Talking Dead: Team Michonne



  • Angimom
    Angimom Posts: 1,463 Member
    OK Team, we can do this, 50 Burpees. NO PROBLEM. today is Tuesday, so drop and give me 10, do that everyday including Sat and boom! you are done with Burpees! And with every burpee you do think about how we will be torturing the other teams next week! LOL. WE CAN DO THIS!
  • FromFlabToFurious
    FromFlabToFurious Posts: 355 Member
    I did my second day of Insanity today and it SLAYED me! A couple of the things I couldn't do so in order to not slack, I substituted for an exercise that's closely like it (like for push-up jacks, I just do push-ups instead). I then went on to the gym and did 30 minutes on the elliptical trainer, 30 minutes on the rowing machine, 10 minutes of kettlebell work and then did the punishment.

    Totally done my punishment, y'all! Brought out my competitive side to see whether I could beat the amount I done in a minute and I missed out by two! (I did a competition in the gym which was to do as many burpees as you can in one minute. I did 51 in the gym but only managed 49 this time).

    Also, just saying you guys, I have the PERFECT punishment! Should I post it here or message Angi or what? Literally, it's perfect and something I attempted today. It's fun but my GOD you will feel it! I can't tell you my plans on Friday either because that's kind of the punishment but yeah, if you guys want to know, just say but it is something Michonne would be proud of!


    Insanity- Plyometric Cardio Circuit- 40 minutes
    Elliptical Trainer- 30 minutes
    Rowing- 30 minutes
    Kettlebell- Figure 8- 5 minutes

    Push Ups- 10 reps
    Kettlebell Swings- 50 reps with a 16kg
    Kettlebell- Clean and Press- 50 reps with a 16kg
    Pull Ups- 10 reps
    Burpees- 50 reps

    130/250 minutes of cardio (0/50 minutes involving combat) and 20/90 minutes of strength training.

    105 minutes added on cardio and 20 minutes added to strength training.

    Punishment (50 burpees) completed!


    Jen, that poem is flawless! I love it! I'm sorry we hurt you! Can we keep you as a pet though? Friends?
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member

    Totally done my punishment, y'all! Brought out my competitive side to see whether I could beat the amount I done in a minute and I missed out by two! (I did a competition in the gym which was to do as many burpees as you can in one minute. I did 51 in the gym but only managed 49 this time).

    Dazz you are amazing!! I can't even call you my hero because I am too intimidated by your inhuman awesomeness!! :smile: I can do about 3 burpees in a minute. I can't even imagine how quickly you would have to do them to get 51 done! You rock!
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    The man can do 50 burpees in a minute and says he has the perfect punishment exercise for next it to late to switch teams??
  • PhoenixStrikes
    PhoenixStrikes Posts: 587 Member
    OK Team, we can do this, 50 Burpees. NO PROBLEM. today is Tuesday, so drop and give me 10, do that everyday including Sat and boom! you are done with Burpees! And with every burpee you do think about how we will be torturing the other teams next week! LOL. WE CAN DO THIS!

    Wait, we lost? And we have to do burpees? Why. I thought Michonne kicked butt? Did some one not do their exercises on our team?
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    OK Team, we can do this, 50 Burpees. NO PROBLEM. today is Tuesday, so drop and give me 10, do that everyday including Sat and boom! you are done with Burpees! And with every burpee you do think about how we will be torturing the other teams next week! LOL. WE CAN DO THIS!

    Wait, we lost? And we have to do burpees? Why. I thought Michonne kicked butt? Did some one not do their exercises on our team?

    Ellie Sundays kills are for this week. They won due to the kills, and their challenges, from the last episode from last season. We pretty much have this week in the bag.

    I will be doing my special level of burpees for this week with my team! I will not sit by while you do these burpees. My burpees will take a bit longer than the awesome display that Dazz did! You rock Dazz. I am doing mine with a pushup, leg Jack, and slap to the thighs when I hop into the air! Yelling Michonne Rules after each one! (My hubby may check on me)

    We got this team. And retribution will be ours! Take no prisoners.

    Got in 30 minutes of arms and 30 of cardio. I worked late due to a trial or I would have done more. Burpees will have to wait until tomorrow.


    PS, did 80 pound bench press today. My chest is going to feel it tomorrow!
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    Mika and Lizzie decided that our punishment exercises is 50 Burpees. You don't have to do them all at once, split them up over the week and include them in your totals when you send them to Angimom or you can't be credited for strength training this week.

    Love this, if anyone is injured or sick you can bank on mine. Just let us know. I will have all of them done tomorrow. I love burpees by the way!

    Love your poem Jen.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    The man can do 50 burpees in a minute and says he has the perfect punishment exercise for next it to late to switch teams??

    Muahhaha, when I first saw Dazz I knew I had to have him on team Michonne. So I private messaged him and the rest is history. Hugs Dazz. We are only as strong as our weakest link. And we have no weak link!

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    Dazz message me with the punishment you have in mind. Mums the word. And I bow in front of that perfect workout. You are the MAN! :drinker: :bigsmile: :smokin:

    Today only managed 30 arms and 30 cardio.

  • Angimom
    Angimom Posts: 1,463 Member
    Hi Team! Shelley, you crack me up! You don't even have to do the burpees and you are doing the extremely hard ones! You are AWESOME! Just remember that we are one of the advanced teams so our punishment exercises must be something that can be done by every team!

    DAZZ, you are AMAZING! 49 burpees in 1 minute?? I too bow down to you! I did 10 and was tired, lol.

    Ellie, no worries, just like Shelley said our kills count for next weeks winning team, so unless everyone stops doing everything now and doesn't report to me, we pretty much have this in the bag! Go Team Michonne!

    Happy Hump Day everyone!
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    Yes, Angi, that's perfect!!! I think your entire team needs to take the rest of the week off...and forget you have to do anything on Saturday but eat ice cream and pizza and take looooong naps.
  • FromFlabToFurious
    FromFlabToFurious Posts: 355 Member
    Thank you everybody for your very kind words, it really put a smile on my face! :)

    Also, on what Shelley has said, if there's anybody here who isn't comfortable in doing the burpees, I'd be more than happy to do them for you. Just let me know before Saturday and I'll do them! I don't mind at all! :) Shelley, I'd love to try out those burpees, I'm a bit afraid of doing them wrong though. It sounds dumb but could you explain them in greater detail so I can try it out so I know for sure?

    I've messaged Shelley with the punishment and let me just say that I've attempted this about three times today. It's delicious! I'll message Angi as well, it's just too awesome and it's effective too! Double win!


    Today, I've been working and then after work, I did my Insanity and spent some time in the gym. I didn't spend an awful lot of time exercising like usual because I had a fitness plan worked out for me by one of my close mates, who is a personal trainer. I did, however, do my beloved kettlebell work and then attempted the 'potential punishment from Michonne' three times. Felt amazing! I walked around my park and even though the winds were awful today, I walked all around my home town. I must have done about 4 miles!

    Insanity- Cardio Power and Resistance- 40 minutes
    Kettlebell- Figure 8- 10 minutes
    Walking- 90 minutes

    Kettlebell Swings- 50 reps with a 16kg
    Kettlebell- Clean and Press- 50 reps with a 16kg
    Pull Ups- 10 reps
    Squats- 30 reps
    Burpees- 50 reps

    270/250 minutes of cardio (0/50 minutes involving combat) and 40/90 minutes of strength training.

    140 minutes added on cardio and 20 minutes added to strength training.

    [Task] Walk further: COMPLETED!
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    Yes, Angi, that's perfect!!! I think your entire team needs to take the rest of the week off...and forget you have to do anything on Saturday but eat ice cream and pizza and take looooong naps.

    Yes, relax! I agree with TJ. he he he
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Another awesome workout Dazz. I think with you on the team the rest of us could take the week off!! :laugh: :laugh:

    I also want to hear what the potential punishment is!!
  • FromFlabToFurious
    FromFlabToFurious Posts: 355 Member
    Another awesome workout Dazz. I think with you on the team the rest of us could take the week off!! :laugh: :laugh:

    I also want to hear what the potential punishment is!!

    I can do your burpees if you want, I don't mind! :)

    I've just messaged you, Angi and Shelley. I may as well fill Ellie in as well! haha. It's something I think us, as a team, could attempt.
  • FromFlabToFurious
    FromFlabToFurious Posts: 355 Member
    Yes, Angi, that's perfect!!! I think your entire team needs to take the rest of the week off...and forget you have to do anything on Saturday but eat ice cream and pizza and take looooong naps.

    Yes, relax! I agree with TJ. he he he

    Tempting and as dreamy as it sounds, I think I'll pass! hehe.
  • mcflat29
    mcflat29 Posts: 2,159 Member

    Jen, that poem is flawless! I love it! I'm sorry we hurt you! Can we keep you as a pet though? Friends?

    Well, one nice perk of being the Polite Zombie is I don't have to worry about amputation or head removal. Although you did attack my poetry group... All they wanted was to share their harmony cries with the world...
    :laugh: :laugh:
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Thanks Dazz but I have actually gotten 40 done already (thanks to Shelley talking me into doing another challenge that has burpees every 4th day!) so I won't have a problem getting them done. We all seem to be on top of this. Team Michonne rocks!!
  • FromFlabToFurious
    FromFlabToFurious Posts: 355 Member
    Thanks Dazz but I have actually gotten 40 done already (thanks to Shelley talking me into doing another challenge that has burpees every 4th day!) so I won't have a problem getting them done. We all seem to be on top of this. Team Michonne rocks!!

    What challenge is this? I'm game!
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    Oh my, seems everyone is attempting to tempt us into becoming slugs. So glad none of our team is falling for it. Louise all those practice burpees came in handy. :) You are rocking them.

    Dazz, I love your idea. Mums the word. :) Here is the breakdown of my burpees. Go slow at first until you get the rhythm.

    First do a normal squat, thrust, at this point you should be in a perfect straight arm plank. Keep your upper body completely still, now do a jumping Jack with your legs only, out, in, I actually think the Jack is just fun! Ok now do a triceps pushup. Then hop back up into your squat position. Now power up, feet come off the ground, knees come into your chest, well that is the idea, lol, and slap your thighs before returning to the ground. Now yell, Michonne rules! :)

    I have been know to get the moves mixed up at times. Or lose count.

    Oh, burpees all done, 30 minutes of weight lifting exercises, including 66 push-ups, with the 50 in the burpees I did, that was 116. Counting that as my practice for my 100 pound bench press. All done on my toes! Half hour of fast walking, including some stairs.

    Go team Michonne!