Post your daily workouts here.



  • rezekiel
    rezekiel Posts: 209 Member
    Sunday: Did a 1hour muay thai bootcamp class (still massive modifications, no jumping, tried jogging portion -can't do it, but able to do squats, pushups, etc.)
    Monday: 1 hour muay thai class, 10 000 steps (50 mins physio)
    Tuesday: 1 hour muay thai class; my knee is really paying for this one. cry
    Wednesday: Terry Fox walk 5km
  • Smirnoff65
    Smirnoff65 Posts: 1,060 Member
    Done a large amount of walking on holiday but very little running as my wife was with me and she had a chest infection that was really annoying her anytime we started to run at all so just stuck to the walking. Heading to the gym today for my first session in over a week so really looking forward to it.
  • rezekiel
    rezekiel Posts: 209 Member
    Sunday: Did a 1hour muay thai bootcamp class (still massive modifications, no jumping, tried jogging portion -can't do it, but able to do squats, pushups, etc.)
    Monday: 1 hour muay thai bootcamp class, 10 000 steps (50 mins physio)
    Tuesday: 1 hour muay thai bootcamp class; my knee is really paying for this one. cry
    Wednesday: Terry Fox walk 5km
    Thursday: 1 hour muay thai bootcamp class
  • Smirnoff65
    Smirnoff65 Posts: 1,060 Member
    Had a good session in the gym yesterday but boy do I feel stiff and some DOMS today, will be back at it again tomorrow morning after work.
  • rezekiel
    rezekiel Posts: 209 Member
    Sunday: Did a 1hour muay thai bootcamp class (still massive modifications, no jumping, tried jogging portion -can't do it, but able to do squats, pushups, etc.)
    Monday: 1 hour muay thai bootcamp class, 10 000 steps (50 mins physio)
    Tuesday: 1 hour muay thai bootcamp class; my knee is really paying for this one. cry
    Wednesday: Terry Fox walk 5km
    Thursday: 1 hour muay thai bootcamp class
    Friday: 1 hour muay thai bootcamp class
  • aseymour13
    aseymour13 Posts: 768 Member
    Hi all. Had an ok week but not a great one. Was really tired from all my travel and work was crazy from being out. My hip was really sore and I have no idea why other than sitting on too many airplanes for too long. I did a lot of walking this week but not much else. Did do some strength work to keep up. Plan to relax and recover mostly this weekend so I can get at it next week again.
  • Smirnoff65
    Smirnoff65 Posts: 1,060 Member
    Finished work on Saturday morning but did not go to the gym as planned as I was really tired as I had been on my feet for 22 hours, went home and went to bed instead, had 5 hours sleep then got up and hit the gym for a good cardio session, also had a good walk/run with Rosie along the river on Sunday afternoon. Will be at the gym today where I will be starting a weights plan that I will be doing this for the next 12 weeks;

    Stage 1 (week 1 - 4)
    Monday - Workout A
    Thursday Workout A

    Workout A
    Squats - Sets 2 ~ Reps -10
    Bench Press - Sets 2 ~ Reps - 10
    Deadlift - Sets - 2 ~ Reps - 10
    Barbell Row - Sets - 2 ~ Reps - 10
    Military Press - Sets -2 ~ Reps -10
    Skullcrushers - Sets -2 ~ Reps - 10
    Dumbbell Curls - Sets - 2 ~ Reps - 10
    Seated Calf Raises - Sets - 2 ~ Reps - 10
    Sit-ups - Sets - 2 ~ Reps - 10

    This then changes on weeks 5 - 8 to three days per week with additional work outs that I will post up closer to the time.I got this from an app on my smartphone called GYMG, it's a free app (though it does have annoying ads on it) you can find this workout on it if you go in to 'Workouts' - 'Beginner' - 'How to gain mass fast' Will let you know how I get on with it and I will also continue with my cardio sessions a couple of times per week, it is going to be difficult doing this and also being on a deficit to lose these last few lbs I need to lose again.
  • 1013carl
    1013carl Posts: 376 Member
    Smirnoff, Best of luck on the new weight plan. That is certainly a switch up... Curious to see the data generated from your Polar Loop.

    I'm back at work this week and I got my walk in early today...

    Carl -
  • Smirnoff65
    Smirnoff65 Posts: 1,060 Member
    Really productive day, went to gym and started off by running 5k on the treadmill then done my weights workout that I listed above, finished off with 20 mins on the eliptical, then took Rosie out for a 4.5 mile walk tonight down by the river. Feel a bit stiff now and I'm sure I'll have DOMS tomorrow but was definitely an enjoyable day.

    @Carl.... Polar Loop is still going strong and I try to get in at least 10k steps every day but on days like today with a walk and a gym session I would be around 20k, great motivational tool and I find myself deliberately going for walks even if I'm in work just to hit my 10k target
  • 1013carl
    1013carl Posts: 376 Member
    I got a 60 minutes walk in at the gym today! all is go for tomorrow too!
  • aseymour13
    aseymour13 Posts: 768 Member
    Morning everyone. I actually got a lot of walking in yesterday. Back to my workouts with the trainer tonight - YAY! Hope to get home in time to get some walking in too.

    Carl - a thought since we are starting a new month. You can start a completely new thread for the month if you want so it doesn't get too long. Doesn't really matter but just thought I would throw that out there
  • aseymour13
    aseymour13 Posts: 768 Member
    Really productive day, went to gym and started off by running 5k on the treadmill then done my weights workout that I listed above, finished off with 20 mins on the eliptical, then took Rosie out for a 4.5 mile walk tonight down by the river. Feel a bit stiff now and I'm sure I'll have DOMS tomorrow but was definitely an enjoyable day.

    @Carl.... Polar Loop is still going strong and I try to get in at least 10k steps every day but on days like today with a walk and a gym session I would be around 20k, great motivational tool and I find myself deliberately going for walks even if I'm in work just to hit my 10k target

    Impressive. I haven't had a chance to look in to the replacing my Fitbit yet but that's on the list - along with about a dozen other things.
  • Smirnoff65
    Smirnoff65 Posts: 1,060 Member
    Lot of stiffness and DOMS as I suspected yesterday so took it easy apart from a short walk and also doing a 200 sit-up/ 100 press-up plan that I'm doing on my phone, first night back at work tonight so will be hitting the gym in the morning for the 2nd day of my weights training this week, most of the DOMS have gone so I should be ready for this.
  • Smirnoff65
    Smirnoff65 Posts: 1,060 Member
    Completed day 2 of my new weights plan this morning and was able to increase weight on every exercise except bench press although I did do an extra couple of reps on the bp so still a gain there. Be interested to see if I have any DOMS tomorrow, feel fine now though.
  • aseymour13
    aseymour13 Posts: 768 Member
    Time to up my game! I did get a good walk in before training last night. It's close to 100' here today so probably treadmill when I get home inside!
  • Smirnoff65
    Smirnoff65 Posts: 1,060 Member
    Rest days yesterday and today apart from working very hard 12 hour shifts that is, last shift tonight so will be hitting the gym tomorrow morning after work for a pure cardio session where I hope to burn up at least 1,500 calories. Monday will be gym again for day 1, week 2 of my weights training.
  • 1013carl
    1013carl Posts: 376 Member
    Wow, It's 61 degrees here this morning. Taking the bike out and putting some miles on it!

    @ann, that's a good suggestion about the topic length. Since were a few days into this month, I'm going to let it ride for now but will create a new one next month.

    Carl -
  • aseymour13
    aseymour13 Posts: 768 Member
    Morning all. Had a really good workout on Saturday but then just got smacked with a cold - didn't see that coming. I did some minimal walking yesterday. Was really hot yesterday and we're finally supposed to get a break. Hopefully I can at least get some walking in tonight. I'm feeling better but definitely still fighting the head congestion.

    Go get em!
  • 1013carl
    1013carl Posts: 376 Member
    Today I got to walk around the lake were I work...
    90 minutes of fresh air, cool weather and sunshine.... really enjoyed it!

    Carl -
  • rezekiel
    rezekiel Posts: 209 Member
    I made it to about 45-50 minutes of my bootcamp class today. Still modifications due to my knee.
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