Daily Check In



  • Peppah7
    Peppah7 Posts: 64 Member
    Woohoo, Wednesday! & I have the day off, thank God! I did the 6am bootcamp class today. Love going in the morning & getting it done! I got to visit with my dear friend of 16 years who goes in the mornings & otherwise I don't see often, so great to catch up. I may just do a double today & go to my regular 6pm too!

    Have been ravenous lately, so staying at goal has been a challenge, but not freaking out if I go a bit over the top. Figure I should listen to my body. The "diets are fattening" blog lady says to ask yourself (I say at halfway & 3/4 through "meal") "could I be done" & if so, save for later. Only eat when hungry & stop when the hunger is quiet.

    I hope to accomplish a lot today. Off to a good start, with the class, one errand & big grocery shop out of the way!

    Everyone sounds fantastic, glad y'all are here! :happy:
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Doing laundry today & hangin' it out in the back yard (the laundry, not me, lol).
    Due to a 'tummy incident' last afternoon/evening, I have lost more weight (129 now :noway: ) so have to up my eating a bit to compensate. I think the cause may have been 'vegan protein smoothie made with water - left in hot car for 3 hours before consumption...' Spent a bit of extra time on the porcelain throne.
    Shake tasted OK at the time. I did get a lot of extra hydration during & after, having 12 cups of water yesterday & a couple extra this morning Hydration levels show as fairly high on my scale, so that's a plus.

    Probably going to Aquacize outdoors tonight, if I feel up to it. DH likes to swim laps at the same time. I always think that the lap swimmers are laughing at our wobbly bits under the water as we kick out & jump around, lol
  • screwmenopause
    screwmenopause Posts: 170 Member
    THURSDAY IS HERE! (but it's rainy :sad: )
    started w an hour walk w a friend and just finished 3.5 run. think I will weigh myself today - could be bad :noway:
    house stuff today - meeting a colorist to select the exterior trim and shake color for our house and chat about interior colors. finally getting excited about the new digs! need to pack for up north trip too - fun fun fun!!
    more later...
  • sprintto50
    sprintto50 Posts: 410 Member
    I have had a good week, food wise. Been keeping on plan and the scale is going down, albeit slowly. I am recovering from a huge blister on my ankle caused by a bit of grit in the cuff of my ankle sock the other day when I walked/ran in the rain. Last night it required some home surgery before it popped on it's own accord. I ran this morning even though it was somewhat painful, even though it was double bandaided.

    It's a lovely sunny day here and I plan on reading in the park on my lunch, and hopefully helping DH finish our desk and a fence repair after work tonight. I believe hefting deck boards qualifies as strength training.

    Even though I live in northern climes, my veggie gardens are growing well. It's all the rain. I am going to have to hill my 11 potato plants this weekend. It's the first time I planted potatoes so any tips from experienced growers would be appreciated.

    Have a great Thursday everyone. Remember that even if you fall on your face, you are still making forward progress. So keep on.
  • josparkle
    josparkle Posts: 141 Member
    Remember that even if you fall on your face, you are still making forward progress. So keep on.
    I like this.

    No tips for potatoes I'm afraid, except for remember where you planted them - we still get some cropping and haven't planted any new ones this last two years!

    Back is finally starting to feel a bit better, not entirely twinge free but I think I can resume my longer distance walks tomorrow without making it worse. It has felt like a very long week with that sort of one-step-forward, one-step-back but the scales are responding downward. I saw a number on them this morning that I'm a little surprised (but delighted) at but it was a hot night so I'm not logging it until I'm sure its a real weight ie. I see it again in a couple of days time, and not just dehydration. I certainly downed my morning 1/2 litre water without a second's thought.

    So on to the weekend ladies - I hope you all have great ones.
  • Peppah7
    Peppah7 Posts: 64 Member
    Happy Friday! Staying focused, but not seeing much result on the scale... I do feel stronger. I don't seem to be craving sweets as much as I used to. Thinking of changing my activities a bit, maybe adding some swimming.

    I have mainly focused on my calorie goal, but I'm thinking I need to pay more attention to the breakdown. Not sure where my default goal came from & maybe it needs some tweaking. It's 55% carb, 20% FAT & 15% protein. I haven't been following, as I get much less from carb & more from protein.

    Please share any insights or resources for what these ratios should be. I have heard of certain grams of protein per pound & total limits on carbs... Would love some feedback.

    My 19 YO returns to university for Summer B session on June 30. Been great having him home, but he does need some structure, otherwise he is doing NOTHING, sigh.. what a life! Excited for him to be back in student mode. The younger one will be a HS senior in fall. Senior portraits next week! Summer is really flying by!

    I wish everyone strength and focus & a fabulous weekend, cheers! :drinker:
  • screwmenopause
    screwmenopause Posts: 170 Member
    . Remember that even if you fall on your face, you are still making forward progress. So keep on.

    oooooo I love that too!

    no tips on potatoes either :(
    JOSPARKLE - glad you feel better!
    PEPPAH - I try to keep my total grams of carbs to 100grams or less. that seems to help me with water retention (having less of it)

    great WO for me this morning. day to be spent on packing for our trip tomorrow. yippee!
    I will check in over the next couple weeks but may not post as much. though I am going to try for my normal pattern :)

    off to pack pack pack!
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Please share any insights or resources for what these ratios should be. I have heard of certain grams of protein per pound & total limits on carbs... Would love some feedback.

    I wish everyone strength and focus & a fabulous weekend, cheers! :drinker:

    Re: protein 0.5g per pound of body weight is sufficient but you will have no problem upping it to 1g. Anywhere in there is fine, no need for more than that as it's just a waste of money, but it's very easy to get more than that, the AVERAGE N.American gets 1.7g/lb Total limits on carbs depends on how insulin resistant you are & how well your pancreas works. Some people must go as low as 50-80g net carbs/day (at least to lose). I am maintaining fine without stresses on 100-150g net carbs/day. The trick of course is to make sure the carbs you are getting have a fair bit of fibre and rather less of sugars (even natural ones). I am always 1/2 of my suggested sugars on MFP diary and usually over on suggested fibre grams. I am maintaining at 1600 baseline calories, I usually eat about 2/3 to 3/4 of my workout calories back. After the tummy incident earlier this week and dropping to 129 lbs, I have managed to get back to goal of 132 - pleased!

    Go for it on the weekend, all! :bigsmile:
  • josparkle
    josparkle Posts: 141 Member
    Well the end of last week left me feeling washed out - had both boys off sick from school by the end of Friday and interrupted sleep Thurs, Fri & Sat from DS2 who was finding it hard to settle. I'm definitely too old for those broken nights.

    So I wasn't full of joy when OH decided this was the weekend to clear out garden sheds and the garage. I know it needed doing but his projects have a nasty habit of becoming my projects when he runs out of time etc. I have spent the entire weekend moving stuff, emptying and refilling storage spaces, cooking and washing my hands. We cleared out masses but it doesn't really look much better. Ah well surely all that lifting will have made up for cutting my walks short.

    Chicken kebabs on Saturday night with onion, red pepper, mushrooms, slices of ginger and courgettes - marinated in lemon juice and oregano and served with couscous and non-fat tzatziki. Lovely.

    And back on my walks today - busy week with prep for the School Summer Fair on Saturday - lots of stomping around should burn a few cals. Have a great week everyone.
  • sprintto50
    sprintto50 Posts: 410 Member
    I had a really busy day yesterday. Cleaned house, took the dog for a 45 minute walk, then had some lunch and showered and got ready to go to a Celebration of Life for my BFF's Dad. Some time at their cottage (so tough) then home and off for another walk with a girlfriend. I ended up having a Harvey's cheeseburger and fries for dinner at 8:00. Put away all the clean laundry, made muffins for DH's lunches, then I made my lunch for today then pretty much went to bed. No wonder I am tired today. But I did get my walk in this morning and the scale is down another .1 pounds. I am trying to lose 1/2 a pound a week but it's hard to be patient with that pace. I have to remember that I have only a few pounds to go before I am at a good weight for me.
  • josparkle
    josparkle Posts: 141 Member
    I am trying to lose 1/2 a pound a week but it's hard to be patient with that pace. I have to remember that I have only a few pounds to go before I am at a good weight for me.

    Yay for downward trends. Sounds like a mentally tough day yesterday; hope you're being kind to yourself today.
  • jreneecal
    jreneecal Posts: 118 Member
    Sorry I dropped out for awhile just been busy and only had time for logging. Back to day two since I got home after midnight the other night and logged in late, oh well. Hope everyone has a great week. I've been struggling need to get back on track.
  • screwmenopause
    screwmenopause Posts: 170 Member
    Up north and loving it - well, loving the getaway part - it's kinda like fall up here right now .....cloudy and mid 60's . Argh. Was hoping for Lake Michigan beach time. Oh well, girls and I will enjoy it despite mother natures bad calls.

    JOSPARKLE - I know for a fact "stomping around " burns calories. :)
    JRENEECAL - you're here and back on track. Yeah girl!!
    SPRINTTO50- So close to your goal - that's awesome!!
    CANADJINEH- I want to be you ;) ....I want to struggle to keep weight on ;0)

    getting in some good exercise w. my DD's. we have been running and walking. Going to hit the dunes to do some hiking this week. Either today or tomorrow going for a 30 mile bike ride - even at a leisurely pace it will burn off a good amount of calories. We do indulged in ice cream when on vacation. Still tracking erything. It's shocking to see what the calories are in those scoops! But compensating by eating light at dinner - we made a great veggie stirfry last night and then watched the Bacholrolette. :).
    Off to plan our day!
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Mornin' gals... today it's World Cup for my morning (spending it at mum & dad's place watching TV, lol) - Italy & Uruguay - a very important game! Then off to do errands and take in the recycling with dad. I'll get a bit of walking around done but not much in the way of exercise really. Oh well, yesterday was Aquacize and I pushed it hard. My triceps, glute medialis and abs are feeling it a bit today.
    Windy & cloudy, and calling for a storm, not surprised since its been 30C here the past couple of days. Makes it hard for my DH to work - he leaves at some gawdawful dawn hour to get to the jobsite and get 'er done before it gets too hot and the glass just steams. (Professional Window Cleaner). I don't even get up with him anymore he just sneaks out of bed silently, and then next thing I know he's waking me up for a little kiss and goodbye :smooched: . I feel kinda bad, but I'm just too sleepy at that time of the morning. Of course he goes to bed at 9 pm, sometimes even 8:30 and that's a tad too early for me. During busy season we hardly see each other except on Sunday. Winter makes up for it, though. He's off from December to mid March. Then I see him everyday, all day... and sometimes THAT makes me feel kinda bad, (grrrr- grating sound of 'getting on nerves'). lol:grumble: He can be like a child - always needing a busy project to keep him from being bored. But in the meantime, I miss him during the week.

    "CANADJINEH- I want to be you ;) ....I want to struggle to keep weight on ;0) " :laugh: It isn't always like that...
  • deetee6718
    deetee6718 Posts: 70 Member
    Good day all, just to let you know I'm still around, busy planning for our move so have been out of touch. Just know I'm reading the log daily and tracking food but no precision in my food logs just trying to stay in the habit. Once things settle down I will perfect my eating plan and get serious about losing some pounds. So many things to do when moving out of province like changing all utilities, doctors, dentists, house & car insurance, banks etc. its mind boggling. Told my kids I'm not doing this again, next time it will be their problem LOL!!!
  • josparkle
    josparkle Posts: 141 Member
    Hi all midweek here and was so busy yesterday with making cakes - stilletto cupcakes (cupcakes that look like shoes), knicker cookies (biscuits that look like bottoms in pants) and a Mockingjay Hunger Games cakes - that I forgot to weigh. Not only did all the cakes come out perfectly but today revealed 1and 1/2lb loss on the scales too. Yay.

    And people are starting to notice my weight loss in a positive way. Till now I've had a couple of 'you're looking well' comments but today I had a couple of really supportive statements that really helped, not that I need others' approval particularly - this is for me - but it was nice all the same.

    Hope you're all having a good week. I'm juggling too much this week so food is not a priority which is good as I'm not thinking about it but bad as I need to just grab stuff and that's not as easy to do. Spent a useful 30 mins yesterday chopping veg sticks and making a couple of dips to try and help sort that need so hope that will work.

    Jealous of those having holidays - would love a break, still only a few more weeks till the summer holidays.
  • jreneecal
    jreneecal Posts: 118 Member
    Sounds like a lot of us are so busy that we are just hanging in there! I've been checking the posts but have only been just logging mostly, busy with work, children and grandchildren I even missed a day logging so have started over on day one. Glad to see everyone is doing well.
    josparkle your cakes and cookies sound so cute! bet they are great too. glad to hear about your weight loss, big thumbs up!
    Have a terrific day everyone.
  • josparkle
    josparkle Posts: 141 Member
    Another busy day but another good one foodwise and even a little exercise though as I was on my feet all day and busy there was probably more than I have been able to log as formal exercise. Anyway, hope you're all doing well out there whatever you're doing.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Here's your laugh for the day, gals:
    I went to a lovely pot luck for my outdoor Aquacize class last night and it was hot & beautiful out, the food was healthy & amazing home made flavours of bruschetta, a fresh avocado salsa (not guacamole - something very different). All natural, gluten free Krumbleez seed 'crackers', freshly picked local strawberries, tasty meats & cheeses, fresh veggies, etc.

    Then we all got into the water to go thru some new moves and 'burn off' our dinner. Fifteen minutes into the class, there was an 'incident' at the shallow end involving a small child who was having too much fun to get out of the pool & head to the bathroom. General evacuation from the pool ordered by the guards and closure as it had to be chlorine shocked and then rebalanced before the morning. *Sigh* so much for the workout... I've worked at a pool before so I know the signs that 'something' has happened when the guards all start to whisper to each other quickly and run around the pool edge. No one ever owns up to the accident and the public isn't actually told much about the situation, just that the pool must be closed due to chemical levels. Which is true, but they don't tell you why the chemical levels have to be high...lol

    Today, I'm getting my eyelashes tinted and my friend is getting legs waxed (free since my SIL is doing a spa esthetics course and she has her tests next week - last minute practice). Next Wednesday is bikini wax and eyebrow tinting for me. I don't expect a whole lot of exercise will happen today, and will try to plan good food for myself...
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Today, I'm getting my eyelashes tinted and my friend is getting legs waxed (free since my SIL is doing a spa esthetics course and she has her tests next week - last minute practice). Next Wednesday is bikini wax and eyebrow tinting for me. I don't expect a whole lot of exercise will happen today, and will try to plan good food for myself...

    Spent the whole day pretty much watching friends get waxed (legs, brows, 'staches - we're at that age, lol) then the tinting went amazingly well as I have very long but blond eyelashes which disappear w/o mascara GENERALLY. Now, I actually can see my long lashes without having to put makeup on - great for the beach because I hate having to wear waterproof mascara all the time.
    Sooo, no exercise, but I did eat according to my plan (I brought lunch since she was working for free :wink:) and tonight is a carb night, so probably pasta with a good Bolognese sauce & added veggies in it.