Talking Dead: Team Carol



  • sawjan
    sawjan Posts: 161 Member
    Morning everyone

    Feeling very sore from cardio class on Monday, but working through it and stretching. Got in a little extra exercise last night walking around an inside track as my daughter was at a pole vault clinic and there wasn't much to do. I was able to watch her while I was walking. I didn't want to just sit there. Busy night tonight. Cardio and karate, with some laundry and family time thrown in the mix. Have a good day!

    Welcome Bebubble!

    Sara - great job staying under your calories!! Do you eat the ones you earn for exercise? I do, but not all of them. What are your thoughts about that?

    TJ - Hope you day goes quick, but is also productive!

    Lara - Morning!

  • strive4more11
    strive4more11 Posts: 213 Member
    Hey TJ, it's great to be back :drinker:

    I hope everyone is having a great week! I have to remind myself to check the boards more often, oops! I really wanted to kick it into gear this week with workouts, but these midnight shifts have made it hard to start a workout routine. Thankfully, my eating has been spot on, so I guess its as good a start as any. Next week my schedule settles down a bit and I think I have a better shot at starting the early bird challenges then.

    How is everyone else coming along with the workouts?

  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    Janice, I do eat back some of my calories. I figured out my TDEE and it's about 1,900 calories daily. I try not to eat more than that amount if I can. My calories are set to 1,500/daily but I just use it as a guide line to keep me motivated to work out more.

    Lara, this week I have done Jillian kickboxing, fitnessblender total body strength, Jillian 30 day shred and fitnessblender total body cardio. Tomorrow I'm going to just do a cardio cause I feel like I've done a lot of weights for this week. Not sure what I will do on sat, maybe just walk and Sun I will take off.

    I have been watching Breaking Bad on netfilx and it's been sucking up my evenings. I'm on the last season, so once I'm through with it I will probably start a yoga or strength training routine in the evenings.

    I will welcome any exercise ideas once the challenge starts. Anything anyone wants to work on?
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    Morning All -

    Janice, my day was productive but today is a long one too - started at 4am, will end at probably 10pm. LOTS to do today. And only the office cleaning qualifies as exercise.

    Sara can you PLEASE bottle some of that motivation you have and send it to me - 4 videos and its only Thursday!!!!! AWESOME!!!

    I am excited that the weekend is almost here - still wont get any videos in but I am going to a museum and probably a memorial (walking around) and maybe some dancing tomorrow: a wildlife preserve and the theater Saturday (Chicago), a zoo on Sunday and I have to clean an office and put flags out for the holiday all before 8am on Monday. That is a lot for me since I will be missing all my weekend nap time. Pretty sure I will be in bed monday at 5:30, as soon as I walk in the door!! Wish me luck!!!!
  • sawjan
    sawjan Posts: 161 Member

    My daughter (oldest) is sick with creepy crud (high temp and dry cough) - stayed home from school and will have to miss her indoor track meet Saturday. She is very upset. Good thing it is a long weekend for her to get plenty of rest. It seems viral to me, so won't call the MD unless the fever goes for too many days (only on day 2). The Motrin is keeping it under control.

    Planning a long run outside (will be 20-25 outside) for Saturday, and Sunday just a short walk (inside). May go on a nature trail walk with our youngest daughter. And hubby wants to look for a new couch. That is the extent of my weekend, which sounds very lazy compared to yours TJ!

    I haven't done any videos (exercise), is that bad?

    Sara - thanks for the information about eating the calories. I have mine sent at 1490, and have been going over that (and then some including my exercise calories) GRRRR. That is going to be a huge focus for me during this challenge!

    Most of my workouts are at the gym (elliptical, bike, and treadmill). I do take karate (3 nights) and a cardio/core class 2-3 nights.

    Everyone have a good day!

  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    Tj: that sounds like way more fun what you're doing this weekend. I'm able to do videos cause I have some time in the AM. I don't get up at 4AM!!! but I get up at 5:15 and do a video usually daily. I used to ride my bike but it sucks really bad. I am looking into a bike/elliptical combo.

    Janice: I hope your daughter feels better and you seem to work out a lot too. I'm not sure how much you weigh but I weigh 194 right now and my calories are set to lose 1 lb/week. I'm hoping to lose more during the challenge cause I was very close to 183 in the last challenge. I will be happy to get to that weight again. I'm no expert in the science of losing weight but I'm learning more and more the more I'm on MFP. My new goal this year over all is to just be happy with myself.
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    Happy Monday. This weeks early bird challenge is focused on nutrition and recipe sharing.

    So this is what I'm eating for lunch today. I went to the farmers market on sat and picked up a small bag of root veggies. I coated a roasting pan in foil and cut the veggies into similar sizes(cleaned as well). I sprayed olive oil over all and sprinkled in some oregano and fresh basil and a bit of salt and pepper and roasted it in the oven at 350 for an hour. My hubby picked up a rotisserie chicken from Costco last night. I have a food scale and I measured out 3 oz of chicken and a cup of my veggies. My lunch is 263 calories. I was going to throw in a orange but I'm out. 19 grams of protein and only 4 grams of fiber. I guess I need more fiber. LOL! Learning!
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member

    Ugh, what a long weekend. On the plus side I think I walked about 20 miles. I walked around 2 museums, a memorial with a museum, a zoo, a wildlife refuge and i walked 8 blocks back and forth from where I parked my car to where the theater was for the musical. Plus a couple extra blocks in the other direction to go dancing. The weather was FANTASTIC the whole weekend.

    By the time yesterday was over I was EXHAUSTED - but in a good way!!! :bigsmile:

    This weeks nutrition challenge for me will be to avoid all carbs. I have been trying to do it for 2 weeks, as per my nutritionists instructions, but I have given in to temptation multiple times. Wish me luck!!!
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    I dont have the exact recipe for this - because seriously, I dont bother following them half the time, but this is my favorite thing to eat and I eat it at least once a week

    Crockpot -

    Beef, Pork, chicken or Turkey (I have tried them All)

    random spices
    2-3 flavor packets mixed together (example: Packet of Gravy mix, Packet of feista dip mix and packet of caribean spices)

    cup of water or broth

    Cook for 6-8 hours on low, the meat should just fall apart. I normally mix it together about half way through to make sure the spices get on every portion.

    Side Dishes:
    Raw veggies, no dip
    Cauliflower Gratin
    1 head of cauliflower, cut up and stuck in the microwave for 20 min with a little bit of water. Half way through, mix it. If after 20 min you dont think its soft enough, stick it back in for another 10. Once its done cooking, drain the water and smoosh it all up until it looks like rice or mashed potatoes. Add 1-2 tablespoons of butter and 3 oz of lite cream cheese (yogurt or heavy cream work too) and mix it all together. Sprinkle with shredded cheese and stick it back in the microwave just long enough for the cheese to melt. Sometimes I stick pepper or chili power in it to give it a kick. One head will make about 3-4 servings depending on size. It smooshes down alot.

    I love trying to cook things in different ways so they never turn out the same twice.
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    That sounds really yummy and easy TJ.

    I was trying to figure out my macro eating ect but since I don't know my body percent of fat. I will just try to do what I'm doing.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    That sounds really yummy and easy TJ.

    I was trying to figure out my macro eating ect but since I don't know my body percent of fat. I will just try to do what I'm doing.
    If you want to set your protein goals, just do an estimate of your lean body mass on a site like this:
    And use that number as a minimum protein goal so that you have an idea of the ballpark you should be in. You don't have to have a bang on accurate number.
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    Ty Cindy
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    According to the website I should be eating 110g of protien per that sounds high!!
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    According to the website I should be eating 110g of protien per that sounds high!!
    That's about what I get too. It's not too hard to hit, providing you enjoy foods like lean meats like chicken breasts, dairy products like cottage cheese and its definitely helpful if you can have the odd protein shakes. I think it can be challenging for vegetarians though.
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    Mine is 102, I can't believe how short of protein I'm at. I have mine set to about 78g and I don't have that much even. Guess I have something to strive for. Wow!
  • hajenkatt
    hajenkatt Posts: 331 Member
    Hi Everyone!!

    I joined today, and I've asked to be on Team Carol. I am so excited to see where her character leads this season. She has gone through a huge transformation since the first season. Many of us use MFP to transform our lives, so I think she is a perfect fit! Can't wait to start one of the early bird rounds tomorrow. I've never done anything like this before, so I am really excited!!
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    Hi Everyone!!

    I joined today, and I've asked to be on Team Carol. I am so excited to see where her character leads this season. She has gone through a huge transformation since the first season. Many of us use MFP to transform our lives, so I think she is a perfect fit! Can't wait to start one of the early bird rounds tomorrow. I've never done anything like this before, so I am really excited!!

    WELCOME!!! Team Carol is getting bigger and badder - awesome!
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    Welcome to the team!
  • strive4more11
    strive4more11 Posts: 213 Member
    Welcome to the team hajenkatt!

    Sorry I've been away guys! I have a new trainee at work and this is my first time training... its a little overwhelming! Hope everyone has been keeping up with their goals!
  • sawjan
    sawjan Posts: 161 Member
    Welcome to the team hajenkatt!

    Everyone is feeling better in the house, I have the sniffles now. Could be a lot worse.

    Still plugging away at the cardio, but focusing more on the food and recording. Makes a DUGE difference! And the scale is showing it too!

    I hope everyone i doing well!