Post your daily workouts here.



  • Smirnoff65
    Smirnoff65 Posts: 1,060 Member
    Rest day today but will hit the gym again tomorrow.
  • 1013carl
    1013carl Posts: 376 Member
    Yay Me.... I made it to the fitness center today. It turned out to be after work but I got there.

    Starting off slow to learn the Equip. I just did the treadmill. It's a nice Precor with HR, monitor, a personal TV and music hook up for phones and ear buds... I did a 60 minute 3.5 mile walk and burned 450 Calories. Average HR=135 and Peak HR was 152.

    So, that a good day and I plan on having many more!
  • aseymour13
    aseymour13 Posts: 768 Member
    Great workouts you two!!! Where did everyone else go? Anyway - was not feeling well yesterday afternoon so only got a bit of a walk in. Better today I'm glad to say. Going to be over 100' so I'm probably going to be figuring out something indoors after work.
  • Smirnoff65
    Smirnoff65 Posts: 1,060 Member
    Nice Carl, start off slow till you get the hang of the machines, treadmill is fantastic for walking especially if you hike the incline up on it, that will keep your heart rate nice and high though going by your average and maximum heart rate you already had a nice burn going on. It can get very tedious show try listening to music, watching TV anything that will stop you from looking at that clock on it going so slow lol,

    Had a great workout myself, new personal best of running 10k without stopping

  • ketowerdefense
    ketowerdefense Posts: 397 Member
    I can finally post on this section of the group!

    I bit the bullet and joined a GoodLife this past week, as there is a womens-only club near my new office. Thursday I attended my first group fitness class since highschool, Friday I had a fitness analysis (which, tbh, didn't really tell me anything that I didn't already know about my health), and this morning I dragged myself out of my very comfortable bed and got my *kitten* kicked by a cardio combat class.
  • 1013carl
    1013carl Posts: 376 Member
    I can finally post on this section of the group!

    I bit the bullet and joined a GoodLife this past week, as there is a womens-only club near my new office. Thursday I attended my first group fitness class since highschool, Friday I had a fitness analysis (which, tbh, didn't really tell me anything that I didn't already know about my health), and this morning I dragged myself out of my very comfortable bed and got my *kitten* kicked by a cardio combat class.
    ketowerdefense.... there are no restrictions to posting in this topic.... Just list daily whatever exercise you do... sharing with others here is the purpose.

    Oh and check you out, giving up the comforts!.... that will help you get to your fitness goal!

    Good Luck,
    Carl -
  • 1013carl
    1013carl Posts: 376 Member
    Got a decent ride in this morning.... 2 hrs. and 22 miles!

    Missed the gym yesterday but will work to do better next week!

    Now more chores around the house!

    Carl -
  • aseymour13
    aseymour13 Posts: 768 Member
    Well done everyone!
    Smirnoff - you are just a showoff!! :tongue:
    Got a bit of walking in earlier and my circuit training. Figuring out what my workouts are going to be and when I can get them in next week. I think I'll be ok eating wise.

    Let's go get em the second half of the month all!
  • Smirnoff65
    Smirnoff65 Posts: 1,060 Member
    Smirnoff - you are just a showoff!! :tongue:

    lol if you've got it....flaunt it!!

    Nice gym session this morning after work, this is my last night in work tonight so will hit the gym again in the morning and this will be my last for just over a week, I will however make sure I do lots of brisk walking while I am on holiday, I just hope I am able to log in every day as I would hate to lose my streak again.
  • 1013carl
    1013carl Posts: 376 Member
    Day 2 at the gym today.... another good walk just like day one! I'm going to enjoy this.!

    Carl -
  • Smirnoff65
    Smirnoff65 Posts: 1,060 Member
    Gym session completed and most of it done with a red face :blushing: I walked in as usual after work this morning, signed in and walked in to the changing rooms only to find a number of women in there, I beat a very hasty retreat and found that they had switched the gents and ladies changing rooms over for today because there are guys painting in the ladies. They had put a big sign at the entrance explaining this and I hadn't noticed Doh!! I'm very glad to say that none of the ladies were in a state of undress as that would have been really too embarrassing :blushing: :blushing:
  • rezekiel
    rezekiel Posts: 209 Member
    Hey All,
    My physiotherapist gave me the green light last night to start up my bootcamp again, so today I had my first class in over 2 months. I hate having to start back from scratch, I feel like a novice, but at least I'm able to go again. I had no back pain, but I had to make some modifications for my knee. I hope a few more sessions of physio will get the leg where it needs to be. So happy to be working out again! :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:

    oops almost forgot, 1 hour of muay thai bootcamp.
  • zippytippy
    zippytippy Posts: 4 Member
    Today I did a kickbox class, walked 30 minutes, and swam 500 yards freestyle
  • 1013carl
    1013carl Posts: 376 Member
    I got to the gym again yesterday and got a 45 minute walk on the treadmill in. I plan on getting there gain today!
  • bizgirl26
    bizgirl26 Posts: 1,808 Member
    That is great Carl. I wasnt sure if I was rejoining my gym but it turn out that my daughter is dancing 2 nights / week right beside my old gym and it doesnt make sense to go home in between so I am rejoining come October. My hip has been bothering me for ovwe a week, heck this getting old sucks, 1 month to my Zombie Run ready or not
  • bizgirl26
    bizgirl26 Posts: 1,808 Member


    I am just saying ..... if everyone looked like this at the gym I would get there more often :blushing:
  • rezekiel
    rezekiel Posts: 209 Member
    Did a 50 minute muay thai bootcamp class, had to do a lot of modifications for my knee and still had to ice it when i got home.
  • 1013carl
    1013carl Posts: 376 Member
    rezekiel, your workouts always amaze me! Careful not to push yourself to the point of injury!

    buzgirl.. Keep your eyes on the prize..... :laugh:

    I should have a decent week of workouts this coming week.... Hope all of you do too!

    Carl -
  • rezekiel
    rezekiel Posts: 209 Member
    Sunday: Did a 1hour muay thai bootcamp class (still massive modifications, no jumping, tried jogging portion -can't do it, but able to do squats, pushups, etc.)
    Monday: 1 hour muay thai class, 10 000 steps (50 mins physio)
  • rezekiel
    rezekiel Posts: 209 Member
    Sunday: Did a 1hour muay thai bootcamp class (still massive modifications, no jumping, tried jogging portion -can't do it, but able to do squats, pushups, etc.)
    Monday: 1 hour muay thai class, 10 000 steps (50 mins physio)
    Tuesday: 1 hour muay thai class; my knee is really paying for this one. :cry:
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