Talking Dead: Team Carol



  • kawookie
    kawookie Posts: 813 Member
    Morning Team!! I dont know what is going on this week, but between a two day migraine and piles of work I havent managed any exercise yet besides a little walking. Its going to be a struggle to get the minimum for me this week. I feel bad about that. So sorry.

    OH NO! TJ! We have totally got you! All of my punishments are bonus and I will have extra cardio. Coruscate sometimes ends up with extra strength... (she might be willing to share) We will pull you through this.

    I have been out of the loop bc my phone took the route of permanent sleep on Tuesday. I got a new phone last night so I am back in the game!!!

    I don't mind taking on some extra strength (it is all the cardio that is the challenge in this challenge :laugh: )
  • SweetPea_7
    SweetPea_7 Posts: 249 Member
    Morning Team!! I dont know what is going on this week, but between a two day migraine and piles of work I havent managed any exercise yet besides a little walking. Its going to be a struggle to get the minimum for me this week. I feel bad about that. So sorry.

    OH NO! TJ! We have totally got you! All of my punishments are bonus and I will have extra cardio. Coruscate sometimes ends up with extra strength... (she might be willing to share) We will pull you through this.

    I have been out of the loop bc my phone took the route of permanent sleep on Tuesday. I got a new phone last night so I am back in the game!!!

    I don't mind taking on some extra strength (it is all the cardio that is the challenge in this challenge :laugh: )

    holy rough week for everyone!! im fainly back in the groove. got 2 FULL nights sleep WOOT

    TJ! i hope you feel better!

    and you girls on spring break... enjoy it! :D

    sadly, due to my sleep-dep earlier in the week, im only pulling 2 lifts this week. :(

    adjusted lineup:

    Mon: Swim (30c)
    Tues: Tabattas (45c)
    Wed: yoga (60c) + Swim (30c)
    Thurs: lift (60st) + Tabattas (60c)
    Fri: WOD + Row (60c)
    Sat: lift (60st) + yoga(60)

    est total: 270c / 120st (that would be 10 extra minutes to donate.)

    i did finish 1 of the punishments this morning... ouchy. ill be spacing the rest out over the next couple days.

    hope everyones weeks get better!
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    AWE!! Thanks you guys, you are awesome!!!!

    I checked the numbers I do have. And I have 200 cardio and 40 strength so far. Thankfully I have a parttime job that qualifies as exercise. I might be able to make all my minimums but there wont be any big numbers this week.

    Oh, crap, I forgot the punishment exercises!! I will need someone to cover me on those if I cant find the time between now and Saturday. Luckily I have no plans so I might get to them Saturday morning.
  • strive4more11
    strive4more11 Posts: 213 Member
    TJ- migraines really suck! I am thankful that I haven't had one in a few weeks, but I know they can knock the wind right out of you! Hope you are feeling better!!

    Coruscate- glad to see that you have caught up on some sleep!

    Skittles- glad to hear you are starting to feel a bit better too! I agree with kawookie though... be careful when it comes to tailbone problems!!

    On a personal note, TOM arrived for me today and screwed up all my plans. I did get a chance to go grocery shopping so I have healthy food options to snack on but cramps generally knock me down for about 12 hours. I wanted to take Murphy for a walk today but I just don't think I'll be able to do that. I am hoping that by this evening my body has evened out some and I will walk during my tv shows. I really want to hit at least the 500 club this week so here's to hoping I feel a bit better later tonight!
  • simbersea
    simbersea Posts: 1,248 Member
    I'm glad to know that I am not the only one having problems with these Spartan bows! I feel like a complete klutz doing them. I fall over just standing on one leg, so half the time I do these I tip over :)

    On the good side, they must work, cuz my butt hurts:laugh:
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    I am having a hard time with them too as far as balance. Maybe it's more for balance?

    Just remember that we are competing teams this week so when you want to donate cardio or strength to donate to your teammate. Only the winning team this week will turn in their numbers to represent the team as a whole. Hope that makes sense!

    I think we are used to being nice to eachother. LOL!

    HajenKatt, let me know if you plan to sit out the week you are gone. That is totally doable.
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,626 Member
    Just remember that we are competing teams this week so when you want to donate cardio or strength to donate to your teammate. Only the winning team this week will turn in their numbers to represent the team as a whole. Hope that makes sense!

    I think we are used to being nice to eachother. LOL!

    oh good I can still help tj, we are on the same team :)

    well today I got my 3 hours of working out I even went over by 20 mins woo hoo, tomorrow I have core walking ( which is hard, its not just walking haha and yoga. plus I'll do some other things and I'm also having a hard time with the punishment, I want to fall over a lot haha.

    but on a good note I am helping my mom plan her wedding :bigsmile: , I'm so excited about it. she is going to have it up in Niagara Falls it will be in NY but after we will all go over to the canada side for the weekend.and I suggested her to do it the weekend of my one year anniversary. she has to see with everyone but if so it will be Sept 6th and mine is Sept 7th. I was excited about it. so I'm helping her plan for it. does anyone know of any good places to go out to eat after, like a nicer place, or anyone been there? we are thinking the skylon towers but thats up in the air on the plans haha. well not I'm just ranting sorry everyone have a great night
  • sawjan
    sawjan Posts: 161 Member
    Day 4 Thursday 3/13/14
    Format for the week:

    Cardio: 390/220 (Aiming for the 500 club again!)
    Strength: 105/90
    Martial Arts: 135/135
    Average calorie intake: 4/6 days
    Weight loss for challenge: 5.2#/ 9#
    Punishment (current) = 3/4 (Spartan bows 30 per side)
  • Bebubble
    Bebubble Posts: 938 Member
    I'm glad to know that I am not the only one having problems with these Spartan bows! I feel like a complete klutz doing them. I fall over just standing on one leg, so half the time I do these I tip over :)

    On the good side, they must work, cuz my butt hurts:laugh:

    Oh my I was just thinking the same thing. I feel like a fool doing these. So happy others are finding it s a hard challenge. I keep thinking, the video clip is a DRAWING of a guy doing them!! A F'en drawing "Hello?" LOL! Things always look better on paper!

    Yes My butt hurts as well as my calf! LOL!
  • kawookie
    kawookie Posts: 813 Member
    Midweek check in:

    Cardio: 216/220
    Strength: 96/90
    Punishment: 2/4

    While I am almost through my minimums, I will be working hard to beef up my numbers.

    TJ, it doesn't look like you are on my team, so sorry. :flowerforyou:
  • tinkermommc
    tinkermommc Posts: 562 Member
    My butt hurts. I just needed to say that.
  • sawjan
    sawjan Posts: 161 Member
    The punishment seems to be getting a little easier (not more graceful, but easier), so I decided to do today's set holding hand weights. It actually helped with balance.:laugh:

    Tinker - my butt hurt too :blushing:
  • SweetPea_7
    SweetPea_7 Posts: 249 Member
    hello hello! slept in this morning. i think i need to learn to turn the TV OFF at 9... i got sucked into a show, which rarely happens, and suddenly it was 1130.

    Mon: Swim (30c)
    Tues: Tabattas (45c)
    Wed: yoga (60c) + Swim (30c)
    Thurs: lift (60st) + Tabattas (45c)

    Fri: i have to find something tonight... perhaps a walk if it stays nice and the sun comes out
    Sat: lift (60st) + bootcamp(60c)

    current total: 210c / 60 st
    punishments complete: 2/4
  • SweetPea_7
    SweetPea_7 Posts: 249 Member
    My butt hurts. I just needed to say that.

    hahaha... aaaaw! its a GOOD hurt tho!!!

    this isnt a 'brag' moment.. but just something ive been pondering... i havent had DOMs since my first week back to lifting. its sad... i kinda miss it. i cant tell if its just that im pushing soo hard with the lifts and my Tabata class. not sure. honestly... not sure its a GOOD thing either.
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    What is DOMs? I hope your leg is feeling better. I can't believe it's Friday already! I have been training my replacement at work this week. Since the pasta shop is still not close to being ready, I'm hoping my boss will let me stay on a bit longer so I'm not out on the streets.(being dramatic) My replacement looks like she will need more time to learn my job anyway.

    I haven't been doing monster numbers but I have started lifting heavier weights and using the total gym more. I don't know why I'm so resistant to lifting weights. I just feel like it's a guy thing and I know I need to get over it already. I am at that point in my weight loss journey where I have been at the same weight for a couple years now. It goes up and down but seems to stay in the same range. I know for my height I should be weighing much much less. Let's see if heavier weights do the trick.

    I'm doing our local St Pattys day dash. It's a 5 k run but since my knee is still not 100%, I will just be walking it. It's suppose to rain cats and dogs. I thought it was on Sat but it turns out it's actually on Sun. I have a half day today so I will try to get some more cardio in. I'm done with strength and combat this week but am not done with the spartan bows.

    Hey guys, I think this week the winning team will pick their own MVP this week to represent the team. When you turn in your numbers tomorrow night, include your vote for MVP. You can PM me if you don't want anyone to know.

    Have a great weekend and go team HOPE!!!
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    oh good I can still help tj, we are on the same team :)

    well today I got my 3 hours of working out I even went over by 20 mins woo hoo, tomorrow I have core walking ( which is hard, its not just walking haha and yoga. plus I'll do some other things and I'm also having a hard time with the punishment, I want to fall over a lot haha.

    but on a good note I am helping my mom plan her wedding :bigsmile: , I'm so excited about it. she is going to have it up in Niagara Falls it will be in NY but after we will all go over to the canada side for the weekend.and I suggested her to do it the weekend of my one year anniversary. she has to see with everyone but if so it will be Sept 6th and mine is Sept 7th. I was excited about it. so I'm helping her plan for it. does anyone know of any good places to go out to eat after, like a nicer place, or anyone been there? we are thinking the skylon towers but thats up in the air on the plans haha. well not I'm just ranting sorry everyone have a great night

    3hours?! Wholy Hell Batman!!! We have wonder woman on our team and didnt know it!!

    Congratulations on your mom's wedding. I have never been to Niagra Falls, but I hear its really beautiful.
  • kawookie
    kawookie Posts: 813 Member
    My butt hurts. I just needed to say that.

    hahaha... aaaaw! its a GOOD hurt tho!!!

    this isnt a 'brag' moment.. but just something ive been pondering... i havent had DOMs since my first week back to lifting. its sad... i kinda miss it. i cant tell if its just that im pushing soo hard with the lifts and my Tabata class. not sure. honestly... not sure its a GOOD thing either.

    Thanks for letting me know that my butt was supposed to hurt. It didn't before but now it has started to. :grumble: Using a weight in my opposite hand seemed to help counterbalance me some.

    @coruscate - If your TOM is missing, you might be pushing it too hard with your exercise (that is if you ruled out the obvious reason for TOM to be AWOL). I don't think it is good to be missing it for too long, so you might want to have a conversation with your doc if it has been more than 60 days.
  • colibri23
    colibri23 Posts: 223 Member
    Hi! I know I'm not on your team, but I thought I would pop in to say that DOMS is delayed onset muscle soreness---basically an overly long complicated phrase for feeling sore the day after (or sometimes much later the same day as) your workout. I don't think that coruscate needs to worry about being pregnant from missing DOMS LOL :laugh: too cute!
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    OOOH, thats what that means. I get that so I guess that means I actually do work out hard sometimes. cool!!

    Wait...people actually want to feel pain? Why?
  • simbersea
    simbersea Posts: 1,248 Member
    What is DOMs? I hope your leg is feeling better. I can't believe it's Friday already! I have been training my replacement at work this week. Since the pasta shop is still not close to being ready, I'm hoping my boss will let me stay on a bit longer so I'm not out on the streets.(being dramatic) My replacement looks like she will need more time to learn my job anyway.

    I haven't been doing monster numbers but I have started lifting heavier weights and using the total gym more. I don't know why I'm so resistant to lifting weights. I just feel like it's a guy thing and I know I need to get over it already. I am at that point in my weight loss journey where I have been at the same weight for a couple years now. It goes up and down but seems to stay in the same range. I know for my height I should be weighing much much less. Let's see if heavier weights do the trick.

    I'm doing our local St Pattys day dash. It's a 5 k run but since my knee is still not 100%, I will just be walking it. It's suppose to rain cats and dogs. I thought it was on Sat but it turns out it's actually on Sun. I have a half day today so I will try to get some more cardio in. I'm done with strength and combat this week but am not done with the spartan bows.

    Hey guys, I think this week the winning team will pick their own MVP this week to represent the team. When you turn in your numbers tomorrow night, include your vote for MVP. You can PM me if you don't want anyone to know.

    Have a great weekend and go team HOPE!!!

    Sara - I dont know if you will see the difference, but for me lifting has made a HUGE difference. I was on the cardio train for years, without seeing any noticeable results. I started lifing, and I have dropped over 10 pounds, and better, I am seeing the inches come off. For the first time in forever, my thighs are under 4 feet! (Yes, I had 24' thighs, which if you add it up equals 4 feet of thighs!) I think once you get into a routine, and start seeing results, you'll love lifting. I hope so!