Talking Dead: Team Beth



  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    Well, bummer folks. I may not be able to complete this challenge, I learned I need to have surgery. We'll see when it gets scheduled :(

    If you dont mind me asking - what is the surgery for? I hope its nothing toooooo serious.
  • maphammonds
    maphammonds Posts: 362 Member
    Well, bummer folks. I may not be able to complete this challenge, I learned I need to have surgery. We'll see when it gets scheduled :(

    Thanks for the well wishes! I need to have a hysterectomy. I had endometrial ablation a few years ago and now have developed scar tissue that isn't allowing me to completely empty during each cycle (yuk! and sorry to be so graphic!). Surgery scheduled for 4/8, and I'll be down and out for about 4 weeks. Hoping as soon as I get back on track and can find another great challenge. I literally have done better these last six weeks than with any other 'diet' plan I've ever been on. Kinda sux that I'm getting derailed :(

    And to make things worse, in 2 weeks, I've got a business trip, which means hotel food for 5 days; but at least there's a fitness center on-site and I can still get some exercise in before I go under the knife.

    On another note - those Spartan Bows are tough, but I'm liking them. Am I the only one that has to brace myself on something to keep from falling over?
  • Gambrell104
    Gambrell104 Posts: 282 Member
    Have a great Sunday Ladies!!
  • kmoirecavender
    kmoirecavender Posts: 91 Member
    You too Gambrell! Cannot wait till tonight's episode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    Totals have been sent - no turning back now.

    One member failed to report in, so the other team automatically wins the right to represent Team Beth in this weeks challenge.

    Maphammonds and Kmoiregreen are the winners with a score of 2.5. It was a really close choice but Kmoiregreen will be MVP, just because M wasn't able to maintain nutrition numbers this week. But you both did awesome!!!!

    Special shout out to Gambrell who was really close to getting 400 cardio this week!!.

    Congratulations everyone!!
  • Gambrell104
    Gambrell104 Posts: 282 Member
    that was a super tough episode!:sad:
  • kmoirecavender
    kmoirecavender Posts: 91 Member
    I sure don't feel worthy of MVP....but thank you. Everyone here is so awesome! I feel honored to be in this group, in this challenge. With the end drawing near, I don't know, maybe it was last night's episode...but I feel sad, like I am saying goodbye to friends soon..:cry: This dang apocolypspe is getting emotional!!!!!!!!!!!

    Oh, and one more thing....can I change my final goal to learning HOW to spell apocolypse???? :tongue:
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    I sure don't feel worthy of MVP....but thank you. Everyone here is so awesome! I feel honored to be in this group, in this challenge. With the end drawing near, I don't know, maybe it was last night's episode...but I feel sad, like I am saying goodbye to friends soon..:cry: This dang apocolypspe is getting emotional!!!!!!!!!!!

    Oh, and one more thing....can I change my final goal to learning HOW to spell apocolypse???? :tongue:

    Apocalypse - I have to use spell check all the time.
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    Team Beth - your new challenge has been posted.
  • maphammonds
    maphammonds Posts: 362 Member
    Good job Kimoire! I've really enjoyed this challenge - and this group of ladies I'm doing it with!
    We're in the home stretch :)
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Leader board has been updated here:
    Glenn and Maggie will be choosing the punishment this week. What's nice is there has been a different winner every week so far. Congrats to all the MVPs and have a great week everyone. Hoping to see some reunions in the next few episodes.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Punishment has been decided. Glenn and Maggie would like everyone to do a 60 second plank, 3 times this week.
  • TiffytVS
    TiffytVS Posts: 71 Member
    Congratulations, kmoiregreen on MVP! And maphammonds I hope all goes well with the surgery!

    I just watched the episode. Yeah, I need to process.
  • TiffytVS
    TiffytVS Posts: 71 Member
    And congratulations, Gambrell on meeting your goal!! That's so exciting!

    Also, question about the challenge. Do 60 minutes of our strength have to be combat training or 60 of our cardio or either?
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    And congratulations, Gambrell on meeting your goal!! That's so exciting!

    Also, question about the challenge. Do 60 minutes of our strength have to be combat training or 60 of our cardio or either?

    60 min of your strength has to be combat training.
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    Alright, its too quiet in here - were is Team Beth??? Just cause she was kidnapped doesn't mean you were!!!
  • Gambrell104
    Gambrell104 Posts: 282 Member
    Im here....just sore has weight training teacher yest and she kicked our butts!
  • TiffytVS
    TiffytVS Posts: 71 Member
    I have been slammed at work this week, and I just realized I'm supposed to go camping Friday and Saturday, so I won't have those days to catch up in my numbers. Would it be okay if I bowed out this week? I don't want to bring the team down. :frown:
  • kmoirecavender
    kmoirecavender Posts: 91 Member
    Good Morning!

    It has been quiet in here! I was MIA a day or two visiting my daughter. Been feeling worn out lately! I took in a bit more carbs yesterday hoping that might help. Has anyone heard from MarieAmethyst lately? It is not like her to disappear!!! Where are you???

    So far one of my days I went over in calories, and one day I didn't go over but it was pretty much a no nutrition, liquid calories I won't meet my nutritional goals this week. I am planning on meeting the exercise goals though. I am still having neck problems, so I continue to work my legs really hard, but not so much on upper extremeties. I do have a MD appointment tomorrow and I am hoping they give me a medrol dose pack to get the nerve inflammation down finally!

    How is everyone else doing? Tiffy...lucky you on the camping trip! I love camping, but haven't been in quite some time! Have tons of fun!

    A highlight I forgot to mention, when I visited my daughter....she thought I looked much slimmer! Yay! funny that my jeans aren't really fitting any better yet though:grumble:

    Go Team Beth!
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    I have been slammed at work this week, and I just realized I'm supposed to go camping Friday and Saturday, so I won't have those days to catch up in my numbers. Would it be okay if I bowed out this week? I don't want to bring the team down. :frown:

    You dont think those two days of camping will get your cardio in? Or is it the strength training you think you wont reach your minimum. You have a great team that would probably be willing to cover you if you asked them to.

    My team covered me last week. I was just to blaaah to get all of my totals.

    Kmoiregreen - Isnt it great when others notice what you dont?!! Thats exciting. :bigsmile: Good luck at the DR, hopefully you will get great results.