Talking Dead: Team Carol



  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    lol! Thanks for the graphics McFlat(Jen). Jen is from our original zombie challenge and you may see her sneak in here every once in awhile.

    Kim, (Kawookie) you always have such good work out ideas. I know you started Jillian Michaels ripped in 30. Have you ever tried the 30 day shred? I started with that one. It really helps with building strength and endurance and it's not as crazy as ripped. How is your dad doing?

    Janice, you are a warrior! I'm very impressed and inspired. I'm thinking any women that can do multiple kinds of push ups and planks is someone to look up to.

    Lara, you are doing awesome. I know your job keeps you very busy and you are doing just great. I use Jillian videos 4/7 days a week and she yells at me in a good way. I like her videos and fitnessblender. However, I do not like Daniel in the fitnessblender. He is soooo boring. I would rather he announce and Kelly do the work out.

    Funky Sarah, hope everyone has given you some arm work outs to try.

    TJ, I locked myself out of the house recently. I was in a hurry and I had my purse by the front door and I grabbed my keys to the car(not the house), locked the door and dashed out. Then I quickly realized I had neither my purse or my house keys cause they were in my purse! Luckily I leave my kitchen window open. It's up high but i managed to shimmy my way through with out breaking the kitchen faucet. It taught me a lesson!

    I did get my walk in yesterday and I'm still on task. I have been eating really good and I avoided chocolate covered dehydrated strawberries because I had very little calories left. Today, I will have to leave room for them. If you never had them, they are quite good.

    Happy Friday! Let's get some good work outs in and don't forget to check in on Sat. I will send out a reminder. If anyone hasn't added me as a friend, please do.
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    LOL Sarah - I have had to crawl through windows to get into houses I have locked myself out of before. I feel you.

    Well, I didnt do my exercises last night so Im alittle behind I think. Good thing I set aside Saturday mornings for cartoons and cardio. Im missing 80 min of cardio and 23 min of strength training for the week. Time to get movin!!!!
  • kawookie
    kawookie Posts: 813 Member
    Owwww! I just did a 30 minutes to fitness video for strength training. 41 minutes of ow. I am such a weakling! :sad: :sad:

    I thought my core was in good shape. Nope. :noway: I thought my arms were getting somewhere. :huh: I'm re-evaluating if I have muscles in the back of my arms.

    I am glad the video is not too easy. So don't view this as a complaint. More a realistic evaluation of my lack of prowess in weight lifting. (BTW I was using 3 and 6 pound weights-- less than the video suggested to start and this is still true.)

    I am dead but I still owe myself some cardio.
  • strive4more11
    strive4more11 Posts: 213 Member
    Jillian didn't yell at me, because I didn't let her. I got some really disappointing news last night and lost all motivation to do anything after work. Don't you worry though, tonight I will kick some butt!

    Everyone is doing so well this week!!! Great job!
  • mcflat29
    mcflat29 Posts: 2,159 Member
    Dear me, Polite Zombie is very ready for the weekend... So are these guys

  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    Jillian didn't yell at me, because I didn't let her. I got some really disappointing news last night and lost all motivation to do anything after work. Don't you worry though, tonight I will kick some butt!

    Everyone is doing so well this week!!! Great job!

    What happened Lara? I hope everything is okay.

    Team Carol: This is your last day to get your challenge done for this week. This is what I need, either report on this thread or send me a personal message. I will post on the news feed as well as send personal messages if I don't hear from you. If you fail to report, you may be throw into the zombie hoard team.

    Cardio: x/210 mins(trying for 45 mins of combat training)
    Strength: x/90 mins
    Food goals(on average) x/6 days

    Please note, that if you are shy in cardio because you missed a day during the week. You can count last Sun. Sun is considered a day off but if you take a rest day during the week, you can use Sun as a swap.

    Team: you have until midnight to turn in your goals!!! Let's do this!!! Since we have no starting points from the season finale, we need all the points we can get. We are a strong team and let's show em what we got!
  • strive4more11
    strive4more11 Posts: 213 Member
    Jillian didn't yell at me, because I didn't let her. I got some really disappointing news last night and lost all motivation to do anything after work. Don't you worry though, tonight I will kick some butt!

    Everyone is doing so well this week!!! Great job!

    What happened Lara? I hope everything is okay.

    Sara - I had applied for a new job out in CA and found out I didn't get it. I am very thankful that I already have a job, but this would have been a great opportunity. I am back in action though, it just knocked me down that night.
  • Bebubble
    Bebubble Posts: 938 Member
    2/3 - 2/8
    STRENGTH TOTAL: 169 min, 50min martial arts
    CARDIO TOTAL: 332 min

    2/3 :tongue:
    30 min bike
    35 min walk
    TOTAL: 65

    20 min strength training
    51 Circuit training/ 25 min martial arts
    TOTAL: 71

    2/4 :happy:
    25 min Strength Training / martial arts
    15 min Squats
    TOTAL: 40min

    2/5 :wink:
    30 min Elliptical
    32 min Treadmill
    TOTAL: 62 min

    2/6 :bigsmile:
    30 min Stationary Bike

    30 min Strength Training

    2/7 :glasses:
    30 min Elliptical
    30 min Bike
    45 min Walking
    TOTAL: 105

    10 min Floor Leg Raises
    3 min Situps/Crunches
    15 min Squats
    TOTAL: 28

    2/8 :flowerforyou:
    40 min Walking
    30 min Stationary Bike
    TOTAL 70

  • strive4more11
    strive4more11 Posts: 213 Member
    Totals 02/03 -02/08

    Cardio: 225/210 (60/45 combat training)
    Strength: 90 /90
    Nutrition: 6/6
    weight loss for challenge: 1/15
  • kawookie
    kawookie Posts: 813 Member
    Totals 2/3- 2/8

    Cardio: 226/210 (33/45 for combat training - I will do better next week I bought a kickboxing video)
    Strength: 99/90
    Nutrition: 6/6 (they day I was slightly over was cancelled out by being under many other days).
    Weight loss: 1.8 lbs down
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    Cardio - 247/210
    Strength - 103/90
    nutrition - 6/6

    I need a nap after this!!.
  • simbersea
    simbersea Posts: 1,248 Member
    Feb 3-8

    Cardio: 429/210
    Strength: 90/90
    Nutrition: 6/6
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    Week One:

    Cardio: 380/210(50/45 combat)
    Food:6/6(yesterday over but today I will be way under to make up)

    Total points:3

    Just need 5 more of us. We are doing sooo awesome!!!
  • hajenkatt
    hajenkatt Posts: 331 Member
    My Stats: 2/3 - 2/8

    Cardio: 290/210
    Strength: 90/90
    Nutrition: 6/6

    Taking inches measurements tonight. I've never tracked that way before, so I am going to give it a try.
  • FunkyGranolaTree
    FunkyGranolaTree Posts: 399 Member
    Feb 3-8

    Cardio: 231/210
    Strength: 95/90
    Nutrition: 6/6

    I wish my strength was more... that is where i will struggle the most!
  • sawjan
    sawjan Posts: 161 Member
    Checking in
    Monday: 90 cardio + 45 karate
    Tuesday: 41 cardio + 45 karate + 40 strength training
    Wednesday: 46 cardio + 30 strength training (no karate cancelled d/t snow)
    Thursday: 40 cardio + 30 strength training + 45 karate
    Friday: 35 cardio + 12 strength training
    Saturday: 110 cardio
    Sunday: not included in the totals

    Cardio: 362/210
    Strength:112 /90
    Martial Arts: 135/180
    Average calorie intake (figured out on Saturday): 6/6
    weight loss for challenge: 0/9 --> will be weighing in on Monday
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    I got everyone but one person. We got a total score of 2.72. That's near perfect!

    We got some huge cardio numbers. I'm very impressed with us Carols! Take a bow because you all deserve it!

    Can't wait to see how we fare against the other teams.

    Don't forget to watch the season premier tomorrow night and enjoy! It's your night off and I will post the new challenge under the Walking Dead team Carol thread sometime tomorrow night or Monday morning. MVP and winners will be posted in a separate thread as well.

    Excellent job ladies!
  • FunkyGranolaTree
    FunkyGranolaTree Posts: 399 Member
    Was it coruscate who was missing? She sent you the info in a pm
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,626 Member
    Hello all, I'm Des and I am now a new member of this team :). I hope I am welcomed haha which I'm don't see why i wouldn't be lol.

    I was on another team that wasn't very active and I was asked to be switched to a team who is and who chats, and encourages one another because that is what I need. I can't wait to start this new week out on this team. My goal is to push my self harder with active each week.
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    Was it coruscate who was missing? She sent you the info in a pm

    No, it was tinkermommc but I guess she still has some time to report