Talking Dead: Team Carol



  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    I will admit that I feel like a cardio queen normally but with out being able to count strength training as cardio, this will be really hard to get it in with time management. It's a good thing because I need to challenge myself! I will post my goals here to be accountable.

    Monday: Kickboxing video(25 cardio), walk(20 cardio), total gym(15 strength)
    Tues: Kettle bell(35 mins strength)/ Yoga (15 cardio/ 15 strength), walk (30 mins cardio)
    Wed: Kickboxing video(25 cardio), total gym(15 strength), walk(20 mins cardio)
    Thurs: 30 day shred(15 cardio/ 15 strength), walk( 20 mins cardio)
    Fri: Misc cardio video(25-30 mins cardio), total gym(15 mins strength) walk(20 mins cardio)
    Sat: Walk (60 mins cardio)
    Sun: Rest day

    This will give me 245 mins cardio and 105 mins strength (so some wiggle room for busy days)

    I want to lose 10 lbs and keep under my weekly calories.
  • FunkyGranolaTree
    FunkyGranolaTree Posts: 399 Member
    I will admit that I feel like a cardio queen normally but with out being able to count strength training as cardio, this will be really hard to get it in with time management. It's a good thing because I need to challenge myself! I will post my goals here to be accountable.

    I have total faith that you can do it!!! :drinker: You are after all a Sara(h)!!!! Us Sarah's are beasts!!!
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    yes we are!!! Thanks!!!
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    Cindy, is the challenge based on six days with Sunday off? Can they swap a Sunday with another day for cardio? Is there a water goal?

    1. Yes, there should be a rest day. But they can swap the Sunday for another day if they prefer. I'm sure many people like to workout on the weekends. If they do workout on Sunday, they have to add it into the next weeks totals because everything has already been reported on Saturday. Challenges are posted Mondays. No water goal this time.
  • FunkyGranolaTree
    FunkyGranolaTree Posts: 399 Member
    I hope everyone had an amazing first day!!:drinker:

    I got in 30 mins on the rebound trampoline. And I also got 30 mins of strength in. Because I was home with the kids, I ended up using them as a part of my strength work. 50 pound and 45 pound weights sitting on my stomach while doing bridges. "Bench pressing" them, and them trying to push my legs down while doing cobra. Maybe I should incorporate them more into what I am doing...
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    I am FINALLY catching up! I had planned a little time to do this over the weekend, but ended up out of town the whole time, with no computer.

    SO. I had no idea what team to be on in the start. i soooo wanted team daryl, but i wasnt sure i could pull off the workout minutes. and after looking through the cast, Carol is REALLY the one i relate to the most. so im pretty excited about this. besides.. this means we get to be rescued by Daryl... id rather be handled BY him, than BE him *blush*.

    ANYWAY. Here is me. I am 31 (almost 32). i have a 10.5 month old baby boy that i call G, Gbug, Gmonkey, peanut butter, whatever makes him smile. i am in the middle of a divorce, in which i am still living with the soon-to-be-ex. ALL of this has made it tricky to find the 'right' time to workout. TIL NOW. I just joined a new 'gym' and im starting back to my 4am's... so there is no room for anyone to say 'you can't go' or the puppy dog eyes from Baby G telling me to snuggle instead. i cant still do all that, and get my workouts in.

    my weekly plan:
    MWF will be lifts in the morning and swimming with G at night. (est 100 min/ 60 strength 40 cardio)
    T/TH will be rowing/ extra in the morning and tabata class at night (30-60min all cardio)
    Sat/Sun will be catching up or yoga. (0-60 min cardio)

    this seems over zealous, but im thrilled... and i know that i have the time. WOOT

    Looks like a good plan.
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    I hope everyone had an amazing first day!!:drinker:

    I got in 30 mins on the rebound trampoline. And I also got 30 mins of strength in. Because I was home with the kids, I ended up using them as a part of my strength work. 50 pound and 45 pound weights sitting on my stomach while doing bridges. "Bench pressing" them, and them trying to push my legs down while doing cobra. Maybe I should incorporate them more into what I am doing...

    great start Funky!
  • kawookie
    kawookie Posts: 813 Member
    Hi Team!

    I followed my day one plan just fine. But I am having trouble coming up with goals, so I would like to see some of your goals.

    I am honestly starting a new phase of my healthy me journey because I am just adding in weight lifting. I also changed from 2 lbs to 1.5 lbs a week as I am following the online recommendations to reduce your deficit as you get closer to goal weight.
    All in all, I have no idea how much I should expect to lose. I hate putting a number on it because then I will want to meet it.

    I am good with staying in the green for food and I drink plenty of water. Is it bad to have your main goal to be upping your strength training? I am just starting regular strength training and I would really like to develop a flexible yet challenging program for myself.

    Anyone with goals they are willing to share?
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    I will admit that I feel like a cardio queen normally but with out being able to count strength training as cardio, this will be really hard to get it in with time management. It's a good thing because I need to challenge myself! I will post my goals here to be accountable.

    I have total faith that you can do it!!! :drinker: You are after all a Sara(h)!!!! Us Sarah's are beasts!!!

    Sarah you will blow this challenge away - I have no doubt about that!!!!! Its the rest of us that have to gear up and get with it.
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    Hi Team!

    I followed my day one plan just fine. But I am having trouble coming up with goals, so I would like to see some of your goals.

    I am honestly starting a new phase of my healthy me journey because I am just adding in weight lifting. I also changed from 2 lbs to 1.5 lbs a week as I am following the online recommendations to reduce your deficit as you get closer to goal weight.
    All in all, I have no idea how much I should expect to lose. I hate putting a number on it because then I will want to meet it.

    I am good with staying in the green for food and I drink plenty of water. Is it bad to have your main goal to be upping your strength training? I am just starting regular strength training and I would really like to develop a flexible yet challenging program for myself.

    Anyone with goals they are willing to share?

    My goals were posted earlier but this is what they are -

    1. Run a 5k without stopping
    2. Avoid unhealthy carbs like Im supposed to. Which means you shouldnt see any desserts or junkfood on my diary.
    3. Lose 10lbs
    4. Be able to use the 10lb weights by the end of the challenge instead of the 3lb ones I currently use.
  • Bebubble
    Bebubble Posts: 938 Member
    GOOD MOR'N TEAM Carol, My goal is to try and lose a few more lbs. I have a lot to lose but take each loss as it comes. I have no plan. Here is what I did yesterday. Just doing what I find enjoyable for that day. I think this is what I am to do! :bigsmile:

    30 min bike
    35 min walk
    65 done with 145 min left

    20 min strength training
    51 Circuit training/*cut in half 25 min
    45 done with 45 min left

    :laugh: I realize I can add the other half of circuit training to my cardio. But as of right now see no need. I did this Monday so plenty of time to get enough in.
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    Thanks TJ, I really needed the pep talk. I have been getting complacent with my routines and my weight is going no where. I know adding the additional strength training will be the trick. Being in this challenge will keep me accountable too with my food intake.

    Kawookie, I can tell you that I'm so impressed with you. I read your journal about what you have learned from MFP and what you wished to know when started out. That is some excellent advice. I love the one about water intake. It inspired me to drink more water. I would say for a goal for you, just stay on task and work for your goal in strength training.

    Bebubble, I saw you reached your goal recently, I think that is just excellent. If you want to give me a starting weight, I can record it and we can see where you are at in the end of the challenge.

    I completed my day one as planned but I acquired a cold. I'm doing ok, it's not horrible but I feel a bit more tired and worn. This is what happens to many people when they start challenges. I'm upping my Vit C and I plan to go to bed early. I still feel ok to work out. Good reminder to keep up with your vitamins to keep yourself from getting sick.

    Lets go with day two! I still need goals from 7 of you.
  • simbersea
    simbersea Posts: 1,248 Member
    Okay, here are my goals:

    1. Hit my macros - I want to average within 2% of my ideal macros for the time period. More protein!
    2. Lose 10 lbs
    3. Squat with the big boys - I want to be squatting 60+ lbs on the Squat rack
    4. Pushups - at least 20 real ones
    5. Rowing - all intervals below 1:59:00
  • sawjan
    sawjan Posts: 161 Member
    Like Sara, I have to work on time management for the cardio and strength training (which is my weakness). My cardio/fusion class incorporates strength training (doing core work, body weight exercises and kettle bells). Sometimes the class is kickboxing too. I also take karate, working towards my black belt (2 more belts, I have my 2nd brown).

    Here is my fitness plan (will also send them to you Sara in a message with the other information)
    Monday – cardio (30-60 minutes), karate (45 minutes), fusion class (30 minutes)
    Tuesday – cardio (30-60 minutes), karate (45 minutes), fusion class (30 minutes)
    Wednesday - cardio (30-60 minutes), karate (45 minutes), fusion class (30 minutes)
    Thursday - cardio (30-60 minutes), karate (45 minutes), fusion class (30 minutes)
    Friday – cardio (30 minutes)
    Saturday – cardio (long run – training for my first half marathon)
    Sunday – cardio (30 minutes)

    This will give me 240 – 360 minutes cardio (wiggle room), 180 minutes martial arts, 120 minutes strength training. I am kind of tired just looking at this….

    It is a 12 week challenge, I want to lose 12 pounds, and keep under my weekly calories.

    As a side note (sorry if you have already heard/read it), I put myself on a challenge of doing 365 days of cardio/moving. I am currently on day 310/365. Before you say you need a day of rest, I do incorporate 1-2 days of “light” cardio. It is usually a walking or biking with the family or in the gym. In this last year I have lost 50 pounds, and still would like to lose about 20 more and in the meantime become stronger. I am also signed up to run my first half marathon in May and my second in August 


    PS - Sara, what information do you need from me?
  • FunkyGranolaTree
    FunkyGranolaTree Posts: 399 Member
    Lets go with day two! I still need goals from 7 of you.

    Do you still need goals for me? I sent you my start weight with my friend request..

    1) Weight: get out of the 240s... I am starting at 246.4
    2) Runnning: pacing. I am training for my 2nd and 3rd half marathons.. I want my long run average pace to be consistently below 13:50 mins/mile (yes I am slow)
    3) Strength: suck it up and walk into the Crossfit gym (this terrifies me..I am NOT strong, and I am NOT badass like all of those people are)
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    Janice!!! WOW!!! 360 straight days of cardio is fantastic. Im lucky if I manage two days in a row.

    Looks like Carol may not be around much in the first few episodes, but Team Carol is shaping up to be pretty badass!!!!!
  • simbersea
    simbersea Posts: 1,248 Member
    Monday: sick
    Tuesday: 75 minutes Cardio

    Cardio: 75/210
    Strength: 0/90
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    Sorry Funky, I didn't see the message with the request! I'm sorry. I recorded it now.

    Simbersea, you have an excellent plan!

    Jan, you are simply an animal!!! This challenge is only 9 weeks, not 12 btw.

    Team Carol, wow! I'm inspired ladies! I'm also very motivated to do my best to support you. We need to get as many points as possible each week. Like TJ said, Carol may not be in the show for quite awhile as the sneak peaks are predicting. That's ok. I'm very confident!

    Ok, I still need to hear from Strive4more, HajenKatt, Courscate7(sorry if you sent me a PM in a friend request, I didn't get it) and tinkermommc.

    I will send personal messages out tonight to make sure everyone is still on board.

    Today: on task despite pasta business phone calls and having to take my daughter to work unexpectedly.

    Bring on tomorrow!!!
  • sawjan
    sawjan Posts: 161 Member
    Oops, thanks for pointing out my mistake, so 9 weeks, going to revise the weight loss goal to 9 pounds.

    *noted and changed(via Sara)
  • tinkermommc
    tinkermommc Posts: 562 Member
    Look at me slacking. Sorry!

    1)Weight :lose 12 lbs.
    2) Personal: sleep 6 hours a night.

    My plan:
    Mon- Pilates class(60 min) and Fit class(20 min cardio 30 min strength)
    Tues- Insanity class(60min)
    Wednes- Pilates(50)
    Thurs- Weights (60)
    Fri-Pilates (60)
    Sat/Sun-one rest/ one kickboxing video(30)

    I like classes, can you tell? :-) it adds up to 280 but I always end up missing something, fit and insanity back to back make me sore! If I miss 2, I will make up on the elliptical on Thursday or Friday.

    Oh and I always sleep <5 hrs and my blood pressure is up because of that, so I need to start sleeping more,

    Did I miss anything?

    *I got it, I think you're good! thanks(sara)