Where is everyone?? Ghost Town Group...



  • Shanahoo
    Shanahoo Posts: 32 Member
    Okay, since nearly everyone except me is in Lean phase, I have a couple questions now that I've done all 3 Push circuits.

    1) did anyone adjust their caloric goals for the month? During PC3 today Chalene asked if anyone finds they just can't feed themselves enough food? The past two days I feel like I'm STARVING. My daily limit based on TDEE -10% is 1677. I've been concentrating on my protein macro, but I'm HUNGRY!!! And can't believe I ever made it through most of my weight loss journey eating 1200.

    2) The single leg sumo. I find this incredibly awkward. I can't keep my weight on the one side without bending too far to that side, and then my knee travels over my toe. If I try and adjust I end up putting weight on my non-squatting leg and then my calf gets sore! Is there a trick to this exercise?

    I am still in Push! For a few more days, anyway. I have been crazy hungry this month, to the point that I kind of gave up on logging for a while and just fed myself what I felt like I needed-- same healthy foods, not junk, but larger portions. I found that snacking more helped. I usually try to go 3-4 hours between meals/snacks but this month I added more snacks so I was eating SOMETHING every 2 hours.

    I feel you on the single leg sumo, that move is such a joke. If there is a trick, I haven't found it.