Exercise and Weight Loss Challenges



  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    11/27/16: did not weigh
    12/03/16: 195.9
    12/10/16: did not weigh
    12/17/16: 194.9
    12/25/16" 194
    Happy Holidays All! Only two weeks left in the holiday challenge. Nice to celebrate but will be glad to leave Holiday cookies behind. I need a bit more gingerbread though. Been saved from some excesses since the rent stole Christmas, so to speak, so broke what with movers and deposits and the like. But looking forward to a Healthy New Year! Hang in there everyone!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Nov 4: 164
    Nov 11: 164
    Nov 18: 163 (-1)
    Nov 25: 163.5 (+.5)
    Dec 2: 163.5 (no change)
    Dec 11: 163 (-.5)
    Dec 16: 162 (-1)
    Dec 23: 164 (+2)
    Dec 28: 165.5 (+1.5)

    So, over where I started in November! Hopefully temporary gains but heck ...... Holidays are fun but I have to get control again.

    I am sorry you had such a budget hit, Gayle, moving is expensive but I am so glad the stress and moving is behind you.

    I have to send some food out the door with visitors, since the visitors that brought it did not eat it all and we so concentrated on leaving the freezing rain behind that they just packed up and ran. We have two groups of 'drop ins" but I am not sure if they are coming for a meal but many they can take some treats when they go.

    Have a good week everyone!
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    11/18-did not weigh

    A little at a time, hope this is the way it goes from now on.

    Holidays are really fun, but food everywhere. Already cleaning kitchen cupboards and getting rid of things I should not eat, that has to be a good start for the New Year.

    Gayle, moving is tough and expensive. I know that you are glad that it is all over, and you will be bouncing back before you know it. Hang in there, things can only get better.

    I have been lucky this year. My daughter started having our Christmas and I was able to leave her house without left overs.. and believe me, it took a lot of will power...

    I am looking forward to a Great, Safe and Healthy New Year for everyone. So let us all raise our glass of water, and toast to a very Happy and successful New Year. :) See everyone next year LOL........Beth
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Nov 4: 164
    Nov 11: 164
    Nov 18: 163 (-1)
    Nov 25: 163.5 (+.5)
    Dec 2: 163.5 (no change)
    Dec 11: 163 (-.5)
    Dec 16: 162 (-1)
    Dec 23: 164 (+2)
    Dec 28: 165.5 (+1.5)

    Not sterling! And lost it over Christmas. Back on the wagon now. I also slept the clock round last night. I was so short of sleep, I wasn't functioning at all. I suspect that does not help the weight loss.

    Best wishes for a good new year eve, guys. We will have a regular evening at home planned. Our snowy and icy perch does not lend itself to parties.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    11/27/16: did not weigh
    12/03/16: 195.9
    12/10/16: did not weigh
    12/17/16: 194.9
    12/25/16: 194
    12/31/16: 194.3
    Hello Everyone and Happy New Year!
    I have a new neighbor (actually I'm the new neighbor) who bakes. I've certainly eaten my share of Christmas cookies. Man, the doorbell just rang and it was my neighbor with banana bread. I'm driving her to the airport early in the morning tomorrow so its her thank you. Eventually I'll start to say no. She is going to be my walking buddy too so it all works out. One more week to get back to 193.9 or better. Starting to think about my 2017 goals.
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    Good Morning Everyone, hope that you all had a great New Years Eve celebration! I stayed in and fell asleep about 930....LOL

    This New Year is a great time for a new challenge on our weight loss journey.

    Hope that 2017 is a Safe and Happy one for all !!!! :) Beth
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    Happy New Year. Envying all of you in Canada--you don't have to spend energy this year ignoring the elephant, with the orange face, in the room. Like some insane bird from hell he keeps on twittering for our attention. Focusing on the positive and contributing to liberal rights funds.
    Just beginning to recover from my move and feeling sick. Still have lots of work to do on both fronts but excited about a whole new year and new challenge (starts on the 6th for this group). Looking forward to seeing what all of you are challenging yourself with this year.
    Went to bed at midnight, after the Times Square ball dropped. Then took my neighbors to the airport at 4:30, came home and slept until 3:30 pm. So getting a late start to my first day of the year.
  • maryschwartzroby
    maryschwartzroby Posts: 160 Member

    Mon.Dec.12th -218.0
    I've been having a terrible time and it's all my fault.I lost all control over the holiday.I've been around so much food and I caved in.I weighed this morning and weighed in at 220.0
    I know what I'm doing wrong and need to set my mind on logging my food .I haven't done that for awhile.I can't blame this on anything or anyone but myself.I need to gain control of food instead of it controlling me.
    So ,here I go again.Exercised this morning for 90 minutes.4glasses of water down.Take 1 day at a time and try to make it good.
    Going out for lunch at Cheddar's with family and I will put that in my food diary.
    New year,new day.I hope everyone has a good day.
  • maryschwartzroby
    maryschwartzroby Posts: 160 Member
    Went to Cheddar's and had such a good time with my family,and I ate healthy .Ordered lemon pepper baked fish w/ginger rice and salad.Yummy.Turned down dessert.
    Such small goals.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Happy New Year all!

    Mary, it is the small goals that get this done! And sometimes the small actions make the biggest change. Good for you for enjoying things at Cheddars. I am sure that the vast majority do not eat healthy when they are there. We don't have that restaurant here that I know of but it certainly sounds as if things could go badly there.

    I really want to get the rid of the rest this year. But I think that is too large a goal so I am thinking about a more reasonable goal. All the books say that I should be able to do it all, but I know me and it is slow!!!!!
  • maryschwartzroby
    maryschwartzroby Posts: 160 Member
    I'm actually looking forward to weighing in tomorrow.I've exercised,ate healthy and logged in everyday.No candy or junk food,which is a major accomplishment.No matter what the scale shows I feel like I did everything right
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    January 6, 2017 new challenge for a new year -190.2

    I'll take this to start off the New Year!

    , Glad that you are recovering from both being sick and your move.

    Mary, Cheddars sound great, love that place, congrats on picking all the right foods, you are starting the New Year off right...

    Marney, Love the clip you have of the 4-year old explaining the problems of resolutions. Too cute, she is right...we always have plenty of moments to make things right.

    Saw a program were they we're talking about resolutions, in the programs they said that adding something that you will do, (which is positive) is better they saying things you won't do (negative). Worth a try, I am working on drinking more water, eating more salads and also eating more fiber... Let's see how this works. So far so good. Although drinking water when its cold is hard, so drinking a lot of decaf green tea instead.

    Well, so glad that the Holidays are over, don't get me wrong, I love them, but it can be a stressful time, and it is so good when they are over. Now everything is back to somewhat normal.

    Everyone have a great week, and good luck on any resolution that you made. See you all next Friday! Beth

  • maryschwartzroby
    maryschwartzroby Posts: 160 Member

    Mon.Dec.12th -218.0

    I had gotten up to 220.0 Monday .I had a LOT of fluid build up.
    This week,continued exercise,water intake and logging in.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    11/27/16: did not weigh
    12/03/16: 195.9
    12/10/16: did not weigh
    12/17/16: 194.9
    12/25/16: 194
    12/31/16: 194.3
    1/06/16: 193.7 Yeah!
    End of the Holiday Challenge, new challenge: Winter to Spring, starts today. I have not been weighing in this week, daily, as I do, so did not know what to expect this morning--but so grateful to see that I reach my goal of ending as I began, before the holidays, or better. .2 lost, lol, but did reach my goal. Got into the 200's briefly, during this time so it has not all been smooth sailing, for sure. Halfway unpacked from my move. Digging out from a snow day yesterday.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    We made it through the holidays and into the new year! I figure if you are still making yourself accountable by checking into this group you succeeded in this challenge! Looking forward to improved health and fitness in 2017! This 9 week challenge begins on January 6th and goes through March 3rd. Please state your Winter to Spring goals and ready, set, GO!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    My Winter into Spring challenges for myself: get a solid footing in the 180's and say goodbye to the 190's and worse. Drink more water. Log all my food most days. Cook more with my son and for myself rather than eating out. Establish a walking/exercise routine. Be nicer to my senior self (sometimes my senior body just disgusts me and that's not compassionate, for sure). Make art often. Continue to encourage my soon to be 20 year old son to make his own mistakes and move forward in his life.
  • maryschwartzroby
    maryschwartzroby Posts: 160 Member
    My Winter into Spring challenge:Get into the 90's.Drink more water.Exercise at least 3 times a week. Stay away from junk food,especially sweets.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Nov 4: 164
    Nov 11: 164
    Nov 18: 163 (-1)
    Nov 25: 163.5 (+.5)
    Dec 2: 163.5 (no change)
    Dec 11: 163 (-.5)
    Dec 16: 162 (-1)
    Dec 23: 164 (+2)
    Dec 28: 165.5 (+1.5)
    Jan 6: 164 (-1.5)

    Well, ladies, first, it is so good to hear from you all (except Pam, but maybe she will drop in shortly)

    And like some many of you, I ended where I began. Not sure that I am happy with that because I really did struggle to get further down and succeeded but did not hold it. However, I am happy that the Christmas season is beginning to not show as much.

    New Challenge.

    I have a bunch of New Year resolutions this year. Mostly about taking things as they come and being grateful but for this challenge, I need more specific goals.

    First goal: Relax and be grateful every day. Upon awakening, during the day and falling asleep.

    As you know I hope to leave for Australia in a few weeks. A doctor's visit still stands in the way but I think I will get there. The next 3 weeks will be really busy. So I am going to try not to stress and just take it as it comes.

    Also, Australia is more difficult with diet because we stay with others. What with my gluten and lactose problems and Peter's sugar and carb restrictions, we are awkward guests. So, my idea is to step up and make meals for our hosts more often.

    Also, Australia does not have my favourite foods and supplements. No plain lactose free yogurt just highly sugared and flavoured, no spinach, no brussel sprouts, no blueberries, no lactose free cottage cheese. No wheat free soluble fiber. Hummmm. So adaptation in diet is needed. So I will adapt without stressing!

    Second goal: keep logging

    With all the changes (I am going to say adapting that I will be doing), logging to know where I am is going to be really important both from weight loss and health. Also keeps me reading labels which I will have to do with all the different brands.

    Third goal: Exercise!
    With all that summer and fresh air and outdoor fun around me, I am going to be grateful and get out there!

    Fourth goal: Weight loss
    Well, maybe. I won't have access to a scale so I will not know. I will still check in weekly because ...... I am going to take a tape measure with me and record each week. Not as accurate but still a tracking method.

    If I am still hovering around the bottom 160's when I return, I will be happy. I hope for more.


  • maryschwartzroby
    maryschwartzroby Posts: 160 Member
    Good morning ladies.Just wanted you to know I did something major this week.I went to the Dollar Store to get a couple of things.As I was going to the check out I noticed candy was on sale.I picked up M&M's with peanuts.My thought was "my husband would really like these"..I proceed to the check out and decided I wanted a Mounds candy bar for myself.As I was waiting in line ,fortunately for me there was a line,I put all the candy back.Since I am a junk food addict,that was major.