Hufflepuff Common Room



  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    (((Hugs))) Molly!

    I have dealt with depression since I can remember. Suicidal from when I was maybe 10, became a cutter in High School (before it was cool & emo), and since I turned 18 on & off depression meds. For me, I had to reach out. I always kept it in and put on that fake smile. I remember the first time I told anyone about my cutting. Some (now low life nobody) then popular guy said something mean to me... I went to cry in the bathroom, wishing I had a blade, and in came that friend. That pressure gone helped move me forward.

    I can't wait for you to be out on your own (which is sometime a lonely place) but only keeping people who support you around you. You have us here. You can always Message me (with the time difference I may be slow to answer!). But I think you are doing the best you can and you rock it every week.

    We may never meet, but we are all friends!!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    I am so sorry ladies! I am positively exhausted so I will catch up on the posts tomorrow and announce the new Prefects tomorrow. Btw has anyone heard from daddylion? I don't know If he can knows about this new thread!
  • thefifthvalue
    thefifthvalue Posts: 93 Member
    Hi everyone! I just took an online sorting quiz, and got Hufflepuff, woo!! Should I wait until tomorrow (Friday) to weigh in and start adding up OWLS? (Not sure when the "week" starts)
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    I am so sorry ladies! I am positively exhausted so I will catch up on the posts tomorrow and announce the new Prefects tomorrow. Btw has anyone heard from daddylion? I don't know If he can knows about this new thread!

    don't think he's logged in for a few days.
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Good morning all,

    Here are my total stats from 11/6 through 11/10

    Newts: 46
    Owls: 3
    House points: 108
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hello Hufflepuff! In case you missed it, here are the inter-house results for last week:
    OK Hogwarts - November Week 1 Results are in!!

    House................Quidditch..............House Points
    Gryffindor........... 0.451%................413.77

    Hufflepuff wins the first Quidditch Match of November!

    Hufflepuff is also leading in House Points!

    Congratulations Hufflepuff on a fantastic week!
    These will be posted in the Great Hall each week (usually no later than Wednesday) so be sure to drop in to see how your house did!
  • Mymag
    Mymag Posts: 83 Member
  • Molly_Louise
    (((Hugs))) Molly!

    I have dealt with depression since I can remember. Suicidal from when I was maybe 10, became a cutter in High School (before it was cool & emo), and since I turned 18 on & off depression meds. For me, I had to reach out. I always kept it in and put on that fake smile. I remember the first time I told anyone about my cutting. Some (now low life nobody) then popular guy said something mean to me... I went to cry in the bathroom, wishing I had a blade, and in came that friend. That pressure gone helped move me forward.

    I can't wait for you to be out on your own (which is sometime a lonely place) but only keeping people who support you around you. You have us here. You can always Message me (with the time difference I may be slow to answer!). But I think you are doing the best you can and you rock it every week.

    We may never meet, but we are all friends!!

    Jenn, this made me cry. Thank you for sharing your story, I understand it must be hard talking about something like that, so thank you.

    I'd love to be able to meet you all one day. You never know, maybe one day it'll actually happen!
  • Molly_Louise
    Hi everyone! I just took an online sorting quiz, and got Hufflepuff, woo!! Should I wait until tomorrow (Friday) to weigh in and start adding up OWLS? (Not sure when the "week" starts)

    Our 'week' starts on Sunday, so if you can earn some OWLs and NEWTs before then that'd be great. However, if you do want to wait until Sunday to make a start then that too is fine. Our challenges are posted on Saturday's, in anticipation for the following day, if you didn't already know :smile:
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    hello everyone! so glad i found you. this group is so positive i need it even if i'm not posting all i time i'm a bit of a lurker.
    stats since November 6th (8ozs of water is 1 Newt right?)

    11/6 100 HP 1 NEWTs 0 OWLs
    11/7 65 HP 3 NEWTs 2 OWLs
    11/8 56 HP 3 NEWTs 1 OWLs
    11/9 0 HP 1 NEWTs 0 OWLs
    11/10 24 HP 1 NEWTs 0 OWLs
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member

    Owls = 1
    Newts = 16 (5 fruit - 11 water)
    HP = 70
  • Molly_Louise
    Stats for 11/11/11!

    OWLs - 1
    NEWTs - 9
    House Points - 45

    Have a great weekend everyone. Is Thanksgiving this weekend? We don't have it here in England so I don't know when it is!
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    not much done today because I've got sore shins and I'm also busy/lazy. week's stats so far:
    newts - 39
    owls - 4
    house points - 238
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Morning peeps.

    Weighing in at 132 pounds which is an increase of 2 pounds I'm afraid although it is really not bothering me any more because I am noticing definition in my arms and thighs which I've never had before and I'm wondering if maybe I'm about where I should be on the scales. Maybe my old skinny jeans were too skinny anyway. Maybe I was too skinny...I know I was underweight and I actually secretly took pride in that. According to the NHS my BMI is 21.36 which indicates that I'm at a healthy weight. I have developed a much better pattern of eating and exercise than before I joined MFP. I'm going to continue using it to make sure I don't get lazy.
  • msrobinson77
    Hang in there Molly. Everyone goes through those times. Surround yourself with positive people and keep working toward your goals. Nothing feels better than proving people wrong and showing the world how awesome you really are:glasses:

    Stats for the past couple of days:

    Thurs: 0 Owls/0 House Points/ 4 Newts
    Fri: 2 Owls/60 House Points/ 5 Newts
    Sat. 2 Owls/60 House Points/4 Newts
    Weigh in: 139.5lbs

    Tonight I am working for a photographer friend of mine. We'll be photographing some U.S. Marines at their "Birthday Ball". I did this last year and remember getting dressed up and feeling like a big fat cow. I'm actually kind of excited to get dressed up tonight now that there is 16.5 less pounds of me. I'm finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel!!! Thanks for being a source of encouragement Hufflepuffs!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Welcome to all the new members! If you have any questions feel free to message me! I don't have my signature any more :mad: so my name is Queeda and I am the Head of House for Hufflepuff. I must apologize ladies for my serious lack of attention to the thread this week. I came home to my ex who decided to have a big fight with me about absolutely nothing. He has a lot of anger issues and he proceeded to rip my door of the hinges and punch me in the stomach like I was a grown man. Nevertheless I should have been here for you all. I can't wait for this divorce to be finalized! The Prefects for the next 2 weeks will be announced today I PROMISE! I need to go back and compile the numbers. Once the Prefects are announced they can choose a challenge and we will start it tomorrow. Thanks Hufflepuffs!
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    gosh, that sounds really awful! I hope you're ok.
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    The Prefects for the past 2 weeks are (drum roll please) ...

    Skinnysuzie and Jenn_W

    So Skinnysuzie please post the exercise challenge and tell how many OWLs the exercise is worth and Jenn_W please post a food challenge and tell us how many NEWTs it will be worth.

    I am challenging you ladies to come up with something new and exciting or you can just google it lol we can certainly find something new and exciting to do! Thank You Prefect and I :love: the Hufflepuffs!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    gosh, that sounds really awful! I hope you're ok.

    I'm fine! I grew up with 6 brothers I can take a punch. I won't let him drag me down. I have to stay strong for me beautiful children.
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member

    This week I want everyone to try and eat clean. Try dropping some processed foods.

    "In a nutshell, eating clean is the practice of eating whole, natural foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and complex carbohydrates. It also means staying away from the junk that typically makes up the Standard American Diet (S.A.D) These types of food include man-made sugar, bad fats (hydrogenated, trans-fat), preservatives, white bread, and any other ingredients that are unnecessary. An easy way to remember if a food is clean is: "if man made it, don't eat it." "

    So each meal or snack that you eat that is clean you earn 2 NEWTs (a max of 12 per day for those-like me- that eat 6 times a day). So, fruits/veggies/lean meats will earn you points!!

    Hope this is easy. I know I try to eat clean but pre-done food is soooo easy.