Talking Dead: Team Carol



  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    Status so far for this week, as of early afternoon Thursday:

    Cardio: 250 minutes (includes 45 minutes of Martial Arts workout)
    Strength Training: 60 minutes (2 x 30 minutes sessions of iPhone apps with #2, #5, and #10 weights)
    Burpees: 100

    I'm making sure to get my red apple in every day.

    I haven't had heat in my house since Sunday afternoon. The guy has been here to fix it for about 3 hours--I keep sneaking off into another room to get my burpees in. LOL

    Good work and sorry to hear about the heat. I really hope it comes back for you very soon.
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    Hey guys how is everyone doing today?

    well today I started a new class called strength and core which was mostly with waits and or course I start the day they put a small ball in-between your thighs and hold it while you do weights and other things ( not fun) lol but I also did my body pump class so I have the 30 mins extra of strength for our team and I only got to 90 mins extra of cardio so 10 more mins and we are good to go.

    You are the cardio queen. I know you are down on yourself today for not getting more in. PFFFTTTT, your bod may be telling you something. Still a rock star.
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member

    Sounds like you are having an excellent week! I plan on getting some stuff done tonight (already logged it, so I have to!) My new dog is giving me a run for my money, thats for sure. He's great for getting me up and outside but he is still a puppy so he is causing some issues around the house. I gave in to temptation today, but stayed within my calories and has some delicious fruit this morning!

    I need to see this puppy ASAP! You're doing awesome! Even with giving in.
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    Current totals:

    Cardio: 230/220
    Strength: 63/90
    Heart healthy: I assume I'm good, but I'll double check
    Burpees: 25

    Sigh - 25 of those evil things down. It appears my "new" sports bras aren't new enough because they are not doing their job for these evil things. Well, I have a strength and cardio session planned for tonight. I should have some numbers to donate to others. I will try to get all my burpees done :noway:

    yes, I know this one Kim. Support is really important and same with adequate work out wear. I remember a time I was doing mountain climbers and my shirt ended up over my head at the end.

    Simber and are doing awesome.

    Zumbacrasher, I know what you are saying. I like both characters as well.
  • kawookie
    kawookie Posts: 813 Member
    My final totals (I am using Sunday instead of Saturday this week):

    Cardio: 278/220
    Weights: 93/90
    Burpees: 50/50 (Complete with a wardrobe malfunction after every 10 completed - my husband enjoyed the show!)
    Heart healthy: 6/6 - List of foods consumed: tuna, salmon, tomatoes, apples, spinach, red wine, brown rice, and almonds
    Food: 6/6 (I have been under Sunday-Friday, but if I need to check in tomorrow for this one I understand).

    My dad got his chest closed this morning. He was resting comfortably when mom saw him, but he was still under heavy sedation from the surgery so I decided to go visit tomorrow (the hospital is 40 minutes from where I live so we have been rotating days to see him). I hope that by tomorrow or Sunday that he is much more alert because he really hasn't been really awake for weeks.

    In any case I did it -- this week has been rough but I didn't let the team or myself down. Go me! :drinker:

    PS. Sara, if your chocolate is dark chocolate it counts as heart healthy! :wink:
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,624 Member
    Hey guys how is everyone doing today?

    well today I started a new class called strength and core which was mostly with waits and or course I start the day they put a small ball in-between your thighs and hold it while you do weights and other things ( not fun) lol but I also did my body pump class so I have the 30 mins extra of strength for our team and I only got to 90 mins extra of cardio so 10 more mins and we are good to go.

    You are the cardio queen. I know you are down on yourself today for not getting more in. PFFFTTTT, your bod may be telling you something. Still a rock star.

    Thanks I just was in some funk earlier this morning. but I did my walk and I'm about to add it in a bit. I'm feeling pretty food now.
    and I can't wait till I add up all my cardio for the week and see what I got. I also want to do 10 more burpees so I'll have 40 in all for anyone who needs them.

    I love this team and hope everyone has a great night
  • strive4more11
    strive4more11 Posts: 213 Member
    Well, I would love to show you all a pic of my new fur baby but I have absolutely no idea how to post photos on here! Looks like I will have extra strength and cardio this week! YAY!!! Hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day!

    Just FYI, I started midnights tonight so for the next week all my posts will be at weird times.
  • Bebubble
    Bebubble Posts: 938 Member
    :heart: :smooched:
  • strive4more11
    strive4more11 Posts: 213 Member
    .... still trying to figure out how to post a picture....
  • strive4more11
    strive4more11 Posts: 213 Member
  • kawookie
    kawookie Posts: 813 Member
    Cute puppy! :heart: Reminds me of the dog my friend has.

    Although the image is broken, it works if you open the image in a new window. MFP can be so temperamental with images :mad:
  • tinkermommc
    tinkermommc Posts: 562 Member
    You all are so awesome doing my time and burpees for me! I did my 60 minute pilates class Monday. So I got 60 minutes and since its pilates I'm pretty sure it can be counted as strength or cardio. I'm 6 for 6 for food goal and down 3 lbs though I'd prefer to lose it through hard work. I'm glad I took the week off, it kicked my butt, Dr switched my antibiotics on Wednesday so Im just starting to feel better today.
  • hajenkatt
    hajenkatt Posts: 331 Member
    Final totals for Hajenkatt for the week:

    Cardio: 270/220
    Strength:105 minutes (45 is combat/martial arts)
    Burpees: 200
    Food: 6/6 (heart healthy foods/red food include strawberries, raspberries and red apples)

    Go Team Carol!!!
  • simbersea
    simbersea Posts: 1,248 Member
    Weekly totals. Not my best week. I worked a lot of hours and it cut into workout time.

    Monday: 60 strength + 30 cardio
    Tuesday: 60 cardio + 25 boxing + 15 burpees
    Wednesday: 0
    Thursday: 0
    Friday: 40 strength + 15 cardio
    Saturday: 90 cardio (20 boxing) + 30 burpees

    Cardio: 220/220
    Strength: 100/90
    Burpees: 45
    Within calories: 6/6
    Heart Healthy: 6/6 - in honor of Valentines,I had dark chocolate and red wine last night - both are heart healthy :) Lots of healthy veggies the rest of the week.
  • sawjan
    sawjan Posts: 161 Member
    Monday: 40 cardio + 45 strength training + 45 karate
    Tuesday: 50 cardio + 30 strength training + 45 karate
    Wednesday: 85 cardio + 45 karate
    Thursday: 45 cardio + 30 strength training + 45 karate
    Friday: 53 cardio
    Saturday: 120 cardio
    Sunday: not included in the totals

    Cardio: 393/220
    Strength: 105/90
    Martial Arts: 180/180
    Average calorie intake (figured out on Saturday): 6/6
    Heart Healthy foods everyday: 6/7
    weight loss for challenge: 0.2/9
    Burpees: 60/50

    I did a 8 mile long run outside today, keeping about a 12 minute mile pace. I didn't stop to walk, until it was time to cool down. It was 26 degrees out and the sun was shining.

    Disappointed that the scale didn't budge as much as I wanted, but did hit the 50 pound mark.
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    Fantastic guys !!! Doing awesome. We covered Tinker for sure and I'm glad you're getting better.

    I just need 4 more totals for a perfect score!
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,624 Member
    I did better this week then last, I want to keep pushing myself each week and this team helps me a lot. thank you

    Cardio: 944/220 (100 of it goes to the team)
    Strength: 210/90 (30 goes to the team)
    Burpees: 35
    Within calories: 6/6
    Heart Healthy: 6/6 - I had strawberries, apples, red bell peppers, and tomatoes this week
    I walked backwards every day but only for a few mins each time
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    Dang girl !!!
  • strive4more11
    strive4more11 Posts: 213 Member
    Cardio: 240/220
    Strength: 105/90
    Average calorie intake (figured out on Saturday): 6/6
    Heart Healthy foods everyday: 6/6
    weight loss for challenge: 2.2/15 (total)
    Burpees: 65/50

    Didn't get done as much as I wanted to, but the scale moved this week which is always a helpful motivator! I took Murphy out for an hour long walk today which was great and I am hoping to do that nearly everyday. Can't wait for the show tomorrow and to see our challenge for next week!
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    Great job Lara. My dog motivates me to get out there too.

    100% check in Carols. Total point of 3. Unbelievably amazing!!!