Exercise and Weight Loss Challenges



  • MapDancer
    MapDancer Posts: 246 Member
    Today (don't even know the date!) 135.6
    Yes, I'm here, just haven't had a moment to sit a spell. It's snowing now but only expecting 1"-2".

    Mary that is a wonderful accomplishment. Reminded me of the moment that I saw myself in the glass door of the ice cream section as I contemplated getting some Klondike bars-and didn't. I think of calories like cash and I'm not going to waste them on junk. Well, occasionally I do spend a few pennies :p Actually you just saved yourself some calories and cash!

    Beth I totally agree with your comment on adding a positive resolution. Adding exercise everyday is something that MFP helped me to focus on. Years ago I had been doing 2-3x/wk treadmill etc. but obviously it wasn't enough. Once I added that to my daily schedule it became a habit and now it is a rare day that I miss.

    Marney A while back I read "In a Sunburned Country" by Bill Bryson and learned a lot about Australia - like really dangerous bugs & snakes. But no brussel sprouts? spinach? or blueberries?? He didn't mention that!

    Gayle Glad that your move is accomplished and you can settle in. Having a walking buddy makes it so enjoyable. I don't do much, if anything, on my fb page but wanted to tell you that I enjoy your bird paper collages. We've had a barred owl visiting our back yard recently - just asking to be a star! But I've started a Turtle piece in fabric and USGS map at at the moment.ma1uf77evo83.jpg

    Well, I'm off to the treadmill for 60+ minutes (see #lb. above - a bit at the top of my comfort zone).
    Happy New Year to all!

  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Wait, wait!

    Gail has art on a fb page? And so does Pam? I want to see, please!

    What a BEAUTIFUL picture of an owl. He really posed didn't he? Thanks for sharing, Pam.

    I am getting on my bike shortly to do another ride. It is getting easier.

    Spinach, they have, Pam, but it isn't really spinach, it is swiss chard. A totally different animal. Spinach is a cool climate crop and bolts in summer heat. I haven't been in 4 years so maybe they have baby spinach now.

    Brussel sprouts I have seen but they are unusual and expensive. Again, a cool climate crop and I don't think will be around in high summer.

    And blueberries. I am hoping frozen but they are really North American.

    So I will have to adjust. One of my favourite breakfasts is blueberries and yogurt. Last time they did have lactose free milk and cheese so maybe they have branched out now. It is always an adventure. Peter has found very low carb bread and very low carb beer. Much lower than we have here so he is happy.

    They do have pineapple, mangos, passionfruit and other high sugar wonderful fruits. And really good fresh fish and seafood. I will not be hard done by. Just adaptable!

    And bugs and snakes, I always watch out for! Very, very watchful at all times.


  • MapDancer
    MapDancer Posts: 246 Member
    Ah, Swiss Chard. We got a lot of it one summer when we got veggie boxes from a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture). We had never had it before. It was easiest to steam it a bit and put it on homemade pizza. My family will eat (almost) anything if it's on pizza!

    I don't post much on fb, but you can see some of my work here:
    The actual size sewer manhole lid was for a retiring engineer. I had 4 weeks to complete it before the party. On the back I had attendees sign it that night with fabric pens.
  • maryschwartzroby
    maryschwartzroby Posts: 161 Member

    Mon.Dec.12th -218.0
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    edited January 2017
    1/ 6/17-190.2
    1/12/17 - 190.0

    Every little bit helps.

    My goal for this Winter to Spring challenge is to get out of the 190's and hopefully also saying farewell to the 180"s as well. I am making myself drink more water, and doing by best to log in, I am also working hard at eating smaller portions. I do need to make myself exercise more. I found my moms old dvd of "Sweating to the Oldies", going to try them out, can't hurt, looks like fun anyway.

    Mary, Great control...I know how those candy displays near the register can get to you. Been there, done that...LOL

    Gayle and Marty, Great goals for the Winter/Summer challenge...Good Luck to us all!

    Hope to see everyone again next week, good luck on your week and remember those challenges that we all made. Hope we all stay on track, and have a great new challenge. :)

  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Pam, I loved the display on your website and the manhole cover is fantastic. I bet he was tickled pink.

    Mary, You are a star! 6.5 in a month! And over Christmas period too. Really impressive.

    Beth, Good goals and you are hovering at the edge of a new decade. Good for you.

    Well for me this week, I gained a little.

    164 this morning. I stayed within my calorie range except for one day and that is the one telling the story.

    Onwards and downward.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Well ....

    I looked back in the thread and instead of gaining some, I stayed the same this week.

    Jan 6: 164
    Jan 13: 164

    which makes me feel a little better but I did see 162.5 on the scales recently, just cannot hold it.

    Maybe next week will be better. (We did have homemade pizza this week and that will do it for the weight and water holding.)

    Pam, My niece gave me a really nice stocking stuffer this year. A piece of glycerin soap sewn into a felt wrapper with a wool tie and bow (like a parcel) that had been felted together. Built in wash cloth and as you use it, the felt shrinks with the soap and at the end, cut an opening and you have a little pouch to hold special things. Sort of fun.

  • MapDancer
    MapDancer Posts: 246 Member
    Jan 16: 134.8
    Marney: The felted soap is such a fun gift! I had to google the idea - or as we say "went down a rabbit hole". I have done felted beads and still have colorful roving. I same across felted rocks with delicate embroidery... really inspiring...

    My son works for Sarafina Fiber Art (computer, shipping, graphics...) He's a capable needlefelter too. He enjoys hearing all the accents from customer calls esp. international.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Jan 16 : 162 Yeah!

    Pam, I saw a display for a local felter at a art sale and fell in love with a scarf. They had kits. I also bought some extra wool and needle felting kit because I liked it. That was 2 years ago and it still sits in a bag beside my bed. The scarf seems to be a big messy project so only in the summer. I need to buy some screening and I am just scared to botch it. I want a pretty scarf and it has taken me soooo long to get good a sewing (and i would still call myself an intermediate) that getting a felted scarf right the first go is quite daunting. That would not be needle felting. I haven't started with the needle felting either. My hands have never had good fine motor skills, so the thought is overwhelming. I did try a ball like a marble and it got into shape but it was just white and then I got stuck.

    I am getting more positive about the possibility since I have bought a fashion design book and I found with her instructions, I was able to draw a figure and put clothes on it. Did not think I could do that either. So maybe, felting this summer.

    I will have a look at that website to drool.

    Thanks for the tip. (and good for you for holding the weight down - maintenance is the toughest I think)
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Thanks for the link, Pam. The youtube tutorial organization is great.
  • MapDancer
    MapDancer Posts: 246 Member
    Is the scarf one that uses the nuno technique? They remind me of watercolors the way the colors shift and overlap.
    When Sara first started I took a workshop to make a small bunny. Only stabbed myself once. You learn pretty quick not to do that again!

    Sara's business has really grown. Here is an amusing video they did for the Mannequin Challenge that became popular in the fall. https://youtube.com/watch?v=zRi-KIZ67Mk

    It gives a good view of the front room of the shop full of local artists work and some amazing felted critters. My son is the one with the shipping boxes. Though she has workshops many people learn everything from the youtube tutorials. The dog puppet with the wild hair is identical to their real dog Milo.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    The scarf is numo technique and I fell in love with the watercolour Monet look but easy though it might be, I cannot get started because I am afraid of disappointment. It is a kit.

    The needle felting looked like fun and there was something other than small animals which caught my interest. I had not dreamed of such beautiful things that were in that video! What a fun video! And thank you for pointing out your son.

    I don't remember what I was thinking when I bought the needle felt kit, my fine motor skill has always been so bad that I know that it would be frustrating. I think I saw something that was a felted "thing", a scene or a design felted onto a piece of fabric. But the items in that store! Just beautiful. And makes me want to try.
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    1/ 6/17-190.2
    1/12/17 - 190.0
    1/20/17 - did not weigh

    Hi Ladies, didn't even attempt to weigh last week, SIL is was back in hospital (he's out now) and I have been babysitting the grandkids, and not sticking with the diet (only have myself to blame, I didn't watch what I was eating..LOL)

    I already have a great start for this week, and feel really good about everything that I have done. I hope it really shows Friday when I weigh in. :)

    Well, everyone continue to have a great week, and I will see you all this Friday. Take care and stay warm (in the 30's today and snow is predicted ...UGH!)

  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Hi @gmabethof3 ,

    Glad to hear your son in law is out of the hospital again. It is tough when you are out of routine. This week sounds like a winner though. Good bounce back and yes, I hope Friday is good for you.

    I have bounced up from my 162 so .....
    I have gained 1 lb.

    Working hard at it this week too and expect to have a good weigh in on Friday.

    I am still having trouble getting exercise in. The stationary bike just does not call my name. I am going back to using the neighbours treadmill since I like that machine much much better.

  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    1/ 6/17-190.2
    1/12/17 - 190.0
    1/20/17 - did not weigh
    1/27/17 - 189.6

    Baby steps, I'm headed in the right direction. Looks as though I didn't gain while I was having an iffy week. Guess I am learning and eating right on my own without knowing that I am doing so.

    Marney, going to look at the internet site you have posted. The name of the site sounds interesting.

    Snow heading our way UGH!!!! so I guess I will hibernate. Even though my condo is small, I will walk around inside more this weekend, I don't drive in snow, or I would go up to the mall and walk.

    Everyone have a great week, and I hope to see everyone on here again next week.. Take care and stay warm. Beth

  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Good job Beth! A huge success if you can have a week out of routine and still manage to eat well.

    I am back at my low of 162 so I am going the right way too. It is the same 3 lbs up and down and up and down. I am hoping to keep it heading down.

    I am off to Australia next Thursday. Flying out on Friday so dieting will become tougher altogether as we stay with others. And next Friday, I may be out of touch for few days. I will try for WIFI hot spots but .....

    Have a good week all. The plow woke me up this morning for the 4th time this week so I understand trying to find exercise inside, Beth. Keep working at it.
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    1/ 6/17-190.2
    1/12/17 - 190.0
    1/20/17 - did not weigh
    1/27/17 - 189.6
    2/3/17 - 189.2

    Still baby steps, I really stuck to the diet this week, and sort of disappointed of such a small loss, but it is a loss, and I will take it.

    I just found out this week that I will be a grandma again. My daughter took me out to lunch and gave me a present, (she said it was for valentines) When I opened it, it was a little green onesies that said "A Little Shamrocker is coming soon" :) too excited for words.....This is my fourth grandchild, first one from her, and I am an excited grandma. I took a picture of the onesie, but having a hard time putting it up on this site.

    Well, I need to get ready for the day, have a birthday party and an antique mall going to today.

    Everyone take care and I hope to see everyone back next week. Beth
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    1/ 6/17-190.2
    1/12/17 - 190.0
    1/20/17 - did not weigh
    1/27/17 - 189.6
    2/3/17 - 189.2
    2/10/17 - 189.0

    YEA!!!!I'm getting there, wasn't sure how my week went, although just lost .2 of a lb. I am happy about that. I did a lot of celebrating this week. Doing really good with portions and drinking my water. :)

    Started with Weight watchers 4 weeks ago and I am still checking in here seeing recipe ideas etc. Working with the two programs, I hope it helps me.

    Hope to see more on here next week, hope no one is get discouraged and stopping MFP. Everyone stay warm and have a great week.....Beth
  • MapDancer
    MapDancer Posts: 246 Member
    I'm still here! 2/10/17 135.0
    Last week I started taking a zumba-like class on Thursday night with a folkdance friend. It was quite a workout. I wasn't too surprised that I didn't recognize any of the current music. The instructor followed some links I sent her to kpop (korean pop), liked it and will be working up a routine for us :)

    My daughter has realized that it is time to get serious about her weight gain. Since her company set up a group that works from their homes years ago she found that she doesn't get to move around much and it has snuck up. She is using MFP and has an elliptical at home. She is about 10 min. away and I hope that when the weather gets warmer we can walk the nearby school track too.

    I had a bone density test last month. Wasn't sure what to expect - we think our mom had some density issues and I have lost about 25% of my body weight, but my average is -0.1 A average 30 yr old is +1 to -1 so that puts me in the middle. My sister will get hers done soon, she's so competitive ;)