Exercise and Weight Loss Challenges



  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Hi folks,

    I am still here too! Congrats on the new grandbaby beth. It may not be your first but it is her first, so exciting! And WW does work. I am still plodding along upping my fiber and lessening my carbs. Pam, good to hear on the bone scan. I do not have my numbers but they said I was low density but low risk of fracture whatever that means. I am adding more calcium as I move from lactose intolerance to gluten intolerance. And I take a supplement.

    I have no idea where my weight is. I am starting on my second week in Australia and I am currently with my SIL and BIL on the boat to river house. I am trying to stay the course. Last week there was a deal of eating out but mostly Thai food so not too bad. Working on it still and my clothing still fits. Bought a new pair of shorts and they were a size smaller than I expected which was a size smaller than I worn 4 years ago. So two sizes down and I think given how they are stretched out after 3 days, I could have gone smaller still.
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    1/ 6/17-190.2
    1/12/17 - 190.0
    1/20/17 - did not weigh
    1/27/17 - 189.6
    2/3/17 - 189.2
    2/10/17 - 189.0
    2/17/17 - 187.6

    Great week for me, I stayed on track and it is starting to warm a little, I've been able to walk more outside and do more outside activities. Its suppose to be above 65 all this week, hope that this stays with us for awhile, I'm loving the warmer weather.

    Marty- congrats on the size smaller shorts. I need to get shorts for this summer, but waiting to buy a smaller size. Everyone feels great when they are able to buy a smaller size, puts a new out look on things.

    Well, off for my walk, I have been trying to stick to a 1/2 mile of walking at least twice a day, and maybe building up from there.

    Everyone have a great day, and a fantastic week. I will see you all next week. Be good and be safe. Beth

  • MapDancer
    MapDancer Posts: 246 Member
    2/17/17 134.2

    My sister and daughter both had the experience with their bathroom scales (different brands) giving widely ranging results. It turns out that storing it on the edge, to save space, seems to upset it. It is shocking to have a 5 lb gain after brushing your teeth! But after storing it flat it seems to stabilize and be consistent. Just passing it on in case anyone else has had the same experience.

    Buying smaller clothes is such a rewarding experience!! This winter is my second at my maintained size so I've had to stop myself. A few favorite, but XL items, I was able to wash and dry and shrink up to fit me now. ;)
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    hi folks,

    when I get home, I will change how I store my scale, thank you, Pam.

    I am still struggling with the GF issues. We went off for a few days to the wine area and breakfast offerings were not good for me. I have also had more sugar than usual. Trying hard to control what I can control. We are off to another SIL today and will be by a beach and in a hilly area for 2 nights before heading off on our own to a beach house rental. I am look forward to some swimming and walking the beach to try to get more exercise. The constant change of beds is draining because of poor sleep.

    I will stop complaining now since I am enjoying a holiday in Oz during their summer!

    Mango season, beautiful cheeses, lovely restaurant meals, who can resist?

    Talk soon.

  • MapDancer
    MapDancer Posts: 246 Member
    Friday 2/24: 133.8 (a low I haven't seen in awhile)
    I think I get an extra calorie burn boost with the exercise class on Thursday nights. It is a 6-week session so I'll need to re-sign up this week.

    We are having some scary warm weather in Maryland. Today it's 76-degrees. When it gets this warm in April I look for the baby snakes around the base of our poplar tree. (Note: we don't have poisonous snakes in our area) One year I even saw twins with their heads out. Well, today Hachi (my golden retriever) was sniffing something out in the yard. I went out and found a baby snake all curled up, wasn't sure if he was dead or scared. I scooped him up with a small spade and put him by the poplar tree. DH said that he was gone 30 min. later - so the snake was just as confused as we are by this weird weather!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    hi Pam,

    glad to hear of your success. as I have said before maintenance is so hard. the cheering squad disappears.

    non poisonous snakes are good. I am currently struggling with a cold and a cough in Australia. Not fair. should not happen on vacation! they have had a very wet spring and summer here. I gather than the weather is way too warm at home. Last time it happened we had not apples, grapes or other fruit crops because winter is certainly not over in Feb in Ontario so when it resumed, all the buds that were confused by the warm weather were nipped by the cold. Hopefully that will not happen this time.

    I hope the snakes are not a problem. And I am watching the snakes here; they are mostly deadly!!!!

  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    1/ 6/17-190.2
    1/12/17 - 190.0
    1/20/17 - did not weigh
    1/27/17 - 189.6
    2/3/17 - 189.2
    2/10/17 - 189.0
    2/17/17 - 187.6

    I am really happy with this loss this week, baby steps, but I am happy to see me going down even if it is a little at a time.

    Pam, Good idea about the scale, for the past week I have just kept in on the bathroom floor so it will stay level, I use to keep it under my sink on it side, never thought that the way I was storing it could make it read wrong.

    Marney, hope that your cold and cough go away soon, no you should not be able to get sick when your on vacation...Not fair...

    We had really weird weather here in Cincinnati Ohio yesterday also. Yesterday it got up to 78 and windy, but then last night we had thunderstorms and today it is windy and 46, Like we say in Cincinnati, " if you don't like the weather today, just stick around it will be different tomorrow" ...LOL ..all our flowers (and weeds) are already popping up and the trees are budding, hope the freeze doesn't get to them

    Hope everything is ok with all the other ladies that are on here. Maybe they are all waiting for Spring challenge to start up.

    Well, need to get ready. Going to spend the day with my eldest granddaughter for her birthday, can't believe that she is already 11.Time goes fast.

    Everyone have a great week, and I will see you all on here next week. Beth
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hey Marney and all, you can link into my facebook page (please friend me) at https://www.facebook.com/gayle.bodine.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    Pam, I love your fiber arts! Especially tickled by your blissful frog. Looking forward to taking more time to look at all.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    A new challenge starts this coming Friday, March 3rd, as our last challenge ends. This challenge will go from March 3rd until May 5th. Please talk about your successes and challenges related to the current challenge as well as your goals for the new challenge.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    hi ladies,

    I am still coughing but getting better. Slept last night without cough medicine but still out on the couch. We have had heavy rain off and on every day we have been in our little cottage by the beach so no long beach trips or any golf at all. But we have walked on the beach and have been swimming a few times.

    Oysters, pawns and fish have been on the diet list too so all is not 'poor little me' but I am tired of being sick.

    New challenge for me is hard because I am away until the middle of April and that means not always in control of what is in front of me. However, I am trying to hold the line, eat well and get as much exercise as I can. The overall goal for this challenge for me is to hold the line.

  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    Glad you are feeling some better Marney! Do your best!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    11/27/16: did not weigh
    12/03/16: 195.9
    12/10/16: did not weigh
    12/17/16: 194.9
    12/25/16: 194
    12/31/16: 194.3
    1/06/17: 193.7 Yeah!
    Just realized that I did not post my weight throughout the last challenge. So I'm back after a 9 week absence. I guess I could do:
    did not weigh
    3/03/17: 201.3 (gained 7.6)
    I've been doing a lot of comfort eating, eating second servings, not making smart choices.

    Goals for this challenge: record meals, walk around the nearby lake as often as I can, continue to move forward with my goals rather than trying to recapture where I WAS. Realizing there is no power in trying to recapture the past--but there is power in setting goals for the future and making choices consistent with those goals. Would like to feel better, more energetic, healthier, stronger. Set on getting back to the low 90's but would not refuse the 80's either. But know what I need to do, bottom line, is move my body and record my food.
    Good luck to all!
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    Starting off on a new goal...loss 3.8 last challenge

    Starting this challenge with staying the same as last week. Challenging myself to continue exercises, (now that its getting warm I can walk more), drinking my water, and continue with my more fiber and protein intake, also going to join the line dancing class over at my senior center. This all seems to be helping, little at a time, but little is better than none.

    Good Luck to us all, and everyone take care and I will see you next week.

    3/4/17 - 186.0

  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    3/03/17: 201.3
    3/10/17: 198.7
    Started with an acupuncturist, I think it might help. Next Monday I will start with senior yoga. Acupuncturist thinks it's problem with spleen and thyroid. Good to be working on it, wish it was a quick fix. Have a couple of lake walking buddies but need to get out there. Daffodils blooming, in the 60's and 70's here.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    well done Gayle!

    Finally I have reliable internet at least for 2 days but I dropped my pad thimy 2 days ago and it has a cracked screen, now. Still functional but it has some new 'problems'. There is a new computer in my future I think.
    We are now in an 1840's house; a beautiful B&B. A 2 hour drive north of Hobart. we have had 2 sunny days here. Lovely. We went to Wineglass Bay, part of a national park here, and walked our legs off. So, since I last talked to you, rain in our little cottage, no golf and a lot of coughing. Then 2 days in Sydney with rain but got a hair cut. The a flight to Hobart and 2 days with family there with a great deal of grocery shopping for everyone's needs. We are seen as the problem because of Peter's diabetes and my gluten free but you know if you add in a total aversion to spice of any kind, vegetarian from two others and a problem with fat for a 4th, I am not sure that we are the only problem ones! Families, what would we do without them! My other problem was a concentration from one to find gluten free granola (something I don't eat because of high calorie) and asking every baked goods shop (and there are a lot of them) for gluten free items (I keep saying, I don't eat sweets). But we are now on our own up the coast for a few days. Hard eating out, A good deal of fish and chips.

    I am not yet well but much improved. And still holding the line I think.

  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    3/4/17 - 186.0
    3/11/17 - 185.0

    Did better than I thought!

    Marney - that 1840's house sounds cozy, looks like you are having a great time.

    Cold again today 36, Thursday it was in the 70's, all the flowers are blooming, hope we don't have a frost to kill them all.

    You all have a good week, and I look forward in seeing how everyone does. Beth
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    hi @gmabethof3 and everyone else,

    still here in Tassie with internet available some times. don't get to a scale until next Wednesday. doing a lot of walking up and down the hills of Hobart so hopefully doing OK in the weight department.

    I hope everyone else is getting it done!

  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    3/03/17: 201.3
    3/10/17: 198.7
    3/18/17: 197.6
    Have returned to my two day a week "fast" which is what really helped me lose that initial 50. Have not started lake walks or yoga but at least the scale is better. Not following the 5/2 calories but doing two days of liquids (smoothies, soup, etc.). Think it might be something I can do ongoingly. A little loss does help the spirits, doesn't it? Supposed to be 80 today and tomorrow. I put away my snow shovel but that's just asking for it, isn't it. Plenty snowy Easter days here in the past.
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    3/4/17 - 186.0
    3/11/17 - 185.0
    3/19/17 - 190.0

    As you can see, did not have a good week when it came to my diet. Went on a trip to Dublin Ohio last Thursday and Friday for St. Patrick's Day Celebration, and going to another Irish Resturant tomorrow with the senior group, so you know I'm eating good..., but now I am paying for it...Tuesday it is back to the drawing board...LOL

    Gayle, going to have to try your fast, maybe that will help me.

    Marney, Good that you are doing all of that walking, getting warmer here finally, and now I can do more walking.

    Well, I look forward in seeing you all back here next week, hope that I have done better. Everyone have a great week and I hope that it is getting warm where you are....Beth