    FromFlabToFurious Posts: 355 Member
    Right here Angi, I've not forgotten! I live in the UK and the only time I really do have free is the night time as all day, I'm either working or working out! ;)

    I've just been logging in my exercises and my food for the day. I've stayed under the calorie goal and I've just done Insanity and kettlebell work (I know, me and those darn kettlebells, right?!). Insanity absolutely wiped the floor with me today. Cardio Recovery sounds amazing, right? IT BLOODY ISN'T! It's so excruciating! The stretches and holds you have to do just burn! Not looking forward to doing those in the future!

    I'm so glad everybody likes my punishment. I do have my sadistic moments and that right there is one of them. I know it's a punishment but I'd love for us to attempt it, kind of have a little competition amongst ourselves to motivate each other. My time is 2 minutes and 26 seconds now, see if you can beat me ;)

    I'm too excited for my new Fat Blast class tomorrow!

    Louise, I'm so proud of you for pushing yourself. As long as you try your hardest, that's all anyone can ask of you! Well done, girl!

    Shelley, those burpees sound difficult...I love it! I thrive on a challenge. Hopefully, I can keep form! Your workout sounds awesome as well! Loving the female Terminator thing you have going on right now!

    I just love the whole team! I'm proud of us! We're amazing! We're Machonnes! (a machine version of Michonne!)


    Insanity- Cardio Recovery- 30 minutes
    Kettlebell- Figure 8- 5 minutes

    Kettlebell Swings- 50 reps with a 7kg
    Kettlebell- Clean and Press- 50 reps with a 7kg
    Push Ups- 10 reps

    305/250 minutes of cardio (0/50 minutes involving combat) and 50/90 minutes of strength training.

    35 minutes added on cardio and 10 minutes added to strength training.
  • FromFlabToFurious
    FromFlabToFurious Posts: 355 Member
    Also, just quickly saying: Has anybody NOT done their punishment? If you haven't, tell me and I'll do them for you so we don't owe anything or whatever. At least then, we can say our team have completed them!
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    Also, just quickly saying: Has anybody NOT done their punishment? If you haven't, tell me and I'll do them for you so we don't owe anything or whatever. At least then, we can say our team have completed them!

    Dazz, maybe you should just do them in case. :bigsmile: You know you want to. I remember doing Insanity. It kicked my terminator butt! I think doing five minutes of figure eights has to be a back workout!

    Ok I only got in another forty minutes of cardio tonight. Took my four darlings to the park. There was mud! They ran through it. It splashed up all over them. When I got my muddy buddies home they all needed a bath. :sad: All better now. :)

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    Oh I keep forgetting to mention, I am getting in lots of fruits, veggies and raw nuts this week! And staying within my calorie goals.

  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    I was doing so well all week but it looks like I might fail now to get the exercise numbers. I was on the way to the gym this morning when and a freak snow storm left me facing the wrong direction in the ditch. I am ok, just in a bit of shock. Unfortunately I have a medical condition that means that my body can't deal with shock so I am currently curled up on the couch under lots of blankets and preparing for a nap. I'll try to workout later instead but Im not too hopeful because I have loads to do today.
    I have decided that I hate snow!
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    Louise tell us what you will be short. I am sure we can cover it. Do not over do it. Rest and get through this. Have a great nap.

  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Thanks Shelley. I thought I was well enough to do a workout but when i stood up I realised that I am still very light headed so I returned to the couch. For all you people whose bodies produce cortisol, be thankful for it! For anyone else a skid in the car might stress them out for maybe half an hour, for me its my entire day down the drain! I haven't managed to get anything done today. I'm so annoyed!
    Im short 75 mins of cardio and 10 mins of strength. I'll get some done tomorrow but we are visiting the inlaws so I won't have time to do much.
  • PhoenixStrikes
    PhoenixStrikes Posts: 587 Member
    I can cover your strength training minutes no problem, but I'm barely going to hit my cardio numbers myself this week. Rest and feel better soon!
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    Dazz that is 30 extra for you and 30 for me. LOL, I did say you were helping right Dazz? LOL Louise take it easy, Just walk 15 somewhere and we got it. Let me know Dazz if you can not do the 30. :P

    Ellie great job taking up the strength training. We got this covered team!

    I walk our dogs as often as I can. So always get in cardio. And I have a treadmill. So no problem.

  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Thank you guys. you are awesome!! ill get in the extra 15 minutes and if I manage any more Ill let you know so that you can have a rest!
  • FromFlabToFurious
    FromFlabToFurious Posts: 355 Member
    Louise, use all my extra cardio. I logged 80 minutes cardio today. Shelley, keep your minutes if you need them, I've definitely beaten my cardio for sure :)

    Focus on getting better, Louise! XD
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    Louise sounds like you are covered. Dazz is a true gentlemen. :)

  • Angimom
    Angimom Posts: 1,463 Member
    Hi All! Glad to see everyone is checked back in. I have been suffering through TOM and did not get anything done today, but the day is not over and I am feeling better, so hopefully I can get the rest of my numbers tonight and tomorrow. :smile: :smile:

    Dazz, you really are kicking some A** with your workouts!
    Shelley, you are doing a great job this week!
    Ellie. Great job on the strength training!
    Louise, feel better! take it easy! Your amazing teammates have you covered, and even though I am behind I am going to get caught up and can do the extra 15 min if you need it! It really sucks that your body does not produce that! That has to make dealing with any stressful situation really hard!

    Happy Valentines day everyone!
  • FromFlabToFurious
    FromFlabToFurious Posts: 355 Member
    It's Valentine's Day and I'm single so I have nothing better to do than to work out, haha.

    Today, I done Insanity- Pure Cardio and also done some kettlebell work and my fitness class and I bring good news. In the challenge I told you about, I lasted the whole song. It was VERY close but I held it for us Machonnes! I got home, read the forums here and then totally realised I forgot to do the combat part of things so I caught up and done an hour's worth of boxing that I found on DVD (thanks to Shelley for reminding me I had that).

    I also remembered that I didn't do the rest of my strength training so I caught up on that too. I've fully done it now! Yay! I also did an extra 50 burpees in case one of us accidentally missed them or couldn't do them...


    Insanity- Pure Cardio- 40 minutes
    Kettlebell- Figure 8- 5 minutes
    Fat Blast (gym class)- 45 minutes
    Davina McCall 3x30 minute workout (cardio boxing)- 60 minutes

    Kettlebell Swings- 100 reps with a 7kg
    Kettlebell- Clean and Press- 100 reps with a 7kg
    Pull Ups- 20 reps
    Squat Jumps- 50 reps
    Burpees- 50 reps
    Sit-ups- 40 reps

    455/250 minutes of cardio (60/50 minutes involving combat) and 90/90 minutes of strength training.

    150 minutes added on cardio, 60 minutes added on combat and 40 minutes added to strength training.
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    Angie if you can not get in all your cardio do not worry. :) Dazz and I got a bit carried away. I realized that I had all my cardio, but needed 60 of kickboxing still. So I did that today. So that still gives me an extra 60 minutes or so at least to lend out. Plus I will get in another hour tomorrow. Walking the dogs is a sure 40 minutes more. And I still have to do 30 for another challenge I am in.

    Dazz, I bow before you this week. I did get in another 35 burpees today. Just the regular kind. I fly through them after my others. I need a better kettle bell routine. I need a bit more challenge than the one I have. :( Suggestions?

    Also Dazz. I now know for sure which Sally you meant. That is one of the two I was hoping. :) Love your pull ups. :) LOL, just read the part where you needed to do the boxing also. Boy were we doing the same thing today. I have to get a list together of my DVD's. But that could take a while. I have been doing this for awhile. :laugh:

    Well sounds like we are all caught up. Hope you all got in your healthy food choices also. :bigsmile:
