Talking Dead: Team Carol



  • hajenkatt
    hajenkatt Posts: 331 Member
    hajenkatt if you haven't been adopted then I am adopting you and will be donating 10 mins of leg's strength to you.:wink:

    Awww!! Thank you!! :)
  • vestarocks
    vestarocks Posts: 449 Member
    @TJ thanks

    @Sara I'm about to do the arms video you are sharing. thanks and thank you for making me MVP but I feel we all are. we all work very hard and this team rocks.

    again i'm letting anyone who wants/needs to take off the sally down challenge I am doing it this week.

    looks like team Tyreese and Sasha are doing kind of what we are doing :)

    I donated my 10 mins to one of their players.

    Who in return is donating 10 minutes of Wood Chops (strength) to you!
  • tinkermommc
    tinkermommc Posts: 562 Member
    So much adopting going on!

    Okay I need to type out my plan because these tired lungs are going to take a few days to get back into the swing of things.

    Mon- Pilates 60min
    Tues- Strength 50min + 20 Min elliptical(while watching my Insanity class through the window-but I think that'd kill me at this point)
    Wednesday- Pilates 50 min
    Thursday- Strength 50 +30 min elliptical
    Friday- Pilates 60 min + treadmill challenge. I don't know what it is but my class today did it and I skipped so I'll make it up.
    Saturday- kickboxing video (if I don't finish my elliptical time this will cover it.)
    Hopefully building slowly my lungs will heal up so next week I can be normal again!

    Yup that looks good. Everyone stay healthy! Pneumonia sucks!
  • sawjan
    sawjan Posts: 161 Member
    Format for the week:
    Cardio: 62/310 (+ extra for those needing it)
    Strength: 35/110 (+ adding additional for the donation)
    Martial Arts: 0/135
    Average calorie intake: 1/6
    Weight loss for challenge: 0.2/9
    Old Punishment = Burpees (still doing them, because I like them): 30/50
    Punishment (current) = Sally Down: 1/ 5 days

    I am beat.... Did my normal workout in the morning, and since there wasn't karate went back to the gym for a class called guns & buns. Got to the gym early so I hopped on the elliptical and did 30 minutes. The class was great, we did squats (dead lifts actually with barbell weights 40#) and guess what Burpees (did 30 at least). It was a pretty intense class. Will sleep like a champ tonight!

    Hope everyone is off to a good start this week.
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,624 Member
    @TJ thanks

    @Sara I'm about to do the arms video you are sharing. thanks and thank you for making me MVP but I feel we all are. we all work very hard and this team rocks.

    again i'm letting anyone who wants/needs to take off the sally down challenge I am doing it this week.

    looks like team Tyreese and Sasha are doing kind of what we are doing :)

    I donated my 10 mins to one of their players.

    Who in return is donating 10 minutes of Wood Chops (strength) to you!

    haha no one is and i'm ok with this. how about I do an extra 10 mins of wood chops (strength) lol but it really is ok if no one did.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    @TJ thanks

    @Sara I'm about to do the arms video you are sharing. thanks and thank you for making me MVP but I feel we all are. we all work very hard and this team rocks.

    again i'm letting anyone who wants/needs to take off the sally down challenge I am doing it this week.

    looks like team Tyreese and Sasha are doing kind of what we are doing :)

    I donated my 10 mins to one of their players.

    Who in return is donating 10 minutes of Wood Chops (strength) to you!

    haha no one is and i'm ok with this. how about I do an extra 10 mins of wood chops (strength) lol but it really is ok if no one did.
    There's only two active Tyreese and Sasha members, and a bunch of Carols. So that's what the problem is. :laugh: It's a bit unfair.
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,624 Member
    Very true. Ok they can each take 4 people so 40 mins extra haha joking.

    Well guys I did Zumba and body pump tonight and we did a ton of squat in body pump and it hurt haha then we went into a squat and jumped from that. I have a feeling I'm going to be sore tomorrow but I'm enjoying this group a lot.
  • vestarocks
    vestarocks Posts: 449 Member
    Very true. Ok they can each take 4 people so 40 mins extra haha joking.

    Well guys I did Zumba and body pump tonight and we did a ton of squat in body pump and it hurt haha then we went into a squat and jumped from that. I have a feeling I'm going to be sore tomorrow but I'm enjoying this group a lot.

    I meant that you donated to me so I'm donating back to you.
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,624 Member
    Very true. Ok they can each take 4 people so 40 mins extra haha joking.

    Well guys I did Zumba and body pump tonight and we did a ton of squat in body pump and it hurt haha then we went into a squat and jumped from that. I have a feeling I'm going to be sore tomorrow but I'm enjoying this group a lot.

    I meant that you donated to me so I'm donating back to you.

    Oh I so read that wrong lol I thought it said ( who is ) like a question. Sorry my mistake but thank you very much :)
  • strive4more11
    strive4more11 Posts: 213 Member
    Hello All! My name is Lara, I'm 26, and I live in Missouri. Team Carol seems a great place for me. Like her, I want to progress from a quiet 'weakling' to an all around bad *kitten*! I want to be able to make it on my own in the Apocalyptic World. I am super excited about this challenge and will start the workouts tomorrow morning! (I'm at work so I can't start tonight :sad: )

    I probably should have quoted this post, but as a member of team Tyreese and Sasha, we are donating 10mins of strength training to a member of Team Carol. I am donating my 10mins to you! Enjoy it, and kick butt this week!

    Thanks! :heart:

    Wood chops sound fun, so I might throw some of those in as well! I'm so excited that I got adopted!

    @Skittles - Congrats on MVP --- You definitely encourage me to do more!

    I got 10 mins of arm strength in today to my donated player! Woohoo! Cheers to a great week! :drinker:
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    I finished 4 of the 5 days of the 4-min squats yesterday. Truthfully, I love squats. So if any needs help getting those done, let me know. Im going to try to do a couple of them everyday.
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    Wow! All of you are so impressive! Tinker, if you are not 100%, let me know. I'm sure we can cover part of you if needed. Looks like you got a good plan of attack this week.

    TJ! You squat slayer! I'm going to try and do my own. It's so nice everyone wants to donate to everyone, maybe next week would should be selfish instead. lol
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    Wow! All of you are so impressive! Tinker, if you are not 100%, let me know. I'm sure we can cover part of you if needed. Looks like you got a good plan of attack this week.

    TJ! You squat slayer! I'm going to try and do my own. It's so nice everyone wants to donate to everyone, maybe next week would should be selfish instead. lol

    We should have done selfish last week when Carl didnt share the pudding!!!!
  • FunkyGranolaTree
    FunkyGranolaTree Posts: 399 Member
    Morning folks..
    First I must apologize for my recent absence from the board. Life has been just a little ridiculous as of late. The whole family has been sick, I have been trying really hard to fight it and each day feeling sicker. We are continuing to get pummeled with snow. Long Island has now blown past all snow total records.

    I have read through the pages that i missed... feeling a little confused, but i will get over it.

    Yesterday I was walking and moving for 6 hours - logged 3 hours of it. I will get right on the punshiment after work today. Then it is back to my regular schedule.. I am trying really hard to fight whatever this bug is as it keeps manifesting differently. Last night I laid in bed for hours crying because of a really bad migraine.

    I will put in anything extra that is needed for the team - extra punishment or coverage for being sick

    Do we know if there is still anyone from one of the other teams that needs to be covered?

    Does the punishment count within our strength time?

    Sorry for the craziness of my post.. my brain is still SUPER foggy..
  • SweetPea_7
    SweetPea_7 Posts: 249 Member
    I think she did but I think Lizzie killed the David and Karen in the prison and Carol covered for her. I've been calling her Lizzie Borden since we met her. I've been waiting for them to arm her with an axe ;-) Beth is turning out to be a bad *kitten*, I suppose that's what happens when you come to age in a zombie apocalypse. I'm glad to see all our teams made it out of the prison, seems like an even playing field now.

    I totally didn't even think of that, but yeah!! I think you are right about Lizzie killing David and Karen. Oh wow!!

    Mind = Blown! I never thought of that, but it would make sense!

    ^^ this. i kept saying that that little girl is FREAKing me out... and i was sobbing when she put her hand over Judiths mouth... i kept hitting my sisters arm and yelling 'make her stop! MAKR HER STOP!"

    i never thought about her killing those two tho. and honestly always thought it was a little fishy that Carol did something like that. just didnt seem like a 'her' thing to do.
  • SweetPea_7
    SweetPea_7 Posts: 249 Member

    Do we know if there is still anyone from one of the other teams that needs to be covered?

    Does the punishment count within our strength time?

    Sorry for the craziness of my post.. my brain is still SUPER foggy..

    and this^^^

    i was on vacay since friday, so i was limited to the app (no boards) doing aquick catchup and noticed all of the other team has been adopted... let me know if you need something from me... or need me to do something extra.

    due to the 'excitement' of my travels, i was only able to pull of a swim on sunday. and yesterday was a wash cuz i was in the car for FAR too long in a blizzard. Today was supposed to be tabattas class, and that was canceled out of my schedule. so starting tomorrow, i will be doing 2-a-days ( or just really long workouts) to get in my time. since i only have 5 days until Saturday, that squat challenge thing will start tonight and i will be adding it in to my workouts in the mornings.

    *hopeful* plan is:
    Tues-tonight: 4 min squat challenge / possibly yoga (60min cardio)
    WedAM: lift (50-60 strength/10cardio) /4 min squat challenge
    ThursAM: rowing (30min cardio)/ 4 min squat challenge
    ThursPM: Tabbatta class (60 min cardio)
    FriAM: lift (50-60 strength/10cardio) / 4 min squat challenge
    SatAM: rowing (30min cardio)/ 4 min squat challenge
    SatPM: yoga (60min cardio)

    total: 260 cardio/100-120 strength /5x4min sq chall
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    Morning folks..
    First I must apologize for my recent absence from the board. Life has been just a little ridiculous as of late. The whole family has been sick, I have been trying really hard to fight it and each day feeling sicker. We are continuing to get pummeled with snow. Long Island has now blown past all snow total records.

    I have read through the pages that i missed... feeling a little confused, but i will get over it.

    Yesterday I was walking and moving for 6 hours - logged 3 hours of it. I will get right on the punshiment after work today. Then it is back to my regular schedule.. I am trying really hard to fight whatever this bug is as it keeps manifesting differently. Last night I laid in bed for hours crying because of a really bad migraine.

    I will put in anything extra that is needed for the team - extra punishment or coverage for being sick

    Do we know if there is still anyone from one of the other teams that needs to be covered?

    Does the punishment count within our strength time?

    Sorry for the craziness of my post.. my brain is still SUPER foggy..

    Sounds like you've had a rough week of it too! I'll donate 10 minutes of leg strengh training to you. I plan on doing the leg machines at the gym if that's ok'd by my team leader and will let you know when it is done. Good luck jumping back in!
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    Since there are only 2 members of Tyrese's team that can adopt our members, I will try to get Mika and Lizzie members to do some adopting. I think 3 still havent picked anyone.

    If you havent been adopted yet, let me know, or go to their board and ask "pretty pretty please will the crazy girl please adopt me (and not kill me in my sleep)"
  • FunkyGranolaTree
    FunkyGranolaTree Posts: 399 Member
    Morning folks..
    First I must apologize for my recent absence from the board. Life has been just a little ridiculous as of late. The whole family has been sick, I have been trying really hard to fight it and each day feeling sicker. We are continuing to get pummeled with snow. Long Island has now blown past all snow total records.

    I have read through the pages that i missed... feeling a little confused, but i will get over it.

    Yesterday I was walking and moving for 6 hours - logged 3 hours of it. I will get right on the punshiment after work today. Then it is back to my regular schedule.. I am trying really hard to fight whatever this bug is as it keeps manifesting differently. Last night I laid in bed for hours crying because of a really bad migraine.

    I will put in anything extra that is needed for the team - extra punishment or coverage for being sick

    Do we know if there is still anyone from one of the other teams that needs to be covered?

    Does the punishment count within our strength time?

    Sorry for the craziness of my post.. my brain is still SUPER foggy..

    Sounds like you've had a rough week of it too! I'll donate 10 minutes of leg strengh training to you. I plan on doing the leg machines at the gym if that's ok'd by my team leader and will let you know when it is done. Good luck jumping back in!

    OH MY GOLLY!! Thanks hun.. however, can you donate to my girl Coruscate? She is having a tough week than I and I think she could use the extra mins! You are just the best!. is there anyone else is your team that needs donation.
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    Morning folks..
    First I must apologize for my recent absence from the board. Life has been just a little ridiculous as of late. The whole family has been sick, I have been trying really hard to fight it and each day feeling sicker. We are continuing to get pummeled with snow. Long Island has now blown past all snow total records.

    I have read through the pages that i missed... feeling a little confused, but i will get over it.

    Yesterday I was walking and moving for 6 hours - logged 3 hours of it. I will get right on the punshiment after work today. Then it is back to my regular schedule.. I am trying really hard to fight whatever this bug is as it keeps manifesting differently. Last night I laid in bed for hours crying because of a really bad migraine.

    I will put in anything extra that is needed for the team - extra punishment or coverage for being sick

    Do we know if there is still anyone from one of the other teams that needs to be covered?

    Does the punishment count within our strength time?

    Sorry for the craziness of my post.. my brain is still SUPER foggy..

    Sounds like you've had a rough week of it too! I'll donate 10 minutes of leg strengh training to you. I plan on doing the leg machines at the gym if that's ok'd by my team leader and will let you know when it is done. Good luck jumping back in!

    OH MY GOLLY!! Thanks hun.. however, can you donate to my girl Coruscate? She is having a tough week than I and I think she could use the extra mins! You are just the best!. is there anyone else is your team that needs donation.

    Done! I'll notify my team leader. If I see anyone I will let you know.