Talking Dead: Team Michonne



  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,902 Member
    A zombie run would be so fun. I will have to do it this year. Sorry you just missed it. :cry:

    Up for the challenge. I already have 300 in and the day is young! :laugh: I could help Dazz since he is not feeling well.

  • Angimom
    Angimom Posts: 1,463 Member
    So, here is what I did on Sat morning! ]


    And on Sunday
    Patty decided to photo-bomb us!
  • PhoenixStrikes
    PhoenixStrikes Posts: 587 Member
    Love the pics!!

    So, 8.5 hours of cardio? Honestly, I work 50hrs a week. I do not have 8.5 hrs plus 90 mins to workout in any given week. That might be a bit challenging for me to find the time...

    I work from 8am till 6:30pm mon-fey I usually manage some walks with the kids to add to cardio but I don't think I could hit that number.
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Looks like a great weekend angi. I am so jealous of your sunshine!!
    I'm with Ellie, there is no way I will hit that number for cardio. Particularly not this week, I have barely done anything yet because I haven't been feeling great. sorry, maybe some other week I will be able to hit it.
  • FromFlabToFurious
    FromFlabToFurious Posts: 355 Member
    Shelley: I really wished that there was a zombie run happening near me. Unfortunately, there isn't. However, I have been toying with the idea of making one...also, thanks for the help Shell because, this time, I may really need it...

    Cindy: Of course, that would make more sense, I should have thought of that, hehe. Thank you for telling me! I'll try my best. I have a bit of a coughing fit when I try anything. Not nice at all! Still, I'm a trier

    Angi: Those pictures are awesome, I love them! The weather looks so nice, would you like to swap! :D. Also, I know I'm ill but hey, I'm down for the challenge! I've already got over 140ish in the bank anyway!

    Ellie: I'd try my best to help you once I get better! I can't promise anything but I'll try! Hit 260 as early as you can and we can all pitch in and work another 240 from there.


    Today, I've not done an awful lot. When I do, I get such a coughing fit and it hurts my throat. The most I've done today is Krav Maga on YouTube. No weight training at all except for kettlebell work for 10 minutes. Sorry, guys! I hate feeling this useless!

    Krav Maga- 25 minutes

    Kettlebell Clean and Press- 60 reps

    Cardio: 215/260 (35/60 Combat)
    Strength Training: 30/90
    Team Carol's Cardio Challenge: 215/500

    25 minutes added to Cardio (25 minutes added to Combat) and 10 minutes added to strength training
  • PhoenixStrikes
    PhoenixStrikes Posts: 587 Member
    I'm really not trying to be a downer, but there is literally no physical way for me to do ten hrs exercise in a week. Nor is there any good reason too. That's incredibly excessive and it would mean a lot of extra calories I would have to eat back. I just can't see any benifet to THAT much exercise.
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,902 Member
    Sounds like we have to many sick, or over worked team members this week to do a challenge with them. I do not think it is a good idea to push that hard with illnesses. Maybe another time. But only if we can carry Ellies minutes for her. I would rather she spend the time with her children than this way. They are only children once!

    Angie looks like loads of fun. Did I miss your story? I will look back for it later. Great pictures. Have you ever been to Sturgis SD? It is to crowded during rally week for me. But I love the area. Great riding.

    And Dazz a daughter of my friend got the one here going. It was a bigger success than she could have dreamed. Even the children had fun. You can do it! I about 400 minutes of cardio as of today. So no need to push yourself Dazz. Rest is best. Or you will still be ill next week.

  • PhoenixStrikes
    PhoenixStrikes Posts: 587 Member
    Thanks Shelley :heart: I didn't mean to sound rude if I did, I think I just panicked a little. :laugh:
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    I panicked a little too!! I struggle every week to make the minimum as it is and I hate the idea of letting the team down.

    I would love to do a zombie run too. I considered setting one up here but I just have to much to stress about as it is and I am rubbish at organising things so I decided it was a bad idea! Sounds like so much fun though.
  • Angimom
    Angimom Posts: 1,463 Member
    Hey All! No worries on the challenge, it is hard to get that much cardio in, especially if you have a job that is not active or have a chance to be active. You are all doing great just with what you are doing so lets just keep on keeping on! I also would have a hard time racking up that many minutes without spending a big chunk of Sat doing cardio.

    Shelley, we have never been to Sturgis. We are considering the trip for Aug 2015, but we would like to incorporate a long vacation to see many of the sights while we are out that way. Planning, planning, planning, that is what it is going to take. Have you been there more than once? Is there anything there when the bike week is not happening? Of course I have been to Daytona bike week, it is crazy busy, but I also go to Daytona when bike week isn't there and there is still plenty to do. I am not a big fan of big crowds, especially drunk ones, but I do like to go and try new things.

    Dazz, I am so sorry you are not feeling better yet! Take care of yourself.

    Ellie, kids are definitely more important! And what do you do?

    Louise, I hope you are feeling better!

    Happy Wednesday!
  • Angimom
    Angimom Posts: 1,463 Member
    So here is a little bio on me! It is not very exciting. I have always been somewhat athletic, I have played coed softball, I was on a women's soccer team and a beach volleyball team. I hurt my ankle while rounding third base in 2003 and then really hurt my foot playing soccer in 2007, I was in and out of cast and could not get it to heal for 9 months! UGH, it was awful. I think I forgot how to be excited and energetic in that time, I gained a bunch of weight. One day I woke up, took a good look at myself in the mirror and thought YUCK! What the heck happened?? So I have been on a healthy mission since then. I still need to lose 20lbs. (21 according the scales this morning!) In Jan of 2013 I switched to vegetarian and I love it! (I tried the vegan thing for awhile but it is hard!) I eat very little processed food and I feel great. My husband is a wonderful supporter, he generally just eats whatever I am eating so he is almost a vegetarian by default! LOL. Today is my 26th wedding anniversary!
  • PhoenixStrikes
    PhoenixStrikes Posts: 587 Member
    So here is a little bio on me! It is not very exciting. I have always been somewhat athletic, I have played coed softball, I was on a women's soccer team and a beach volleyball team. I hurt my ankle while rounding third base in 2003 and then really hurt my foot playing soccer in 2007, I was in and out of cast and could not get it to heal for 9 months! UGH, it was awful. I think I forgot how to be excited and energetic in that time, I gained a bunch of weight. One day I woke up, took a good look at myself in the mirror and thought YUCK! What the heck happened?? So I have been on a healthy mission since then. I still need to lose 20lbs. (21 according the scales this morning!) In Jan of 2013 I switched to vegetarian and I love it! (I tried the vegan thing for awhile but it is hard!) I eat very little processed food and I feel great. My husband is a wonderful supporter, he generally just eats whatever I am eating so he is almost a vegetarian by default! LOL. Today is my 26th wedding anniversary!

    Yay!! Happy anniversary! 26 years is definitely something worth celebrating!

    Actually, guys, remember I don't have any kids. I nanny two sets of twins ages 4 and 2, I am active with them but I don't consider it part of my cardio I just calculate that into my daily activity. I do take the for walks in either their 2 or 4 person stroller which helps me to hit my cardio numbers as I count it as exercise since it can be a pretty heavy load to push.
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Happy anniversary Angi!!
    I love vegetarian food but I also love meat so I don't think I could live without it. I didn't eat any red meat for about 10 years and only started eating it about 2 years ago, in fact I had my first steak ever a few months ago!
    What do you do with all the delicious fish that you catch??

    I was feeling ok earlier but now I am feeling rubbish again. currently curled up on the couch under two blankets, nursing a sore throat. Uck, I just want to have energy again!
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Ellie, running around after two sets of twin must be exhausting!! At the weekend I was helping to babysit my niece and nephew who are 2 and 4 years old and, as much as I love them, I was glad to get away after a few hours! They just never stop moving at that age!
  • PhoenixStrikes
    PhoenixStrikes Posts: 587 Member
    Happy anniversary Angi!!
    I love vegetarian food but I also love meat so I don't think I could live without it. I didn't eat any red meat for about 10 years and only started eating it about 2 years ago, in fact I had my first steak ever a few months ago!
    What do you do with all the delicious fish that you catch??

    I was feeling ok earlier but now I am feeling rubbish again. currently curled up on the couch under two blankets, nursing a sore throat. Uck, I just want to have energy again!

    Oh noes! rest and get better, I can take on some strength training mins for you this week if you want me too!
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Happy anniversary Angi!!
    I love vegetarian food but I also love meat so I don't think I could live without it. I didn't eat any red meat for about 10 years and only started eating it about 2 years ago, in fact I had my first steak ever a few months ago!
    What do you do with all the delicious fish that you catch??

    I was feeling ok earlier but now I am feeling rubbish again. currently curled up on the couch under two blankets, nursing a sore throat. Uck, I just want to have energy again!

    Oh noes! rest and get better, I can take on some strength training mins for you this week if you want me too!

    Thanks Ellie. Tomorrow is my gym day so I am hoping I will have the energy by then to work out. I went yesterday and did 30 mins of strength training but it was with lower weights and longer rests than usual. I just don't want to fall out of the habit completely so I'm trying to keep going but not push myself too hard.
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,902 Member
    Thanks Shelley :heart: I didn't mean to sound rude if I did, I think I just panicked a little. :laugh:

    Not rude at all, practical and honest. And your children's time with you is more important by far. I often skip out on challenges to walk my boys. They are running and playing, stopping and sniffing, lagging and doing their own. Not the greatest workout for mommy. But they love the time spent together. :smooched: :bigsmile:

  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Thanks Shelley :heart: I didn't mean to sound rude if I did, I think I just panicked a little. :laugh:

    Not rude at all, practical and honest. And your children's time with you is more important by far. I often skip out on challenges to walk my boys. They are running and playing, stopping and sniffing, lagging and doing their own. Not the greatest workout for mommy. But they love the time spent together. :smooched: :bigsmile:


    I agree with this. As much as it is great to have challenges like this to keep us motivated and help us reach our goals, real life has to be more important and things like looking after your pets or kids (even if they are someone else's!) has to come first.

    Angi, after replying to your earlier message I started thinking about all the delicious veggie food that I used to eat and you have inspired me to have one dedicated meat free day a week. I have so many recipes to try I'm not sure where to start!!
  • Angimom
    Angimom Posts: 1,463 Member
    Thanks Shelley :heart: I didn't mean to sound rude if I did, I think I just panicked a little. :laugh:

    Not rude at all, practical and honest. And your children's time with you is more important by far. I often skip out on challenges to walk my boys. They are running and playing, stopping and sniffing, lagging and doing their own. Not the greatest workout for mommy. But they love the time spent together. :smooched: :bigsmile:


    I agree with this. As much as it is great to have challenges like this to keep us motivated and help us reach our goals, real life has to be more important and things like looking after your pets or kids (even if they are someone else's!) has to come first.

    Angi, after replying to your earlier message I started thinking about all the delicious veggie food that I used to eat and you have inspired me to have one dedicated meat free day a week. I have so many recipes to try I'm not sure where to start!!

    That's awesome! Please feel free to share some recipes with me! I find I get in a rut of eating the same things. The best thing I made recently was the spaghetti squash lasagna, IT WAS YUMMY!
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    yeah that sounds really good. unfortunately I have never seen spagetti squash in a shop here. :grumble:
    Im going to have a root through all my recipes now so ill post some delicious ones for you! And if you have any awesome recipes please share!