Talking Dead: Team Michonne



  • FromFlabToFurious
    FromFlabToFurious Posts: 355 Member
    Happy anniversary Angi! Hope you have a wicked day!

    I've been working all day and I'm really ill (not that they care). I did 25 minutes Krav Maga today and that has tired me out. I can hit cardio but strength will be an issue for me as I have none. I really hate to ask but could anyone help me with strength? I can reack 45 minutes, which is half but I need another 45. Sorry! :,{
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    I normally have loads of extra strength minutes but I am also feeling weak this week. I'm going to attempt the gym tomorrow so ill let you know how I get on.

    Angi, I am a huge fan of Jamie Oliver. here is a link to the vegetarian section on his website.
    So much tasty little time! The falafel about 4 rows down is really good!
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    This is also on my list of things to try soon
  • PhoenixStrikes
    PhoenixStrikes Posts: 587 Member
    Happy anniversary Angi! Hope you have a wicked day!

    I've been working all day and I'm really ill (not that they care). I did 25 minutes Krav Maga today and that has tired me out. I can hit cardio but strength will be an issue for me as I have none. I really hate to ask but could anyone help me with strength? I can reack 45 minutes, which is half but I need another 45. Sorry! :,{

    No worries! I have you for strength this week. :flowerforyou:
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,902 Member
    Happy anniversary Angi! Hope you have a wicked day!

    I've been working all day and I'm really ill (not that they care). I did 25 minutes Krav Maga today and that has tired me out. I can hit cardio but strength will be an issue for me as I have none. I really hate to ask but could anyone help me with strength? I can reack 45 minutes, which is half but I need another 45. Sorry! :,{

    We have you covered. I have been busy also, working out and walking the boys. But not sick at least. Here are my numbers so far in case anyone needs them. I have been getting in an extra hour of hall walking while at work. Lucky me.

    Kickboxing-105 minutes
    Strength training-175 minutes
    More cardio-335

    440/260. Cardio. 105 of which are kickboxing
    175/90. Strength training

    4/5 punishment. Let me know if anyone needs theirs. These are easy for me

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,902 Member
    Posting from my phone at work so I'll be brief! The week's punishment is a quick circuit training routine:

    1 min jumping jacks; 10 sit ups/roll ups/crunches; 1 min jump rope; 1 min side plank (30 sec each side); 5 burpees.
    Here's the punishment from Team Rick's captain. The good news is he decided that you only have to do it once this week and, as always, you can include it with your cardio or strength numbers.

    Well I just read this. Guess I have done enough for us all. :blushing: Oops! I have been very busy the last few days. Hopefully I will do better over the next few.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,902 Member

    So here is a little bio on me! It is not very exciting. I have always been somewhat athletic, I have played coed softball, I was on a women's soccer team and a beach volleyball team. I hurt my ankle while rounding third base in 2003 and then really hurt my foot playing soccer in 2007, I was in and out of cast and could not get it to heal for 9 months! UGH, it was awful. I think I forgot how to be excited and energetic in that time, I gained a bunch of weight. One day I woke up, took a good look at myself in the mirror and thought YUCK! What the heck happened?? So I have been on a healthy mission since then. I still need to lose 20lbs. (21 according the scales this morning!) In Jan of 2013 I switched to vegetarian and I love it! (I tried the vegan thing for awhile but it is hard!) I eat very little processed food and I feel great. My husband is a wonderful supporter, he generally just eats whatever I am eating so he is almost a vegetarian by default! LOL. Today is my 26th wedding anniversary!

    I have been such a poor supporter. Belated congratulations on the anniversary. You are awesome. Love the story. I can empathize, I have broken my foot a couple of times. Once on the way to zumba class. Did it anyway, paid for that stupidity also. Glad you are back to being healthy and active.

    I have been to Sturgis lots of times. It is a day trip if we want from my home. Granted an all day trip, but that is ok. There are some things to do in the off season. Mostly site seeing. During the rally week it is usually very hot. And there are generally lots of venders, like vender tent city. Though the last few years the numbers have been down. And lots of bikes to see. There are caves in the area to go into. Guided tour trips. And Mount Rushmore is very interesting to me. There are some really nice places to ride. We did get caught in a hail storm once. Had to pull over and hunker down.

    We trailered our bike up there and stayed at a campsite one year. It was when I was about 40 and in the best shape of my life. I kept putting in my weights to workout and Rocky kept taking them out of the truck. I learned that I could get a great workout doing BodyWeight workouts that week. I would get up really early and workout before we went riding. Believe me when I say you can get an eye full of people there. LOL Like the Beach I am sure. :laugh:

    If you come up you can stay at my place on the way through. The neighbors are used to bikers at my house. I once invited all the riders on the department and those on the city police department to come over for lunch. We had a great afternoon. My neighbor told me later that when she asked her husband what he thought of all the cops next door he had no clue who she was referring to at first.

    Sturgis hires a lot of law enforcement from different counties to come and work for them during rally week. My Lt. used to run the show before he retired. He brought me an official Sturgis Police tee shirt. I love it.

    Anyway feel free to ask all the questions you want. I will have my husband who is better at planning answer them. :drinker:

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,902 Member
    Actually, guys, remember I don't have any kids. I nanny two sets of twins ages 4 and 2, I am active with them but I don't consider it part of my cardio I just calculate that into my daily activity. I do take the for walks in either their 2 or 4 person stroller which helps me to hit my cardio numbers as I count it as exercise since it can be a pretty heavy load to push.

    But you said once that you loved them like your own. :) And they keep you busy. I owned a daycare once. I taught pre-school. Very rewarding career. If I only could have been able to retire from it I might still be doing it.
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Its very quiet in here lately! Whats everyone up to??

    Dazz, how are you feeling? Im much better today so now to push myself to try and get my exercise minimums in. I just realised that I have completely forgotten to do the punishment exercise so I will do that tomorrow.

    Ellie, how are things with you?

    Today I pulled out Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones dvd. I used to really like her but got turned off her when i really hurt my back doing Ripped in 30. Anyway, if you can ignore all the crap that she says then its a pretty good workout. There are people on the forums here who I can imagine getting so annoyed at her, for example when she says not to use the weight machines at the gym which work your thighs because you don't want to get bulky, if you just do body weight exercises then your muscles will become long and lean! :laugh: Does she know she is talking utter bullcrap and is just saying what she thinks people want to hear? Its almost like there is a conspiracy out there to stop girls from finding out that lifting heavy weights is a great way to get an awesome body.

    Next week I might have to take a week off the challenge. I have to go to a wedding on the Friday and on the Saturday I am having a party for my 30th birthday so I will not be tracking and I won't have time to exercise because I will be too busy stuffing my face! I only turn 30 once so I am going to make the most of it with lots of cake! :laugh: :drinker:
  • Angimom
    Angimom Posts: 1,463 Member

    So here is a little bio on me! It is not very exciting. I have always been somewhat athletic, I have played coed softball, I was on a women's soccer team and a beach volleyball team. I hurt my ankle while rounding third base in 2003 and then really hurt my foot playing soccer in 2007, I was in and out of cast and could not get it to heal for 9 months! UGH, it was awful. I think I forgot how to be excited and energetic in that time, I gained a bunch of weight. One day I woke up, took a good look at myself in the mirror and thought YUCK! What the heck happened?? So I have been on a healthy mission since then. I still need to lose 20lbs. (21 according the scales this morning!) In Jan of 2013 I switched to vegetarian and I love it! (I tried the vegan thing for awhile but it is hard!) I eat very little processed food and I feel great. My husband is a wonderful supporter, he generally just eats whatever I am eating so he is almost a vegetarian by default! LOL. Today is my 26th wedding anniversary!

    I have been such a poor supporter. Belated congratulations on the anniversary. You are awesome. Love the story. I can empathize, I have broken my foot a couple of times. Once on the way to zumba class. Did it anyway, paid for that stupidity also. Glad you are back to being healthy and active.

    I have been to Sturgis lots of times. It is a day trip if we want from my home. Granted an all day trip, but that is ok. There are some things to do in the off season. Mostly site seeing. During the rally week it is usually very hot. And there are generally lots of venders, like vender tent city. Though the last few years the numbers have been down. And lots of bikes to see. There are caves in the area to go into. Guided tour trips. And Mount Rushmore is very interesting to me. There are some really nice places to ride. We did get caught in a hail storm once. Had to pull over and hunker down.

    We trailered our bike up there and stayed at a campsite one year. It was when I was about 40 and in the best shape of my life. I kept putting in my weights to workout and Rocky kept taking them out of the truck. I learned that I could get a great workout doing BodyWeight workouts that week. I would get up really early and workout before we went riding. Believe me when I say you can get an eye full of people there. LOL Like the Beach I am sure. :laugh:

    If you come up you can stay at my place on the way through. The neighbors are used to bikers at my house. I once invited all the riders on the department and those on the city police department to come over for lunch. We had a great afternoon. My neighbor told me later that when she asked her husband what he thought of all the cops next door he had no clue who she was referring to at first.

    Sturgis hires a lot of law enforcement from different counties to come and work for them during rally week. My Lt. used to run the show before he retired. He brought me an official Sturgis Police tee shirt. I love it.

    Anyway feel free to ask all the questions you want. I will have my husband who is better at planning answer them. :drinker:


    Aww Shelley you are so sweet! We have always been campers so we are looking at toy haulers right now so we can bring the bike wherever we go. I really want to do the whole Mount Rushmore, Yellowstone, Old faithful, badlands, and anything else of interest out that way. I just received my Visit South Dakota book! LOL. There is a corn building somewhere, have you been there? I am always open to any tips or ideas.

    Anyone have any plans for the weekend? We will be boating on Sunday and doing yard and house work otherwise. The weather should be perfect here (sorry).

    Louise, I am not sure about next week, I will pm Cindy and find out the best way to handle it, BUT I totally agree, you only turn 30 once and you should eat ALL the cake you want! I love cake! And cookies!

    Dazz, are you feeling any better? I am starting to get worried.

    Ellie, how is the tat looking? All healed? Thinking about your next one? I am thinking of having my Marilyn Monroe piercing put back in, I really loved it when I had it. Weirdly one day it got all red and puffy and would not heal up, so I took it out, and now I wish I had it back. I will post pictures if I get it replaced.

    Happy Friday Everyone!
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Thanks Angi, I know I wont meet the challenge and I don't want to bring the team down.

    I just had my first veggie day since I decided to do one a week. For dinner I made Saag Aloo with naan bread. It was yummy but very low on protein. Ill need to work on a way of getting protein in without meat but I'm not overly concerned about it if its only one day a week.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Yes, enjoy your birthday and the wedding! That's what MFP is all about. Does everyone remember how at Christmas and Thanksgiving there were all these threads about people who were afraid to celebrate the holidays because they'd be over in calories for a day or two? It was very disheartening to read how some folks were avoiding their own families because they were afraid of being tempted by a bit of cake or pie and "ruining" their diets. I truly believe we have to learn to integrate those occasions into our lives, enjoy the treats, log them (or don't) and get back at it the next day, or the next week, without any guilt.
  • PhoenixStrikes
    PhoenixStrikes Posts: 587 Member
    I agree life is worth living and if we aren't getting insh ape to enjoy ourselves I don't know what we are here for! :wink: enjoy your weekend and happy birthday!!

    My tattoo is nearly healed there are some areas that are being as tinkers and won't heal but over all I am fine. It was a little hard to exercise at first but I'm back in the game now. My next tattoo sessions I ll be to finish up the leg and it's only half way colored,

    I used to have my Monroe pierced but I took it out because I was sick of catching it on my teeth!
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Thanks Cindy, I agree, those posts around christmas were depressing. So many people get so caught up in weight loss that they lose the ability to enjoy their lives at all. And when people say that food is not something to enjoy and is just fuel that makes me sad. I love food!

    I had to look up what a Monroe piercing was. I have never heard it called that but I love piercings there. I am so boring, I have no tattoos and the only piercings are in my ears! but I probably have something else that makes me cool, I'll have a think and let you know!! :laugh: :laugh:

    I have also never heard of the term being a tinker before. Where does that come from? In Ireland tinker is a slightly derogatory term for members of the Irish traveler community so i'm wondering if it stems from there.
  • FromFlabToFurious
    FromFlabToFurious Posts: 355 Member
    I'm so ill! I done 25 minutes cardio a day so I know I got Cario and Combat on target. I did the punishment yesterday but Strength is the only one I don't have confidence in hitting! :,(
  • PhoenixStrikes
    PhoenixStrikes Posts: 587 Member
    Thanks Cindy, I agree, those posts around christmas were depressing. So many people get so caught up in weight loss that they lose the ability to enjoy their lives at all. And when people say that food is not something to enjoy and is just fuel that makes me sad. I love food!

    I had to look up what a Monroe piercing was. I have never heard it called that but I love piercings there. I am so boring, I have no tattoos and the only piercings are in my ears! but I probably have something else that makes me cool, I'll have a think and let you know!! :laugh: :laugh:

    I have also never heard of the term being a tinker before. Where does that come from? In Ireland tinker is a slightly derogatory term for members of the Irish traveler community so i'm wondering if it stems from there.

    Oh no! Lol I meant stinker! Opps I'm throwing out derogatory terms now!:laugh:
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,902 Member
    I'm so ill! I done 25 minutes cardio a day so I know I got Cario and Combat on target. I did the punishment yesterday but Strength is the only one I don't have confidence in hitting! :,(

    I will get in another of weights tomorrow. That will be double what I need. Take whatever you need.

    Got in another hour of cardio tonight. And another of snuggling and playing with the boys! :smooched: And I also agree. During the holidays I make sure to have a few days of guilt free indulgence! And do I ever indulge. :drinker:

    Ellie, glad the tattoo is almost healed. :flowerforyou:

    Dazz, rest the next couple of days. You will get well sooner. We have you covered. Almost time for another episode! :bigsmile:

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,902 Member
    Louise Happy Birthday! You enjoy every minute of it. I will even have some cake and sing happy birthday while eating it. :blushing:

    Louise I do use weights. But free weights. And sometimes my bow flex. But I must agree about BodyWeight workouts. Though I am considering a weighted vest. I spent a few months doing nothing but BodyWeight, it was awesome. And my energy level was through the roof. I weigh between 140-150 most of the time. I say that is lifting heavy for most women. :laugh: It is all in how you push yourself. I average 100 pushups daily. All on my toes. Burpees, mountain climbers, jumping Jack's, squat thrusts, squat jumps, lunges, (need that vest here), high step & a few others are a great routine. Do each exercise for 60 seconds, going from one into the next, and I guarantee you will be so pumped at the end. Even 30-45 seconds to begin with Will. Using machines will never give you the same thrill in the same amount of time! Well this is only my opinion. :smokin:

    And I just bought a real high step, so I can really do some high steps! :laugh: And free standing dip equipment I bought is a killer. All body weight! :drinker: And a killer! :grumble:

  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    I do agree that body weight exercises are great. My issue was with jillian saying not to use weights because we would get 'bulky'. her rationale for everything seems to be heavily based on broscience and i think she MUST know that she is giving out false information. Her workouts are great for calorie burns but I don't think I would ever get lean doing them and not lifting weights too.

    Thanks for the birthday wishes. Its not actually till next weekend, Im just preparing you for the fact that i will not be meeting my challenge targets next week! :laugh:

    Ellie, thats funny that you just wrote the wrong word. I was surprised that slightly racist terminology used in Ireland had spread to America!

    Dazz, sorry you are still feeling crappy. REST!!! take it easy for a day or two, stay in bed if you can and take lots of vitamin C and let your body recover!
  • FromFlabToFurious
    FromFlabToFurious Posts: 355 Member
    I won't be exercising today and possibly tomorrow, guys. I've tried all I can but today, I'm having too many coughing fits to even try. I just feel so exhausted. I hate that I've let the team down in Strength Training but I've done the punishment on Tuesday (or it could have been Wednesday...I'm sure it was Tuesday). Consider this to be my final score of the week.

    Also, I'm so proud of all of you! You're all doing so amazingly. Keep on kicking *kitten* and taking names! Also, Louise, just in case I forget "Happy Birthday" and don't worry about meeting your targets so much. When I'm better next week, I'll cover you! :)


    Krav Maga- 25 minutes x 2

    Kettlebell Clean and Press- 60 reps
    Kettlebell Swings- 60 reps

    Cardio: 265/260 (85/60 Combat)
    Strength Training: 45/90

    50 minutes added to Cardio (50 minutes added to Combat) and 15 minutes added to strength training