Talking Dead: Team Michonne



  • FromFlabToFurious
    FromFlabToFurious Posts: 355 Member
    I do agree that body weight exercises are great. My issue was with jillian saying not to use weights because we would get 'bulky'. her rationale for everything seems to be heavily based on broscience and i think she MUST know that she is giving out false information. Her workouts are great for calorie burns but I don't think I would ever get lean doing them and not lifting weights too.

    Thanks for the birthday wishes. Its not actually till next weekend, Im just preparing you for the fact that i will not be meeting my challenge targets next week! :laugh:

    Ellie, thats funny that you just wrote the wrong word. I was surprised that slightly racist terminology used in Ireland had spread to America!

    Dazz, sorry you are still feeling crappy. REST!!! take it easy for a day or two, stay in bed if you can and take lots of vitamin C and let your body recover!

    Is 'tinker' racist? :O I didn't know that, I thought it was someone who was cute!
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    I do agree that body weight exercises are great. My issue was with jillian saying not to use weights because we would get 'bulky'. her rationale for everything seems to be heavily based on broscience and i think she MUST know that she is giving out false information. Her workouts are great for calorie burns but I don't think I would ever get lean doing them and not lifting weights too.

    Thanks for the birthday wishes. Its not actually till next weekend, Im just preparing you for the fact that i will not be meeting my challenge targets next week! :laugh:

    Ellie, thats funny that you just wrote the wrong word. I was surprised that slightly racist terminology used in Ireland had spread to America!

    Dazz, sorry you are still feeling crappy. REST!!! take it easy for a day or two, stay in bed if you can and take lots of vitamin C and let your body recover!

    Is 'tinker' racist? :O I didn't know that, I thought it was someone who was cute!

    Really? I have never heard it used that way. Its not really racist, just a term which is no longer PC. The proper term for Travellers used to be tinkers because traditionally they made things with tin. People from an older generation still call them that but it is not the correct term anymore. It a bit like calling a black person 'coloured'. There are some negative connotations to it but mostly its ok.

    Im glad you are taking the rest today Dazz, you are better off taking the time you need to recover. I have about 15 extra minutes of strength done and I know Ellie has said she has extra too so we have you covered. Just focus on getting better, we can't have a sick Michonne!!
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    i have managed to hit all the exercise minimums this week but I am going over on calories! Sorry team, I was going to just about make it but then I found beer. And we are watching rugby. you can't not drink beer when there is rugby on!! Even Michonne herself would agree (or at least Beth would!). sorry guys!
  • PhoenixStrikes
    PhoenixStrikes Posts: 587 Member
    Ok, I'm ending the week with extra minutes if any one needs them

    Cardio. 294 minutes
    Strength 140 minutes.

    This includes the punishment.

    Will probably end the around 1.789 under net calories for the week if I subtract about a 1000 for the rest of today's food.
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,855 Member
    Ellie to bad you could not donate "beer" calories to our rugby watching friend Louise! :bigsmile:

    Dazz, glad you will be taking it easy. You need your rest.

    Oops, dogs are barking. Be back to finish, someone is at the door.

  • FromFlabToFurious
    FromFlabToFurious Posts: 355 Member
    Ok, I'm ending the week with extra minutes if any one needs them

    Cardio. 294 minutes
    Strength 140 minutes.

    This includes the punishment.

    Will probably end the around 1.789 under net calories for the week if I subtract about a 1000 for the rest of today's food.

    Can I take 45 from Strength please?
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,855 Member
    Ok here are my finals

    Kickboxing-105 minutes
    Strength training-235
    More cardio-435


    540/260. Cardio. 105 of which are kickboxing
    235/90. Strength training
    Stayed within my calories
    Did our punishment 5 times

    I just ordered a new Atletica DVD. She is all about endurance and strength. Not as "fun" as others I have. But more of a challenge, and more strength than cardio.

    Dazz, Hope you are resting. And starting to feel better. :yawn: :embarassed:

    If any of you enjoy gardening, or just like looking at it check out my photos. I was wishing spring was here and uploaded some of my yard. At least I will be in shape for the first day of gardening. :flowerforyou:

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,855 Member
    Dazz,, Hope you are feeling better. Cleaned the aquarium for a couple of hours this morning. It looks great!

    Walked the boys, it was awfully windy. But not cold, got in 40 minutes there. Then did 50 of kickboxing. Resting now. Wondering if I should do some weight lifting. I sure hope some more of the WD people get back together tonight. But either way it will be fun!

  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    I have had a pretty lazy day. I have done lots and lots of cleaning over the last few days to prepare for the party next weekend so that has been my main source of exercise - today I was actually stiff getting up from all the bending over and scrubbing I did yesterday!
    Roll on the Walking Dead!! I have a feeling Michonne is going to get some big kills in this week!
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,855 Member
    I have had a pretty lazy day. I have done lots and lots of cleaning over the last few days to prepare for the party next weekend so that has been my main source of exercise - today I was actually stiff getting up from all the bending over and scrubbing I did yesterday!
    Roll on the Walking Dead!! I have a feeling Michonne is going to get some big kills in this week!

    Sadly we did not even see her! And I sure hope that Daryl takes that group out when he escapes. I have to wonder who has Beth though. It sure is getting interesting. So what are our standings? On my way to work. Have a great day everyone.

  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    wow, what a great episode!! Who the hell took Beth?? I don't like Joe, I was looking at him thinking I knew the actor from somewhere and I realised he played a really scary psycho vampire in Buffy! So yes, I think Daryl will take them all out!
    Still no sign of Michonne and on the preview for next week it only showed Tyreese and gang so she might not be in it next week either. For the most kick *kitten* character she is not getting a whole lot of air time!!

    Today was meant to be leg day in the gym for me but this morning as I was walking up the stairs I randomly got a sharp pain in my knee, I actually had to pull myself up the stairs by the banisters because my leg wouldn't take my weight. So I had to do back and chest in the gym instead. Hope its better tomorrow, I don't like having random injuries!! (but thinking about it, i think the week of wall sits might have hurt it because it was giving out a little that week when I was doing them. hmm, having a reason doesn't make it any less annoying!)
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    wow, we are down to 6th place! The only team behind us is the walker hoard! Michonne better show and start killing!

    Ellie, congratulations on MVP. I think you deserved it because you were very forthcoming with help last week for both myself and Dazz.
  • PhoenixStrikes
    PhoenixStrikes Posts: 587 Member
    I don't like the set up this season, to long in between seeing all the characters! I cant wait for them too all meet up but only 3 episodes left!
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Im not a huge fan of the layout but so far each individual episode has been great. I think that it will be the end of the season before they all meet up again but i thought some of the groups would be coming together more at this stage.
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,855 Member
    Louise I used to watch Buffy. And you are correct. He has played lots of creepy guys. Daryl should kill him for sure.

    Ellie great job on MVP! Now I must wonder what our punishment will be. You should skip it. Lol

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,855 Member
    So which team won and what is our punishment? Got in an hour's cardio yesterday. Was wearing my gear, which weighs around 30 pounds. So I am counting that towards our little side challenge.

  • PhoenixStrikes
    PhoenixStrikes Posts: 587 Member
    Thank you!

    I don't think they've come up with it yet. :grumble: maybe no one had too this week ;-)
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Team Daryl has decided on this week's punishment exercise, the Spartan Bow.
    If this is too difficult for your current level, you can do basic lunges instead. Please complete this exercise 30 times per leg, 4 times this week. 
  • FromFlabToFurious
    FromFlabToFurious Posts: 355 Member
    Ellie, I love your dress in your profile picture! Awesome! Also, well done on getting MVP! You deserve it! :)

    Shelley, keep it up! You're doing seriously amazing!

    Louise, I agree with you about The Walking Dead. I think that they'll eventually meet up and when they do, it is going to be amazing.


    Guys, we need to have a talk. I'm ill and I've not really recovered as well as I thought I would. I'm still coughing and finding myself to be short of breath. I've taken medicines and stuff but I'm getting better bit by bit, not as quick as I thought I'd recover. I don't really want to do what I'm about to say but I feel it may be for the best of the team if there were two options:

    1. Lower my cardio minutes. Obviously, this will be a temporary measure until I recover but 250 minutes is a bit too much in the state I'm in right now. I do 25 minutes of Krav Maga on YouTube and I'm finding myself a little out of breath, which is frustrating in itself because it's not like me. Bodyweight exercises I'm not so bad at because I'm getting a little stronger but whatever has happened to me has hit me pretty hard. Luckily enough, it's not on my chest or anything, it's purely from the throat upwards. I'm guessing next week, I'll be better but the coughing has been the same since last week. I went to the doctor's and they've not given me anything. Useless.

    2. I could quit. I really, really don't want to but I don't want to compromise the team a well-deserved victory or get any points deducted due to my selfishness of staying on the team because I want to. There's no I in 'team' so this decision is for you lot, not me. I would like to ask Cindy whether my Cardio minutes can be deducted for now. Preferably down to what the other teams are doing (e.g: outside of Michonne and Daryl) until I get better. I don't want to let the team down!

    No idea what to do...As I said, I don't want to leave but I don't want us to lose because of me being ill so I will quit if I have to...:)
  • PhoenixStrikes
    PhoenixStrikes Posts: 587 Member
    Sit this week out and do not exercise at all. If it is in your lungs you are not doing yourself any favors by pushing it.